Version-6 (September-2017)
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Abstract: Recent studies of media effects have cast doubts on whether the agenda-setting theory of mass communication which offers a way of connection between information and a possible opinion effect has a universal application, especially when considering its application on other climes like African developing countries where majority of the people reside in rural areas and are isolated from print and broadcast media. This study examines the effect of Ekiti State broadcast media (election) campaign on the people of Ekiti State, Nigeria during the Ekiti State 2014 gubernatorial election with a view to evaluating the application of the agenda-setting theory on an African society.................
Key terms: Media, Effects, Agenda-Setting, African Society
[1]. Ajewole, O. I. and Odaibo, A. (2014) Data collection techniques. In Popoola, L., Olorunnisola O. and Ademowo O. (Eds.), Data Collection, Management and Analysis in Academic Research: Proceedings of a Workshop (pp. 56-81) Ibadan: The Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan.
[2]. Baran, S. J. & Davis, D. K. (2010). Mass communication theory: Foundation, ferment and future. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
[3]. Biagi, S. (1996). Media Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media. Califonia: Wardsworth Publishing Company.
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[5]. Coleman, R., McCombs, M., Shaw, D. & Weaver, D. (2009). Agenda setting. In Wahl-Jogensen, K. and Hanitzsch, T. (Eds.), The handbook of journalism studies (pp. 147-160), New York: Routledge
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | जनपद सुल्तानपुर: सामाजिक विकास स्तर में महिला साक्षरता का योगदान |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | डॉo दीप्ती श्रीवास्तव |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209051214 ![]() |
Abstract: T........
Keywords: ........
[1]. Chandna, R.C.(1995) : op, cit, 228
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[3]. Davis, kingsley, (1967): "The origin and Growth of urbanisation in the world", in Mayor, H.M. and Cohn, C.F. (eds), Redings in Urban Geography, University of Chieago, Chieago, p, 59.
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Abstract: This research background was the desire to improve the performance of the maritime colleges' permanent lecturers in Jakarta. the purpose of this study was to determine: the influence of commitment, job competence, career development independently (partially) or jointly (simultaneously) towards job satisfaction of permanent lecturers and, to determine the influence of commitment, job competence, career development and job satisfaction independently (partially) or jointly (simultaneously) as well as its implications on the performance of the maritime colleges' permanent lecturers in Jakarta. The Data analysis techniques in the analysis stages were descriptive analysis, normality test.........
Keywords: Commitment, Job Competence, Career Development, Job Satisfaction, Performance, Permanent Lecturers.
[1] Aczel, A. D. and Sounderpandian, J. (2004). Complete Business Statistics. New York: McGraw-. Hill/Irwin
[2] Arikunto, Suharsimi, (2007), Manajemen Penelitian, Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta
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[4] As'ad, M, (2005), Psikologi Industri, Yogyakarta: Penerbit Liberty
[5] Ayudiarini, Natassia (2009). "Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi dan Pengembangan Karir Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja", Penelitian, Program Doktor Jakarta: Universitas Krisnadwipayana
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Appreciation of Beauty and Nature in the poems of Dylan Thomas |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Lekha Rani Singh || Dr. Usha Jain |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209062629 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse and understand beauty and nature in the poems of Dylan Thomas. Thomas was truly a nature poet as he drives his motivation from the beauty of nature which was dispersed in Wales and he found himself immersed in it and his expression of nature comes from his subconscious mind. Thomas's frequent observation of immaculate beauty in nature reflects the impact of the Romantic poets on him. Thomas has skilfully used many images to beautify his poem. The vividness of images in Thomas poetry is a result of the skilful metaphorical representation of ineffable mysterious natural phenomenon. Despite the variety and vividness of his themes.........
Key Words: Aesthetic, Beauty, Images, Love, Nature[1]. Thomas, Dylan. "Fern Hill.", 3 Jan 2003. Web. 02 Aug 2017.
[2]. Thomas, Dylan. "The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower.", 03 January 2003. Web. 11 Aug 2017.
[3]. Hardy, Barbara. Dylan Thomas: An Original Language. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2000. Print
[4]. Thomas, Dylan. "This Bread I Break.", 30 March 2010. Web. 21 Aug 2017.
[5]. Thomas, Dylan. "Especially When the October Wind.", 30 March 2010. Web. 21 Aug 2017
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Abstract: The current information and electronic publishing age has tremendously increased the demand for academic institutions and libraries to recognise the importance of Institutional Repositories. They are essential infrastructures in modern scholarship. However, the main focus in this study is the digital preservation of cultural heritage or special collection, providing access to knowledge about lost or hidden cultures. The purpose of this study was to examine the importance of the digitized heritage material, in the institutional repositories, in making accessible lost or hidden cultures. The research type was a theoretical research type, focusing on published research literature about the problem............
Keywords: Institutional repositories; digitized heritage materials; special collection; lost cultures; hidden cultures
[1]. Lynch CA. Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age. Portal Libr Acad 2003; 3: 327–336.
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[5]. Kaddu S. Collaboration in Digitising Cultural Heritage as a strategy to sustain access and sharing of cultural heritage information in Uganda. In: Library Theory and Research. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, pp. 1–14
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Short History of Landscape Painting In Lagos State, Nigeria: 1900 - 2014 |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Ajiboye O. J || Okunade M. A. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209063947 ![]() |
Abstract: The art of landscape painting in Nigeria is as old as the history of modern painting in Nigerian Art. However, while the history of modern painting can be gleaned from available literature of modern Nigerian art, that of landscape painting in Nigeria is not readily available. Through literature and field study, this paper examines the records of landscape painting in extant literature on modern Nigerian art with a view to providing a brief history of landscape painting in Lagos, Nigeria.The paper reveals that historical records and studies on landscape painting in Nigeria are not commonthough the art of landscape painting in Lagos State is very vibrant. The paper concludes that there is need for proper art-historical studyof landscape painting in Nigeria; this will further enhance Nigeria's name in the world history of art.
[1]. Adesanya, A. A. (2008). "Contemporary Nigerian Artists' Confrontation, Contestation and Conversation with Modernity", lecture delivered at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indianapolis Campus. Aesthetician and Visioner, Nigeria: National Gallery of Art.
[2]. Ajiboye, O. J. (2005). "Nature in Nigerian Art: A Study of Three Nigerian Contemporary Painters", Nigeria Journal of the Humanities, Faculty of Arts, University of Benin, Benin City, September, No. 12., pp. 46-57.
[3]. Ajiboye, O. J. and Fajuyigbe, M. O. (2015). "Developmental History of Landscape Painting in Nigerian Art: The Lagos State Example in Journal of Pan African Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, July 2015.
[4]. Ajiboye, O. J. and Makinde D. O. (2011)."Influence of the Lagos City Environment on Modern Nigerian Painters", The African Symposium, African research. org. main.htm. Pp. 115-128.
[5]. Asobele, S. J. T. (1992) Contemporary Nigerian Art and Artists: A Modern Guide. Upper Standard Publications, Nigeria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bureaucratic Processes in Media Practices in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria.. |
Authors | : | Veronica Bassey-Duke |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209064856 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examined the relationship between bureaucracy and media practice in Nigeria, It explored the meaning of bureaucracy and how it affects the operation of the press in a democratic setting like Nigeria. It explained the extent of press freedom and various measures of controls embedded in the constitution, which are covertly or overtly used by various governments to put a leash on the perceived enormous power wielded by the media. The paper outlined various forms of controls, such as laws, rules and regulations, discussed the purview of freedom of the press within a democratic government and the implication of bureaucracy to media practice in Nigeria. It gave an insight into the scope of The Freedom.........
Keywords: Bureaucracy, media practice, press freedom, democracy, government
[1]. Asemah, E.S. (2011). Mass Media in the contemporary society.Jos: Jos University Press.
[2]. Egbon, M, (2011), Democratic Journalism in Two Worlds: A comparative study of Press Freedom in the American and the Nigerian Mass Media: Zaria: Tamoza Publishing Co.
[3]. Dominick J., R. (1990). The Dynamics of Mass Communication, (3rd Ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
[4]. Hasan S. (2010). Mass Communication: Principles and Concepts, New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distribution Pvt. Ltd.
[5]. Hiebert, R.E. Ungurait, D.F, and Bohn, T. W. (1985). Mass Media IV: An Introduction to Modern Communication, USA: Longman Inc..
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Abstract: The Valley of Kashmir shares its immaculate religio-cultural ethos with Central Asia and Iran since beginning of the 14th Century A.D. With The expansion of Islam beyond Arabia in 712 A.D, it was the territory of Mawara al-Nahr (Transoxiania) including Faras (Persia or Iran) that came in contact with Islam immediately during the Umayyad rule in Arabia (661-750 A.D). From Central Asia and Iran, Islam entered Kashmir in around 1320 A.D, although some evidences of Muslim entrance are being traced earlier before. Hence, Islam's contact with Kashmir has been possible through the links maintained through Central Asia and Persia. The efforts of the eminent Sufis and Scholars, whose mission of introducing Islam has been through love and with the message of peaceful-coexistence, played a significant role for...........
Keywords: Mystic expressions, Aurad, Transoxiania, Influx, Interwoven culture, Wazaif, Ethos, Treatises
[1]. Al-Hijwiri,'Ali bin 'Uthman, Kashf al-Mahjub, Eng.Tr. R.A.Nicholson,Taj Company,1991, p.2-5
[2]. H.A.R.Gibb, The Arab Conquests in Central Asia, New York, 1970, pp 97-98.
[3]. Quran: (26:88-89)
[4]. Quran :24:35, The concept is further stimulated in these Quranic verses :28: 88, 15:29, 2:109
[5]. Zarquq, S.Ahmad, Qawaid al-Tasawuf, p.35, Ref. E.G. Browne, "The Sufi Mysticism in Iran, Arabia and Central Asia," In The Suit Mystery, ed. N.P. Archer ,London, The Octagon Press, 1980, Also see : E.G. Browne, Literary History of Persia: Volumes 1-4London: T. F. Unwin, 1902
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Abstract: The study identifies the most important significant factors that affect the customer preference of food and beverage outlets on Jalandhar to Amritsar National Highway. The data was collected using questionnaire and distributed in the different food and beverage outlets which are situated on the National Highway. In this study the factors has been identified for the satisfaction of customer on the basis of food quality, service quality, physical environment of food outlets, hygiene and cleanliness. Methodology used in this research paper Factor analysis, Correlation and Multiple regressions were applied to find out which factor has strong impact on customer satisfaction. The data collected............
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, food quality, service quality, physical environment of food outlets, hygiene and cleanliness, food and beverage outlets.
[1]. Adediran, D. (2003). Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Standards in Medium Class Hotels In Bauchi State Of Nigeria. A Higher National Diploma Project Report. The Federal Polytechnic Bauchi State Nigeria
[2]. Henson, S. & Trail, B. (1993). The demand for food safety, market imperfections, and the role of government. Food Policy, 18(2), pp.152-162.
[3]. Marija Pecotić, V. B. (2014). Interior Design in Restaurants as a Factor Influencing Customer Satisfaction. RIThink, 4, pp10-14.
[4]. Yen, W. C. (2013). Effect on restaurant image on customer satsfaction and re-patronage intention toward fast food restauranrs-The moderating role of brand choice. Malaysia.
[5]. Marija Pecotić, V. B. (2014). Interior Design in Restaurants as a Factor Influencing Customer Satisfaction. RIThink, 4, pp10-14..
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Abstract: The present paper tries to fill the vacuum in the field of Community Based Research in Chronic Pain .Data quantitative data collected on prevalence of pain, its chronic nature, economic implication, etc are analysed and presented. The chronic pain among the general public, particularly above 50 years age group is explored from aging and economic perspectives. An attempt is made to quantify the economic implications in terms of loss of working days / income and expenditure borne by the respondents.
Keywords: Chronic Pain, Economic Implications, Loss of Working Days / Income, Treatment Expenditure
[1]. IASP, (2014). International Association for the Study of Pain. Accessed July 1, 2014
[2]. IASP, (2015). International Association for the Study of Pain.
[3]. Dennis C Turk and Robert H Dworkin (2004). What should be the core outcomes in chronic pain clinical trials?. Arthritis Res Ther. 2004; 6(4): 151–154.
[4]. Northern Neurobiology Group (1983). The neurobiology of pain: Symposium of the Northern Neurobiology Group, held at Leeds on 18 April 1983. Manchester: Manchester University Press;. ISBN 0-7190-0996-0. Cutaneous nociceptors. p. 106
[5]. Waddell G (1998). The back pain revolution. London: Churchill Livingstone; 1998..