Series-3 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Abstract: Design thinking is generally defined as an analytic and creative process that engages a person in opportunities to experiment, create and prototype models, gather feedback, and redesign. It stands fundamentally to successful strategy development and organizational change. Design thinking facilitates effective communication with the customers' especially online shoppers as well E-tailer. Hence apparel brands that not focused on their E-Commerce presents have opportunities for dramatic growth as shoppers to move online. The aim of research is to fulfill the service quality of apparel products on the e-commerce applications by finding the gaps between the customers and E-tailors to fulfilling such gap by using gap analysis to improve service quality by implementing the concept of design thinking.
Keywords: Design Thinking, Digital Marketing, Online Shopping, Gap Model, Gap Analysis
[1]. Jerry Wind & Vijayan:Digital Marketing - (2008) (Pg.No 7,8,9)
[2]. Dave Chaffey: Digital Media- (2011) (Pg.No 42, 44)
[3]. Drayton bird: Direct Digital Marketing - (2014) (Pg.No 19)
[4]. John E. Arnold: Design Thinking - (2005) (Pg.No 1, 2, 17)
[5]. Tim Brown: Hand Book Of Design Management - (2011) (Pg.No 24, 25)
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Abstract: The study was aimed to examine the empirical relationship between Value Added Tax Revenue and e-commerce in Nigeria. Secondary source of data was utilised, quarterly time series data from 2010 to 2017 was used. Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) were employed to analyse the data. From the short run empirical result, previous Value Added Tax Revenue and National Consumption have a positive relationship with the dependent variable (Value Added Tax Revenue). Similarly e-commerce and VAT exemption have a negative relationship with thedependent variable. However Cointegration Bounds Test revealed a long......
Key Terms: E-commerce, Value Added Tax, Relative Income Hypothesis Consumption, Exemption Autoregressive Distributed Lag JEL Classifications: C22, D11, E21, F63, H25, L81, P44
[1]. Abbakin, (2019) ―The Nigerian Online E-Commerce Market Size and Trends.‖ https;// Online.
[2]. Agrawal, D., R., and Fox, F., W., (2016) ―Taxes in an E-Commerce Generation.‖ Cesifo Working Paper.6050(1)
[3]. Agrawal, David R. 2015 ―The Internet as a Tax Haven? The Effect of the Internet on Tax Competition,‖ SSRN Working Paper.
[4]. Ahmed, Z.,S., (2019) ― Federal Government Unveils Strategic Revenue Growth Initiative.‖ Thisday Newspaper Online Version, 23rd January, 2019.
[5]. Alake S.F, and Olatunji V. A., (2015) ―Impact of Electronic Taxation on Tax Evasion and Avoidance (A Case Study of Nigerian Banks).‖ International Journal of Current Research in Multidisciplinary (IJCRM).2(2) .19-27
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Abstract: The word "Restrainer‟ derived from the Greek word "katechon‟ or "katechōn‟ has the potency to put the upsurge of immorality on hold in the contemporary society according to Apostle Paul. Of course, Paul says that His presence on earth gives man breathing space relative to full blown moral decadence that will be occasioned by the son of perdition in the last days. Accordingly, the contemporary society is like a bubble that is waiting to burst; in the face of moral decadence that has permeated into its fibbers. For Paul, the comprehensiveness of such evil days will manifest as part of eschatological events. Of course, the removal of the Restrainer from the way of the son......
Key Terms: Identity inquiry, Pauline Restrainer, textual evaluation of 2Thess. 2:7
[1]. Ame Richard F. (Sic) America‟s Moral Meltdown accessed on 20/10 /2016 from
[2]. Ibid
[3]. Allen, R. (1962) The Ministry of the Spirit, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Willam B. Ferdmans Publishing Co. Print
[4]. Randy Alcorn (February 1, 2010)Who is the restrainer in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7? The one who holds it back, is this not God?Accessed on20/10 /2016 from who-holds-/
[5]. Ibid
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Schema Theory and Cognitive Aspects of Reading |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | A. Rasakumaran || J.J.D. Patrick |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404032630 ![]() |
Abstract: This article emphasizes the importance of previous knowledge of the reader in the interpretation of a text, describing cognitive science and demonstrates how prior knowledge and its relevance to reading are articulated. It deals with reading strategies and their relationship with mental models related to schema theory. The methodology of bibliographic review was adopted for the study. It is concluded that the previous knowledge of the reader will provide a broader conception of a particular text, because in using prior knowledge the reader will establish an integrated relationship with the text that will allow the capture of its meaning......
Key Terms: Reading; Previous knowledge; Cognitive aspects
[1]. Alfaki, M. I. (2014). Sudan English Language Syllabus: Evaluating Reading Comprehension Questions Using Bloom's Taxonomy. International Journal of English Language Teaching, 2(3), 53-74.
[2]. Anderson, R. C., & Pearson, P. D. (1984). A schema-theoretic view of basic processes in reading comprehension. In P. D. Pearson, R. Barr, M. L. Kamil, & P. Mosenthal (Eds), Handbook of reading research (pp. 255-291). New York: Longman.
[3]. Barlett, F.C. (1932). Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology. London: New Psychological Linguistics. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Education Publication.
[4]. Brewer, W. F. (2019). Bartlett's concept of the schema and its impact on the theories of knowledge representation in contemporary cognitive psychology. In A. Saito(Ed.) Bartlett, Cultureand Cognition (pp. 69-89). Cambridge, UK: Psychology Press.
[5]. Carolyn P. S. & Paul Li. (2013). The Cognitive Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Approach.SAGE: Washington DC.
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Abstract: In traditional structure of the society women were suffering from different social restrictions. In order to tackle it various schemes and policies are drafted and implemented. The study assessed the extent of utilization of benefits and incentives available by the homestead vegetable growers. Random sampling technique was used in the selection of 120 respondents for the study. Validated and structured interview schedule was used to collect data from the selected vegetable growers. The result shows that some facilities were utilized more by women while some by men and there were no facilities in which benefits were utilized by women or men alone. Out of the selected facilities, there was no inequality noticed in the availability of basic facilities.
[1]. Bharathi, R.A. 2005. Assessment of self help groups promoted under NATP on empowerment of women in agriculture. MSc (Ag) thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
[2]. Breen, R and Cooke, L.P. 2005. The persistence of the gendered division of domestic labour. Eur. Sociological Rev. 21(1):43-57.
[3]. Dhanusha, B. 2017.Gender analysis of 'Adiya' tribal agricultural labourers of Wayanad district. MSc (Ag) thesis, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, 150p.
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Abstract: Ethics is the difference between right and wrong. Work ethics is desirable factor in any organization. It is a cultural norm that advocates that employees are personally accountable and responsible for the work they perform. The main purpose of this research paper is to find out the relationship between work ethics and Quality of work life (QWL), Corporate Image and productivity in the organization. For the purpose of this study the data were obtained from employees currently working in multinational company (IT company) in Bengaluru. The paper discussed how work ethics is related to three key variables, QWL, Productivity and Corporate Image. The study would help business persons and managers to anticipate emerging ethical issues which are related to employee‟s job performance and to manage their day-to-day life..
Key Terms: Work Ethics, Organization, Quality Of work Life, productivity, Corporate Image
[1]. Ali, A.J.,(2014), "EDITORIAL Rethinking work ethics", International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 23 No. 3, 2013, pp. 180-183, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1056-9219DOI 10.1108/IJCoMA-06-2013-0053
[2]. Aswathappa K.(2008), "Human Resource Management: Text and Cases" Tata Mc Graw Hill, 5th edition, pp.399-400
[3]. Baker, J. (2015) "The rise of the conscious consumer," Available from: [Accessed on 12 January
[4]. Berrone, P., Surroca, J., Tribo, J.A. (2005), "Corporate Ethical Identity as Determinant of Firm Performance: A test of The Mediating Role of Stakehpders Satisfaction," working paper 05-31, Business Economics Series 08, April2005,pp.
[5]. Brauchle, P. E., & Azam, M.S. (2004). "Relationship between Selected Demographic Variables and Employee Work Ethics as Perceived by Supervisors". Journal of Industrial Teacher Education. 41(1).
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Abstract: Cultural revival as a contemporary global reawakening of indigenous people's way of life with its positive and negative effects, on Christianity in Africa, is a discussion which the African Christians must show interest in. The necessity hinges on the fact that a better understanding of this modern wave and demand will reduce conflict between Religions in Africa and Christianity. This opinion is informed by the fact that some in Africa, in the retaliatory quest for freedom had capitalized on this new trend to recuperate deadly and idolatrous practices, hitherto abandoned for good. Some hiding behind the same trend commit heinous crimes against humanity while on another hand good cultural values are less emphasized trivialized with reckless abandon people of other religions like Christianity to be precise. Some Christians to the extreme believe that everything African is demonized. This research applying......
Key Terms: Cultural Revival, Discriminate, Christianity, Culture, Religion, and Critique on Matthew 22:21, Civic implication
[1]. UNESCO. (2012). Encyclopædia Britannica.Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.
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[5]. Monroe, Arthur FESTAC 77 The Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture: Lagos, Nigeria accessed on 5/01/2017 from Black Scholar, 9, 1, 34-37, Sep 77
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Abstract: According to Womack and Jones (2004), lean thinking or Lean philosophy is a way to perform operations and processes more effectively, with less human effort, less equipment, less time and less space, seeking the elimination of all waste , that is, all activities that do not add value. The study in question sought to analyze the supply chain of a Brazilian University, within the Lean philosophy, considering the activities involved in the Procurement Process and the relationship with the supplier. Based on descriptive exploratory research, the concepts aimed to show the influence of information systems in the supply chain, the importance of performance indicators to assist in the comparison, as well as analyzes of planned and effective strategies in the evolution of the purchasing process and procurement......
Key Terms: Lean, University, Philosophy
[1]. ANTUNES, Junico et al. Sistemas de Produção: conceitos e práticas para projeto e gestão da produção enxuta. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2008.
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[4]. MOREIRA, Sónia P. da Silva. Aplicação das ferramentas lean. Caso de estudo. Lisboa: ISEL, 2011. 113 p.
[5]. OHNO, Taiichi. O Sistema Toyota de Produção: além da produção em larga escala. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 1997.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The "Yellow Peril" and the Precariousness of White Dominance at the End of the 19th Century |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Yunxin Chen |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404035457 ![]() |
Abstract: Yellow Peril fears emerged from the very precariousness of white dominance, and the myriad forms of resistance to it. As a result, domestic repression and geopolitical aggression shaped both domestic and global Yellow Peril fears. These internal and external imperial contests represent very real conflict, but also perpetuate a paranoid worldview that structures mainstream understandings of future crisis. This article will discuss how "Yellow Peril" represents the precariousness of white dominance from three aspects. Firstly, Chinese in America, racialized and emasculated as.....
Key Terms: yellow peril; white dominance; Chinese; precariousness
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Environmental Appraisal of an Eroded Island, the Ghoramara: Hugli Estuary, West Bengal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Debasmrity Mukherjee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404035865 ![]() |
Abstract: Ghoramara island is located at 150km South of Kolkata in the Sundarban delta region. The area is covered by island in the Bay of Bengal around 4.8sq. km and the total shoreline is of 8.5 km. Once this island was a part of Sagar Island, that got detached from Sagar in 1904. Presently, this island got attention due to severe erosion and reduction in size. This has rendered thousands of people homeless and become environmental refugees. The sparsely populated island is suffering from coastal erosion mainly. The causes of erosion are so many. Natural and Anthropogenic causes leads to total aerial reduction of the island. In the present study, it is an attempt......
Key Terms: Bay of Bengal, Environmental refugee, Regression coefficient, Shoreline change rate
[1]. Biswas A., Jana A. and Sharma S.P., Delineation of groundwater potential zones using satellite remote sensing and geographic information system techniques: A case
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[5]. Gopinath G., Critical coastal issues of Sagar Island, east coast of India, Env. Monitor. Assest., 160, 555–561 (2010)
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Abstract: Purpose: This paper attempt to draw the people's energy consumption based on a set of social practices which are influenced incommunity lifestyle choice and through the institutional structural form of the society. Methodology/Design/Approach: This article has a conceptual understanding of energy using behaviour, exemplified by some energy consumption practices through reviewing prior literature. The question whether the energy consumption is really a rational fact or habitual acts in explaining on the ground of three perspectives of environmental behaviour such as; the rational economic perspective, the behavioural perspective and the sociological perspectives. Findings: People's energy consumption basically depends on energy using social practices.Changing behaviour and everyday practices......
Key Terms: Behavioural Economics, Energy Consumption, Rational, Habitual
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Movements on a Decline |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sreepati Ramudu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404037376 ![]() |
Abstract: Two decades ago it was common experience that public mobilisation in the form of social movements use to be the main sources of the voice for the marginalised groups across the globe. Issues related to welfare, livelihood and rights of the weak in society are often articulated by these movements. Intellectuals, academics, students, activists, artists and leaders of political parties use to play a significant role as their driving forces. These movements use to be so strong that governments were forced to ponder over their concerns. Individuals who worked in such movements have enjoyed a great respect in society. But today.....
[1]. ChristopherG .Pickvance, Democratisation and the Decline of Social Movements: The Effects of Regime Change on Collective Action in Eastern Europe, Southern Europe and Latin America,Sociology,Brtish Sociological association.1999
[2]. Gail Omvedt, Reinventing revolution in india,Routledge,Delih,1994
[3]. Rao.MSA(Ed);Social Movements in india,Manohar,Delhi,2016
[4]. Rajendra Singh , Social movements,old and new:Apost modernist Critique Sage,New Delhi 2001,
[5]. Shankar Rao.C.N;Sociology,S.Chand,New Delhi,1990