Abstract: Background: - COVID-19 pandemic has created a pressing concern worldwide for health care system and people working in health care. Increasing demand and importance of nurses and paramedic staff also called as front line messengers as key to this research. This paper provides comprehensive exploration of different types of stressors and estimates the adversely and seriousness such stressors on nurses and paramedic staff. Method:-A cross sectional survey of 150 nurses and paramedic staff across 5 hospitals was conducted in kutch region during pandemic situation COVID-19. The stress was measured using Structured Questionnaire by "The Counseling Team International" (www.thecounselingteam.com) stress scale on five different stressors. The stress factors in the questionnaire were Physical, sleep, emotional, behavioral and personal. Factor analysis technique was performed to reduce the......
KEYWORDS: Nurses, paramedic Staff, Stress, Stressors, COVID-19 Pandemic
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