Series-4 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Transforming India through Panchayati Raj Institutions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sumitra Nial |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404040105 ![]() |
Abstract: The Panchayati Raj Institution is important for India, because it fulfills the aspirations of the rural people and helps in transforming the country. The Panchayati Raj Institution has been playing a vital role in India‟s transformation. Mahatma Gandhi coined the term "Gram Swaraj" which refers to an idea of self-reliant and self- sufficient village. He had a dream that all villages should be characterized by participatory democracy for the real devolution of the ground. The Constitution of India provides Article 40 to fulfill Gandhi‟s dream of Gram Swaraj. The Panchayati Raj Institution has three-tier structure that is Gram Panchayat at the village level, Panchayat Samiti at the block level and, Zilla........
Keywords: Transforming India, Panchayati Raj Institution, Gram Panchayat, Gram Sabha, Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad, , 73rd Amendment Act,
[1]. Dutta, L. (2014). Panchayati Raj Three-tier System in India. Kurukshetra, vol. 62, no. 3, 3-7.
[2]. Giri, V.M. (2008). Role of Panchayati Raj Institution in 60 years of Independent India- vision of the future. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers. p. 53
[3]. Joshi, R., & Narwani, G.(2002). Panchayati Raj in India: Emerging trends across the states. New Delhi: Rawat publication. Pp: 20-41.
[4]. Krishnan, M.G. (1992). Panchayati Raj in India. New Delhi: Mittal publications.
[5]. Maheswari, S.R. (2015). Local Government in India. Agra: Laxmi Narayan Agrawal Educational .pp. 184-189
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Semiotic Study on Ananda Vikatans' Editorial Cartoons on Jallikattu Protest |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nepul Raj A || Dr. Jayaprakash D |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404040612 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper focuses onthe significanceof cartoonsas a vehicle of setting Jallikattu protest theme among people of Tamil Nadu in the leading magazine Ananda Vikatan. This study has applied qualitative method to examine the cartoons through semiotic analysis. The researcher has applied play theory in this study to understand how media contents along with entertaining the viewers,influences their perception as well..
Key Terms: Ananda Vikatan, Cartoons, Jallikattu Protest, Play Theory, Semiotics.
[1]. Anyigba, Nigeria, An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Ethiopia Vol. 8 (1), Serial No. 32, January, 2014:32-41 ISSN 1994-9057 (Print) ISSN 2070--0083 (Online) DOI:
[2]. Barthes, Roland (1977): Image-Music-Text. London: Fontana
[3]. Chandler, Daniel. (March 07, 2014). "Semiotics for Beginners". Retrieved January 9, 2015 at 08:45 p.m. from
[4]. Geipel, John. 1972. The Cartoon: A Short History of Graphic Comedy and Satire. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
[5]. Jimoh GA (2010) The role of editorial cartoons in the democratization process in nigeria: a study of selected works of three Nigerian cartoonists. An M.A. Dissertation, Department of Creative Arts, University of Lagos, Nigeria
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Abstract: The study examined the impact of stock market liquidity on manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria for the period 1981-2017. The research adopts multiple regression analysis in which Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model was utilized in the analysis. Data on manufacturing sector output (MSO), stock market liquidity proxied by the ratio of market capitalization (SML), All-Share Index (ASI), interest rate (INR) and exchange rate (EXCR) were analyzed in the study. The results revealed that stock market liquidity (LSML) has a positive and insignificant impact on manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria, while All-Share Index (LASI) has a positive and significant....
Key Terms: Stock Market Liquidity, Manufacturing Sector, Performance, Autoregressive distributed lag model
[1]. Echekoba, F. N., & Ananwude, A. C. (2016). The relationship between index of industrial production and stock market liquidity: A co-integration evidence from stock exchange of Nigeria‟s value of stock traded ratio. Frontiers of Accounting and Finance, 1(1), 29-39.
[2]. Florence, O. A., Ogechi, I. A., Kingsley, O. O., Idika, J. E. & Odili, O. (2017). Impact of stock market liquidity and efficiency on performance of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria.International Journal of Economics and Financial Management, 2(1), 71-82.
[3]. Harris, R., & Sollis, R. (2003). Applied time series modeling and forecasting. West Sussex: Wiley.
[4]. Ifeoluwa, I. O., & Motilewa, B. D. (2015). Stock market liquidity and economic growth in Nigeria. Journal of Economics and International Business Management, 3(6), 1-13.
[5]. Israel, E. K. (2015). Capital market and the performance of the manufacturing industries in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(13), 11-22.
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Abstract: Quality education is an important objective of National education policy. Teachers are the major component of quality education. Thus teachers have to alter their notion and teaching methods, establish new teaching ideology, play their own role and fulfil their own task. Translation method was commonly used in Kerala to impart Hindi which is neither psychological nor child centred. After the introduction of National Curriculum Frame work (NCF) many teaching methods and strategies, having strong psychological base and pupil participation, emerged in the field of Hindi education. The peculiar feature of these methods is that most of them are useful in developing speaking....
Key Terms: Innovations, Facilitation, Competency building, Instructional strategies
[1]. Ashraf, M.(1998). A case study of selected Delhi schools with special reference to innovative classroom practices. In M.B. Buch (Ed).Fifth survey of research in education. New Delhi: NCERT
[2]. Batler, Darell; Sellborn Martin.(2002). Barriers in Adopting Technology for Teaching and Learning.In Educause Quarterly, v 25 n2 p 22 – 28 (EJ 650717).
[3]. Bedell, S.K.(1999). Implementation and effect of class size reduction in veteran teachers‟ performance. University of Southern California. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60, A
[4]. Burn, J.(1989). Express it with puppetry—an international language. In S. Hoffman, and L. Lamme (Eds.), Learning from the inside out. Wheaton, MD: Association for Childhood Education International.
[5]. Clark, L.H. (1968). Strategies and Tactics in Secondary School Teaching. New York: The MacMilan Co..
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Abstract: This study investigate the importance of community participation in sustainable tourism activities of Sukur world heritage site in Madagali Local Government Area, Adamawa State. The aim of the study was to assess community participation in development and sustenance of the Sukur site as a resort center in Nigeria. Sukur, the study area comparise of 11 villages with cumulative population of 6622 inhabitants based on the 2006 National Population Census data. Semi structuredquestionnaire was distributed to 386 respondents proportionally sampled for this study. Simple percentage was used to assess community awareness of respondent on the status of Sukur as a heritage site and..........
Key words: Sukur, tourism, heritage and development
[1]. Aref, F. and Redzuan, M.R. (2009).Assessing the level of participation as a component community capacity building for tourism development.European Journal of Social Science, 8:68 - 75.
[2]. Ayeni, D. and Ebohoh, O. (2012).Exploring sustainable tourism in Nigeria for development. European Journal of Social Science, 8: 20.
[3]. Boo, E. (1994). Ecotourism the potential and pitfall. Washington: WWF.
[4]. Cochran, W.G. (1963). Sampling techniques (second edition). New York: John Willey and Sons.
[5]. David, S. and Sterner. (1995). Constructing a history ethnography of Sukur, Adamawa State. Part 1 in Demystification.Nigeria Heritage, 4, 33.
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Abstract: The major objective of the study is to find out the environmental awareness among the secondary school students and their attitude towards the environment. No research has been made till now to compare secondary school students of two states viz., Tamilnadu and Kerala that share common traditions, customs and belief. The coefficient of correlation obtained (r = 0.52, p < 0.01) is significant at 0.01 level of significance. Hence, it can be concluded that there exists significant positive relationship between Environmental Awareness and Attitude towards Environment among Secondary School Students. The value of shared variance (SV=27.04) indicates that 27.04 percent of Attitude towards Environment among Secondary School Students is determined..........
Key Terms: Attitude, Environment Attitude, Environment Awareness, Sustainable Development
[1]. Surjit Bordhan, Dr (2017). A study on the environmental awareness among secondary school students in a district of Assam
[2]. Neeru Rathee, Suman Thakran (2017). A study of Environmental Awareness among rural and urban students in Rohtak Dist. Extracted from IEEJ Research paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916
[3]. Badoni, AK (2017). Study on Environmental Awareness of secondary level students. Published in IEEJ E-ISSN No : 2454-9916
[4]. Aruna Singh (2017). Environmental attitude study of secondary school students of Gwalior (MP).
[5]. Dhanya CH and Pankajam R (2009). A scholarly study on assessing Environmental Awareness among Secondar y School Students (
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Abstract: Gender is considered to bea state of a person with is based on his /her biological features and also how the society looks at them. On,a larger note it is culturally determined and is not only a biological determination of sex .As per gender equality it is a fundamental right, it is the sense of equity ,which considers both men and women equal. Equal in every aspect of life,in developing their personal abilities and making choices. It is a state where access to resources and opportunities is regardless of gender. Thisequality also includes economic participation and decision making. In common conversations sex and gender are considered to be same but then there is lot of difference between........
Key Terms: Gender, biological features, equity
[1]. Anand,A.S,Justice for women concerns and expressions, Universal Law Publishing Co
[2]. Banerjee Arpita, Status of women and gender Discrimination in India, December 2014
[3]. Berta Esteve ,Gender Inequality and growth: Theory and Evidence from India,Volart,York University, January 2004
[4]. Changoiwala, Puja. "India: No Country For Transgender Women". South China Morning Post, 2018, Accessed 17 Sept 2018.
[5]. Clemens, Colleen. "What We Mean When We Say, "Toxic Masculinity"". Teaching Tolerance, 2017, Accessed 7 Sept 2018.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sexual Assault victims in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Nelufer Yesmen |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404045155 ![]() |
Abstract: Rape violently asserts masculinity in a patriarchal society, which assigns women a subordinate position. The study focuses on nature and consequences of rape victimization, their sufferings under criminal justice system and adaptation problems in society. As descriptive study, content analysis and case studies basic methods were used. About 211 rape cases as secondary data and 23 rape cases as primary data were estimated in 2012. Most of victims were unmarried (age between 16-20) and more become victimized by acquaintance person where anger rape committed most (48.3% from newspapers and 100% from cases studies). Refuse of love was main factor for causing.....
Key Terms: Rape victim; victimization; nature of rape; sufferings under criminal justice system; adaptation of rape victim; social structural, cultural, and institutional victimization
[1]. Adler, Freda., Mueller, Gerhard. O. W., and Laufer, William. S. (2004). Criminology, 5th Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
[2]. Ahuja, Ram.(1996). Sociological Criminology, New Delhi, New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers.
[3]. Amir, Menachem. (1971). Patterns in Forcible Rape, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, USA.
[4]. Bangladesh Mahila Porisod, Bangladesh Jatio Mahila Ainjibi somiti,(2002).Dhaka. Internet site:
[5]. Belgrade, Ian. (2001). The Socio-demographic and Psychiatric Profiles of Clients in the Centre for Rehabilitation of tortured victim , internet site:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "A Socio Legal Study on Juvenile Justice" |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Himanshu Singhal || VijaySrivastva |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404045662 ![]() |
Abstract: In the last few decades, the crime rate by the children under the age of 16 years has increased. The reason of increasing crime rate is may be due to the upbringing environment of the child, economic conditions, lack of education and the parental care. These are the some of the basic reasons. And the most disappointing part is that, children (especially under the age group of 5 to 7 years) now a days are used as tool for committing the crime as at that this stage their mind is very innocent and can easily be manipulated. Contemporary World has seen increase in the rate of crime committed by juveniles which is a very serious problem especially in India as these juveniles are the future of their respective countries. More and more children are moving towards the pathway of crime to lead their life.....
Key Terms: yellow peril; white dominance; Chinese; precariousness
[1]. Attar A.D, "Juvenile Delinquency- A Comparative Study"; Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1964.
[2]. Bhattacharya B.K., "Violence Delinquency Rehabilitation"; B.R.Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
[3]. Coffey Alan R., " The Prevention of Crime and Delinquency"; Government Printing Office, Washington.
[4]. Dr. Navreet, "Childhood Crisis-Child neglect and juvenile delinquency", Discovering Publishing House, New Delhi.
[5]. Eyer Martin.Hneum, M.H, "Juvenile Delinquency in Modern Society"; Clarendon Press, U.K..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | La Catalogne : Autopsie d'une crise juridique Catalonia: Autopsy of a legal crisis |
Country | : | Maroc |
Authors | : | Salma EL ABBASS |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2404046367 ![]() |
Abstract: This article professes to explore from a legal point of view the claim of the autonomous community of Catalonia for independence from Spain. A scrutiny of the 1979 Autonomous Status of Catalonia text has been undertaken so as to grasp its general vision and its articulation in the Spanish legal system, by juxtaposing it to a political analogy – Madeira. The article equally addresses the dynamics of the Catalan crisis in the light of international law bearing in mind the Catalan's right to self-determination, and analyzing the possible impacts of this independence on the European ensemble. KEYWORDS: Autonomy, Referendum, Identity, Self-Determination.......
[1]. Christian Hoarau, La Catalogne dans tous ses états, L'Harmattan, 15 septembre 2017, p : 25.
[2]. Enoch Alberti, " Le nouveau statut d'autonomie de la Catalogne ", Revue française d'administration publique 2007/1 (n° 121-122), p : 148.
[3]. Le Préambule souligne que « Le Parlement de Catalogne, recueillant le sentiment et la volonté des citoyens de la Catalogne, a défini la Catalogne comme une nation à une large majorité. La Constitution espagnole, à l'article deux, reconnaît la réalité nationale de la Catalogne en tant que nationalité ».
[4]. Le 1er octobre 2017, l'électorat de la région est appelé à répondre à la question suivante : « Voulez-vous que la Catalogne soit un Etat indépendant sous la forme d'une république ? ».
[5]. REFERÈNDUM D'AUTODETERMINACIÓ DE CATALUNYA, Resultats definitius, Generalitat de Catalunya.
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Abstract: The concept of the right to development is a recent phenomenon and relatively a new addition to the family of human rights. It is a radical approach that measures development of nation-states using the indices of human rights as opposed to the traditional parameters of gross domestic product and per capita income. The development and implementation of the concept has been mired by controversies and there is wide spread skepticism about whether the right has attained the definitive status of law under the contemporary international law.This paper examines critically the concept, its development, its essential components and the challenges of its implementation........
Key Terms: right to development, contemporary international law, human rights
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Abstract: This study determined socioeconomic factors influencing yam production in Bwari Area Council Abuja, Nigeria. Primary data was used for this study. Data were obtained using structured questionnaire; the questionnaires were administered to one hundred and fifty (150) sampled yam farmers using simple random sampling technique. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics; multiple regression analysis. The resultshows that majority 87.8% were male while 91.2% were married. Also the result revealed that 33.8% had secondary education while 28.4% had obtained post-secondary education. The average age of the sampled respondents was 47 years in the study area. The analysis of multiple regression shows that age; Farming experience, gender and educational level of the sampled yam farmers were significant factors influencing yam production and were significant at 5% percent probability.....
Key Terms: Yam, analysis, factors, regression, Nigeria,
[1]. Ajijola, S. (2014) Resource use and Economic Efficiency in Yam Production in Oyo State, Nigeria.
[2]. Waziri, A, Tsado E.K., Likita. T and Gana , A.S (2014) Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Adoption of Yam Minisett Technology in Niger State of Nigeria. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Care Vol.4. No5, pp103-104
[3]. Augustine, J.U, Anietie, I, Emmanuel, U. and Unyime, R.C (2008). Socio- economic Factors Influencing Adoption of yam Minisett Technology in South Eastern Nigerian: A Probity Analysis. Indian Res. Ext.
[4]. Ayenlere, P.C., and Inoni, O.E, (2013), Determinants of Yam Production and Economic Efficiency among Small-holder Farmers in South Eastern Nigeria. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 7(2): 337 – 342
[5]. Babaleye, T, (2003), West Africa, Improving Yam Production Technology ANB- BIA. 463: 56 – 59.
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Abstract: The election of DR Congo to the Human Rights Council has generated a huge toll in international public opinion. This followed various reports like the anti-model in Human Rights. It must be emphasized that the Human Rights Council has been replaced by the UN Commission. Far from being totally erased, but mostly it was not inserted by the other. with possibility of sanction in case of negative report. Congo will have to multiply actions on the political, legal and especially diplomatic level during the exercise of its mandate in the Human Rights Council. Only the appreciation of the exercise of the various actions advocated in this study face the various issues and challenges; will propel you into pinnacle or childhood in the gulf
[1]. DE FROUVILLE O., Les procédures thématiques : Une contribution efficace des nations-unies à la protection des droits de l'homme, paris, Pedone, 1996.
[2]. LUZOLO BAMBI L. et BAYONA BA MEYA, Manuel de Procédure Pénale, Kinshasa, PUC, 2011.
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[4]. MARINA EUDES, « Protection internationale des droits de l'homme. De la commission au conseil des droits de l'homme : Vraie reforme ou faux semblant ? » in Annuaire français de droit international, paris, 2006, Vol. I.
[5]. MOURGEON J., Les Droits de l'Homme (3édition), Paris, PUF, 1985.