Series-7 (Jul. - Aug. 2020)Jul. - Aug. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: This study sought to assess information management variables as correlates of job performance of administrative officers in Federal Universities in South-South Nigeria. To carry out the study two specific objectives were formulated, from which two research questions and hypotheses were drawn and used for the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The study area was South-South Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria namely:Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo and Rivers States. The population of this study comprised all the 665 administrative officers in Federal Universities in South-South Geo-Political Zones in Nigeria. A proportional stratified random sampling technique was used to determine the sample from each Federal University. The instrument used for data collection was a researcher-developed questionnaire tagged "INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND JOB PERFORMANCE QUESTIONNAIRE (IMJPQ)". The instrument was subjected to face validation....
Key Words: Information Management, Job Performance, Information Processing, Information Dissemination, Administrative Officers, Federal Universities, South-South Nigeria
[1]. Alabi, A. T. (2008). Utilization of Management Information System for Effective Decision Making in Nigerian Universities. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. University of llorin, llorin
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | L'enseignement en ligne et la scénarisation pédagogique |
Country | : | Maroc |
Authors | : | Lhamri Hasnae || FLSH Kenitra |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1004070710 ![]() |
Abstract: online education is a binding system when it is set up. In addition to the technical equipment it requires, It encourages to rethink the pedagogical approach in terms of pedagogical scripting. It is in this context that this article fits, so we propose to identify the methodological content of the educational scenarios by elucidating the steps of its implementation. Along the way, we will briefly present the main concepts that are closely related to the purpose of our communication in this case e-learning, and the concept of educational scenario and its design stages. Before we close our work, We will present the results of the field survey we conducted using a questionnaire for secondary school teachers on one side on the impact of ICT on the quality of learning and on the other on the planning of the teaching act to optimize the achievement of the intended objectives..
Keyword: Online learning, educational scripting, distance learning device, platform
[1]. M'hammed Drissi, Mohammed Talbi, Mohamed Kabbaj, « La formation à distance un système complexe et compliqué », [en ligne] :
[2]. Michel Mielnikoff, « Qu'est-ce que le E-Learning », in CRITT-TTI, Caen, septembre 2005, p.3 [en ligne] disponible sur :
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[4]. Asdrubal Madeleine, Formuler des objectifs pédagogiques : manuel d'autoformation, Educagri Editions, Dijon, 2001, p. 61
[5]. v Nadeau Marc-André, L'évaluation de programme : théorie et pratique, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec, 1988, p. 52
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Abstract: This investigation was embarked upon to find out the effect of constructivist-based instructional approach on students' determination and understanding of pi (𝜋) concept. A sample of 100 senior secondary school three students were selected from the population using the random sampling technique. The area of study was Owerri West Local Government Area of Imo State Nigeria. Three objectives guided the investigation. Quasi-experimental research design was employed was employed. The experimental groups were taught the history of pi and how to determine the constant value of pi using three different techniques under the constructivist instructional approach while the control group was taught using the traditional approach without history of pi. The achievement test was the instrument used for data collection. The instrument was validated and has a reliability index of 0.74.The mean, standard.....
Keywords: Constructivist instruction, Pi constant, understanding, determination.
[1]. Braun, B. (2015). Active learning in mathematics: Part I- The challenge of defining active learning. Retrieved online from>3311on 16/08/2020
[2]. Chowdhury, S.R. (2016). A study on the effect of constructivist approach on the achievement in mathematics of ix standard students. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,21(20, 35-40.
[3]. Corren, Slaughter & Hugo, B.L.(2014). Teaching mathematics in primary schools. Calabar: Cheryl Press
[4]. Ertmer, P.A. & Newby,T.J. (2013). Behaviourism, cognitivism & constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 26(2),43-71.
[5]. Frazer, K. (2011). Principles and practice of teaching school subjects. Ibadan: Kingsway Pal Publishers
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Abstract: This study investigated the effect of mastery-based learning approach on the performance and retention of junior secondary students in change of subject formula. Three objectives guided the investigation. The quasi experimental research design which presented one experimental and one control group was employed. A sample of 108 was randomly selected from a population 7,428 junior secondary three students in Port Harcourt Local Government Area of Rivers State Nigeria. An instrument titled "Change of Subject Formula Mathematics Achievement Test" (CSFMAT) was used to collect pretest, posttest and post posttest data from the sample. The reliability of the validated CSFMAT was established to be 0.83 using the test retest reliability method. The mean, standard deviation and Analysis....
Keywords: Mathematics, performance, , retention, change of subject formula, mastery-based learning
[1]. Adebiji, S.M., Ameen, S.K., Dambatta, B. U. & Orilonise, R. (2018). Effect of mastery learning approach on senior school students' academic performance and retention in circle geometry .International Journal of Instruction, 11(4), 951-962.
[2]. Batta and Mumuni (2017) investigated the effect of using mastery learning instructional strategy on junior secondary school students' performance in the learning of linear equations. Journal of Education and Instruction, 8(5), 247-255.
[3]. Collins, Z. (2014). Mathematics teaching and learning in colleges. Hohoe: Havillah Printing Press.
[4]. Garuba, B.B. (2010). Early mathematics education: Characteristics of conceptual understanding of equations. In: Prefacto, J. (Ed). Conceptual teaching of mathematics in schools. Uyo: Churchill Publications.
[5]. Giricho, T. (2018). Effect of concept mastery on students' achievement in Mathematics. Journal of Instructional Development, 6(5), 78-90..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Qudrat-E-Khuda Education Commission and Its Uses in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Khaleduzzaman |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1004072736 ![]() |
Abstract: The study explore the uses of Qudrat-e-Khuda education commission in Bangladesh. Prime Minister BangabandhuSheikh Mujibur Rahmanmade the Commission to give their independent and considered opinions as to how a reconstructed education system can help achieve the people. According to the directive of Government Qudrat-e-Khuda submitted their interim report on June 8, 1973. While accepting this report, the Prime Minister Bangabandhu was gracious enough to express his satisfaction at its timely submission.In the present education system of Bangladesh accepted only those proposals of Qudrat-e-Khuda education commission are most acceptable.......
Keywords: Qudrat-E-Khuda, Education, Commission, Uses
[1]. Ali, A.L. (2019). Nationalism, Patriotism and Global Citizenship: A Comparison in between the Social Studies Teacher Candidates in the US and Turkey.International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies,Published: October 31, 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 IJELS 7(4):115-123
[2]. Habibul, B. (2017). History of Madrasha Education in Bangladesh. British educational research journal, 29(1), 63-75.
[3]. Hanif. R (2013). Secondary Education and its condition in Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 2013, 18 (3-4), pp. 97-108.
[4]. Haque, M. N. (2013). Universal Pre-Primary Education: A Comparative Study." American Journal of Educational Research 1.1 (2013): 31-36.
[5]. Jones, P. (2014). The impact of vocational education and training on company performance. Journal of development economics, Vol. 64, Issue 1, p. 57-79.
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Abstract: Violence is rapidly increasing throughout the world. Violence in school decreases students' educational achievements, increases drop-outs, causes decay in school climate and creates psychological ill-being among students. The main purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of headmasters, teachers, and students regarding the prevalence of violence and its form at government middle school, Balochistan, Pakistan. This study adopted a mixed-method research design to collect data from the targeted population through convenient sampling method. Total of 180 participants participated in this study including 150 students, 2 headmasters, and 28 teachers. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data was thematically analyzed. The study found that violence with its various forms prevail at government schools and students experience different forms of violence......
Keywords: School, Violence, Case Study, Balochistan
[1]. Altun, S. A., & Baker, Ö. E. (2010). School violence: a qualitative case study. Procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 2(2), 3165-3169.
[2]. Blanco, F., Breglia, M. G., Guarcello, L., & Valdivia, C. (2008). Violence against children: preliminary evidence from Colombia, El Salvador, Cambodia and Ecuador (No. 41). Understanding Children's Work (UCW Programme).
[3]. Bolton, L. (2017). Violence in Schools. Available at. /media. Accessed at January 10 2019.
[4]. Burdick-Will, J. (2013). School violent crime and academic achievement in Chicago.Sociology of Education, 86(4), 343-361. doi: 10.1177/0038040713494225.
[5]. Burger, C., Strohmeier, D., Spröber, N., Bauman, S., & Rigby, K. (2015). How teachers respond to school bullying: An examination of self-reported intervention strategy use, moderator effects, and concurrent use of multiple strategies. Teaching and Teacher Education, 51, 191-202..
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Abstract: Trends in the educational provision for children with disabilities have, since the past two and a half decades, continued to focus on their education in the same setting as that for their peers without special needs. Despite the many benefits of inclusion, difficulties inherent in this process are major setbacks to wider implementation of inclusive education. Many teachers of regular schools and other stakeholders doubt the workability of the strategy and resist the idea of having children with special needs in regular classrooms. This paper is premised on the findings of a study that sought to establish the influence of teachers' perceptions on the implementation of Inclusive Education (IE) in Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) curriculum among rural public primary schools in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Adopting a mixed design approach, the study sampled 221 teachers. Stratified and.....
Keywords: Teachers' Perceptions, Inclusive Education, Uasin Gishu County, Special Needs Learning, Early Childhood Development.
[1]. Ainscow, M. Booth, T. & Dyson, A. (2006a). Improving schools, developing inclusion. London: Routledge.
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[3]. Artiles, A. J., & Kozleski, Ε. B. (2007). Beyond convictions: interrogating culture, history, and power in inclusive education. Journal of Language Arts, 84(4), 351-358.
[4]. Artiles, A. J., Kozleski, E. B., & Waitoller, F. R. (Eds.), (2011). Inclusive education on five continents: Unravelling equity issues. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press