Version-1 (March-April 2018)
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Abstract: Pregnant women who developed gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have future risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Despite this window of opportunity, few interventions studied have targeted postpartum women with history of GDM. Aim of the study was to investigate the effect of postpartum self -instructional booklet on attenuating type 2 diabetes among gestational diabetes mothers. A quasi-experimental research design was used. A purposive sample technique was used to recruit 124 postpartum women with prior history of GDM. Setting, the present study conducted at postnatal units on maternity university hospital and postpartum women homes. Four tools of data collection were used; 1st Self-administered questionnaire, 2ndAnthropometric measurements, 3rd International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form and 4thFood Consumption Frequency Questionnaire.......
Key words: Postpartum Self -Instructional Booklet, Type 2 Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes Mothers
[1]. Schmidt M. I., Duncan B. B., Castilhos C., Wendland E M., Hallal P C., Schaan B D., Drehmer M., Forti A C., and Nunes M A., (2016): lifestyle intervention for diabetes prevention after pregnancy (LINDA-Brasil): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. BMC pregnancy and Childbirth. 16 (68): 1-12.
[2]. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Atlas, 6th ed.; International Diabetes Federation: Brussels, Belgium, 2013.
[3]. American Diabetic Association (2015): Classification and diagnosis of diabetes. Diabetic Care. 38 (suppl. 1) S8-S16.
[4]. Sharleen L. O'Reilly (2014): prevention of diabetes after gestational diabetes: Better translation of nutrition and lifestyle massage needed. Health Care. 2: 468 – 491.
[5]. Emer Van Ryswyk, Philippa Middleton, Elen Shute, William Hague, and Caroline Crowther, (2015): Women's views and knowledge regarding healthcare seeking for gestational diabetes in the postpartum period: A systematic review of qualitative survey studies. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 110: 109-122..
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Abstract: One of the issues of adolescence at risk is the issue of sexual behavior as a result of pornography. Based on the results of Sexual Behavior Survey in 2011, 39% of respondents have had sexual intercourse at the aged of 15-19 years and the rest aged 20-25 years. The increasing number of adolescents exposed to pornography can create deviant behavior, damage brain cells and decrease learning concentration. This study aims to identify the correlation of exposure to pornography with adolescent sexual behavior in SMA Prayatna Medan in 2018. This research type is quantitative with cross sectional design. The population is the students of class X and XI as many as 440 people with a large sample of 79 respondents. Sampling technique using systematic random sampling. Methods of collecting data with questionnaires. Data analysis used is univariate and bivariate test with chi square...........
Keywords : Pornography, Sexual Behavior, Adolescent
[1] Kusmiran, E. 2012. Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja dan Wanita, Jakarta: Salemba Medika.
[2] Sexual Behavior Survey, 2011.Sex Survey Presentation 2011 di Four Season, DKT Indonesia, Jakarta.
[3] Nugraha, D. B. 2010. It's All About Sex. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.
[4] Rumyeni, E. V. Lubis, Remaja dan Pornografi : Paparan Pornografi dan Media Massa dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perilaku Siswa pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri 25 kota Pekan Baru, Jurnal Charta Humanika, 1(1), 2013.
[5] Notoatmodjo, S. 2010. Promosi Kesehatan, Teori dan Aplikasi, Cetakan II. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta..
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Abstract: Background: Rheumatic fever is a serious health problem, in Egypt; it is still affecting young children with 10% of cases having their first attack before 15 years of age. Aim of the current study was to assess quality of life for preparatory school students with rheumatic fever. Design A descriptive research design. Setting: This study was conducted at (15) preparatory schools in El Masara district in Helwan city. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection; Tool I: Structural interview questionnaire. Tool II: Anthropometric measurement. Tool III: Quality of life. Results of the present study revealed that the mean age of studied subjects was13.35±1.47years old. Also, 31.48% of studied subjects had arthritis........
Keywords: Rheumatic fever, preparatory school students, Quality of life
[1]. Abd El Aziz1, M.S., Ismail, S.S., and Ahmed, H.M. (2017): Sexual Abuse Prevention Program for School Age Children, American Journal of Nursing Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, Pages: 1-10, available at: doi: 10.11648/j.ajns.20170601.11, 17 February 2017,7.20 pm.
[2]. . Palafox, B., Mocumbi, A.O., Kumar, R.K., Ali, S.K., Kennedy, E., Haileamlak, A., Watkins, D., Petricca, K., Wyber, R., Timeon, P. and Mwangi, J. (2017): The WHF Roadmap for Reducing CV Morbidity and Mortality Through Prevention and Control of Rheumatic Heart Disease, World Heart Federation, available at:, 16 August 2017, 9.33 pm.
[3]. Branco, C.E., Sampaio, R.O., Bracco, M.M., Morhy, S.S., Vieira, M.L., Guilherme, L., Rizzo, L.V. and Tarasoutch, F. (2016): Rheumatic Fever: a neglected and underdiagnosed disease, New perspective on diagnosis and prevention, Arq Bras Cardiol., Vol.107, No.5,:482-484, available at: doi: 10.5935/abc.20160150, 17 February 2018, 8.14 pm.
[4]. Laudari, S. and Subramanyam, G. (2017): A study of spectrum of rheumatic heart disease in a tertiary care hospital in Central Nepal, IJC Heart & Vasculature, Vol.15, 26-30 , available at:,16 February 2018, 6.32 pm.
[5]. Sorour, K.A. (2014): Rheumatic heart disease in Egypt: Gloomy past and promising future, The Egyptian Heart Journal, volume 66, issue 2 ,available at:, 24 February 2016, 3.36 pm...
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Abstract: The recent worldwide focus on healthcare quality improvement, cost containment and enhanced patient experience has led to increased need for adoption of Electronic Medical Record systems (EMR) ( Waithera L, Muhia J, Songole R , 2017). This technology agitates for paperless transactions health care and would significantly reduce clinician workload and medical errors while saving the institution major expenses. Kenya is globally acclaimed as a leader for its Information Communication Telecommunications (ICT) innovations such as M-PESA (Graham, 2010). Many studies have been done in other countries to study the factors influencing adoption and usage of EMR technology, but a small number of studies exist in Kenyan situation (Ministry of Health, 2010). This study sought to examine why the application of EMR technology has not kept pace with its demand. This study therefore sought to answer two key research questions derived from the study objectives which........
Keywords: Electronic medical record (EMR), Technology Acceptance Model, Hospital Information, Kenya, Healthcare professionals.
[1]. Bowman, S. (2013). Impact of electronic health record systems on information integrity: quality and safety implications. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 10(Fall), 1c. Retrieved from
[2]. Chebole, G. C. (2015). Factors Influencing Adoption of Electronic Medical Record Systems in Public Health Facilities in Kenya : a Case of Nakuru County ., 88.
[3]. Fernández-Alemán, J. L., Señor, I. C., Lozoya, P. Á. O., & Toval, A. (2013). Security and privacy in electronic health records: A systematic literature review. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 46(3), 541–562.
[4]. Mugo, D. M., & Nzuki, D. (2014). Determinants of Electronic Health in Developing Countries. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 3(3). Retrieved from
[5]. Qureshi, Q. A., Shah, B., Ullah, N., Kundi, G. M., Nawaz, A., Miankhel, A. K., … Qureshi, N. A. (2013). Infrastructural barriers to e-health implementation in developing countries. Scholarly Journal of Medicine, 3(2), 15–18. Retrieved from http://..
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Abstract: Background: Unique and effective approaches for patient knowledge are required because they will reduce the inpatient hospital stay at hospital and decrease the complications post Acute Myocardial infarction(AMI). Using reliable and valid tools to define cardiac patients' learning needs will help people who care providers in determining relationship programs. Aim: This study aimed at conducting a cross cultural adaptation of the needs for Cardiac patients Learning Needs (CPLN),also to validate it and calculate its reliability. Methodology: The study followed a non-experimental and an explorative design. Perceptions of patients were calculated at a specific point in time. Validity of AR-CPLNI and its reliability were examined through appropriate psychometric tests. Logical validity was.......
Keywords: Learning needs, acute myocardial infarction, CPLNI, Validity, reliability
[1]. Rosamond W, Flegal K, Furie K, Go A, Greenlund K, Haase N (2008).Heart disease and stroke statistics--2008 update: a report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation; 117(4):e25-146.
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[3]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Multiple Cause of Death 1999-2015 on CDC WONDER Online Database, released December 2016. Accessed at
[4]. Tasocak, G. (2003). Patient education. FNHYO publication no:9, Istanbul: I.U. Directorate of Printing and Publishing, 1
[5]. Jackson, E.W. (Eds.), Cheney, D.L. (1987). Patient Teaching Learning Needs Discharge Preparation Tips and Checklist, Nurse's Reference Library: Spring House Corporation Book Division..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | MRI Evaluation for Post-Traumatic Knee Joint Injuries |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Ikhlas O. Saeed |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0702074851 ![]() |
Abstract: Living with healthy knee joint makes life beautiful, enjoyable and enables to fulfill many dreams that cannot be achieved in the presence of pain that accompanies the traumatic injuries and other knee joint diseases. The aim of this study was to find out the diagnostic value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of post-traumatic knee joint condition. 85 traumatic patient subjected to (MRI) were evaluated retrospectively, data was collected between (2014) and (2015). There was 26 females and 59 males, age range, (13-68) years with a mean age of (2.96). A total number of (85) patients complaining of trauma related knee joint, 6 patients (7.1%) were evaluated with normal MRI findings and 79 patients (93.1%) with abnormal findings. Among the 79 patients who had knee injuries, 20 patients (23.5%) had ACL, following 17 patients (20,1%) had meniscal tears, 14 patients (16.5%) had MCL, 10 patients (11.8%) had kneecap fractures, 6 patients (7.1%) had PCL, 5 patients (5.9%) had tendon tears, 4 patients (4.7%) had kneecap dislocation and 3 patients (3.5%) were diagnosed with sprains...
Keywords: MRI, Knee Injuries, Meniscal Tear, Anterior Cruciate Ligament
[1]. Kulowski, Jacob (July 1932). "Flexion contracture of the knee". The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 14 (3): 618–63. Republished as: Kulowski, J (2007). "Flexion contracture of the knee: The mechanics of the muscular contracture and the turnbuckle cast method of treatment; with a review of fifty-five cases. 1932". Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 464: 4–10. doi:10.1097/BLO.0b013e31815760ca (inactive 2017-01-15). PMID 17975372.Lensing AW, Prandoni P, Prins MH, Buller HR. Deep-vein thrombosis.Lancet 1999; 353:479-485.
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[3]. Jump up ^ Gill, T. J.; Van De Velde, S. K.; Wing, D. W.; Oh, L. S.; Hosseini, A.; Li, G. (2009). "Tibiofemoral and Patellofemoral Kinematics After Reconstruction of an Isolated Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: In Vivo Analysis During Lunge". The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 37 (12): 2377–85. doi:10.1177/0363546509341829. PMC 3832057 PMID 19726621.
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Abstract: Background: Today's nursing environment, political skills are more vital than ever before. Head nurses with political leadership skills have to know how to interpret hospital circumstances and events to make and keep a mutual reality for their nurses to achieve the desired goals. Aim of the present study was to identify the effect of an educational program on head nurses' political leadership knowledge and skills. Method: Quasi experimental design was applied. The study was conducted at Nursing Union, affiliated from the Ministry of Health at El-Gharbia Governorate. 63 head nurses were participated in the study. Head nurses' political leadership questionnaire was operated. Results: Pre program, majority of head nurses had poor knowledge levels, which improved post program to be good knowledge........
Keywords: Head nurses, political leadership skills
[1]. Abood, S. (2007). Influencing health care in the legislative arena. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(1), Manuscript 2. doi:10.3912/OJIN.VolNo01Man02
[2]. Ahoya C.K., Abhichartibuttra K., and Wichaikhum OA. (2016). Political Efficacy and Political Participation among Nurses in Tertiary Hospitals, the Republic of Kenya. Journal of Community and Public Health Nursing, 2:4. DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846.1000142
[3]. Antrobus S. (2003). What is political leadership?: Nursing Standard: Art & Science, 17(43); (RCNi).2003
[4]. Avolio C D. (2014). Political Advocacy: Beliefs and practices of registered nurses. Published Master Thesis of Science. Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada
[5]. Boswell C, Cannon S, Miller J (2005). Nurses‟ political involvement: Responsibility versus privilege. Journal of professional nursing, 21: 5-8..
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Abstract: Background: Pain related to burn dressing is the most extensively aspect of burn pain. Pain management is an integral component of nursing practice. Distraction can be increasingly used as pain reducing methods. Aim of the study: the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of distraction techniques on minimizing pain associated with burn dressing changes among preschool children. A quasi experimental design was conducted in the present study. Sample: 105 burned children were randomized into three equal groups; 35 child per group: video game group (I), toys group (II) and control group (III). Setting: burn unit of Al-Ahrar Educational Zagazig Hospital. Tools:........
Keywords: Burn, Pain, Preschool Children, Distraction Techniques, Dressing Change
[1]. Abd El-Gawad SM and Elsayed LA. Effect of Interactive Distraction versus Cutaneous Stimulation for Venipuncture Pain Relief in School Age Children, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 2015; 5(4): 32-40.
[2]. Abd El-Wahab NM. Effect of Play in Reducing Postoperative Pain in Children Aged (4-12) Years who have Abdominal Operations. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. 2003; Faculty of Nursing, Menoufiya University.
[3]. Abdelmoniem SA and Mahmoud SA. Comparative Evaluation of Passive, Active and Passive-Active Distraction Techniques on Pain Perception during Local Anesthesia Administration in Children. J Adv R. 2016; 7(3): 551-556.
[4]. Agbenorku P, Agbenorku M and Yankson PK. Pediatric Burns Mortality Risk Factors in A developing Country's Tertiary Burns Intensive Care Unit. Int J Burns Trauma. 2013; 3(3): 151-158.
[5]. Ahmadabadi A. Pattern of Burn Injuries in Preschool Children. Journal of Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention. 2016; 4(4): 225-230.
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Abstract: Back ground: AECOPD is complication of COPD presented by worsening of symptoms which needs planned protocol of care and practice achieved early from the time of ICU admission till discharge. Many CCNs have not enough knowledge and practice about management liens of AECOPD patients; especially newly graduate nurses and those under training in ICU as internship nurses. Aim of study: To Evaluate nurses' knowledge and practice before and after education program about AECOPD. Design: A quasi-experimental. Setting: chest ICU at Cardiothoracic Hospital, Minia City and chest ICU at University Hospital, Assiut City, Egypt. Subject: Convenient sample of 60 nurses divided in two groups (30 registered nurses & 30 internship nurses). Results: before the education......
Keywords: Critical nurses, Knowledge, education program, Exacerbation, and COPD
[1]. Berland, A., & Bentsen, S.B., (2015): Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in safe hands: An education programme for nurses in primary care in Norway. Nurse Educ Pract;vol., 15(4):271–6.
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