Abstract: Recently, there is no risk assessment tool for diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients. It is necessary to develop risk assessment tool to early detect DFU in DM patients. This study is descriptive study which used tool development process included, 3 phases; 1) literature review to select journal reveled high statistic association using adjusted odd ratios (AOR), 2) group and categorized the risk factors associated with DFU, and 3) score the items. From literature review, there were 15 journals with AOR. Fifty factors were collected then grouped them to 15 items. Those items were: 1) age, 2) sex, 3) history or current smoker, 4) body mass index (BMI), 5) insulin use, 6) duration of DM, 7) poor diabetes control, 8) skin assessment, 9) foot deformity, 10) neuropathy sensory, 11) peripheral vascular disease, 12) history of amputation, 13) history of ulceration, 14.......
Keywords: Development; diabetic foot ulcer; assessment tool
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