Version-10 (September-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indian Agricultural Trade: Examine the Competitiveness of International Trade in Rice |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Satpal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209100110 ![]() |
Abstract: Rice is grown in more than a hundred countries, with a total harvested area of approximately 158 million hectares, producing more than 700 million tonnes annually (470 tonnes of milled rice) .It increased more than tripled between 1961 and 2014, with a compound growth rate of 2.34 per cent per year. In India rice is the major staple food for more than 70 per cent of the Indian population with more than 4,000 varieties and hybrids of rice grown throughout the country to cater to varied consumer preferences, typically consumed as boiled rice or variants with various additives (flavours, pulses, vegetables, meat, etc.).This study has examined the issue of comparative advantage between major.................
Key terms: Comparative Advantage Index, Agriculture, Trade, Subsidies, Rice, Balance of Trade.
[1] Aslam, M. (1979). Rice Policy of the European Community and Prospects of Rice Export from Pakistan Rice Policy of the European Community and Prospects of Rice Export from Pakistan, 17(1/2), 50–65.
[2] Bickel, E. R. C. and H. (1971). The Green Revolution and the World Rice Market, 1967-1975, 53(2), 285–294.
[3] Childs, N. (2016). Rice Outlook. Agricultural Outlook.
[4] Herciu, M. (2013). Measuring International Competitiveness of Romania by Using Porter ' s Diamond and Revealed Comparative Advantage. Procedia Economics and Finance, 6(1990), 273–279.
[5] Mann, C. (1998). Is There a Good Measure of Competitiveness? Is the U.S. Trade Deficit Sustainable?, 95–113.
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Abstract: Pain is "an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience associated with present or potential tissue damage or described by the patient in such terms". This definition of pain given by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) makes it an "alarm symptom" that must be addressed. However, despite multiple WHO recommendations, analgesics in general and morphine in particular are not always used wisely. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the prescribing practices of Level III morphine analgesics in the Rabat University Hospital and the factors associated with this prescription. Patients and methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study........
Keywords: Morphine analgesic, pain, KAP study.
[1] Ardid D. Usage et mésusage des antalgiques. Revue du Rhumatisme. 2009;76(6):573-579.
[2] Gatbois E, Annequin D. Prise en charge de la douleur chez l'enfant de 1 mois à 15 ans. EMC - Traité de médecine AKOS. 2007;2(3):1-13.
[3] Jérôme M. Utilisation des morphiniques en médecine générale. Mémoire DES de médecine générale ; 2012 ;Université Paris 13.
[4] Mercadante S. The use of opioids for treatment of cancer pain. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 2014;:1-6.
[5] Morley-Forster P, Clark A, Speechley M, Moulin D. Attitudes Toward Opioid Use for Chronic Pain: A Canadian Physician Survey. Pain Research and Management. 2003;8(4):189-194..
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Abstract: This work explores the mediating role of managerial accounting in the link between the uncertainty of business environments and organizational effectiveness. It also investigates the effects of managerial accounting and business environments on organizational effectiveness as well as the relationship between managerial accounting and business environments. The findings recommend that the adoption of managerial accounting in business and the uncertainty of business environments are both positively related to organizational effectiveness. The uncertainty of business environments plays an important role in improving organizational effectiveness. More importantly, this........
Keywords: Managerial accounting, Business environment, Organizational effectiveness.
[1] Abernethy M.A. and Bouwens J. (2005). Determinants of accounting innovation implementation, Abacus, 41(3), 217-239
[2] Ajibolade S. O., Arowomole S. S. A. and Ojikutu R. K. (2010). Management accounting systems, perceived environmental uncertainty and companies' performance in Nigeria, International Journal of Academic Research, 2(1), 195-201
[3] Al-Htaybat K. and Alberti-Alhtaybat L. V. (2013). Management accounting theory revisited: seeking to increase research relevance. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(18), 12-24
[4] Al-Omiri M. and Drury C. (2007). A Survey of factors influencing the choice of product costing systems in UK organizations, Management Accounting Research, 18(4), 399-424
[5] Baron R. M. and Kenny D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182
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Abstract: The church has a calling and ought to be a locus of healing for the disadvantaged in the society, and yet the plight of the poor such as orphans is often exploited. Sex abuse scandals have taken place at orphanages run by religious institutions and trafficking of orphans through adoption Agencies has been on the rise. However, the outside world has a different image of the church. It is in the light of such claims that the researcher sought to analyze the response of the Holy Ghost Hermitic Church of Africa (HGHCA) challenges faced by orphans in Kisumu East Sub-County in Kenya, since it is one of the religious institutions that has found itself amidst many controversies and sexual offence accusations. The study determined the challenges that orphans face in the orphanage run by the HGHCA.......
[1] Afwai, F. (2013). The plight of Orphans in Kenya, a Perspective of Hope Children‟s Home.Nairobi: Pauline Publications Africa.
[2] Alpert, H. (1961). Emile Durkheim and His Sociology. New York: Russell and Russell.
[3] Amy, F. (2015). Adoption or Trafficking? Fears grow for Ugandan Orphans. AvailableInternet News. – trafficking fears.
[4] Atwoli, L., Ayaya S., Ayuku, D., Braitstein, P, Hogan, J., Koech, J., & Vreeman, R. C. (2014). Impact of Domestic Care Environment on Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Orphans in Western Kenya. PLOS one 9(3) United States of America: University of Toledo.
[5] Atwoli, L. (2010). Emerging Mental Health and Psychological Support for Post-Election Violence in Eldoret. Kenya East Africa Medical Journal, 14-87
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | LEASE |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Harish c |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209101825 ![]() |
Abstract: A lease is a contractual arrangement calling for the lessee (user) to pay the lessor (owner) for use of an asset. Property, buildings and vehicles are common assets that are leased. Industrial or business equipment is also leased. Broadly put, a lease agreement is a contract between two parties, the lessor and the lessee. The lessor is the legal owner of the asset; the lessee obtains the right to use the asset in return for regular rental payments. The lessee also agrees to abide by various conditions regarding their use of the property or equipment. For example, a person leasing a car may agree that the car will only be used for personal use. The narrower term rental agreement can be used to describe a lease in which the asset is tangible property. Language used is that the user rents the land or goods let or rented out by the owner. The verb to lease is less precise because it can refer to either of these actions. Examples of a lease for intangible property are use of a computer program (similar to a license, but with different provisions), or use of a radio frequency (such as a contract with a cell-phone provider).............
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Abstract: Among the different tribes in West Bengal Kharias and Lodhas are perhaps most exploited and subjugated. These two tribes are also stigmatized with criminality. Kharia Sabaras or more simply Sabaras of Paruria are one of the most backward tribal communities mainly found in the eastern plateau region of the district. They were declared criminal tribe in the colonial rule and still suffer from stigma of criminality. Their exploitation and exclusion is discernable from all angles. They have no permission to enter in the village temples. Their children are addressed in a derogatory language by the teachers; they have to sit in a considerable distance apart from the other castes children while taking mid day meal. The village people consider them subhuman; keep them aside from all social interaction and assimilation.
Keywords: criminal tribe, stigma, social deprivation, exploitation.
[1] Basuroy, S. Chattopadhyay, N. (ed) (1990) Manbhumi Sabdokosh. Chatrak Prakashani: Purulia.
[2] Dalton, E.T. (1866). The Kols of Chotanagpur, Journal of the Asiatic Society, Part 2 Special No Ethnology Page 153-198.
[3] Ball, V. (1868). Notes on the Kheriahs, an aboriginal race living in the hill tracts of Manbhum, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
[4] Driver, W.H.P.(1891). Notes On some Kolarian Tribes, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol 60 Part I.
[5] Bradley-Birt, F. B. (1903). Chota Nagpore: A Little Known Province of the Empire. Smith, Elder, & Company.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to explore the perspectives of Kenyan male nursing students undertaking Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSc,N), regarding the role of nursing education in developing a professional identity. Methods: A qualitative design was applied.Twenty seven (27) forth year degree Kenyan male nursing students who were drawn from three Kenyan Universities namely Masinde Muliro, Maseno (public) and Baraton (private) werechosen randomly. Approval to conduct the study was sought from Research council of each University. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data. Results: Reality–expectation incompatibility" was cited by sixity.......
Keywords: Proffesional identity , reality expection incompatibilty.
[1] Adams, K., Hean, S., Sturgis, P. & Macleod Clark, J. (2006). Investigating the factors influencing the professional identity of first-year health and social care students. Learning in Health and Social Care, 5, 55–68.
[2] Anthony, A. S. (2004). Gender bias and discrimination in nursing education: Can we change it? Nurse Educator, 29, 121–125.
[3] Apker, J., Propp, K. M. & Ford, W. S. Z. (2005). Negotiating status and identity tensions in healthcare team interactions: An exploration of nurse role dialectics. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 33, 93–115.
[4] Brady, M. S. & Sherrod, D. R. (2003). Retaining men in nursing programs designed for women. Journal of Nursing Education, 42, 159–162.
[5] Cook, T. H., Gilmer, M. J. & Bess, C. J. (2003). Beginning students' definitions of nursing: An inductive framework of professional identity. Journal of Nursing Education, 42, 311–317
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Abstract: The rise in academic consumerism and the rebranding of university programmes to suit students personal needs and values in the wider society has brought intense pressure in Public Universities (PU). With the governments' reduced funding of university programmes, funding of university projects from public coffers has diminished substantially. PUs have to now than before find other avenues of raising revenues to supplement their budgetary requirements. One of the ways in which the universities can raise funds is through attraction of more graduate students. Admission of more students translates into more funds in tuition charges. Attracting this caliber of students requires repackaging of universities programmes to make them more attractive. This study aimed at assessing the relationship between course characteristics and students' choice of Master of Education (MED) Programmes in public universities in Kenya........
Keywords: Course Characteristics, Master of Education programmes, Public Universities..
[1] Anderson, B., & Simpson, M. (2014). Group and Class Contexts for Learning and Support Online: Learning and Affective Support Online In Small Group and Class Contexts. College Student Journal, 42(2), 381-394
[2] Anderson, G. (2008). Mapping Academic Resistance in the Managerial University. Organization, 15(2), 251-270.
[3] Baumgartner and Steiner (2004; 2005). Methodological Approach and the Data Sources. DIW Berlin German.
[4] Cohen, L. Manion, L. Morrison, K. (2000). Research Methods In Education. 270 Madison Avenue, New York Rout Ledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
[5] Commission for University Education, (2014). Universities Standards and Guidelines, Nairobi
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of psycho-social support on child labour in sugarcane growing projects in Awendo Sub-County, Kenya. It specifically sought to: establish how mother's support, father's support and environmental support influence child labour in sugarcane growing projects in Awendo Sub-County, Kenya. The study adopted a cross sectional descriptive survey design because it did not involve several rounds of monitoring and was thus cost effective. The target population were the household members living around the sugarcane plantations in Awendo Sub-County. The population of households around sugarcane plantations in Awendo Sub-county stood at 23,860. Krecjie and Morgan (1970) sampling technique was used to obtain a sample size of 378. A semi- structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Responses in the questionnaires were tabulated, coded and processed......
Keywords: Child labour, psycho-social support, sugarcane growing projects
[1] Admassie, A. (2002). "Explaining the High Incidence of Child Labour in Sub-Saharan Africa". Africa Development Review, 14 (2) 251-275.
[2] Basu T. (2001). "Relationship between Women's Power and Child Labour". Journal of Women Studies, 12(2).
[3] Behrman A. and Knowles W. (2015). "Effects of school requirement on child labour". (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Istanbul University, Turkey
[4] Bhatty, D. (2016). "Child workers in India: An overview of macro-dimensions". (Unpublished PHD Thesis) Mumbai University
[5] Children's Care International, (2012). "CCI's Canadian Office is in Montreal" (Quebec) Canada. Retrieved on 24/10/2016.