Series-2 (Jul. - Aug. 2020)Jul. - Aug. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop and describe the feasibility of developing worksheets based on Discovery Learning for fifth-grade elementary schools. This type of research is research and development refers to Borg and Gall theory. The population of this research is the fifth-grade elementary school educators and students in Enggal District, Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The data collection tool uses a questionnaire instrument in the form of a Likert scale. Student Worksheets Product was validated by media experts with a value of 93.0 which mean it is on very good categories, material experts 96.1 which mean it ison very good categories, linguists score 90.0 which mean it ison very good categories, and test practitioners received an average value of 83.5 which mean it ison very good category. Based on the results of these studies indicate that the Student Worksheets product is valid and theoretically feasible to be used for fifth-grade students in Elementary School.
Keywords: Worksheets, Discovery Learning, Learning Outcomes
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[5]. Liansari, Rena. 2015. PengembanganLembarKerjaSiswaBerbasis Discovery Learning BerbantuanKartuPintarUntukPembelajaranBiologiMateriSistemReproduksiManusiaKelas Xi SmaNegeri 6 Malang.JurnalPendidikanHayati.Vol. 1. No.2 Page 1-12.
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Abstract: Background:A smooth teaching-learning process is highly dependent on how the learner and the teacher relate. It is also influenced by how learners get along among themselves. The relationship among learners and between learners and teachers can be affected by factors that are home related, school related, mass media/social mediarelated, parenting styles, among others. The objective of this study was to identify causes of deviant behavior among secondary school students in Kiambu County. Materials and Methods: The exploratory approach using survey design was employed. Purposive/judgmental sampling was used to select all schools and.....
Key Words: perceived; deviant behavior; perceivedcauses
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Abstract: Teachers in an education system are one of the core pillars in achieving educational goals. There is no education system that can progress and succeed to enculturate succeeding generations without of teachers. Teacher quality and quality of instruction require comprehensive preservice or in-service teacher education and training programs. A teachers' training program is aimed at producing quality and effective teachers who eventually can guide students not only on academic success but also in the lifelong learning. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The target population of study comprised of Mathematics teachers in Konoin Sub County, Bomet County, Kenya. A total of 70 (89.7%) of the mathematics teachers selected participated in the study. The research.....
Key Word: Secondary school, mathematics, pedagogical content knowledge, preservice training
[1]. Akiba, M., Letendre, G., & Scribner, J. (2007). Teacher quality, opportunity gap, and national achievement in 46 countries. Educational Researcher, 36(7), 369-387.
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Abstract: Zusammenfassung: Der Artikel befasst sich mit der Frage, ob die Synergie akustischer (musikalischer) Störfaktoren mit textlinguistischen, kognitiven, psycholinguistischen und psychosomatischen Reaktionen, bei einer bestimmten Lernergruppe einer Fremdsprache unter prüfungsähnlichen Bedingungen eine erkennbare Abweichung in den rezeptiven und produktiven Leistungen hervorrufen können. Für dieses Forschungsunternehmen wurde eine zweischrittige empirische Studie an Studierenden des Fachbereichs für deutsche Sprache und Literatur der Universität Athen durchgeführt. Aufgrund der Befunde der Studie stellte sich heraus, dass Musik als Hintergrundgeräusch bei niedrigeren Niveaustufen einen intensiveren Störfaktor ausmacht als dies für höhere Niveaustufen gilt. Weiterhin ergab sich, dass eine Kombination von Fremdsprachenniveau und externer.....
Key Word: text linguistics; psycholinguistics; readability index; music; interference; psychosomatic reactions; psycho-affective reactions
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Report On Procidentia |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Neelima.K.Rajan || Dr.ElizebethCivia Vincent || Dr.LinsaLinet V |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1004024547 ![]() |
Abstract: Procidentia refers to the complete prolapse beyond the level of hymen distally so the uterus is permanently protruding out of the vagina. There are different type of pelvic organ prolapse they are cystocele, urethrocele, uterine prolapse, vaginal vault prolapse, enterocele and rectocele. Here we are reporting a case of procidentiawith chronic cervicitis with ulceration and squamous metaplasia. A 76 year old multiparous women presented to out patient department with mass protruding out and dribbling of urine for past 2 years with a history of DM, HTN and CAD. We had done hysterectomy and the pathology report shows squamous metaplasia. We also assure pre and post surgical prophylaxis with proper antibiotic coverage.
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[2]. Josephine Doo,JimmyKhandalavala, Procidentia, Treasure Island(FL): Statpearls Publishing; 2020 [Updated 2019 June 11]. Available From : https.//
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Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the influence of school leadership on managing the literacy rate among pupils in public primary schools in Mombasa County in relation to target setting, resource provision, monitoring the pedagogy, analysis of results and follow-up which formed the core for objectives of the study. The researcher adopted the Transactional theory of leadership as the study was aimed at leadership to enhance literacy among learners in Public Primary schools in Mombasa County. The research sample was 27 schools which is 30% of 91 public schools and 80 (respondents) school leaders from public primary schools in Mombasa County comprising of a headteacher, a deputy headteacher and a senior teacher. Cluster sampling was used since the schools were already clustered into Sub-Counties, Nyali, Kisauni, Mvita, Likoni, Changamwe and Jomvu. The research instruments used were questionnaires with reliability at 0.777 level. Data collection was by the researcher by collecting the questionnaires from the respondents. The data was presented and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods...
Keywords: literacy rates, leadership
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Abstract: This study was carried out to examine the level of sociolinguistic competence of the students at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF). Specifically, it figured out the profile of the respondents, their level of sociolinguistic competence and factors contributing to the development of the sociolinguistic competence of the respondents in an attempt to enhance their communicative English. The study utilized the descriptive - correlational design with the use of a questionnaire and a standardized sociolinguistic competence test to gather the data from sixty-eight second year EFL students of TUAF. The findings showed that there was a correlation between students' characteristics........
Key Words: sociolinguistic competence, communicative English, EFL students, TUAF
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Abstract: This paper investigates the effects of a reading programme on the narrative writing skills of 14 Junior High School students in the grade eight. A total of four narrative texts closely were shared to the students. This quantitative-qualitative research study involved 60 students who participated in a four-week intervention programme. The scores from two groups indicated significant differences in the students' content development, lexical variety and grammatical accuracy. The findings show that high motivation gave an improvement in the writing narrative text in content, lexical variety and grammatical accuracy in students' essays. The students' improvement in the content development aspect shows that reading texts which supplement information common to the students.....
Keywords: reading program; students' motivation; writing development; narrative writing
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