Abstract: An important component to achieve optimal mental health are positive psychosocial factors, otherwise negative psychosocial factors will provide unfavorable environments that, due to their complexity and that of their elements, must be analyzed to find proactive ways to intervene on them and make important improvements. This paper aims to analyze the association between negative psychosocial factors, self-esteem and Burnout Syndrome (BS). The study was cross-sectional, involving workers from grocery stores in the municipality of Tala in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. Among the main results, a global prevalence of the syndrome of 53.4% is demonstrated, however, self-esteem manifested as high or very good (93.3%). The inferential analyzes showed some significant values among some labor data with the emotional exhaustion dimension and with manifesting to have more than one burned dimension, gastrointestinal diseases with lack of realization, and self-esteem with the non-realization dimension of the Burnout Syndrome..
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