Version-4 (October-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Ssa) Towards Women Empowerment: A Study Of District Udhampur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhushan Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210040106 ![]() |
Abstract: Women empowerment has become a significant topic of discussion in development and economics. They play a very vital role in human progress and civilization having significant place in the society. It is widely said that the worth of a civilization is judged from the position that it gives to women. They are capable of sharing all the responsibilities of life. Women‟s economic empowerment refers to the ability for women to enjoy their rights to control and benefit from resources, assets, income and their own time, as well as the ability to manage risk and improve their economic status. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the significant role of SSA towards women empowerment in District Udhampur..............
Keywords: Women empowerment, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Gender Gap, Civilization.[1] Aggarwal, J.C. (2004). Development of Education System in India. Delhi: Shipra Publications
[2] Bhatt, B.D (2000). Modern Indian Education Planning & Development. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers Distributors.
[3] Dash, B.N (2003). History of Education in India. New Delhi: Dominant Publishers & Distributors.
[4] Gupta, S. and Sharma, A.K. (2016-17). Principles & Development of Education in India. Jammu: Narendra Publishing House, Jammu.
[5] Sambyal, R.S. and Ali, C.R. (2014). An Advanced Approach to Education. Jammu : N.R. Books International.
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Abstract: This study was aimed to evaluate the learning styles of Student Teachers and to determine the effect of their success and relationship between their learning styles on Teaching and Learning Mathematics. The population of this study is comprised the Mathematic Graduate students studying B.Ed. course in education colleges affiliated by TNTEU, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Depending on the results obtained from this study, there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores. There was a significant relationship between pre-test and post-test, and the student success revealed that they learned how to study effectively. The study has found statistically significant differences between the results of the first and final applications of the subtests on learning styles and academic success, those subtests covered the items as learning, planed study, effective reading, listening, writing, note taking, using the library, getting prepared for and taking exams, class participation and motivation.
Key Words: Learning Style, Academic Achievement, Prospective Student Teachers.
[1] Allinson .C., & Hayes .J., (1996) The cognitive style index: " A measure of institution analysis for organizational research". Journal of management studies.33, n19-135.
[2] Angel Rathnabai .S and Viswanathappa .G (2013): ICT Mediation in Learning Mathematics. Edutracks, Vol.13, No.2, October 2013. Page: 19-21
[3] Doris B. Matthews (1996): An Investigation of Learning Styles and Perceived Academic Achievement for High School Students, the Clearing House, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Mar. - Apr., 1996), Page: 249-254
[4] Dunn, R. (1984). Theory into practice. Matching Teaching & Learning Style, 23 (1), 10-19.
[5] Goodwin, D. D. (1995). Effects of matching student and instructor learning style preferences on academic achievement in English. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas, United States of America. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57(03), 997A.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Job Satisfaction among Information Technology Professionals |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. C. Somashekher |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210041117 ![]() |
Abstract: The present studyis an empirical research into the growth of a new profession, namely the information technology profession, in the rapidly evolving society. This article focuses on the job satisfactionthe Bangalore-based IT professionals derive and their level of commitment to the job. In the light of its scope, it could be taken as a venture in the field of sociology of professions which has emerged as a leading segment of sociology. The sociology of professions is a study of the various professions on the one hand and the practitioners of the said professions and their experiences, on the other. Such sociology is mainly concerned with the existing workforce in industrial and urban societieseven as it extends to the new professions that may crop up every now and then............
Keywords:- Consultants, Information Technology, Job Satisfaction, Practitioners; Professionals
[1] Arora, Ashish; Arunachalam, V.S.; Asundi, Jai; Fernandes, Ronald, 1999, "The Globalization of Software: The Case of the Indian Software Industry", A Report Submitted to Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
[2] Bruce Perlman, Roli Varma, 2005, "Attitudes of information technology Professionals on management technique" The Social Science Journal 42 583–594 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
[3] Bulajic, Aleksandar, 2012, "Globalization and Outsourcing and off Horing", Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Vol. 3.
[4] Cameron, H. Brian and Loreen Butcher-Powell, 2006, "Gender Differences among IT Professionals in Dealing with Change and Skill Set Maintenance" Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management Volume 1.
[5] Castells, Manuel, 1996, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol. I: The Rise of the Network Society. Oxford: Blackwell
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Abstract: The persistent and pervasive effect of personality disorder is often overlooked in routine clinical practice, both as an important moderator of mental health and physical disorders, and as a disorder that should be recognised and managed in its own right. The article explores the problems faced by the professionals in identifying the personality disorders at an early stage. Contemporary research has shown that personality disorders are common, can be recognised early in life, evolves continuously across the lifespan, and is more vulnerable than previously believed. These new insights offer opportunities to intervene to support more adaptive development than before, and research shows that such intervention can be effective. Several studies revealed that there is a lack of awareness on personality disorders among...........
Key words: Challenges, Identification, personality disorder, treatment, students
[1] Personality Disorders, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth ed.), American Psychiatric Association , 2013,645–684.
[2] Coid J, Yang M, Bebbington P, et al. Borderline personality disorder: health service use and social functioning among a national household population. Psychological Medicine, 2009; 39(10): 1721–1731.
[3] Fok M, Hotopf M, Stewart R, Hatch S, Hayes R, Moran P. Personality disorder and self-rated health: a population-based cross-sectional survey. JPersDisord, 2014; 28(3): 319–33.
[4] Fok ML, Hayes RD, Chang CK, Stewart R, Callard FJ, Moran P. Life expectancy at birth and all-cause mortality among people with personality disorder. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2012; 73(2): 104–7.
[5] Moran P, Romaniuk H, Coffey C, et al. The influence of personality disorder on the future mental health and social adjustment of young adults: a population based cohort study. Lancet Psychiatry, 2016; 3(7): 636–645
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Abstract: VHSNDs are an Indian Government mandated program to provide key MNCHN services including counselling at a fixed day, time, and place to more than 1.4 million populations in Bihar. Despite the mandate, initial assessments of VHSNDs showed lack of role clarity and sensitization among frontline workers to provide services, lack of convergence among Government agencies sharing VHSND responsibilities, lack of basic equipment and supplies, and inadequate planning and monitoring systems required to operationalize VHSNDs. The SWASTHProgramme provides technical assistance (TA) to Government counterparts of Bihar i.e health, ICDS and PHED department in 38 districts 534 blocks respectively to improve orientation and role clarity for frontline workers, strengthen............
[1] Adapted from Monthly Village Health and Nutrition Day Guidelines for AWWs/ASHAs/ANMs/PRIs. February 2007.
[2] National Rural Health Mission; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
[3] Census of India 2011, Final Population Tables
[4] NRHM-Project Implementation Plans (2010-11), and from the offices of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and District Programme Officer (DPO) of district headquarters.
[5] Vistaar Project, Intrahealth- technical brief, October-2012
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Abstract: The research was conducted with several aims. First, it was to analyze the influence of the national defense and security toward the national resilience as a case study of YONARMED 1/Roket. Second, it was to analyze the most dominant factor affecting the national resilience as a case study of YONARMED 1/Roket. Third, it was to know the strategy and efforts to make in the implementation and development of defense and security. This study was conducted in YONARMED 1/Roket Singosari Malang. The study was done from August 9 until November 24, 2016. Quantitative data was analyzed using Structural Equation Model with WarpPLS Software 5.0. The results of the study confirm that the defense and security of the country has a positive and significant impact on national resilience by 66.4%, and the remaining 33.6% is influenced by variables outside the study............
Key words: Infantry Battalion, Leadership, National Resilience, Performance, Soldier, Achievements
[1] Asfar, Muhammad. 2002. Restrukturisasi Komando Teritorial (Peran TNI Pasca Rezim Soeharto). Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Airlangga.
[2] Bachtiar, HW. 1988. Siapa Dia? Perwira Tingg Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI AD). Jakarta: Djambatan Bainus, Arry. 2012. Mengatur Tentara. Bandung: AIPI.
[3] Bakrie, Connie Rahankundi. 2007. Pertahanan Negara dan Postur TNI Ideal. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
[4] Britton, Peter. 1996. Profesionalisme dan Ideologi Militer Indonesia Perspektif Tradisi- tradisi Jawa dan Barat. Jakarta: LP3ES.
[5] Crisnandi, Yuddy. 2005. Reformasi TNI Perspektif Baru Hubungan Sipil-Militer di Indonesia. Jakarta: LP3ES.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | VPNs and Pedophilia: An Issue or a Solution? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Marcia R Pinheiro |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210043945 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we worry about investigating the use of Virtual Private Networks for the commission of crimes involving pedophilia. Recent political decisions in China seem to point at the world leaders connecting it to organized crime. The overall impression of professionals from Information Technology is that Virtual Private Networks are excellent tools for any sort of establishment or individual that depend on non-physical communications. The Australian government seems to have no concerns whatsoever with pedophilia and the use of VPNs. We here want to determine the effects on non-criminalization of the use of VPNs in what comes to pedophilia. On the way to that, we provide a good introduction to the topic and a good collection of intelligence tokens.
Keywords: VPN, safety, cyber, crime, Internet
[1] 1Cruz-Cunha, M. M. (2011).Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions. IGI Global. Retrieved from
[2] 2Strouvali, S. (2015). How to Change Your IP to any Other Country You Want. Retrieved September 4, 2017, from
[3] 3Russ Smith of Consumer.Net. (1997). IP Address: Your Internet Identity. Retrieved September 7, 2017, from
[4] 4Biblioteca Virtual do Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo. (2017). Carteira de Identidade (RG). Retrieved September 7, 2017, from
[5] 5Roads and Maritime Services. (2017). Proving Your Identity. Retrieved September 7, 2017, from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Personality Classification Including Socio – Dynamic Traits |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Piyush Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210044648 ![]() |
Abstract: A try to classify the Personality of human on the basis of the internal and personal traits of the human. These traits include the emotional, conditional, working, interactive, social, cultural, religious behavioral, qualities in a person. From the beginning of the concept of the Personality, psychologists have different views on the same topic. In old time we defined the personality, as the external attribute of a man such as his or her color of face, dressing sense and talking style etc. We declined the internal qualities of a man. Personality recognized as the face veil of a man. But after many researches the concept of personality changed. Many scientists classify the personality on the basis of internal and external traits of man. I have also tried to classify the personality on the basis of internal, external and socio - dynamic traits. These traits show the individual qualities of the person that may vary according to the social activities.
Keywords: Extremist, Racist, Uni – divinity, Chartist, Optimistic, Pessimistic
[6] Pachori; Girish, Child Development and Process of Learning, R.Lall Book Depot, India
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relationship between Workers & Management in Sugar Industry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Dr. Rajaram Nathaji Wakchaure |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210044956 ![]() |
Abstract: Sugar Co-operatives are wedded to the principles of democratic Socialism. This form of Management is not a simple one but it is full law complexities. It makes an intensive study of workers participation in management. It deals with aspects as concept of workers' participation, its various stages and evolution of workers' participation in management in Co-operative enterprises. It also examines the recruitment, selection and training of workers in Co-operative Sugar mills of Maharashtra; payment of wages to them, industrial disputes, housing and other labour welfare measures and the position of workers participation in, management in Co-operative Sugar Mills of Maharashtra and problems related to it. It also reviews the staff relationship and need to frame suitable personnel management policies. ….o.constructive lines to achieve the dual goal of higher productivity and industrial peace.
[1] Allen L.A., Management and Organisation, McGraw Hill, New York, 1958.
[2] Jain J.K., Industrial Management, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad, 1997.
[3] N.C.U.I., Workers' Participation in the Management of Co-operatives, National Co-operative Union of India, New Delhi.
[4] Pylle M.V., Workers' Participation in Managements- Myth and Reality, N.V. Publication, New Delhi, 1995.
[5] Stephenson T.E., Management in Co-operative Societies, Malbourns Toronto, Landon, 1993
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Abstract: The conflict between the tribal people and the settlers in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) area of Bangladesh has long been a cause of violation of human rights of the inhabitants and obstruction in the path of sustainable development. To end this long-run conflict and violation in the CHT, an agreement generally known as the 'peace accord' was signed in 1997. However, this study is based on the analysis of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord (CHTPA) of Bangladesh in light of liberalism and realism. The liberalists have argued that the CHTPA has succeeded to regulate the long-run conflict in the CHT region. On the other hand the realists have argued that the CHTPA has failed to resolute the long-run conflict in the CHT region. This study tries to initiate a bridging between these two groups, the liberalists...........
Keywords: Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord (CHTPA), Liberalists, Realists, Conflict Regulation, Conflict Resolution, Bridging, Politics of Exclusion, Sense of Deprivation.
[1] Wallenstein, P. (1988). Understanding Conflict Resolution-A Framework, In Wallenstein, P. (ed.), Peace Research: Achievements and Challenges, Boulder and London: West View Press, p.50
[2] Rashiduzzaman, M. (1998). Bangladesh's Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord: Institutional Features and Strategic Concerns. Asian Survey, California: University of California Press, p.653–670
[3] Ali, S. M. (1993). The Fearful State: Power People and Internal War in South Asia, London: Zed Books, p.150-155
[4] Hutchinson, R. H. S. (1978). Chittagong Hill Tracts, Delhi: Vivek Publishing Company, p.1
[5] Bashar, Iftekharul. (2011). Bangladesh Forgotten Crisis: Land, Ethnicity and Violence in Chittagong Hill Tracts. International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Vol: 3, Issue: 4, p.2
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Abstract: Poverty is a universal phenomenon that affects both developed and the developing nations. This has become predominant obstacle in Africa particularly among women in rural communities in Nigeria. It is therefore necessary to adopt a measure through engagement in income generating activities so as to fight against poverty for a better livelihood. The current study attempts to determine the relationship between psychological empowerment and engagement in income generating activities among rural women in Yobe state, Nigeria. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 262 participants who were purposively selected. The result from structural equation modeling indicates significant contribution (42%) of psychological empowerment to engagement. Findings from this..........
Keywords: Engagement; Income generating activities; Psychological Empowerment, Rural women
[1] Wefald, A. J., & Downey, R. G. (2009). Job engagement in organizations: fad, fashion, or folderol? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30(1), 141-145.
[2] de Mello e Souza Wildermuth, C., & Pauken, P. D. (2008). A perfect match: decoding employee engagement–Part I: Engaging cultures and leaders. Industrial and Commercial Training, 40(3), 122-128.
[3] Bakker, A. B., & Xanthopoulou, D. (2009). The crossover of daily work engagement: Test of an actor–partner interdependence model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(6), 1562.
[4] Bakker, A. B., & Bal, M. P. (2010). Weekly work engagement and performance: A study among starting teachers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83(1), 189-206.
[5] Shimazu, A., Schaufeli, W. B., Kosugi, S., Suzuki, A., Nashiwa, H., Kato, A., & Goto, R. (2008). Work engagement in Japan: validation of the Japanese version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Applied Psychology, 57(3), 510-523