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Abstract: India has some of the high rates of VAD in the world. Each, year it is associated with the deaths of 330,000 children in India alone. Although vitamin A status has improved in the past few decades, a survey by the National Nutritional Monitoring Bureau indicates that 57 percent of Indian children-35.4 million children- were vitamin A deficient in the late 1990s. Data also suggests that while VAD affects both rural and urban households, it generally results from malnutrition. School children physical activity is a more than preschooler. They enjoy long periods of play, careless about their cloths, food and body clean less. Many food habits likes and dislikes are established in this age. They continue to need healthy foods and nutritious snacks and improve dietary habits. The school children had lack of knowledge on vit ''A' deficiency. The education...........
Keywords – Knowledge, Vitamin A Deficiency, School children.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Domestic Abuse and Its Relation to Quality Of Life among Elderly People at Mania City |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Rokaia Fathi Mohammed |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0704011422 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Domestic violence against elders remain a hidden, growing and ignored problem with significant impact on elder's' health and wellbeing. Aim: To investigate domestic abuse and its relation to quality of life among elderly people. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional research design was carried out in this study. Sample and setting: A convenience sample of 250 elderly people attending geriatric club of the Red Crescent Society and Abd-Elrahman Geriatric club of the ministry of social solidarity at Minia city. Tool: A structured interview questionnaire sheet included socio-demographic and medical data, patterns of domestic abuse experienced by elderly people and World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief questionnaire for older people (WHOQOL). Results: More than.........
Keywords: Domestic abuse, older adults, quality of life.
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[5]. Fulmer, T., Rodgers, R. F., & Pelger, A. (2013). Mistreatment of the elderly, Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 45 (4), 351–364.
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Abstract: Background: Epilepsy is a chronic condition that affects an individual irrespective of age, sex, education and occupational status. Aims: To assess knowledge for patients with epilepsy and to evaluate the impact of life style modification on epileptic patient's outcomes. Design: Aquasi-experimental (pre-posttest design) was utilized in this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Assuit university student's hospital. Sample: A consecutive sample 60 adult epileptic patients with age ranged from 18-30, years from both sex, free from any chronic illness and agree to participate in this study Tools: Self-administered Questionnaire:which includes: Socio demographic data about the patient, history of epilepsy, Epilepsy Knowledge Scale and Self-efficacy Scale. Results: There were statistical significant differences between the study sample post application of epilepsy teaching booklet than..........
Keywords: Epileptic Patients, Lifestyle, Modification, outcomes.
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Abstract: Background: Patient safety is the cornerstone of high-quality healthcare. Hemodialysis units are complex organizations that involve providers from multiple disciplines. Nursing interventions have a great impact on reducing the risk for complications of hemodialysis patients. Aim: The aim of this study was to develop, effectiveness patients' safety guidelines for nurses at hemodialysis units in Ministry of Health Hospitals at Beni-Suef Governorate. Research design: -Methodological and Quazi experimental was used in this study. Setting: This study was conducted in Ministry of Health Hospitals at Beni-Suef Governorate (General Hospital and Nasser Hospital). Subjects: A convenience sample consisted of 45 nurses were included in the study. Tools: two tools were used in the study A) Observation checklist and B) Developed Patient safety guidelines. Results the total mean scores of nursing performance was.........
Keywords: hemodialysis, nurses, patients' safety, Guidelines..
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Abstract: Background: The creation of a caring culture within the work environment is crucial to the role of the nurse manager and has been appealed to cultivate caring connections between managers and nurses, nurses themselves, and in the long run between nurses and their patients. Still obscure, whether managerial caring practice and behaviors can reduce the nurses' genuine or perceived exposure to workplace bullying. Purpose: This study aimed to explore whether there is an association between staff nurses' perception of nurse manager caring behaviors and their perceived exposure to workplace bullying within their healthcare setting .
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectionalcorrelational design was conducted at all inpatient medical and surgical care units at Alexandria.........
Keywords: Caring, Caritas factors, Managerial Caring, Workplace Bullying, Nurses, Nurse Manager..
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[5]. Olender L. Nurse Manager caring and workplace bullying in nursing: the relationship between staff nurses' perceptions of nurse manager caring behaviours and their perception of exposure to workplace bullying within multiple healthcare settings. Seton Hall University Dissertations and Theses (ETDs). Paper 1906, 2013..
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Abstract: Health promotion behavior is one of the main principles for determining health that is known as the basic factor in determiningseveral diseases. Observing such behaviors by the elderly prevents complaintof various diseases and has possible effect in promoting health and increasing the elderly quality of life. Aim: was to describe health promotion behaviors and its relation to quality of life of community-dwelling rural elderly. Method: A cross sectional descriptive study with analytical component. Setting: The study was carried out in the houses of elderly persons who were living in two rural community settings (Al Baramon and Weesh El Hagar villages) affiliated to Mansoura District, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. Tools: Data was collected by using three tools, structured interview schedule.........
Keywords: Health promotion, quality of life, and elderly..
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Abstract: Background: Anemia in pregnancy is a major public health problem and one of the leading causes responsible for maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of health belief model on enhancing the preventive behavior against iron-deficiency anemia among pregnant women. Design: Aquasi-experimental design was utilized to fulfil the aim of the study. Sample: A convenient sample of 100 women were included in the present study. Setting: The present study was conducted at Antenatal Out patient clinic in Benha university hospitals. Data were collected through an interviewing questionnaire sheet, knowledge assessment sheet, and Health belief model constructs. Results there was no statistically significant difference between both intervention and........
Keywords: Health Belief Model, iron-deficiency anemia, pregnant women
[1]. Gebreamlak B, Dadi AF & Atnafu A., (2017) :High Adherence to Iron/Folic Acid Supplementation during Pregnancy Time among Antenatal and Postnatal Care Attendant Mothers in Governmental Health Centers in Akaki Kality Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Hierarchical Negative Binomial Poisson Regression. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169415. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169415
[2]. Adesuyi;(2016): Attitude of Pregnant Women Attending Ante-natal Clinic towards Adequate Diet in the Prevention of Anaemia in Selected Hospitals in Osogbo BJMMR, 14(12): 1-10, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.23427.
[3]. Rajeev Kumar Yadav, & M.K Swamy, (2015): Bijendra Banjade3 Knowledge and Practice of Anemia among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in Dr. Prabhakar Kore hospital, Karnataka-A Cross sectional study. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) PP 74-80
[4]. Duko B, Tadesse B, Gebre M, & Teshome T (2017): Awareness of Anemia and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care, South Ethiopia. J Women's Health Care 6: 409.
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Abstract: Non-pharmacological treatment for depression or anxiety involves several approaches, including different modalities of psychotherapy, education, and supportive measures. Several behavioral methods such as progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, have been successfully used in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders among cancer patients. There for this study aimed toevaluate the effect of relaxation training techniques and psychoeducational program on depression and anxiety among cancer patients.An experimental pretest-posttest controlled design was utilized. Subjects was included all cancer patients attending the out patients clinic or in patients departments at South Egypt Cancer Institute at Assiut city during six months period. Patients were assessed.........
Keywords: relaxation, psychoeducational , program, depression and anxiety, cancer patients..
[1]. Ahlberg K, Ekman T, Wallgren A, Johansson GF,(2004). Fatigue, psychological distress, coping and quality of life in patients with uterine cancer. J AdvNurs 45:205-13.
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Abstract: Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder affecting more than 21 million people worldwide. It is associated with considerable disability and may affect educational and occupational performance. (WHO, 2016). It is a chronic mental illness which requires consistent and long term support from carers, which means it is stressful not only for patients, but also for their family members. (Doval, Sharma, Agarwal, Tripathi and Nischal, 2016).Pharmacological and non pharmacological measures are being used to treat the mental illness. In reality, effective treatment for mental illness is a big challenge due to issues with adherence. Readmissions to psychiatry wards & acute care room are a source of frustration, not only to the treating team but also to patients and families. Relapse may leads to re-hospitalization, and is distressing to patients and their caregivers (Nandhini C, Charles A, 2006). Caregivers who are the primary interface with the health care system often receive inadequate support from health...........
[1]. Alejandra Caqueo-Urizar, marine Alessandrini., Caregiver's quality of life and its positive impact on symptomatology and quality of life of patients with schizophrenia, Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2017; 15: 76. Published online 2017 Apr 19.
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Abstract: Background: Nurses are key responsible for providing patients' teaching and giving information to promote their life quality, and healthcare decisions. This can be constructed through trusting nurses-patients relationships to assess learning needs, so nurses need to be equipped with required skills and knowledge to assume their role in patients' education. Objective: This study aimed to identify the effect of an intervention guide on staff nurses' role in patients' education. Methods: Quasi-experimental design was used. The subject included 47 staff nurses worked in Medical Hospital at Tanta University Main Hospital. Three tools were used; (I) Staff Nurses' Patient Education Role Knowledge Test; (II) Staff Nurses' Patient Education Role Observational Checklist........
Keywords: Staff nurses, patients' education, educational role, intervention guide.
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