Version-4 (September-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Illegal Bangladeshi Immigration into Assam: Coflict in Political Context |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ashima Ahmed Saikia |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209040106 ![]() |
Abstract: Illegal migration to India, particularly from Bangladesh has been a major political issue. The interstate relations are marked by a kind of turbulence due to various illegal transnational activities and ethnic violence most of which revolve around the land and language issue. This paper deals with the several cases of ethnic violence in Assam because of the Illegal Bangladeshi migration to this region. This paper does not question about the socio - economic impact of migration in Assam. Though Assam‟s problem of migration issues is not only from Bangladesh but this paper only examine about the illegal Bangladeshi issue because of the political system, historical backgrounds geographical...........
Key terms: Illegal Migration, Security, Conflict, IMDT Act (Illegal Migrants Detection Tribunal Act)..
[1] Guha Amalendu, (1980). Little Nationalism Turned Chauvinist Assam‟s Anti Foreigner Upsurge 1979-1980. Economic Political Weekly. . 15(10). 41-43.
[2] Baruah Sanjib, (1980) Assam Cudgel of Chauvinism or Tangled Nationality Question Economic Political Weekly. 15(03). 44-46.
[3] Gohain Hiren,(1981) Little Nationalism Turned Chauvinist, a comment " pub- Economic Political Weekly, 16(09). 39-40.
[4] Weiner, Myron, 1971, The Macedonian Syndrome: An Historical Model of International Relations and Political Development", World Politics, Vol. 23(4).
[5] De , Sibopada, 2005, Illegal Migrants and the North-East, New Delhi, Anamika Publishers
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Abstract: Malaysia's claim at Spartly Island or also best known as Layang-Layang Island, Erica Reef, Investigator Shoal, Mariveles Reef, Ardasier Reef, Commodore Reef, Amboyna Cay, Barque Canada Reef, James Shoal, North Lucionia Shoals, and Shout Luconia Shoals has overlapped with other countries claims. This research employed normative approach method by means of literature review. The review results reveals that United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982 differentiates between right and responsibility among countries regarding rocks and island. As one of the islands claimed by Malaysia, Layang- Layang Island is apparently rock and has at the moment turned an Island after being landfilled. Despite numerous arguments, there does not exist the international law........
Keywords: Spratly Islands,Rock, International law of the sea.
[1]Yakin, Legal Research and Writing, Lexis Nexis, Kelana Jaya, 1992
[2] Adam Nieves Johnson, 2012, A Bilateral Analysis of the South China Sea Dispute: China, the Philippines, and the Scarborough Shoal, A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Asian Studies, Florida International University Miami, Florida.
[3] Agreement between the Government of Malaysia and the Government of Indonesia on the delimitation of
the continental shelves between the two countries, October 27, 1969, layari: 16 Julai 2017).
[4] Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, The Government of Malaysia and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand Relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf Boundaries in the Northern Part of the Strait of Malacca, Kuala Lumpur December 21, 1971, dapat dilayari pada: organization/59574.pdf (dilayari: 16 Julai 2017).
[5] B.A. Hamzah, 1990,The Spratlies. What Can be Done to Enhance Confidence, Institute for Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Research Note, Institute of Strategic and International Studies Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
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Abstract: The assessment of personality disorders in young adults have received an increased research attention in the last 10-15 years. Although it has been reflected in the legitimization of personality disorder diagnosis in psychiatric nomenclature, and in national treatment guidelines around the world, it is yet to penetrate routine clinical care. It is therefore imperative to create a section on Developmental Aspects of Personality Disorder in youth to promote research into detection and diagnosis of personality disorder in young people. Research has supported the notion that emotional dysregulation and problems with impulse control are the core features of PD. Young adults experience more frequent and intense emotions than older individuals that cannot be regulated easily. Against this background, the..........
Keywords: personality disorders, youth,prevalence, university students, mental health ,India..
[1] P.Tyrer, R. Mulder, M.Crawford, , G.Newton-Howes, E.Simonsen, ,D. Ndetei, B.Barrett, , Personality disorder: a new global perspective. World Psychiatry, 9(1), 2010, 56-60.
[2] E.Ronningstam, ,E. Simonsen, ,J. M.Oldham,C. Maffei, ,J.Gunderson, A.M Chanen, & T.Millon, ,Studies of Personality Disorders: Past, Present, and Future in Recognition of ISSPD's 25th Anniversary. Journal of Personality Disorders, 28(5), 2014, 611-628.
[3] A. E. Skodol, J. G. Gunderson, T. H.McGlashan, , I. R.Dyck ,R.L.Stout, D.S.Bender,J.M Oldham,Functional Impairment in Patients with Schizotypal, Borderline, Avoidant, or Obsessive- Compulsive Personality Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 159(2), 2002, 276-283.
[4] J.M.Oldham, Borderline Personality Disorder Comes of Age. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166(5), 2009, 509-511.
[5] K.R.Silk, Augmenting Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: The STEPPS Program. American Journal of Psychiatry, 165(4), 2008, 413-415.
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Abstract: In the 21St century, world is witnessing a growing population of older people. The number of older people of 80 years and above is increasing day by day. As the number of older people increases they need adequate support system from the family as well as society. The absence of welfare measures created problems and challenges to the elderly as well as their family members. Elder abuse and mistreatment in different spheres of society is the major area of concern related to the population ageing. According to 2011 census, the old age population constitute 12.6 percent in Kerala; it is higher than that...........
Key Words: Care-giver stress, Elder Dependency, Elder abuse, Population ageing, Situational model theory, Social exchange theory.
1] Ageing and life course, elder abuse, world health organization, retrieved from: - retrieved on:- 20-06-2017.
[2] Kounteya, Sinhal. September, 29, 2012. Every third senior citizen in India abused, mainly by son: Study. Tamil nadu.Times of India. Retrievedfrom:- tudy/articleshow/16596677.cms. Retrieved on:- 12/07/2017.
[3] Subha, Soneja. Country report for World Health Organization, Elder abuse in India, HelpAge India, New Delhi, retrieved from: - retrieved on: - 20/08/ 2016.
[4] Swanson, Richard A. And Chermack, Thomas J. Theory Building in Applied Disciplines, (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Sanfrancisco, CA, 2013).
[5] Cook S.Karen and Rice Eric. Social Exchange Theory, Handbook of Social Psychology Edited by John Delamater (Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reading Protest in Ratan Thiyam's Chakravyuha |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Maheshwari |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209043437 ![]() |
Abstract: A playwright/practitioner uses drama/theatre as a medium to highlight socio-political and cultural issues of contemporary society. The act of writing or staging a play on contemporary issues shows their protest and resistance against any forms of injustice in their society. The paper seeks to highlight how Ratan Thiyam uses an episode from the Mahabharata to relate with contemporary issues of humankind and mark his protest against social injustice. The paper also attempts to show Thiyam's protest against war and violence.
Keywords: drama, contemporary, protest, theatre, violence.
[1]. Thiyam, Ratan. Chakravyuha. Trans. and ed. Kavita Nagpal. Calcutta: Seagull Books, 1998.
[2]The Audience Is Inside." Seagull Theatre Quarterly 14.15 (1997): 63-73.
[3]. "Letting young students lead the protest: Leave the kids alone." Editorial. The Sangai Express 30 May 2016.
[4]. Galtung, Johan and Tord Hoivik. "Structural and Direct Violence: A Note on Operationalization." Journal of Peace Research 8.1 (1971): 73-76. JSTOR. Web. 23 September 2016
[5]. Govier, Trudy. "Violence, Non Violence, and Definitions: A Dilemma for Peace Studies." The Canadian
Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies 40. 2 (2008): 61-83. JSTOR. Web. 23 September 2016.
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Abstract: Clinical reasoning (CR) is a central part of medicine where the knowledge, skills and techniques of the physician are solidified in practice. The epistemological bases of CR are those that support the way that the physician utilizes knowledge. Three models of CR have been identified: intuitive, empirical and theoretical; the efficiency and type of reasoning will depend on the model adopted. A survey was carried out in six populations with different educational degrees, from undergraduate students to postgraduate physicians. The results indicated that the theoretical model is the prevailing model with............
Keywords: Clinical reasoning, reasoning models, intuitive model, empirical model, theoreticalmodel
[1]. Villarroel Salinas JC., Ribeiro Dos Santos Q., Bernal Hinojosa N., Razonamiento Clínico: Su Déficit Actual y la importancia del aprendizaje de un Método durante la formación de la Competencia Clínica del Futuro Médico,Revista Científica Ciencia Médica. 17, 2014, 29-36.
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[4]. Garduño J., Viniegra Velázquez, L., Tendencias filosóficas sobre el quehacer científico en los egresados de los programas de maestría y doctorado de la Facultad de Medicina de la UNAM. Ciencia, 40(2), 1989,119-130.
[5]. Eva KW., What every teacher needs to know about clinical reasoning,Medical Education,39(1), 2005, 98-106.
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Abstract: The Moslem community in Aceh is considering having a different assessment of the political situation. Aceh's history has been heavily influenced by violence, and efforts have been made to resolve the conflict. The protracted conflict in Aceh is finally solved by the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of Helsinki in 2005 through the mediation of the CMI (Conflict Management Initiative). The agreed points of agreement becomes the basic principle for building a democratic New Aceh and based on self-government. The most obvious manifestation of this testimony is the implementation...........
Keywords: political communication; public opinion; legislative election; violence
[1]. Abd.Ghani, Zulkiple. Islam, Komunikasi dan Teknologi Maklumat. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications& Distributors Sdn.Bhd, 2001.
[2]. Adman, Nursal. Political Marketing: Strategi Memenangkan Pemilu. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2004.
[3]. Almond, Gabriel dan Sidney Verba, Budaya Politik Tingkah Laku Politik dan Demokrasi di Lima Negara. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2003.
[4]. Alwisol. Psikologi Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Press UPT. Penerbitan Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang, 2006.
[5]. Andriyus. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat pada Pemilu Legislatif 2009 di Kecamatan Sangingi Hilir Kabupaten Kuantan Sangingi. Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 2 No 2, 2013, h. 18-38..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Television as an Agent of Social Change among Indian Women: An Analytical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nidhi Bhandari |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209045358 ![]() |
Abstract: Television has profound impact on our Indian society. It has occupied an important position in Indian households and therefore it is bound to make an impact on the individual and the society as well. Television in India is developing fast as the major source of enlightenment, leisure and infotainment. Television has been strongly influencing the social lives of Indian women since its advent in India. It has strongly affected their attitudes and emotions. Television has played a vital role in changing the personalities of Indian women by improving their thinking and understanding abilities. Television as............
Keywords: Television, Society, Mass Media, Communication, Social Change.
[1] Acharya, R.N. (1987), Television in India, Mass Publications.
[2] Chitkara, M.G. (2001), Women and Social Transformation, APH Publications, New Delhi.
[3] Devdas, Dr.M.B. & Saravanan, V.M.(2015), Television and Development of Rural Women-A study Research World-Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce, International Referred Research Journal, Volume-VI, Issue 4(1), October 2015.
[4] Devi, Meena (2009), Radio and Television Journalism, Alfa Publications, New Delhi.
[5] Dorr, Aimme (1986), Television and Children: A Special Medium for Special Audiences Sage Publications, Volume-XIV, Sage common text series.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hamas New Document: Critical Review |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Zuhair M. H. Darzaid. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209045967 ![]() |
Abstract: This article includes discussion that highlighted the possibility of considering Hrakat Al- Moqawamah Al- Isalamia (Hamas) new document as an exit path from isolation and boycotting. The aim for the article was to examine the impact of this document on the internal and the external political arena. It is also, to examine its impact extents regarding the seeking of Hamas to achieve legitimacy and acceptance as a political actor in both internal and external political arenas. The article portrays the obstacles that still exist preventing Hamas from achieving recognition as a legitimate political actor despite the adopted changes. Moreover, indicates the need for changes that Hamas should adopt............
Keywords: changes, document, Hamas, new, Palestinians, positions.
[1]. Azzam, Tamimi, Hamas: a history from within, First Edition, Olive Branch Press 2011.
[2]. Azzam, Tamimi, presentation in Doha- Qatar conference, titled: Transformation of Islamic Movements, which held in 24- 25 September 2016.
[3]. Baker, Abu Baker, Hamas Document in the Balance (scale), Alentilaqah Research Center (A.R.C), Palestinian Authority 2017.
[4]. Baker, Abu Baker, Hamas Document in the Balance (scale), Alentilaqah Research Center (A.R.C), Palestinian Authority 2017.
[5]. Baker, Abu Baker, Hamas: Rostrums and Swords, First Edition, Palestine 2008..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diasporic Re-rooting: Michael Ondaatje's Exploration of 'Home' in Handwriting |
Country | : | India.. |
Authors | : | Pabitra Bharali |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209046872 ![]() |
Abstract: Diasporic persons are incessantly obsessed with memories of "home‟ because of which they psychically remain one with the homeland / native culture. In an attempt to re-root in the original "home‟, they often take intermittent visits to the homeland; contribute culturally and intellectually as well as financially to the development of the native country. Exploration of native history, geography and cultural beliefs and activities forms a vital part of diasporic re-rooting. Diasporic writers on the one hand, depict homeland issues including
political turmoil, and on the other hand, describe cultural aspects and focus on the days they spent in the homeland. Socio-cultural developments of the native land receive...........
Keywords: diaspora, home, re-rooting, Ondaatje, Handwriting
[1]. Kuortti, Joel. Writing Imagined Diasporas- South Asian Women Reshaping North American Identity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2007.
[2]. Rushdie, Salman. Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism: 1981-1991. 1991. Vintage Books. 2010.
[3]. Cohen, Robin. Global Diasporas: An Introduction. 2nd Edition. 2008. London and New York: Routledge. 2010.
[4]. Safran, William. "Diasporas in Modern societies: Myths of Homeland and Return". Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies. Vol I, no. I (Spring 1991). 83-99.
[5]. Brah, Avtar. Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities. London and New York: Routledge. 1997
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Education as a Determinant of Female Labour Supply |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Bornali Borah. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209047379 ![]() |
Abstract: The increasing level of education among females should lead to a higher likelihood of labour force participation among them. Economic theories imply that higher levels of education mean higher levels of human capital which would lead to higher wages, drawing women into the labour force. Hence, there has been increasing emphasis in development policies on female education as a key intervening variable for the achievement of a number of development goals. Provision of higher education and creation of employment opportunities to younger cohorts of women will increase the labour force participation rate in near future. Consequently, there have been marked improvements in the...........
Keywords: education, distress-driven employment, income effects, structural transformation, women‟s emancipation.
[1]. Kingdon, Geeta Gandhi and JeemolUnni (1997): How Much does Education Affect Women‟sLabor Market Outcomes in India? An Analysis Using NSS Household Data, Working Paper No. 92, Ahmedabad: Gujarat Institute of Development Research.
[2]. Fafchamps, Marcel and Agnes R. Quisumbing. 1999. "Human Capital, Productivity, andLabor Allocation in Rural Pakistan," The Journal of Human Resources, 34:369-406.
[3]. Goldin,C.(1994). The U-shaped female labor force function in economic development and economic history. NBER Working Paper No. 4707.
[4]. Mammen, K. and C. Paxson (2000). Women‟s Work and Economic Development. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(4), 141-164.
[5]. Kingdon, G. G. and J. Unni (2001). Education and Women‟s Labor Market Outcomes inIndia. Education Economics, 9(2), 173-195..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Age Falsification And Its Impact on Continuity And Service Delivery in the Delta State Civil Service |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Sokoh, G.C |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2209048090 ![]() |
Abstract: Over the years, there have arisen organization linkage between age falsification and the quality of performance of officers in the Nigerian civil service. The study posit that that age falsification in the Delta state civil service is caused by numerous factors that includes: fear of uncertainties surrounding retirement; consideration for family pressure and needs; apprehension over lack of alternative means of livelihood; absence of effective social policy and the failure to effectively keep employees records by the directorate in charge. Through secondary method of data collection employed in this work, it has become established that age falsification negatively gave rise to redundancy, ethical..............
Keywords: Age Falsification, Civil Service, Service delivery, Continuity
[1] Abade, R. (2004). Salary increment in the civil service: the neglected part retrieved 23/5/2013.
[2] Adamolekun, L.(2002). Governance Context and Reorientation of Government. In Adamolekun L. (ed) Public Administration in Africa: Main Issues and Selected Country Studies. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited.
[3] Adebayo, A (2001). Principles and Practice of Public Administration in Nigeria, Ibadan: Spectrum books.
[4] Adegboyega, T (2006). Reforms: OBJ‟s Sanctimonious Sermon. The Nation, December 10, 2006, P. 12.
[5] Adekanbi B. (2012). South West State civil service an haven of Age and Certificate Forgery. The Comet, Thursday, October.18.
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Abstract: In Malaysia, there are widespread opportunities for studying Arabic language, beginning from preschool, primary school to secondary school and university level. There are public universities in Malaysia which offer relevant programs specializing in Arabic language such as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). Among the core courses for specialization in Arabic language are courses relating to Arabic grammar. Courses on grammar encompass various aspects, among which is huruf alma' ani. Past prominent Arabic grammarians emphasized very much on study of huruf al-ma'ani. Various works on it were written by many Arabic grammarians............
Keywords: Huruf al-ma'ani, Mughni al-Labib, Suitability, Students of Arabic language Specialization
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