Version-2 (Mar-Apr 2017)
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Abstract: This paper analyses a discrete time Geo/G/1 retrial queuing system with general retrial times, multiple vacations and state dependent arrivals. Here the arrival rates are different when the system is idle and busy or on vacation. If the server is busy or on vacation at the arrival epoch, the customers joins the orbit to repeat the request later. On the other hand, if the server is idle, then the arriving customer begins its service immediately. The customers in the orbit try for service when the server is idle...............
Keywords: Discrete time retrial queues, general retrial times, state dependent arrivals, multiple vacation, Markov chain.
[1]. J.R. Artalejo, Accessible bibliography on retrial queues, Math. Computer Model. 30, 1999, 1–6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Between Closed Sets and gw𝝎-Closed Sets |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | C. Loganathan || R. Vijaya Chandra || O. Ravi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302020915 ![]() |
Abstract: Levine [7] introduced the notion of g-closed sets and further proper ties of g-closed sets are investigated. In 1982, the notions of 𝜔-open and 𝜔-closed sets were introduced and studied by Hdeib [5]. Khalid Y. Al-Zoubi [6] introduced the notion of g𝜔-closed sets and further properties of g𝜔-closed sets are investigated. In this paper, we introduce the notion of mg𝜔-closed sets and obtain the unified characterizations for certain families of subsets between closed sets and g𝜔-closed sets.
Keywords: gw𝜔-closed set, m-structure, m-space, mg𝜔 -closed set..
[1] Al-Omari. A and Noorani. M. S. M., Regular Generalized 𝜔-Closed sets, International Journal of Mathematics and
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[3] Dhanasekaran. V, Nagalakshmi. K. T and Ravi. O, Locally Closed Sets in 𝜔-Topological Spaces, Submitted.
[4] Dontchev. J and Noiri. T, Quasi-Normal Spaces and 𝜋 g-Closed Sets, Acta Math. Hungar., 89(3), (2000), 211-219.
[5] Hdeib. H. Z, 𝜔-Closed Mappings, Revista Colomb. De Matem., 16(1-2), (1982), 65-78.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Typical Properties of Maximal Sperner Families of Type (K,K+1 And Upper Estimate |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Kochkarev B.S. |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302021623 ![]() |
Abstract: The properties of the families F of finite subsets of n element set S are considered in the situation, where subsets of F are incomparable on the binary relation of inclusion and a)for any A F there exists some set A'F such that either A A' or A' A; b)for any AF is place.......
Keywords: maximal Sperner family, typical property.
[1]. Gilbert E. N. Lattice theoretic properties of frontal switching functions, J. Math. Phys., 33, №1 (1954), pp. 57-67.
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Abstract: We consider the non-linear partial differential equation of time-fractional type describing the spontaneous imbibition of water by an oil-saturated rock (double phase flow through porous media). The fact that oil and water form two immiscible liquid phases and water represents preferentially wet-ting phase are the basic assumption of this work. The Elzaki Transform Decomposition Method is used to obtain the saturation of injected water. We obtain the graphical representation of solution using MATLAB R2007b and Microsoft Excel 2010 with different fractional order (α > 0)................
Keywords:Fractional derivative, Fingero-imbibition, Double phase flow in porous media, immiscible fluid, Elzaki Transform Decomposition Method.
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Abstract: Nonlinear phenomena play a major role in applied mathematics and engineering. The Burger-Fisher equation which is a mixed hyperbolic-parabolic non-linear partial differential equation occurs in various areas of applied sciences and physical applications, such as modeling of gas dynamics and fluid mechanics. In this paper, Haar wavelet method was implemented efficiently in finding the numerical solution of Burger-Fisher equation. This method shows rather rapid convergence than other existing methods. Illustrative examples suggest that using wavelet based method providing a powerful approach to find numerical solutions of Burger-Fisher equation............
Keywords: Burger's-Fisher equation, Haar wavelet method, Variational iteration method.
[1]. Mittal RC, Jiwar R (2009) Differential Quadrature Method for Two Dimensional Burgers' Equations. International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 10: 450–459.
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[5]. J. Lu, G. Yu-Cui, X. Shu-Jiang, ―Some new exact solutions to the Burger-Fisher equation and generalized Burgers-Fisher equation‖, Chinese Physics, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1009-1963, 2007.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Convergence in Dual Space |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Amar nath kumar || Brij Nandan Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302023537 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we have deal with the role of a dual space of a function space . In dealing so we will try to observe that the behavior of the dual space is the same as for the function space or not . That is why if a result holds good for a function space then same type of result also holds good for it dual space in case of convergences .
Keywords: Linear space, Sequence space, Function space, Dual Space, Perfect space, Parametric limit and parametric convergent, projective limit and projective convergent.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On The Circulant K–Fibonacci Matrices |
Country | : | Spain |
Authors | : | Sergio Falcon |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302023842 ![]() |
Abstract: We started looking for a formula to simplify the calculation of the difference of two k–Fibonacci numbers depending on the kind of subscripts. Then we study the value of the determinant of circulant matrices whose entries are k–Fibonacci numbers. We continue calculating their eigenvalues and finish with the calculation of the eigenvalues of the matrix obtained multiplying the k–Fibonacci
Keywords: k–Fibonacci and k–Lucas numbers, Eigenvalues, Circulant matrix.
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[5] Sergio Falcon, On the k–Lucas numbers, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 6(21), 2011, 1039–1050.
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Abstract: In this paper, a numerical algorithm for solving hybrid fuzzy initial value problem using the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta method based on Geometric Mean (RK4GM) is proposed. The algorithm is illustrated by solving hybrid fuzzy initial value problems using triangular fuzzy number. It is compared with the classical fourth order Runge – Kutta method. The results show that the proposed fourth order Runge-Kutta method based on Geometric Mean works well for solving hybrid fuzzy initial value problems.
Keywords: Numerical solution, Hybrid Fuzzy Initial Value Problems, Triangular fuzzy number, Fourth order Runge-Kutta method, Geometric Mean
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Abstract: Let 𝑓: 𝑉(𝐺) → 𝑁 be a labeling of the vertices of a graph 𝐺 by positive integers. Define 𝑆 𝑣 = 𝑢∈𝑁(𝑣) 𝑓(𝑢), as the sum of neighborhood of vertex 𝑣, where 𝑁(𝑣) denotes the open neighborhood of 𝑣 ∈ 𝑉. A labeling 𝑓 is lucky if 𝑆(𝑢) ≠ 𝑆(𝑣) for every pair of adjacent vertices 𝑢 and 𝑣. The lucky number of a graph 𝐺, denoted by 𝜂(𝐺) , is the least positive integer 𝑘 such that 𝐺 has a lucky labeling with {1,2, … , 𝑘} as the set of labels. A Lucky labeling is proper lucky labeling if the labeling 𝑓 is proper as well as lucky, i.e. if 𝑢 and 𝑣 are adjacent in 𝐺 then 𝑓(𝑢) ≠ 𝑓(𝑣)and 𝑆(𝑢) ............
Keywords: Lucky labeling, Proper Lucky labeling, Bloom Graph.
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Abstract: Behaviour pattern of degradation of plastic material is very important in industrial applications. Activation energy is hindering factor in the degradation process of plastic materials. This is the very important in the selecting the plastic materials. In this study objective is activation energy could be predicted as the function of temperature and time. Experiment results of heated polypropylene plastic pieces (3×15cm) for 0-8 hours have presented the effect of isothermal temperature..................
Keywords: Weight loss, polypropylene, Activation Energy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Certain Third Order Mixed Neutral Difference Equations |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B. Selvarajand || S. Kaleeswari |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1302026875 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper some criteria for the oscillation of mixed type third order neutral difference equation of the form..................
Keywords: Mixed neutral difference equation, Nonlinear, Non-oscillation, Oscillation.
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Abstract: In the apparel industry Cut Order Planning (COP) considered as the most important procedure in the production process. Cutting large number of pieces with different shapes and sizes should be well planned to increase the utilization of fabric while reducing the wastage. Therefore cut planners pay great deal of attention to the number of plies, size ratios, length of the fabric, the cost of labour and they highly concerned about fabric wastage. This procedure is carried out manually in most of the factories. Due to that, high cost of labour, time and the fabric wastage have become more crucial problems in this industry...................
Keywords: Cut Order Plan, Dockets, Size Ratios
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Abstract: This paper introduce two different definitions of fractional derivatives, namely Riemann-Liouville and Caputo derivatives , and some basics properties of these derivatives are discussed, conformable fractional derivative are addressed . The paper focuses on the conditions needed in order to guarantee the general solution when we have the particular solution by applied some theorems . illustrated some examples...................
Keywords: Gamma Function, Beta Function, Mittag-Leffler Function, Complementary Error Function, Fractional Integration, Riemann-Liouville derivative, fractional Caputo operator, conformable fractional derivative.
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Abstract: The concept of scalar commutativity defined in an algebra over a ring is mixed with the concept of pseudo commutativity defined in a near – ring to define the new concept of scalar pseudo commutativity in an algebra over a ring and many interesting results are obtained.
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[3]. G. Gopalakrishnamoorthy, S. Geetha and S. Anitha, On Quasi – weak m – power commutative Near-rings and Quasi – weak (m,n) power commutative near – rings, IOS R.J. of Mathematics vol 12 (4) ver II, (2016), 87 – 90.
[4]. G. Gopalakrishnamoorthy, S. Geetha and S. Anitha, On quasi – weak commutative Boolean – like near – rings, Malaya J. of Matematik, 3(3), 2015, 318 – 326.
[5]. G. Gopalakrishnamoorthy and R.veega, On Pseudo m – power commutative Near – rings and pseudo (m,n) power commutative near – rings, Inst. J. of Maths. Research and science, vol 1(4), 2011, 71 – 80.
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to propose the use of the fuzzy systematic technique as aunifying format for analyzing diverse input data sources using both triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) and intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IFNs). It focuses on converting three different data sources into the unifying format which consists of crisp values, interval values as well as linguistic expressions. This study utilizedthe experience of experts in order to construct the membership functions for the crisp datasets, while the advantages of both the TFNs and IFNs based onthe cost-benefitcriterion were employed respectively for datasets whichoccurred naturally in interval and linguistic forms..............
Keywords: Fuzzy unifying format, input data sources, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers (IFNs), multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFNs)
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