Version-8 (October-2017)
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Abstract: Geertz divides Muslims in Java into three strata namely Abangan, Santri and Priyayi (civil servants) which are also present in Sumatra island, especially in North Sumatra Province. The Abangan Muslim community is identical as a Muslim because the descendants are caused by both parents who gave birth to their Islam and automatically the children of their descendants are Muslims as well, but lack of understanding of the true teachings of Islam. The purpose of this study is to find out why they consider foreign languages especially English is "haram" or forbidden. This research is field research with qualitative and descriptive approach. The theoretical basis used in this study is Clifford Geertz's theory. The results show that due to the weak knowledge of these traditional Muslim societies, both religious knowledge and general knowledge, they consider learning English as a forbidden thing. This traditional Muslim perspective is not as a representative of Muslims in North Sumatra and it is contrary to the true teachings of Islam. Whereas Qur'an clearly commands Muslims to learn foreign languages (See, Alquran Surah Al Hujarat 13 and Surah Ar Rum).
Keywords: Learning English; perspectives; traditional Muslim people
[1]. Buku Sumut, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dalam Angka 2016 ("North-Sumatra Province in Figure 2016)
[2]. Daniel L. Pals. Seven Theories of Religion, Yogyakarta: Penerbit Qalam, 2001.
[3]. David Sills, (Ed). International of Social Sciences. New York: The Macmillan and the Free Press, 1972.
[4]. Geertz, Clifford, The Religion of Java, Berkeley: The Free Press, 1960.
[5]. Geertz, Clifford, Abangan, Santri, Priyayi dalam Masyarakat Jawa, terj. Aswab Mahasin, Bandung: Dunia Pustaka Jaya, 1981
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Development in Technical Education with Technology Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr.A.V.N.S.Sarma || Dr.P.Arun Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210080610 ![]() |
Abstract: There are constant efforts by Government agencies and stakeholders to develop Engineering Education, there are different perceptions, as Developed Nations moving ahead in Technology in very less time compared to past, Developing Countries still fail to achieve the desired level. There are plans and systems but right mechanism is absent, though we have very bright talent, missing ingredients and atmosphere created a hurdle for developing countries to reach the Innovation and Technology Development. Technology can be taught as Education, Technology Education is not new Phenomena but it has importance if our Engineering Education System recognizes and Stakeholders play crucial role in that.............
Keywords: Technology, Engineering Education, Innovation, Education System.
[1]. Matthews, J.J., Megginson, D. and Surtees, M., (2004), "Human Resources Development", Kongan Page India Pvt Ltd., p.14
[2]. Megginson, L.C (1982), "Personnel and Human Resources Administration" Homewood III Richard D. Irwin, p.6
[3]. Harasim, L. M. (1995). Learning Networks: A Field Guide to Teaching and Learning Online, MIT Press.pp 12-15
[4]. Vleuten, C.P.M. (1996). The assessment of Professional Competence: Developments, research and practical implications. Advances in Health Sciences Education 1(1):41-67
[5]. Joy-Mathews, J, Megginson, D, Banfield, P and Surtees, M 2004, Human Resources Development, 3rd ed., Kogan Page Limited, London. p.5-11.
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Abstract: Positive thinking has many benefits and in fact positive thinking holds tremendous power in everyday life, whether in the family environment, education, offices or the general public. It makes the students explore more capabilities, they will also be better able to put their emotions, polite and neat in wearing clothes, have many friends, and can lead individuals toward their ideals in the future. Emotional is more directed at the stimulus in an emotional environment. Emotions occur because of external inputs to the sensory system that is what is seen and heard from the stimulus. Emotional maturity experienced by the individuals gives the effect of 24% on the positive thinking. Based on the results of this study it is known that there is still 76% role of other factors to positive thinking of the individual, where other factors in this study is not seen............
Keywords:- Emotional maturity; positive thinking; family; community
[1]. Ancok, Dj. 1987. Metodologi Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Penerbitan Fakultas Psikologi.
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Abstract: The term of procrastinating behavior is often called Procrastination. Procrastination comes from procrastinate which can be interpreted as a delay to do until the next time or day. A person who performs procrastination can be said to be one of the inefficient behaviors in the use of time tendency not to start a job while facing a task. There is a significant negative relationship between self-regulation with procrastination behavior of final project completion at Faculty of Psychology, Medan Area University in 2012, the higher self-regulation then procrastination behavior of final work completion will be low and the lower self-regulation hence procrastination behavior of workmanship will be higher. The effective contribution of self-regulation on UMA psychology faculty students of 2012 toward the appearance of procrastination behavior of final project in this research is 19,7%. With the remaining 80.3% records are other factors that could lead to the appearance of procrastination final behavior as well.
Key words: Self-regulation; procrastination behavior; psychology
[1]. Arikunto .(2006). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta Burka, Yuan. (1983). Procrastination : why you do it, what to do about it now.Cambridge: A Mamber Of Perseus Books Group
[2]. Daditono, (1982).Psikologi Perkembangan,Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada Universtiy Press Dinda.(2010). Hubungan antara self efficacy dengen prokrastinasi pada mahasiswa psikologi universitas medan area.(Skripsi, tidak diterbitkan). Universitas Medan Area
[3]. Evita.(2014).Hubungan antara regulasi diri dengan prokrastinasi menyelesaikan tugas pada asisten mata kuliah praktikum.(naskah publikasi, Universitas Muhamadiyah Surakarta)
[4]. Gunarsa. (1989). Psikologi Perkembangan: Anak dan Remaja. Jakarta: BPK. Gunung Mulia. Ghufron.(2003). Hubungan Kontrol Diri dan Persepsi Remaja Terhadap Penerapan Disiplin Orang Tua dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana UGM Yogyakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determinants of Political Participation of SHG Women |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Ravi Teja || A Hari Krishna |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210083138 ![]() |
Abstract: The present paper is focused on political participation and the political consciousness of SHG women. Considering the issues of women empowerment is assumed as one of the determinants of Political participation with objective to analyse the socio-economic factors of Political participation. The study embodied a sizeable primary data and using logistic regression analyses. Age, education, family size, caste, working status, saving, income, expenditure and total assets are independent variables while position held or not is considered as dependent variable to examine the political participation in rural, tribal and total sample respondents. The analysis reveals in rural area, age, education, BC and SC castes, income, expenditure and total assets variables have more impact than other variables on political participation. In tribal area, saving, income, expenditure and total assets have more impact than other variables on political participation.
[1] Goel, A. (2009),Women Empowerment: Myth or Reality, Deep and Deep Publications. Delhi, pp: 18.
[2] Kabeer, N. (2001), Reflections on the measurement of women‟s empowerment‟in Discussing Women‟s Empowerment-Theory and practice, Sida Studies, No. 3. Stockholm: NovumGrafiska AB.
[3] Mohanty, B. (2000), The Daughters of the 73rdAmendment, available at
[4] Oxaal, Z., & Baden, S. (1997), Gender and empowerment: definitions, approaches and implications for policy (No. 40), Bridge, Institute of Development Studies.University of Sussex, UK.
[5] Peng, C. Y. J., & So, T. S. H. (2002), "Logistic regression analysis and reporting: A primer", Understanding Statistics: Statistical Issues in Psychology, Education, and the Social Sciences, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1(1), 31-70
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mental Health of Women Teachers and Their Professional Life Stress |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Dr. R. Babu || A. Fathima |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210083945 ![]() |
Abstract: The Women Teachers have an important role in the field of education and leave a remarkable impact in the minds of the students. The study has been conducted to investigate the level of mental health and professional life stress of women Teachers. It also examines the relationship between the mental health and professional life stress of women Teachers. The study was engaged with a random sample of 500 teachers in Cuddalore district.Mental Health Scale by Peter Becker (1989) and Professional Stress Inventory for Teachers (Sheeja, 1999) was used in this study. The study reveals the fact that the level of mental health and the professional life stress of women school teachers are high. There is low, positive and significant correlation between mental health and professional life stress of women teachers.
Keyword: Designation, Educational Qualification,Income,Locality Of The School, Medium,Mental Health, Nature Of Institution, Professional Life Stress, Service, Subjects Taught, Types Of Institution and Working Hours[1] Das Mahapatra, J (1989) A study of the Mental health of teachers serving in the Primary schools of Puri Town M.Phil., Ravenshaw College, Cuttack.
[2] Dongxian, Xing and Guoliang, (2008) "The influence of teachers Mental health on student? Development‟, Educational Research, Vol.29,No. 1.
[3] Forlin, C. (1998). Teachers‟ perceptions of the stress associated with inclusive education and their methods of coping. Retrieved March 11, 2009.
[4] Dewan,R.(2012). Stress and Mental Health of Tribal and Non-Tribal Female School Teachers in Jharkhand, INDIA, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,2(10)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | What do we mean by teacher-quality in the school-context |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sangeeta B. Sahay |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210084649 ![]() |
Abstract: The school going students in modern times inhabit a borderless world that offers them a limitless connection, data and mobility for gaining information. The teacher quality in India visibly declined when the teachers stumbled to handle this complex development in the last part of 20th and the first part of 21st century. A number of curricular reforms were introduced to address this issue. Present paper discusses some of the underlying factors which led to this crisis, the nature and objective of such sweeping reforms and the reflections of the investigator on why all the stakeholders, including the trainee teachers need to build up the much required"disposition‟ to make a success of all the efforts that have gone into the whole exercise.
Keyword: dispositions, teacher quality, trainee- teachers, stakeholders
[1] Steven Rose, How Do Teacher Preparation Programs Promote Desired Dispositions in Candidates?
SAGE Open , March, pp. 2013, 1-8
[2] Maria Teresa Tatto, Gail Richmond, and Dorinda J. Carter Andrews, The Research We Need in Teacher Education, Journal of Teacher Education, 2016
[3] Tom Russell and Suzin McPherson, Indicators Of Success In Teacher Education, A Review and Analysis of Recent Research, prepared for the 2001 Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda Symposium, Laval University, Quebec City
[4] Yong Zhao, Preparing Globally Competent Teachers: A New Imperative for Teacher Education, Journal of Teacher Education, 2010, 61(5) 422–431 Conference Paper
[5] Pandey, S., Professionalization of teacher education in India: A critique of Teacher Education Curriculum reforms and its effectiveness, Research Gate, Conference Paper, 2011
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Regular and Supportive English classes: A Study of Relationship |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | Seid Mohammed (PhD) |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2210085060 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is made to find out the kind of relationship between regular and supportive English classes. Three research questions were raised: What sorts of relationship are there between regular and supportive English classes? What are the attitudes of English teachers and students toward supportive English classes? And how is supportive English class conducted? The study involved twenty-three English teachers and one hundred grade ten supportive English classes students selected from four secondary schools in North Shoa. Questionnaires, interview, and classroom observation were used to gather data. The questionnaires were administered for both English teachers and students.........
Keyword: Academic performance, Attitude, High achievers, Relationship, Secondary schools[1] ICDR, English for Ethiopia, grade11 teacher's book. (Addis Ababa: EMPDA, 1996).
[2] HussenEshetu, Is grade retention desirable, Educational Journal, 4(10), 2000.
[3] KT. Henson, Methods and Strategies for Teaching in Secondary and Middle High schools. (3ed.) (London: Longman Publishers, 1996).
[4] J.R. Jenkins, and L. Jenkins, Making peer tutoring work, Educational Leadership, 44/6, 1987.
[5] A.J. Gartner, and F. Riessman, Tutoring helps those who give, those who receive, Educational Leadership, 52/3, 1994.
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Abstract: The renewed, pervasive and reoccurring nature of xenophobia in South Africa impinges on the ethos of African Renaissance thereby making the African project an object of caricature. Unemployment and poverty among most South Africans at the bottom of the economic ladder have provoked fear towards better educated and experienced migrants. This paper examines this core issues of racial intolerance; dislike for foreigners particularly Nigerians in South Africa, and its implications on the relationship that exist between these two countries, emphasis on political, trade and economic engagement. It also interrogates the effect of Xenophobia in the foreign policy of Nigeria. This study is anchored on the realistic conflict theory, and also adopted secondary sources of data such as journal articles, newspaper..........
Keyword: Xenophobia, Relations, foreign policy, racial intolerance, economic development.[1] Adebajo, A., & Landsberg, C. (2003). South Africa and Nigeria as Regional Hegemons, in Mwesiga, B. & Landsberg, C. (Eds). From Cape to Congo: South Africa‟s Evolving Security Challenges. London: Lynne Rienner.
[2] Adekunle, A. (2012, March 14). Untold story of Nigeria/South Africa face-off over yellow fever. The Vanguard Newspaper, Retrieved from
[3] Akionla, O. (2014). South Africa and the two face of Xenophobia: A critical reflection. African Peace and Conflict Journals, 7(1), 56-57.
[4] Akuki, A. (2017, March 2). Xenophobia: Threat to Nigeria-South Africa Trade Relationship. The Independent Newspaper, Retrieved from
[5] Babalola, A. (2017, March 29). Xenophobia attacks of Nigerians in South Africa. The Vanguard Newspaper, Retrieved from
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Abstract: The emergence of the Constitutional Court Decree No. 21 / PUU-XII / 2014 brings a new chapter in the protection of human rights in the decision which entitles the accused to apply Pre-trial process toward the determination of the suspect by the KPK or others investigator in the criminal case of corruption or other criminal cases. This resulted in a long process to be followed in criminal cases, especially for corruption cases in Indonesia. It is anxious we have to think together, on one hand, the ruling sends a positive impact on the respect for human rights, which are not easily assigned investigators to suspect a person accused of committing a crime. But on the other hand, the more lengthy process of law to be followed in terms of the rule of law, especially corruption cases in which corruption has become a flourishing.........
Keyword: Constitutional Court, Politics, Law, Corruption, Indonesia[1] Alatas, Syed Hussein, Corruption: Property, For, and Function (Jakarta: LP3ES, 1987).
[2] Axel Dreher, Christos Kotsogiannis, Steve Mc Corriston, Corruption Around the World: Evidence from a Structural Model (2004).
[3] Buyung, Bulizuar, The Public Service Management. (Depok: Administrative Sciences Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, 2010).
[4] Darmawan, Cecep, Transparansi Bureaucracy Towards Healthy (Bandung: Center for Public Policy Research and Regional Development Research Institute of the University of Padjadjaran, 2006).
[5] Effendi, Sofian, et al., Administrative Planning Policy Alternatives (Yogyakarta: UGM, 1988.
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Abstract: This paper studied the welfare of Muhammadiyah members in Medan, focusing specifically on its charity institutions' leaders. Social capital theory was used, especially its components of trust and communication. Using the quantitative method of path analysis, this paper examined the relationship between trust and communication with welfare among these leaders. Data were collected through questionnaires. The analysis showed that trust and communication were correlated with welfare, as p = 0.00 < 0.05 and r2 = 81.6%.
Keyword: social capital, trust, communication, welfare, Muhammadiyah, path analysis[1] Fukuyama, Francis. Trust: Kebajikan Sosial dan Penciptaan Kemakmuran. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Qalam. 1995.
[2] Sondang P. Siagian. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia,Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1997.
[3] Sugiyono, Business Research Method , Ed. 16, Bandung, Alfabeta, 2012.
[4] Arikunto, Suharsini , research Procedure: A Practical Approack, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010.
[5] Arikunto, Suharsini , research Procedure: A Practical Approack, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010
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Abstract: I`rob has a sufficiently significant effect when it is linked to the purpose, that is, to achieve to a beauty of balaghah. The relationship from the side of balaghah at the nas level includes one of the strong relationships. Not only that, even the relationship is also related to the understanding of dilalah nas and the pronunciation of the sound of the letter by letter or word when the words are spoken through expressions. I'rob has various aims, most notably apparent is that it gives mutakallim (speakers) the freedom to act and organize changes in the sentence construction building, and determines the disclosure of the goals and desires that precede it to the speaker. I`rob moves the deepest large power capabilities in Arabic and close to the nature of lisaniyah arabaiyah (Arabic pronunciation orally). I`rob is..........
Keyword: Al Qur-an; I'rob; shari'ah science; Arabic; hadith[1] Al Quran
[2] Az-Zarkasyi, al-Burhan fi Ulum al-Quran, Juz 2, al-Maktabah al-Misriyah, Beirut.
[3] As-Saamin al-Halabi, ad-Durr al-Mashun fi Ulum al-Kitab al-Maknuun, Tahqiqi Muhammad Abu al-
Fadl Ibrahim, Jilid 2, al-Makbah al-Misriyah.
[4] Al-Qurtubi, al-Jami` li Ahkam al-Quran, jilid 20.
[5] Asy-Syaukani, Fath al-Qodir al-Jami` baina Fannai ar-Riwayat wa ad-Dirayat min `Ilm at-Tafsir, Jilid
4, Dar al-Fikr 1993