Series-3 (Jul. - Aug. 2020)Jul. - Aug. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the employees' perception of the importance of their job training and development in the institutions of higher learning in Kenya, using Moi University as acase study. The sample population constituted non-teaching staff in Main Campus and Chepkoilel campus of Moi University. The study aimed to find out whether there is any relationship between selected variables (employees' productivity, motivation and job satisfaction, adjusting to changes, promotion, stability of an educational organization, reducedwork related accidents) and the employees' perception of job training and development. In addition the study intended to find out whether there is any relationship between job training and development of employees and.....
Keywords:Job training, development, Job Performance, Non-teaching staff
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Abstract: The purpose of the research is to describe the variables of self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, the leadership of the principal and teacher performance, analyze the influence of self-efficacy variables, teacher emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, and leadership of the principal, simultaneously on teacher performance, analyze the influence of the variable of self-efficacy, teacher emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, and principal leadership partially on teacher performance and to know and analyze among the variables of self-efficacy, teacher emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, and leadership of school principals, which has a dominant influence on teacher performance in Malinau 16 Public High School. The population......
Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Teacher Emotional Intelligence, Intellectual Intelligence, and Principal's Leadership.
[1]. Aulia, Ahmad Fauzan, 2016. "The Effect of Training and Job Stress on Employee Performance". The thesis of Management Study Program , Faculty of Economics and Business. Sy lam Hidayatullah State University, Jakarta.
[2]. Anita, Rinawati , 2008. " The Effect of Teacher Performance on Student Learning Motivation ". Thesis Educational Study Program Postgraduate Program. University of Muh Purworejo: Purworejo.
[3]. Anis Choiriah. 2013. The effect of emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and professional ethics on auditor performance in public accountants . Journal of Accounting , 1 (1), 3–22. Retrieved from
[4]. Ayu, Tirta Sati, 2019. "The Effect of Intellectual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Spiritual Intelligence on Employee Performance". Thesis . Economic and Business Study Program. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah: Jakarta
[5]. Agutian 2009 Secrets of Success in Building Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence. Jakarta: Arya Publisher..
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Abstract: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) instruction has gained prominence in the education circles because of the need to transform economies and educators have attempted to develop integrated instructional programs to actualize this. This has been informed by the poor performance in the STEM subjects which has largely blamed on the traditional learning processes whichhave taken the form of direct transfer of knowledge from the teacher to students/learners. The teacher centered approach has been criticized for not actively involving learners. Indeed students learn better if they are actively involved in the learning processes. This review, discusses the pedagogical issue affecting performance in STEM subjects from a student perspective. The student related.....
Key Word: Academic performance, STEM Education, ICT integration, Performance, Pedagogy, Learning, cloud digital content.
[1]. Algoufi, R. (2016). Using tablet on education. World Journal of Education, 6(3), 113–119
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[3]. Alontaga, J. V. Q. (2018). education sciences Internet Shop Users : Computer Practices and Its Relationship to E-LearningReadiness.
[4]. Alphonce, S., & Mwantimwa, K. (2019). Students' use of digital learning resources: diversity, motivations and challenges. Information and Learning Science, 120(11–12), 758–772.
[5]. Agommuoh, P.C. (2010). Effects of prior knowledge, exploration, discovery, dissatisfaction with Prior knowledge (PEDDA) and the learning cycle (TLC) constructivist instructional models on students' conceptual change and retention in physics. An unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Nigeria: Nsukka
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Abstract: This paper examines. It looked at the concept of education and education system, concept and overview of tertiary institution. It also highlighted financing higher education and government expenditure in education budgetary allocation to education sector (2010-2017). It gave an insight on the effect of inadequate budgetary allocation to universities, cost control and management of funding allocation in Nigerian universities, way forward suggested as recommendation. It however concluded that government should improve on adequate funding, upward review of pay package of workers, and grant full autonomy to tertiary institution for the management in Nigeria..
Key Word: Government, Expenditure, Management, Tertiary, Education
[1]. Adegbite J.E.O (2014) The Education Reform Agenda: challenges for tertiary education administration in Nigeria; being a paper presented at the sixth annual seminar of the conference of Registrars of Colleges of Education in Nigeria (South west zone) at the college of Education, Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State.
[2]. Adekunle, K. (2013) Budget: Rescuing education. Available: (Accessed on 26th June 2017).
[3]. Agunbiade, S.O. (2016). Quality assurance and the role of Education Trust Fund (ETF) interventions in Nigerian university Library System. A paper presented at the National Workshop on Quality Assurance in the management of the Nigerian University Library held 4th May, 2016 at the Auditorium of NUC, Abuja. PP. 1-7.
[4]. Aigbokhan B.E. (2015). Economic Reforms and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 47 (3), 349-364.
[5]. Ajayi I. A &Ekundayo, H.T. (2016). Funding initiatives in university education in Nigeria. Being a paper presented at the National Conference of Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP), Enugu state university of science and technology, Enugu state..
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Abstract: 2020
The study aimed to identify the impact of the integration of secondary school students in distance learning with its various platforms on their achievement from their point of view in Na'ourDistrict Directorate. To achieve the goal of the study, the descriptive approach was used by constructing a questionnaire, the validity and reliability of the study were verified, and the study sampleconsisted of 918 male and female students from the first and second secondary students.The study concluded the following results: there is a statistically significant effect of the level of integration of secondary school students through distance learning on the total scorein academic achievement, and integration....
Key words: integration, secondary stage, distance learning, educational platforms..
[1] Al-Enzi, Shaima Salem. (2019). The effect of school electronic platforms on enhancing citizenship values for Saudi secondary stage female students. Al-Quds Open University . (7), 20-36.
[2] Aljurf, Rima. (2008). Online distance learning in Arab universities.The Fifth Conference of the Organization for Scientific Research and Technological Development in the Arab World, Fez, Morocco, 11/2008.
[3] Al-Zahrani, Abdulaziz bin Ali. (2019). The effect of distance learning on female students' scientific achievement and their attitudes towards it. Publications of the United Arab Emirates University - faculty of Education. (43). 293-317.
[4] Amer, Tariq Abdul Raouf. (2018). Distance education and open education. Yazuri Library.
[5] Slameto.U.(2014). Primary school e-learning Development as asocial study learning Modelin the5 Grade Primaryschool. International Journal Of e- Education, e- Business, e- Management and-Learning , (5), 351-360...
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Abstract: Background: Both nalbuphine and fentanyl are opioids used for perioperative analgesia. Postoperative sedation and nausea and vomiting are one of the most common complications seen with the perioperative use of opioids. The aim of this study was to compare the postoperative sedation and postoperative nausea and vomiting with both the drugs. Material and methods: It was a prospective double blind randomized study. After obtaining approval of institutional ethical committee, eighty patients aged 20-60 years of either sex, ASA physical status I or II ,scheduled for elective surgery were studied and.....
Keywords: nalbuphine, fentanyl, sedation, nausea and vomiting
[1]. Bowel TA. Adverse effects of opiod agonist and agonist antagonists in anaesthesia.DrugSaf 1998; 19: 173-89.
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Abstract: The objective of this research and developments is to produce student's worksheet based on Learning Cycle 7E which more feasible, attractive, easy, useful and effective to improve student's learnig result in 5th grade of Elementary School. Type of research will be used, is the research and development that based to the theory of Borg & Gall. The population of this research was the 5th grade students of Elementary School in Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung. The sample was determined by purposive sampling technique that have 22 students in 5th grade (class A) of Elementary School 2 Waydadi as a major sample. The Data were collected using questionnaires and test questions. The results showed that student worksheet based on Learning Cycle 7E was suitable to be used in thematic learning in 5th grade of Elementary School. The student worksheet based on the Learning Cycle 7E developed was attractive, easy, and useful for students in thematic learning in 5th grade of Elementary Schools. Student worksheet based on Learning Cycle 7E that was developed was declared effective in improving student learning outcomes.
Keywords: student worksheets, learning cycle 7E, elementary school.
[1]. Amri, S. 2013. Development and Learning Model in Curriculum 2013. Pustakarya achievement. Jakarta. 218 p.
[2]. BarıĢ DEMĠRDAĞ, et al. 2011. Developing Instructional Activities Based On Constructivist 7E Model: Chimistry Teachers Perspective, Journal Of turkish Science Education, Volume 8. No. 4. 18-28
[3]. Borg, Walter R., and Gall, Meredith Damien. 1983. Education Research. New York. 936 p.
[4]. Dina NurAdila. 7E Learning Cycle Model 2015. In Learningscienc Integrated, Journal of Materials and Physics Education (JMPF). Volume 6. No.1. It 212-217
[5]. Hanuscin, Deborah L.. 2008. Using the Learning Cycle as a Model for Teaching the Learning Cycle to Preservice Elementary Teachers. Journal of Elementary Science Education, Volume 20. No. 2. 51-56.
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Abstract: This paper explains about benefits of implementing ICT in higher education to enhance self-managed and student centric learning. However, immediate implementation of ICT is not an easy task and shifting from conventional teaching to digital platforms is not an instantaneous process. There are many challenges which have to be addressed. Those issues include teacher capabilities, infrastructural facilities, support from management and availability of internet. These problems are experienced by both urban and rural parts of the country. The blend of technology in education system may look like a big challenge in the initial stages, but over a period of time it will bring a constructive change in the higher education system.
Keywords: Higher education. ICT implementation, Challenges, constructive Change
[3]. .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Autonomy and hybrid education for the nursing student, what interest? |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Dr Farida Bouachraoui || AichaLehiany |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1004035862 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this article is to highlight the elements necessary to acquire autonomy in the nursing students, who, after three years of study will have to face the ground and participate in the achievement of the objectives of the Ministry of Health, preserve the health of the population served and thereafter collaborate in the development of their country. The nursing profession is very complex, given the challenges to be met by the future nurse. To highlight the process of acquiring autonomy in students in general and the nursing student in particular, a bibliographic review was conducted on google scholar aimed at gathering scientific evidence linking the acquisition of autonomy with hybrid education..
Keywords: autonomy, hybrid education, nursing student
[1]. Baker, C.M. (2000). Problem-basedlearning for nursing : Integratinglessonsfromother
[2]. Jézégou, A. (2008). Apprentissage autodirigé et formation à distance. Distances et savoirs, vol. 6(3), 343-364. doi:10.3166/ds.6.343-364.
[3]. Amadieu, F. et Tricot, A. (2014). Apprendre avec le numérique : Mythes et réalités. Paris : Retz.
[4]. Peraya, D. (1999). Médiation et médiatisation : le campus virtuel. Hermès, La Revue, 25(3), 153-167.
[5]. Albero B. (2010). La formation en tant que dispositif : du terme au concept.. B. Charlier et F. Henri (dir. par). La technologie de l'éducation : recherches, pratiques et perspectives, Presses Universitaires de France, pp.47-59. ffedutice-00578663f
[6]. Peeters, H. & Charlier, P. (1999). Contributions à une théorie du dispositif. Hermès, La Revue, 25(3), 15-23.