Abstract: prolonged lifeafter breast cancer management and repetitive use of contra-lateral breast ultrasonography on follow up those patients has led to increase the incidence of metachronous and synchronous breast cancer detection. Objective:is to assess the role of ultrasound in thorough assessment of other breast in patient previously underwent mastectomy for breast cancer. Patients and method: this is a cross sectional study which include100 patients who underwent mastectomy ,the study was done from the period between October 2016 to September 2017 in radiological unit - oncology teaching hospital /medical city complex where the patients were referred from oncology clinic for follow up of previous mastectomy site and scanning of contralateral breast for any lesion. Results:the mean age of 100 patients who underwent the study is 53 years, the result show that majority of the patients are in 5th and 6th decades......
Key words: synchronous breast cancer, metachronous breast cancer, breast ultrasound, mammography, fine needle aspiration
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