Version-1 (Mar-Apr 2017)
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Abstract: Acceptance sampling plans are introduced mainly to accept or reject the lots of finished products. There are several techniques available to control the quality. Some of the techniques are popularly used where testing involves destruction, for instance, in the manufacturing of crackers, bullets, batteries, bulbs and so on, it is impossible to go for 100% inspection. In this paper we optimized CASP-CUSUM Schemes based on the assumption that the continuous variable under consideration follows a Truncated Dagum Distribution. It is used the Lobatto Integration..............
Keywords: CASP-CUSUM Schemes, type-C, OC Curve, ARL, Truncated Dagum distribution.
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Abstract: This study presents a graph theoretical approach to identify the traffic congestion on a road network. Problem address on a city called Kiribathgoda situated in the western province of Sri Lanka. In the analysis of social networks, centrality measures played a vital role to identify the central nodes in a given network. We look at the applicability of centrality and betweenness measures in order to identify the most important locations which directly affect to the traffic congestion in road networks in Sri Lanka. Using the graph theoretical approach a traffic network for a selected area was constructed and several centrality measures were calculated. According to our simulation results, it was noted that the practically identified locations could be identified from the simulations carried out using the centrality measures.
Keywords: Centrality Measures, Betweenness Measures, Road Network, Graph, Traffic
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Abstract: An analysis to study the unsteady free convective heat transfer due the combined effects of buoyancy, radiation and transverse magnetic field is carried out for an infinite vertical plate in a porous medium. The dimensionless governing coupled partial differential boundary layer equations are formulated and solved analytically using the Laplace transform technique. Results are compared with previous works and found in agreement. The effects of the parameters that enter the problem are discussed.
Keywords: Free convection, heat generation, Laplace transform, magnetohydrodynamic, radiation.
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Abstract: To study a pathway fractional integral operator associated with the pathway model and pathway probability density is the object of present paper. We establish new results on applying the saigo-Maeda operators to the product of two-variable Aleph-function. Mathematics Subject Classification: MSC2010, 11S23, 33C45, 33B15.
Keywords: Pathway Fractional integrals operator, Aleph function ), Fox's H- function, general class of polynomials, Beta and gamma function.
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[4]. V.B.L. Chaurasia and V. Gill, 2013.New pathway fractional integral operator involving H -Functions, ISSN: 2090-5858, Vol. 4(1), 160-168.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fast Fourier Transform Over Residue Ring |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Anuradha Kameswari || Y.Swathi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302013141 ![]() |
Abstract: A transform analogous to the Discrete Fourier transform in a residue ring , where is not necessarily irreducible, is defined. The convolution property is useful in the product of large polynomials in and in between the Discrete Fourier transform on is also applied.
Keywords: Residue Ring, Fourier Transform.
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Abstract: This study was a quasi-experimental design aimed at exploring the effect of Teaching for Understanding (TfU) instructional model on the solid geometry learning achievement of Senior Secondary School I (SSSI) students in Emohua Local Government Area (LGA) of Rivers State, Nigeria. A total of 58 SSSI students participated in the study. The instrument used for data collection in this study was a researcher designed and validated the 50-item multiple-choice test, Solid Geometry Achievement Test (SGAT).......
Keywords: Teaching for understanding, senior secondary students, learning achievement, Solid geometry
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Abstract: Recent approach of Neural Network can be employed to solve a wide spectrum of problem in optimization. This paper deals with reliability, non-reliability and cost analysis of a traffic signal system. As all knows, traffic system consists of three lights; red, green and yellow. The red and green signal lights pre-empt in repair over yellow signal light. A multilayered neural network model is introduced in order to optimize the maintenance of the traffic signal system. The system can be fail due to hardware failure with human errors and various environmental conditions. All types of failures, repairs and waiting rates are exponential. System state probabilities and other parameters are developed for the proposed model using neural network approach. At the last, numerical examples are included to illustrate the results.
Keywords: Neural Network, reliability, non-reliability, Neural weights, cost factor.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fixed Point Theorem in Fuzzy Metric Spaces |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajesh Kr. Singh || Dr. M. Z. Alam |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302015559 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we studied the fuzzy metric space as defined by Z.Q.Xia, and F.F.Guo. Defined in different way in the sense of fuzzy scalars instead of fuzzy numbers or real numbers are used to define fuzzy metric. It is proved that every metric space can induce a fuzzy metric space that is complete whenever, the original one is complete. We define fuzzy contraction mapping and try to established fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric space.
Keywords: Fuzzy metric space, induced fuzzy metric space, Contraction mapping in fuzzy metric space.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of the Mathematics Programme of Kano Educational Resource Department |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Isa, S. G |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302016063 ![]() |
Abstract: This study was undertaken to evaluate the mathematics programme of Kano Educational Resource Department. The research design used was evaluation. The main objectives of the study are to determine whether or not the set objectives of the mathematics section are achieved. Based on the result appropriate recommendations were proffered. A questionnaire designed by the researcher was used. The questionnaire was validated by three (3) curriculum experts, three mathematics educators and an english language specialist. The instrument reliability coefficient of r = 0.646 was obtained by using Kuder – Richardson formular 21 (KR21). 8 out of the 10 null hypotheses raised and tested were not rejected while 2 were rejected. The result showed that in general the objectives of the mathematics section are achieved. Recommendation for more funding and staff were advanced.
Keywords: Evaluation, Mathematics
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Abstract: In this paper, we study the two edge-coloring of Km,n such that Km,n contains a monochromatic subgraph Ks, 2, Ks, 3 or Ks, t. We find the relation between n, s by investigating a two coloring of a checkerboard
Keywords: Complete bipartite graph, monochromatic subgraph
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | General Efficiency |
Country | : | Romania |
Authors | : | Vasile Postolică |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302017994 ![]() |
Abstract: This research work is devoted to the general Efficiency presented in the best appropriate environment of the infinite dimensional Ordered Vector Spaces, following our recent results, especially using the largest class of the Convex Cones discovered till now in separated Locally Convex Spaces, named by us Isac's Cones, and ensuring the existence together with important properties for the efficient points under completeness instead of compactness........
Keywords: Ordered vector space, general efficiency, multifunction, Pareto optimality, locally convex space, Isac's (nuclear, supernormal) cone, Choquet boundary, best approximation, splines in H-locally convex spaces.
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Abstract: A first order nonlinear impulsive integrodifference equation within the frame of - k q symmetric quantum calculus is investigated by applying using fixed point theorems.The conditions for existence and uniqueness of solution are obtained.
Keywords: q Symmetric integrodifference equation, - k q symmetric derivatives, - k q symmetric integrals, Boundary value problem.
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Abstract: In this study, two polynomial splines are developed and used to obtain the numerical solution of singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems. The two polynomial splines developed are linear and non-linear polynomial splines. The applications of these splines to singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems resulted to linear algebraic system of equations which are then solved by Gaussian elimination method to obtain the unknown constants arising from the splines used. Three singularly perturbed boundary value problems are solved.
Keywords: Singularly perturbation, polynomial and non-polynomial Spline, boundary value problems and Absolute Error.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Scalar Weak Commutative Algebras |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | G.Gopalakrishnamoorthy || S.Geetha || S.Anitha |
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: | 10.9790/5728-130201107114 ![]() |
Abstract: The concept of scalar commutativity defined in an algebra A over a ring R is mixed with the concept of weak-commutativity defined in a Near-ring to coin the new concept of scalar weak commutativity in an algebra A over a ring R and many interesting results are obtained.
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[3]. G.Gopalakrishnamoorthy, S.Geetha and S.Anitha, On Quasi - weak m-power Commutative Near-rings and Quasi - weak ( m,n ) power commutativenear – rings, IOSR Jour.of.Math, vol 12(4), (2016), 87-90.
[4]. G.Gopalakrishnamoorthy, S.Geetha and S.Anitha, On Quasi-weak Commutative Boolean-like near-rings, Malaya Journal of Mathematik , 3(3) , (2015), 318 – 326.
[5]. G.Gopalakrishnamoorthy, S.Geetha and S.Anitha, On Weak m power Commutative Near-ring and Weak ( m,n ) power commutative near- rings.