Series-4 (Jul. - Aug. 2020)Jul. - Aug. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: The study aims to highlight the administrative and financial problems facing the General Education Department in Upper Nile State. The researcher followed the descriptive approach in collecting study data through the questionnaire, which areconsidered main tool in collecting study information, in addition to the reports and publications of the Ministry of education and organizations related to the study. The results of the study concluded that the problems that weaken the performance of the educational administration in the state are the scarcity of the management budget, the absence of educational planning and training for workers in the field of education, the weakness and irregular payment of salaries by the government in addition to the absence of periodic maintenance budgets for schools and buildings of educational departments in the state.......
Keywords: Management, Educational Administration, Upper Nile State, Questionnaire
[1]. Abdul Rahim Sufyan. Educational Administration and School Administration, Khartoum, 1990.
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[4]. Fathia Ahmed Hamdani. Secondary education administration in the light of modern administrative methods. University of Khartoum, College of Education, Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods 2000.
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Abstract: this paper examined student's violence in the universities' andinstitution's as well as in their hostiles, a pilot study in this study is carried out to gather preliminary data before the actual study was conducted, this was carried out in the students'hostels of Upper NileUniversity, and the University of Dr. JohnGarang memorial university for science and technology. The sample consisted of 100 male and female students, chosen randomly. The findings of the study revealed that the most important reasons for violence were the reasons related to students (weak resort to physic logical and educational counseling, students frustration caused by low grads) then the reasons relatedto community (defending the honor of family or tribe, tribal support for students.......
Keyword: student's violence, university, reasons,Dr. John Grang Must
[1]. African Events, June, 2012. South Africa. Ministries of educations in the Africa.
[2]. Kerpleman, J. L., and Smith-Adcock, S. (2005). Female Adolescents Delinquent Activity. The Intersection of Bonds to Parents and Reputation Enhancement Youth and Society.
[3]. Kuntche, M.A. (2004). Hostility among Adolescents in Switzerland? Multivariate relations between Excessive Media Use and Forms of Violence, Journal of Adolescent Health.
[4]. Little, T., D., Henrich, C. C., Jones, S. M., and Hawley. PH. (2003). Disentangling the Whys from the What of Aggressive Behavior. International Journal of Behavioral Development.
[5]. Ministry of Education, June 2012 Annual Report of General Education, South Sudan, Juba..
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Abstract: This study examined shared constraints experience by private secondary schools and management approaches in Delta State. The study is a descriptive survey which adopted the ex-post facto design. The population encompasses 324 principals of private secondary school which are registered under Delta State post-primary education board. Sampling technique adopted was stratified sampling technique and 162 respondents were selected for the study, representing 50% of the entire population. Self-developed instrument was used to solicit information from respondents. The instrument was titled Shared Constraints Experience by Private Secondary Schools and Management Approaches.....
Key Word: Shared Constraints, Experience, Private Secondary Schools, Management Approaches, Delta State
[1]. Adavbiele, J. A., (2016). Problems associated with basic educational system in braced states in Nigeria: way forward. The 2016 WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings, Boston, USA.
[2]. Al-Mozain, Suleiman Hussein Mousa (2011) Administrative and behaviour Problems of orphan Students in Islamic Schools of the Private sector from the verdict of their teachers and how to eliminate these problems, Islamic University Journal, 19, (1) 135-165.
[3]. Al-Tawil Hani Abed El-Rahman and Al-Manseer Lameeha Jawdat (2011) A Strategy for Controlling Education Problems at Jordanian Private Schools. In Yousra, A, (2014). The internal and external problems, which private schools in Jordan Face. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(20), 41-47.
[4]. Aslam, M., (2009). The relative effectiveness of government and private schools in Pakistan: are girls worse off? Education Economics, 17(3), 329-354.
[5]. Federal Republic of Nigeria. (2004). National policy on education (4th ed.). Abuja: NERDC Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects of Sexual Coercion on University Female Students |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr Grace Olufunmilayo Olusegun |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1004041317 ![]() |
Abstract: This study deals with the effects of sexual coercion on females in Nigeria universities. The sample consisted of 1,200 sexually coerced female students, selected from nine universities drawn from South West using purposive sampling technique, simple random and stratified random sampling techniques. An instrument titled 'Sexual Coercion Questionnaire' was used. It was evident in the findings that university female students that were sexually coerced suffered health problems, educational problem, emotional, social, and psychological effects such as feelings of worry, anxiety and other consequences. Based on the findings, it was recommended those University females....
Key Word: Sexual Coercion, Effects, Behaviour, University, Females
[1]. Adekunle K.A. (2007). Reproductive health situation in Nigeria. USAID Nigeria/ENHANSE, 46pp.
[2]. Anteghini, M. (2001). Health risk behaviours and associated risk and protective factors among Brazilian adolescents in Santos, Brazil. Journal of Adolescent Health, 28, pp. 295-302.
[3]. Bagley, C., Bolitho, F., and Bertrand L. (1997). Sexual assault in school, mental health and suicidal behaviours in adolescent women in Canada. Adolescence, 32, pp. 361-366.
[4]. Bryant, S.L., and Range, L.M. (1997). Type and Severity of Child Abuse and College Students' Lifetime Suicidality. Child Abuse and Neglect, 21, pp. 1169-1176.
[5]. Dolezal, T., McCollum, D., and Callahan, M. (2009). Hidden costs in health care: The economic impact of violence and abuse. The Journal of Forensic Psychratry& Psychology, 21, 501-513..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact study of e- content on teaching Learning of science |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Om Prakash Meena || Ram Babu Pareek |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1004041823 ![]() |
Abstract: Now days E-content is becoming very pleasant thanks to its flexibility of our time, place and pace of learning, E- contents include all reasonably contents created and delivered through various electronic media. Today the complete world is moving speedily towards digitization and that we are imagined to learn new things using new advance technologies. Through these technologies we will inculcate required knowledge, critical thinking, tolerance, commitment and values in both teachers additionally as in students which are more essential for surviving in present world which adversary tormented by pandemic covid-19. As modernization and techno creation of faculty education is on and also the students are switching from textbooks to digital course materials which the foremost needed in times. As big variety of digital materials which are available freed from cost or with minimum restriction.....
Key Words: Information and communication technologies, e-learning, multi-media, effective teaching, in service programme, Achievement test.
[1]. Jhurree, V. (2005), ―Technology Integration in Education in Developing Countries: Guidelines to Policy Makers1‖, International Education Journal, 2005, 6(4), ISSN 1443-1475, Shannon Research Press, pp. 467-483.
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[3]. Govindaswamy, T. (2002), ―Successful Implementation of e-Learning Pedagogical Considerations‖, Internet and Higher Education Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 287-299.
[4]. Gunasekaran, A., McNeil, R. D. and Shaul, D. (2002), ―e-Learning: Research and Applications‖, Industrial and Commercial Training, 34, 2, pp. 44–53.
[5]. Alexander, S. (2001), ―e-Learning Developments and Experiences‖, Education & Training, Volume 43, Number 4-5, pp. 240–248...
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the factors of capacity improvement of ICT integration skills of state vocational high school teachers in Medan. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using survey method with path analysis, the determination of sample is done by proportional stratified random sampling technique with a total sample of 243 teachers from a total population of 659 teachers of 12 SVHSinMedan.The results of the analysis in this study found that there were several factors that had an effect on increasing the ability of ICT integration for vocational teachers. The partially and jointly the direct and indirect effects of the exogenous variables are: (1) there is a direct influence of independent learning motivation toward training; (2) there is a direct influence of innovative attitude toward training; (3).......
Keywords: ICT integration, independent learning motivation, innovative attitude, training
[1] S. Pardede, "Integrating ICT to Improve Teachers Professional Competence of State Vocational High School in Medan," Int. J. Educ. Res., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–6, 2014, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32626.73926.
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[3] U. I. for Statistics, Guide to Measuring Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education. UIS Technical paper; 2. 2009.
[4] T. Engida, "ICT-enhanced Model," 2011. [Online]. Available:
[5] F. D. Davis, "Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology," JSTOR, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 319–340, 1989, doi: 10.2307/249008..
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Abstract: This study examined influence of non-formal educational programs on adult citizens of Nigeria for social justice. Three objectives, research questions and hypotheses guided the study. Social and conscientization theories were used, descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population was 3,400 and sample 1,700. Recommendations were made at the end.
Keywords: Non-formal education, Programs, Social Justice and Adult Citizens
[1]. Danjor, S.T. (2011). Skill Acquisition as a tool for Poverty Reduction in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Published M.Sc Dissertation from the Department of Public Administration and Local Government Nsukka, Nigeria.
[2]. Dokubo, C. (2014). Adult Literacy Methods and Practices. Chroneth Publishers. Port Harcourt.
[3]. Dokubo, C. (2012). Adult Education and Co-operative Management Chroneth Press Port Harcourt.
[4]. Dokubo, C. (2015). Management and Strategies of Community development. Netmand Publishes. Port Harcourt.
[5]. Epstein, J. (2001), School Family and Community Partnerships: Preparing Educations and Improving Schools West view Press Abuja..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Saudi Arabia |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Maryam Ahmed Awaji |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1004044347 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction Most cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection occurred in the Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of December 2019 in the form of acute pneumonia. COVID-19 virus infects people of all ages. The most affected elderly people with underlying medical conditions. This may cause various symptoms such as fever, difficulty breathing, lung infection, coughing andsneezing. Aim The aim of the present study to highlight the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia. Method A search was conducted using the relevant keywords to retrieve the studies conducted in Saudi Arabia regarding COVID-19. The search was by Google Scholar, Pub MED, and Twitter.......
Keywords: Corona virus: COVID-19; Saudi Arabia; pandemic
[1]. Organization WH. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): situation report, 59. 2020.
[2]. Li L, Xv Q, Yan J. COVID-19: the need for continuous medical education and training. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2020.
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[5]. Singhal T. A Review of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19). The Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2020:1-6..
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Abstract: Technology has resulted in the emergence of WhatsApp™, and Zoom Video conferencing as competitive alternate training platforms to in-person training sessions. The wide reach of internet based technology has made telehealth an effective and low-cost method of training parents as interventionists using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The current study aimed at training a parent of a child with ASD to implement and deliver evidence based autism intervention.The outcomes were measured using a gold standard developmental based assessment, the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP). The results indicate notable changes in scores on the assessment, acquisition of skills on the part of the child and the parent's skills in playing the role of the interventionist, coupled with the development of a harmonious and positive relationship between mother and child. Suggestions for further research include using the telehealth model and evidence based parental training for the dissemination of quality services to a larger population.
Key Words:Autism, India, Parenting, Telehealth, Special Education, Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavioral Intervention
[1]. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Publisher.
[2]. Baggett KM, Davis B, Feil EG, Sheeber LL, Landry SH, Carta JJ, Leve C. Technologies for expanding the reach of evidence-based interventions: Preliminary results for promoting social-emotional development in early childhood. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 2010;29:226–238
[3]. Barnes, Clarissa & Mellor, James &Rehfeldt, Ruth Anne. (2014). Implementing the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP): Teaching Assessment Techniques. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. 30. 10.1007/s40616-013-0004-5.
[4]. Bearss, K., Burrell, T. L., Stewart, L. M., &Scahill, L. (2015). Parent Training in Autism Spectrum Disorder: What's in a Name? Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 18(2), 170–182.
[5]. Boisvert, M., Lang, R., Andrianopoulos, M., &Boscardin, M. L. (2010). Tele practice in the assessment and treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Developmental neurorehabilitation, 13(6), 423–432.
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Abstract: Education has received increased attention by the current government of Ethiopia in the recent years because it is believed to be a long term determinant of sustainable development. To this extent, the importance of educating people to ensure a country's continuous competitiveness and sustainable development is unquestionable. Because higher education quality will have a significant contribution to alleviate problems such as suffering from relatively slow social and political progress, and becoming increasingly marginalized from the world economy. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affecting quality education at higher educational institution and to know the cause and effect relationship for ensuring quality education from the comments of teachers and students....
Key words: Higher Education, Education Quality, university, Institution, politics, academic freedom
[1]. Abdul Raouf , "Continuous Improvement Of Higher Education Quality", 2nd International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, 1st – 3rd December, 2008, Lahore –Pakistan.
[2]. Best, J.W. and Kahn, J.U. (1989). Research in Education. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[3]. Kahsay, M. N. (2012). Quality and quality assurance in Ethiopia higher education: Critical issues and practical implication. Enschede, The Netherlands: University of Twente.
[4]. Koul, L. (2008). Methodology of Educational Research. (3rd ed.). New Delhi: Vikas Publishing Agency.
[5]. Maria José Lemaitre, New Approaches To Quality Assurance In The Changing World Of Higher Education, 3rd International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, 6th – 8th December, 2010, Lahore - Pakistan.
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Abstract: There has been an increasing trend where secondary students who qualify to join university to do degree courses are opting for diploma courses in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions (TVET). According to the statistics by Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS, 2020), a total of 122,831 candidates secured placement to degree courses in Universities while 88,724 were placed in Technical and Vocational Education Training. Those placed in the degree courses were 57 per cent male and 43 per cent female. Of this, 2,632 candidates who scored C+ and above in the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations and had qualified for the placement for direct entry to the university opted for diploma courses in TVET institutions as opposed to degree courses. This number of students has been growing over...
Keywords: Direct Entry, Diploma Courses, Vocational Training,University Education, Kenya
[1]. Adhiambo, L. (2014). Competitive Strategy Implementation and its Challenges in Education Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya. Unpublished MBA Project University of Nairobi.
[2]. Conley, D. T. (2008). College knowledge: What it really takes for students to succeed and what we can do to get them ready. John Wiley & Sons.
[3]. Koros, J. (2007). Learners' Perception of Technical and Vocational Education in Kenya. A Case Study of Nakuru District', M. Phil Thesis; Moi University.
[4]. Lamb, S. (2014). Permanent personhood or meaningful decline? Toward a critical anthropology of successful aging. Journal of aging studies, 29, 41-52.
[5]. Masardo, A. &. Shields, R. (2015). Changing patterns in vocational entry qualifications, student support and outcomes in undergraduate degree programmes. Higher Academy..