Version-3 (September-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Gender Study among School Going Teenagers with Respect To A Psychological factor |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs.Manisha vijay vargiya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209030106 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study investigates a study of gender and self-confidence among the school going teenagers. This study is conducted with an objective to see that whether the trait ,i.e. self –confidence ; is only biological or have environmental effect on it. With a view to study on this topic, investigator selected 200 students of class 10th; 100 from C.B.S.E & 100 from C.G which got again divided into two parts; 50 girls and 50 boys from per group of secondary board schools (C.B.S.E&C.G board) in India. Random sampling technique was used for collection of Data; the tool which was used was (ASCI)Agnihotry's Self-Confidence Inventory................
Key terms: Studies-In this research Gender study refers to the study of male and female minds of people in society.
[1] Agnihotri, R. (1985) Effects of sub-culture affiliation and sex on self confidence. The Inter-national Seminar on Cross Culture Perspectives on Problems of National Relavance, Aligarh Muslim University.
[2] Agnihotri,R. (1985).Self-Confidence as a function of perceived maternal child rearing behavior.Praachi Journal of Psycho-Cultural Dimension,vol.1.No.2 p.30-33.
[3] Bozick, R&Dalton, B. (2013).Balancing Career and technical Education with Academic Coursework .The Consequences of Mathematics Achievement in High School. Journals .vol:35 Issues: 2, Pp-123-138
[4] Basavanna, M. (1975) Manual for the Self-Confidence Inventory, Rupa Psychological Centre.
[5] Breckenridge, E.M.&Vincent E.L.(1965)Child Development,Philadelphia,Saunders..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Brief History of the Development of Dhvani School |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Lima Antony |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209030710 ![]() |
Abstract: Treatises on aesthetics and poetics first appeared in India around first century A.D. One of the earliest and most famous of such treatises is the Nātyaśāstra of Bharata. It is from this work that Indian aesthetics developed and reached its culmination in later centuries. Dhvanyāloka of Ānandavardhana, a pivotal work in the history of Indian poetics, with the Locana of Abhinavagupta, dominated traditional Indian theory on poetics and aesthetics. Abhinavagupta is the great devotee of the "Supreme Self" or Śiva. Though there are several works attributed to him, our chief concern is his commentary..........
Keywords: Dhvani, sphota, rasa and sahrdaya
[1] Krishnamoorthy, K.Ed. and trans.Dhvanyāloka of Ānandavardhana.Dharwar: Karnataka University, 1974. Print.
[2] Ghosh,Manomohan.Ed. and trans. Nātyaśāstra (A Treatise on Ancient Indian Dramaturgy and Histrionics).2 vols. Varanasi: ChowkhambaSanskirt Series, 2003. Print.
[3] De, Sushil Kumar.History of Sanskrit Poetics. 2 vols. Calcutta: Firma Klm Pvt. Ltd, 1988. Print.
[4] ---.Studies in the History of Sanskrit Poetics.London: Luzac& Co., 1925. Print.
[5] Krishnamoorthy, K. Essays in Sanskrit Criticism, 2nd ed. Dharwar: KarnatakUniversity, 1974. Print
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Abstract: Narrating the facts in the form of creative nonfiction is a new genre in which facts are presented with authenticity without affecting the life of real people. This paper is a study of violence faced by the prime characters of Maariamma, Maikkaanni and Ezaki in Bama's Sangati relating the conflict between two opposite forces named the exploiters and the exploited, the powerful and the powerless which have been experienced by Maariamma, Maikkanni and Ezaki in their life. The novel reveals endless miseries, inhumane victimization and shocking discrimination. Sangati runs through many individual stories.............
Keywords: Dalit, sufferings, oppression, inquiry, punishment, forgiveness, victimization
[1] Bama. Sangati, Trans. Lakshmi Holmstrom, Oxfored UP, New Delhi, 2005.
[2] Bloom, Lynnz. "Living to tell the tale", College Eng, 65/3, Jan.2003, JSTOR. 30.6.17.
[3] Khare, Sheela Rani. "Facets of Feminism in Shoba De's Starry Nights". Feminism in Indian Writing in English. Ed,, Prasad Amar Nath and Paul, New Delhi : Sarup and Sons, 2006. 177-178.
[4] Raj Gauthaman. Dalit Panpaadu, Puduvai : Gauri Padipakam,1993.
[5] Ranjana Singh. Dalit Women Identity in Bama's Sangati, The Critrrion Journal, Vol.4,Issue V Oct 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Population of Shia Ithna Ashri community in India; case study of Lucknow |
Country | : | Iran.. |
Authors | : | Syed Ali Abbas Rizvi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209031621 ![]() |
Abstract: Shia Ithna Ashari (The Twelver Shias) Muslims are a large minority among India's Muslim population. There has been no particular census conducted in India concerning sects and division in Muslim society, readers should bear in mind that the figures given in this paper for the Shia Ithna Ashari populations are less precise than the figures for the overall Muslim population in India. Therefore, the figures of Shia Ithna Ashari Population reported here are expressed broadly and should be treated as approximate.
The city of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, being the heartland for Shia Ithna Ashari community acts the center for the community's activities; therefore the case study is related to Lucknow.
[1] Fizorabadi, M. b. (n.d.). Al-Qamoos al-Muheet (Vol. 3).
[2] Ibn Manzoor, A. (n.d.). Lisan ul Arab (Vol. 6).
[3] Ibn Aseer, J. (n.d.). .Al-Nihayah fi ghareeb al-Hadith vol2 pg519.
[4] Oxford Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from
[5] Jurjani, S. (n.d.). Al-Tarefaat.
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Abstract: The effects of decentralization of Uruguay's college educational setting and the resulting opportunities for students from lower socio-economic classes are explored using a multimethod design. Analysis of quantitative data, including family income and educational level, and place of origin documented that many students in the rural college differed significantly from the more traditional students from urban areas and higher socio-economic classes. The case studied of Gladys R. provided more insight into resilience and aspirations. Qualitative data using life story explored the experiences of fifteen students, their expectations, obstacles, and adaptations choosing the one named above for this specifically study.
Keywords: qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, Uruguay, college students
[1] Aguilar, Maria (2007). The transition into college life Success, Failure, Change and Dropping out. Available in: [Date of Access November 17, 2014].
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[3] Bertaux, Daniel (1980). The biographical approach. Its methodological validity, its potential. Sociology of International Papers.
Vol. LXIX. pp 197 – 225. Paris: French University Press.
[4] Boado, Marcelo (2003). Occupational mobility in two inland cities of the country: study of local developments effects of
Maldonado and Salto. Work document. Montevideo: University of the Republic.
[5] Boado, Marcelo (2010). Social capital and social inequality, an apparent relationship? The experience from social mobility in
Uruguay. Paper in XXIX International Latin American Studies Association Congress. Toronto.
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Abstract: Education is a tool for discovery. It has been recognized as a powerful instrument of social, economic, and political change of society. The importance of education as an agency of modernization as well as a source of employment has long been realized in our national plans for welfare of marginalized sections. Realizing the importance of education, Article-46 of the Directive Principle of State Policy declares ―the state shall promote with special care, the educational and economic interest of the weaker section people and in particular of the schedule caste and schedule tribe and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation‖. This paper is an attempt to present the educational challenges and attainments among Scheduled tribes of district Koraput of Odisha. Koraput, which falls under the Fifth Schedule Area having Average Literacy rate 49.21%. The major factors of dropout..........
Keywords: Education, Challenges, Attainments, Scheduled Tribe, Fifth Schedule Area, Dropout
[1]. Abdulraheem, A. (2011) Education for the Economically and Socially Disadvantaged Groups in India: An Assessment Economic Affairs Vol. 56 No. 2 June 2011 (Page 233-242).
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[3]. District Census Handbook Koraput, 2011
[4]. Government of India (1986) National Policy on Education Report 1986. New Delhi: Government of India.
[5]. Lal, M. (2005), Education-The Inclusive Growth Strategy for the economically and socially disadvantaged in the Society..
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Abstract: This study investigates the close link between real effective exchange rate and economic growth for Turkey spanning period 1970-2015 using time series data. We use Autoregression Distributed Lag Model (ARDL), multivariate Granger Causality and ADF and PP stationary tests to achieve the research objective. All the variables were found stationary after first differencing with intercept except GDP which stationary at level. The empirical result demonstrates that real effective exchange rate negatively affects economic growth in the short run; however, it exerts significant positive impact on growth in Turkish economy. We also found a bi-directional causality between real exchange rate and GDP growth.........
[1] Aliyu, S.U.R. (2009). Impact of Oil Price Shock and Exchange Rate Volatility On Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation. Research Journal of International Studies, 11, 4-15.
[2] Agosin, M.R., & Mayer, R. (2000). Foreign investment in developing countries: does it crowd in domestic investment? UNCTAD Discussion Paper 146, Geneva, Switzerland. Aguirre, A., Calder_on, C. (2005). Real Exchange rate misalignment and economic performance, Central Bank of Chile, Working Paper No. 315.
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[4] Babatunde, M. A. (2009). Can trade liberalization stimulate export performance in Sub-Saharan Africa? Journal of international and global economic studies, 2(1), 68–92.
[5] Barro, R.J. (1991). Economic growth in cross section of countries. Quarterly journal of economics,106, 407-444..
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Abstract: Consumption of counseling services in rural areas in Africa has become a major concern where a large number of populations consult non-professionals for interventions on psychological issues they face. While the profession is growing in Africa it has little formal structure.This paper focuses on low-income rural population in Makueni County in Lower Eastern region in Kenya.The study investigated the perception of rural communities on the effectiveness of counseling services in addressing their psychological issues. The study adopted explanatory sequential mixed method research design. The sample size was 180 participants randomly selected in 9 wards out of 30 in Makueni County............
[1] Ayalon, L. (2005). Racial group differences in help-seeking behaviors. Journal of Social Psychology, 145 (4),391.
[2] Bain, S.F. (2013). Itinerant Counseling Services for rural communities: A win/win opportunity. Journal of Rural Community Psychology. Vol. E 13 NO.1
[3] Boyd-Franklin, N.& Lockwood, T. (2009). Spirituality and religion: Implications for therapy with African American families. In F. Walsh (Ed.), Spiritual resources in family therapy, (2nd ed., pp.141- 155). NY:Guildford Press.
[4] Campbell, C.D., Kearns, L.A., &Patchins, S. (2006). Psychological needs and responses as perceived by rural and urban psychologists. Professional Psychology: Research and practice, 37,45-50. Doi:10.1037/0735-7028.37.1.45
[5] Chakuchichi, D.D., &Zvaiva, A. (2010). Perspectives in Afrocentric counseling. Harare. Zimbabwe Open University..
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Abstract: Students with high quality are the students who have personal integrity characters that can be accountable intellectually, economically, socially and culturally. Career maturity is very important owned by the individuals. Adolescence is a period that has a special understanding because at this time adolescents do not have the certainty of status. Adolescence is also the most beautiful and most memorable time of life. Based on the results of this study, the proposed hypothesis is accepted. There is no difference in career maturity between male and female students, as indicated by t-test = 0.621 and p> 0.05. The contribution which is given by the self-concept variable to maturity Career is equal to...........
Keywords: self-concept; career maturity; gender; students
[1] Ali, mohammad dan asrori, muhammad. Psikologi Remaja Perkembangan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara 2007.
[2] Alfian, I. N. & Suminar, D. R. 2003. Perbedaan Tingkat Kebermaknaan Hidup Remaja Akhir pada Berbagai Status Identitas Ego dengan Jenis Kelamin sebagai Kovariabel.INSAN. Vol. 5, No. 2, 87-109.
[3] Azwar, S. 1997. Reliabilitas dan Validitas. Yogyakarta : Penerbit Liberty
[4] Baron, R. A & Byrne, D. 2005. Psikologi Sosial jilid 2. Jakarta: Erlangga
[5] Dwimukti, Y. 2007 . Kasus Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Khususnya Pada Remaja..
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Abstract: Student‟s self-reliance is a very important factor in determining the success of students in learning. The achievement of the learning independence as desired a person should need to know some things that affect the independence of learning. One of the factors that influence the learning independence is self-efficacy. Selfefficacy is the belief and expectation of the individual's ability to deal with his task. Based on the results that have been obtained in this research, it can be concluded things that students at SMA Bina Taruna Medan, Indonesia as follows: There is a very significant relationship............
Keywords: self-efficacy; self-discipline; self-reliance; students
[1] Alwisol. 2009. Psikologi Kepribadian Edisi Revisi. Malang: UMM Press.
[2] Ali, Mohammad, dan Asrori, Mohammad, 2010. Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[3] Anthony, R. 1992. Rahasia Membangun Kepercayaan Diri (Terjemahan oleh Waryadi, R). Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara
[4] Astuti, Dina. (2005). Gaul Ok Belajar Ok. Jakarta: Kawan pustaka
[5] Arif, W. dan Ketut Ima Ismara. 2012. Pengaruh Self-efficacy dan Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa terhadap Kemandirian Belajar Mata pelajaran Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) di SMK N 2 Depok. Jurnal Program Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
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Abstract: Health aims to prevent the disease so as to improve the healthy rate. High healthy rate can affect to the increase of productivity. In order to keep healthy, many treatments will be chosen to treat chronic renal failure, such as alternative medicine, kidney transplant, or hemodialysis therapy.. Based on the results of the analysis of previous discussion at Pabatu Hospital, Medan, Indonesia, it can be concluded the results of correlation r Product Moment known that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence with quality of life in patients of hemodialysis therapy rxy = 0.292 with p <0.05. It means that the higher the emotional intelligence will be the higher the quality of life. In general............
Keywords: Emotional intelligence; quality of life; patients; hemodialysis therapy
[1] Arikunto, S. 2012. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
[2] Azwar, S. 2012. Validitas Dan Reliabilitas Edisi IV. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
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[5] Chaplin, JP. 2006. Kamus Lengkap Psikologi. Penerjemah: Kartini Kartono. Jakarta: PT. Rajagrafindo Persada.