Version-15 (September-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Protecting Australia against Cyberterrorism |
Country | : | United States of America |
Authors | : | Dr. Marcia R Pinheiro |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209150106 ![]() |
Abstract: We talk about how to best protect Australia against cyberterrorist attacks of the type in which the offenders use a computer to attack or in which the offenders attack computers. Our concern is phenomena like Stuxnet and Ransomware, but also any attack that has not yet happened, as for our official records, so say hacking of satellite and use of its allowances to burn people alive to death. We talk about the basics, which could be the advice of FireEye, and we talk about the sophisticated, which could be what is not yet printed. We worry about actions that could be considered part of the intelligence system, so things that demand detailed study of the past and systemic plus organised collection of data in the present. We do not talk about how to deal with Acts of War: Only about how to protect our systems to best so that we do not get those happening via computer or from a computer.
Key terms: Intelligence, IT, cyberwar, government, Australia
[1]. Alazab M. (2017) PICT 840: Cyber Crime Hacking: motives, methods, and organizations. Available at: 3.pdf
[2]. Altman A. (2014) Everything We Know About Sony, The Interview and North Korea. Available at:
[3]. Armerding T. (2016) Is Critical Infrastructure the Next DDoS Target? Available at:
[4]. Associated Newspapers Ltd. (2015) Crippling Sony Hack was the Work of a Disgruntled Former Employee Named Lena who Was Laid off'. Available at:
[5]. Avolio F and Avolio Consulting (1999) Firewalls and Internet Security. The Internet Protocol Journal 2(2). Available from:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Panchayati Raj Institutions and Empowerment of Women: Problems & Challenges |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Mrs. Geeta || Sanjay Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209150713 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper, tracing the development of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) from Independence provisions relating to the reservations for the weaker sections and particularly women in the 73rd constitutional amendment. Various to the 73rd constitutional amendment of 1993, seeks to analyse and study the studies have been cited to understand to understand the impact of the constitutional amendment on the empowerment of women. It is true that reservation for women in PRIs have opened up huge vistas for their empowerment, particularly women belonging to the weaker sections. However, there are many challenges and issues. Entrenched patriarchal system and mindset, rigid caste divide and rampant caste discrimination in the rural society, massive female illiteracy and female dependence on male have ensured that, by and large, the real...........
Keywords:- Women, panchayati raj institution, empowerment, awareness, governance, knowledge.
[1]. Kalhon, P.K., (2004) "The impact of 73rd Amendment Act on Women's Political Empowerment: A Study of Punjab", in Decentralised Governance in India: Myth and Reality, ed. by Surat Singh, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi.
[2]. Chaudhary, S.N. (2004), "Dalit and Tribal Leadership in Panchayats", Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
[3]. Dhatea, Sunita (2005), "Dalit Women in Panchayati Raj Institutions; A Case Study", in Governance at Grassroots Level in India, edited by S.S. Chahar, Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, New Delhi.
[4]. George, M. (2007), "Dalits, Panchayat Raj and Power Equations",, May
[5]. Reddy, C. Ram, Das A.R. and Naidu, R.V.K. (2009), "Panchayati Raj and the Political Empowerment of Dalit Women (A Study of Backward Caste Sarpanches in Anantapur District)", Journal of Social Welfare and Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan-Mar
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Abstract: Bangladesh, because of its geographic location and geo-morphological conditions, has been one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. The country has been regularly suffering from floods, cyclones, earthquakes while the climate change induced hazards have been a major threat in recent years (Ali et al., 2012; Khan & Nahar, 2014). But the negative impacts of the hazards appear to affect people in different ways, mostly depending upon several forms of social stratification. Gender based stratification in Bangladeshi society remains high while several research has shown that disasters have an increased propensity of affecting the women negatively (Rahman, 2013; UN Women, 2016; Sharmin & Islam, 2013). Women tend to suffer more than men in terms of the post disaster crisis as well as their insecurity and lack of sufficient preparedness marks their pre disaster period vulnerability............
Keywords:- Bangladesh, Community, Empowerment, Vulnerability, Women
[1]. Ali, S. S., Rahman, M. M., & Chowdhury, N. R. (2012). Bangladesh: A Sustainable and Disaster Resilient Future. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Islamic Relief Worldwide-Bangladesh.
[2]. Bartlett, A. (2004). Entry Points for Empowerment. Dhaka: CARE Bangladesh.
[3]. Batliwala, S. (1994). "The meaning of women's empowerment: New concepts from action." Pp. 127-138 in Population Policies Reconsidered: Health, Empowerment and Rights. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
[4]. Bennett, L. (2002). Using Empowerment and Social Inclusion for Pro-poor Growth: A Theory of Social Change. Working Draft of Background Paper for the Social Development Strategy Paper. Washington DC: World Bank.
[5]. Bhasin, K. (1985). "Education for Women's Empowerment-Some Reflections". Adult Education and Development, p.38.
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Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines "Environmental Sanitation‟ as "the control of all those factors in man‟s physical environment which may exercise a deleterious effect on his physical development, health and survival."Indian Tribes form very important part of our total population. It shows the essence of our culture and civilization. Tribes live close to the areas of forests. They have managed and conserved it since long time. Tribal people highly depend on the nature as their day to day life practices are closely associated with the environment. Thus, the present study puts emphasis between Environmental Sanitation and Tribal people. The present study was undertaken to understand the Overall Knowledge and Practices of selected men and Women of selected four Tribal Villages of Jambughoda Block, Panchmahal District,Gujarat..........
Keywords:- Tribal, Environmental Sanitation, Knowledge
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Naya-A Village of Scroll Painters: Some Lights on Their Economic Development |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Keya Mandal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209152731 ![]() |
Abstract: Naya, P.S.- Pingla of the district of Paschim Medinipur is a village of scroll painters commonly known as Patuas or Chitrakaras or scroll painters (artisan class). It is very interesting that those scroll painters are professional artists by caste rather than craftsmen. This art has been practised since thousand years ago. In the process of historical development this rural artisan class inherit both Hindu and Islamic ritualistic cultural phenomenon on their style of living. They are very poor and marginal class. After independence the Government of India has tried to uplift the position of rural artisan class all over India through different projects under the Ministry of Handicrafts. Department of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises and Textiles was also formed in West Bengal in late 1950‟s. Moreover...........
Keywords:- Patua or Chitrakar, artisan, Naya (Paschim Medinipur), economic development, SHG.
Journal Papers:
[1]. Parekh Bhikhu, Defining India‟s Identity India, International Centre Quarterly Journal, 33, 2006, 1-15
[2]. Mc Cutchion, David J and Bhowmik Suhurid K., Patuas and Patua Art in Bengal, Calcutta: Farma KLM 1999
[3]. Sengupta, Sankar (ed), The Patas and Patuas of Bengal, Calcutta: Indian Publication1973.
[4]. Dutta, Gurusaday, Patua Sangeet, Calcutta: Calcutta University 1939.
[5]. Ghosh, Binoy, Paschimbanger Sanskriti, Vol-I,II,III, Kolkata : Prakash Bhawan, 1980
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Transformational leadership and follower's creativity: Does follower's sex matter? |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Radha Ravikumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209153238 ![]() |
Abstract: Change is the only thing that never changes" keeping this in mind, every organization is trying to make necessary changes in management, systems they follow, products they produce, processes they follow, and people they recruit. To sustain the current competitive world, every organization is looking for creative employees who can help them cope with this changing environment.Creativity is not only about designing new products, it can be of any form like, solving existing problem in new ways, developing new processes, developing new ideas for improving business etc. According to Ray (2006) creativity has become the thrust area of business in this dynamic environment............
Keywords:- Transformational leadership, creativity, intrinsic motivation, sex.
[1]. Amabile, T M (1996). Creativity and innovation in organizations. Harvard Business School, 1-15.
[2]. Arnold, K.A., Turner, N., Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & McKee, M. C. (2007). Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: The mediating role of meaningful work. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12(3), 193-203.
[3]. Avolio, B. J., Zhu, W., Koh, W., & Bhatia, P. (2004). Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating the role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 951-968.
[4]. Bass, B.M. (1985): Leadership and performance beyond expectation, Free Press, New York, NY
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Abstract: Three randomized controlled trials in Africa indicated that voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is an effective method to reduce a man's risk of becoming infected through sex with an HIV-positive female partner. The success of recent public health initiatives to increase numbers of circumcised men in Busia has been very limited. We conducted in-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) with men, women, and male adolescents from non-circumcising and circumcising communities in western Kenya to better understand their beliefs about male circumcision and the promotion of VMMC for HIV prevention. Empirical Results revealed that beliefs about male circumcision...........
Keywords:- Male circumcision, AIDS, HIV prevention, Busia, religion, cultural practices, sexuality
[1]. Ashengo TA, Hatzold K, Mahler H, Rock A, Kanagat N, Magalona S(2012).Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in Tanzania and Zimbabwe: service delivery intensity and modality and their influence on the age of clients.PLoS OneNguzo (2012); 9:e83642.
[2]. Campbell. Cleland J., Collumbien M., & Southwick K. (1999). Social Sciences Methods for Research on Reproductive Health. World Health Organization
[3]. Kundi GJ, Mphuru L, McMahan J, Mwakipesile P, Mwanasalli S, Simbeye. D, (2013). Increased uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services among older men following mobile technology demand creation in Shinyanga and Simiyu, Tanzania. -ISDS 2013; 2013.
[4]. MOHSW. Ministry of Health and Social Welfare/National AIDS Control Program (2014). Voluntary medical male circumcision country operational plan. 2014-2017. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: MOHSW; 2014.
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Abstract: Today the higher education system is widely influenced by technology. Hence it is necessary to explore the skills of research students about the use of computer and different ICTs for educational purposes. This study aims to investigate the awareness, usage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among the research scholars in Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli . The data was collected from M.Phil and Ph.D scholars who are involved in research, in order to get information and awareness about their abilities and skills in ICT. The study further shows that most of the research scholars have inadequate knowledge about the tools of MS Office (Excel & Word), which is more essential and useful...........
Keywords:- ICT, research scholars, university, survey, skills ,India
[1] Eze, Sunday C et al., Determinant factors of information communication technology (ICT) adoption by government-owned universities in Nigeria: A qualitative approach, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 26 (4), (2012), 427-443.
[2] Samuel Olu Adeyoyin,"Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy among the staff of Nigerian university libraries", Library Review, 54 (4), (2005) 257 -266.
[3] Husain Al – Ansari," Application of information and communication technologies in special libraries in Kuwait", The Electronic Library, 29 (4), (2011) 457 – 469.
[4] Shabahat Husain, Mohammad Nazim," Use of different information and communciatio technologies in Indian academic libraries", Library Review, 64 (1/2), (2015) 135 – 153.
[5] Ray, Kathryn and Day, Joan. Student Attitudes Towards Electronic Information Resources. Information Research,. 4(2), (1998)1-32.
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Abstract: Knowledge creation remains the ultimate goal of institutions of higher education and knowledge sharing has been identified as a major instrument for achieving this goal. Web-based systems can enhance knowledge sharing in higher education institutions because they allow for discussion and interaction at any time and place as long as the users can access the systems. They also provide anonymity which encourages participants to freely share their opinions without fear of ridicule. With web-based knowledge sharing systems, users can participate in more than one discussion or forum at a time. This is in contrast with conventional knowledge sharing systems...........
Keywords:- Institutions of higher education, knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, web-based knowledge sharing systems.
[1] Innovation, Higher Education and Research for Development, Research Universities: Networking the Knowledge Economy. A paper presented at the Seminar on Policy Implications at Sida/Sweden and Boston College, USA Boston College 10-13 October 2012.
[2] V.Z. Gavgani and M.K. Faranak, Utilizing wikispaces as a learning and knowledge tool -sharing environment for post-graduate students in a medical library and information science program of study. Paper presented at the Informing Science & IT Education Conference, 2012.
[3] P. Sriwichai, K. Meksamoot, N. Chakpitak, K. Dahal, and A. Jengjalean, The effectiveness of knowledge management system in research mentoring using knowledge engineering International Education Studies, 7 (5), 2014, 25-38. DOI: 10.5539/ies.v7n5p25.
[4] C.E. Connelly and E.K. Kelloway, Predictors of employees' perceptions of knowledge sharing cultures, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 24 (5/6), 2003, 294-301
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Economic Analysis Of Seasonal Migration Workers In Brick Kiln Industry, Tamilnadu |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | T. Sakthivel || Dr.G.Ravi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209156064 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the an economic analysis of seasonal migrant workers in brick kiln industry Tamil Nadu as a case study to highlight the extreme vulnerability of circular migrants workers while stressing the diversity of circulation. Unemployment is the major cause of economic development and it is too severe in the rural are and urban areas. Agriculture is also affected due to monsoon failure and various economic factors. The people migrate to various places for searching their livelihood and to clear all their debts. The people migrate for to brick kiln industry for their survival and to overcome indebtedness. In brick kiln industry is only half season 8- 9 month (November to July)............
Keywords:- Brick kiln, migration, debt bondage, economic condition, working condition
[1]. Das, Rabin. 2013. "Socio-Economic Conditions of Female Workers in Brick Kilns - An Exploitation to Healthy Social Structure: A Case Study on Khejuri CD Blocks in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal." International Journal of Science and Research, 4 (1): 95-102.
[2]. Guerin, Isabelle and Venkatasubramanian, Govindan. 2009. "Corridors of Migration and Chains of Dependence: Brick Kiln Moulders in Tamil Nadu." in J. Breman, I. Guérin and A. Prakash (eds) India's Unfree Workforce: Old and New Practices of Labour Bondage. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Guerin, Isabelle; Ponnarasu, Subramanian; Venkatasubramanian, Govindan; and Michiels, Sébastien. 2012. "Ambiguities and Paradoxes of the Decent Work Deficit: Bonded Migrants in Tamil Nadu." Global Labour Journal: Vol. 3 (1): 118-142.
[4]. Iqbal, Muhammad Javaid. 2006. "Bonded Labor in the Brick Kiln Industry of Pakistan." The Lahore Journal of Economics, 11 (1): 99-119.
[5]. John. J and Nasir Arteeq. 1998. "Migrant Labour in the Brick Kilns of Punjab" CEC Working Paper, New Delhi
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Abstract: Ce papier vise à mettre en lumière la plasticité des rapports sociaux de sexe et la division sexuelle du travail au sein d'une entreprise de transport intra-urbain sur la ligne Abjidjan-Dabou en Côte d'Ivoire. En effet, dans un contexte de crise de l'emploi, la féminisation du métier de convoyeur dans l'entreprise à l'étude se construit autour des "qualités féminines" adaptées pour l'exercice du métier mais également suivant une conception altruiste du recrutement féminin. Toute chose qui, à l'analyse, relève de la poursuite d'enjeux économiques et de pouvoir autour d'une reconstruction de rapports traditionnels de sexe transposés du champ domestique au champ professionnel. Dans une approche qualitative du phénomène, des entretiens ont été menée au sein de l'entreprise « A. » à l'étude et analysés selon une approche genre des rapports masculin féminin dans l'entreprise.
Keywords:- Convoyeuse, Domination masculine, Féminisation, Infériorisation de la femme, Plasticité des rapports sociaux de sexe
[1] L. Toupin, Les courants de pensée féministe, collection : « Les classiques des sciences sociales », Version revue du texte Qu'est-ce que le féminisme ? Trousse d'information sur le féminisme québécois des 25 dernières années, 1997. Édition 1998.
[2] F. Battagliola, Histoire du travail des femmes (Paris : La Découverte 2004).
[3] D. Kergoat, Division sexuelle du travail et rapports sociaux de sexe, in H. HIRATA, F. LABORIE, H. LE DOARÉ & D. SÉNOTIER (coord.), Dictionnaire critique du féminisme (Paris : PUF, 2000) 35-44.
[4] M. Haicault, L'expérience sociale du quotidien : Corps, espace, temps (Ottawa : Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2000). M. Haicault, S. Faure, C. De Linares (De), Complexité des rapports sociaux de sexe, In: Agora débats/jeunesses, 41. Jeunes, genre et société, 2006, 22-31; doi : 10.3406/agora.2006.2281
[5] K. L. Atta et T. I. Toa Bi, 2014). Les autochtones à l'épreuve du développement d'une ville secondaire de la Côte d'Ivoire, l'exemple des Adjoukrou à Dabou, European Scientific Journal, edition vol.10, No.22 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e – ISSN 1857- 7431, August 2014, 356-373
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indian Constitutional Perceptive Of Taxation |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | R.Kalaivani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209157578 ![]() |
Abstract: The Constitution of India is the incomparable law of India. It sets out the system characterising basic political standards, builds up the structure, techniques, forces and obligations of government organizations and sets out major rights, order standards and the obligations of natives.A Tax assessment alludes to obligatory or coercive cash accumulation by a demanding expert, as a rule an administration. The expression "tax assessment" applies to a wide range of automatic duties, from pay to capital increases to domain charges. In spite of the fact that tax collection can be a thing or verb, it is normally alluded to as a demonstration; the subsequent income is generally called "charges." Constitution is the establishment and wellspring of forces to enact all laws in India. Parliament, and additionally...........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | We Prefer Paths that Do not Shine |
Country | : | USA |
Authors | : | Dr. Marcia R Pinheiro |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209157983 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we talk about the Shining Path, previously known as SenderoLuminoso, The Senderos: They go from possible local hero to worst oppressor. American authorities list them as terrorists: In fact, they appear, in 2006, as number 41 in a list of top terrorist organisations. Some say the government copied them and did the same that they did to show sympathy. In 2008, there were some signs of revival.The most interesting facts about this group are probably that it was started by a Philosophy professor who taught at a university in Peru and it may have killed 70,000 people. We here will focus on the impact of this group on the community, environment, government, and law enforcement. In fact, we want to discuss the changes on impact over time. We mark three points: Inoculation, Agglutination, and Drama.
Keywords:- Senderoluminoso, shining path, peru, terrorism
[1]. Council on Hemispheric Affairs 2008 'The Rise and Fall of Shining Path' Available at: Accessed 18.9.2017
[2]. Fernando Lucena 2013 'A ÚltimaEntrevista com osLíderes do SenderoLuminoso FL' Available at: Accessed 18.9.2017
[3]. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica 2017 'Maoism' Encyclopaedia Britannica Available at: Accessed 18.9.2017
[4]. Chambre, Henri &McLellan, David T 2017 'Marxism' Encyclopaedia Britannica Available at: Accessed 18.9.2017
[5]. Karl Marx 1867 'Capital' Available at: Accessed 18.9.2017