Abstract: This study focused on women producers of attiéké marketed in the town of Grand-Bassam. Grand-Bassam is located in the south-east of Côte d'Ivoire near Abidjan (43 kilometres). The objective of this study is to describe the role of women in the production of attiéké marketed in Grand-Bassam. Data collection required observation of the attiéké production sites and the attiéké unloading station at the town market. We also conducted a survey of 57 women producers who were present during our visit to the various attiéké production villages. The results of the study show that the attiéké marketed in Grand Bassam is mainly produced in the peri-urban villages of the town, notably in Vitré I and Vitré II, Eloka and......
Keywords: Producer of attiéké, Vitré, Azuretti, Grand-Bassam
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