Version-1 (Nov-Dec 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Matrix Form of The Bayes Theorem And Diagnostic Tests |
Country | : | Spain |
Authors | : | María Magdala Pérez-Nimo || José A. Camúñez-Ruiz |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1406010106 ![]() |
Abstract: In order to solve certain problems in calculating probabilities, such as Markov chains or conditional specification of discrete distributions, the use of matrix and vector treatment of conditioned probabilities and of vectors of marginal probabilities is common. Following these ideas, the present study obtains matrix forms of some elementary results of probability theory, such as the total probability and Bayes theorems. These results and methodology are applied to the matrix study of results of diagnostic tests, allowing an immediate generalization to tests with more than two results. In addition,we propose safety and validity measures of a test based on matrix rules, which in some cases are related to the well-known Youden index.
Key Word: Conditioned Probabilities, BayesTheorem, Matrix, Diagnostic Tests
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the ability of students in the ability literacy and interpret the graphs and data from an environmental event in everyday life. The study was conducted in state junior high school 1 of Braja Selebah. The number of students who become the sample of research is 25 people who are sitting in Class 8, the class 8A. The research instrument uses Test of Graphing in Science (TOGS). In reading and interpreting the graphs and data the students have average percentages below 50% for correct answers and the Minimum Criteria Completion (KKM) in Class 8A is 3.5% complete, and 96.5% remedial. From the results of TOGS diagnostic test tests that students can not read the chart well and found that students have difficulty in interpreting graphs and data. This problem is caused by the lack of students' knowledge, explanation and practical activities of the teacher regarding the presentation of graphs and data.
Keywords: literacy, interpretation, data, graphics, TOGS.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modeling the of volume tumor evolution in rats using SAEM algorithm |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Mounir Boumhamdi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1406011115 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to modeling the growth of the tumor volume in the rats. Using the SAEM algorithm in R and non-linear mixed model for a longitudinal data to predict future tumor volume in the rats.
Keywords: Nonlinear mixed effects model; Breast cancer; SAEM algorithm; Longitudinal Data.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Two simples proofs of Fermat 's last theorem and Beal conjecture |
Country | : | France |
Authors | : | M. Sghiar |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1406011618 ![]() |
Abstract: If after 374 years the famous theorem of Fermat-Wiles was demonstrated in 110 pages by A. Wiles [4], the puspose of this article is to give a simple demonstration and deduce a proof of the Beal conjecture. Résumé : Si après 374 ans le célèbre théorème de Fermat-Wiles a été démontré en 110 pages par A. Wiles [4], le but de cet article est de donner une simple démonstration et d'en déduire une preuve de la conjecture de Beal.
Keywords: Fermat, Fermat-Wiles theorem, Fermat's great theorem.
[1]. conjecture .
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[3]. M. Mghiar , la preuve de la conjecture abc, iosr journal of mathematics (iosr-jm), e-issn: 2278-5728, p-issn: 2319-765x. volume 14,
issue 4 ver. i (jul - aug 2018), pp 22-26.
[4]. Andrew Wiles, Modular elliptic curves and Fermat's last Theorem, Annal of mathematics, volume 10,142, pages 443-551, septemberdecember,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Generalized Trigonometric Functions and Their Applications |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Denisiuk V.P || Kiev |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1406011925 ![]() |
Abstract: We consider a class of generalized trigonometric functions given by the divergent trigonometric series; coefficients of these series have a certain order of growth. These functions have no values in usual sense and manifest themselves only as convolution with the test functions. Classes of test functions are formed by even periodical functions that are either defined by chosen Fourier coefficients or have certain differential properties. The operations of differentiation and integration of these generalized trigonometric functions are considered. The class of generalized trigonometric functions of zero order with coefficients forming N - periodical sequences is investigated in details. Such functions under certain conditions that are received in this paper have interpolating properties. The results of calculations for the test example are given; these results are well correlated to those predicted by theory.
Keywords: generalized trigonometric functions, test functions, divergent trigonometric series, convolution, have interpolation
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Abstract: This paper present a numerical algorithm for the linear one-dimensional wave equation. In this method a finite difference approach had been used to describe the time derivative while quintic spline is used as an interpolation function in the space dimension. We discuss the accuracy of the method by expanding the equation based on Taylor series and minimizing the error. The proposed method was eight-order accuracy in space and fourth-order accuracy in time variables. From the computational point of view, the solution obtained by this method is in excellent agreement with those obtained by previous works and also it is efficient to use. Numerical examples are given to show the applicability and efficiency of the method.
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Abstract: In this paper, we formulate a multi – group model of the Coccidiosis disease with eight (8) compartments. The susceptible birds are divided into two groups, latently infected birds are divided into three groups, infected birds are divided into two groups according to infectivity and the recovered birds. A deterministic model was formulated and analyzed using methods from dynamical systems theory. Conditions for the stability of the disease-free and endemic steady states were determined.............
Keywords: Coccidiosis Disease, Stability Analysis, Optimal Control, Sensitivity Index
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Abstract: Symmetric Methods are of much current interest due to their efficiency when solving stiff systems and the possibility to use them as basic methods for extrapolation processes. In this paper, we extend of the Symmetric Implicit Runge-Kutta Nyström Type Method (SIRKNTM) for the integration of first order ODEs to a SIRKNTM for Direct Integration of Two-Point Boundary Value Problem (BVPs).The theory of Nyström method was adopted in the formulation of the method. The method has an implicit structure for efficient implementation and produces simultaneously approximation of the solution of Two-Point Boundary Value Problem (BVPs). The proposed method was tested with Numerical experiment to illustrate its efficiency and the method can be extended to solve higher order differential equations.
[1]. Agam S.A and Badmus A.M (2010), Improved Runge-Kutta Nyström Method for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations J. of Research in Physical Science, 6, No 1, 71-76.
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Abstract: Recent studies on urban economics and real estate theory have highlighted how investment can affect real estate values. In addition, city residents pay more attention to the quality of their living space. The rate of crime, air quality, access to employment centers or highways are just some of the parameters that can influence the housing and location options and hence land use, mobility and the economy of the citizens concerned. Several are the interested citizens who choose to invest either by risking or by dragging on only some parameters, without thoroughly scrutinizing all available ones. The legitimate question that arises here is whether a citizen who is interested in investing is in a position to make a rational decision when he receives a large amount of data and has limited time. A second question is whether this decision could have taken a model of mechanical learning..................
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Bounded Rationality, Linear Models, Elastic Net.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Boosters of MV-algebras |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Yong Wei Yang |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1406016166 ![]() |
Abstract: Similar to the notion of ⊕-stabilizers in MV-algebras, the present paper introduce the notion of boosters. Then some elementary properties of principle boosters and boosters are presented, and a principle booster is proved to an MV-filter. According to the properties of of principle boosters, we prove that the set of all principle boosters is a complete distributive lattice.
Keywords: MV-algebra, booster, principle booster, MV-filters.
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[4]. J. Rachůnek, D. Šalounová, Ideals and involutive filters in generalizations of fuzzy structures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 311, 2017,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Scalar Quasi weak (m,n) - power Commutative Algebras |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.Gopalakrishnamoorthy || S.Geetha || S.Anitha |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1406016772 ![]() |
Abstract: A right near-ring N is called Quasi-weak commutative if xyz = yxz[3].A right near-ring N is called quasi weak m- power commutative if xm y z = ymxz for all x,y,z ∈ N,where m ≥1 is a fixed integer [5].An algebra A over a commutative ring R is called scalar quasi-weak commutative if for every x,y,z ∈ A there exists α = α (x,y,z) ∈ R depending on x,y,z such that xyz = α yxz. An algebra A over a commutative ring R is called scalar quasi-weak m - power commutativity if for every x,y,z ∈ A,there exists a scalar α ∈ R depending on x,y,z such that xm y z = α ymxz [8]. In this paper,the concept of scalar quasi-weak m-power commutativity is generalized as scalar quasi- weak commutative (m,n) power commutativity and prove many results.
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Abstract: The proxy signature, a variant of the ordinary digital signature, has been an active research topic in recent years; it has many useful applications, including distributed systems and grid computing. In an ordinary proxy signature scheme any one can verify the validity of a proxy signature produced by the proxy signer on behalf of original signer. But public verifiability of proxy signature is not desirable in some applications where the signed message is sensitive to the signature receiver, for example signatures on medical records, tax information. To meet this requirement, the concept of directed proxy signature was introduced. A directed proxy signature scheme is a kind of signature scheme in which the verification ability is controlled by the proxy signer. Although many identity-based proxy..........
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Abstract: Pipelines are used to convey fluid materials not only in the industrial process but also in the place of residence and agriculture. Pipes are simple and convenient to use. But the numerical modeling and estimation of flows inside pipes is challenging. Due to this, the investigation of flow behaviors of fluid through pipes is absolutely fascinating for researchers. We have met with various pipe flow analysis at the literature which have been conducted with laboratory experimental techniques. Bend pipe is often used in pipe line transportation, fluid flow velocity and pressure change dramatically when passing through the bend pipe, therefore the bend pipe influences the efficiency of pipeline.........
Keywords: No-slip conditions, Reynolds number, Steady, Laminar, incompressible, CFD simulation, bend pipe, FLUENT.
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