Version-6 (March-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Imperial Factors in the Rise of Nationalism In Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Victor I. Lukpata, Andeshi Christopher A. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19360105 ![]() |
Abstract: British colonialism created Nigeria by joining diverse peoples and regions in an artificial political entity along the Niger River. The nationalism that became a political factor in Nigeria during interwar period derived both from an older political particularism and broad pan-Africanism rather than from any sense among the people of a common Nigerian nationality. The goal of activists initially was not self-determination but increased participation on a regional level in the governmental process. Inconsistencies in British policy reinforced existing cleavages based on regional anniversaries, as the British tried both to preserve the indigenous cultures of each area and to introduce modern technology and Western political and social concepts. Modern nationalists in the south, whose thinking was shaped by European ideas, opposed indirect rule, as they believed that it had strengthened what they considered an anachronistic ruling class and shut out the emerging westernized elite. The nationalists were critical of colonialism for its failure to appreciate the antiquity, hidness and complexity of indigenous cultures. They invited self government charging that only colonial rule presented such oppressive forces in Nigeria. the focus of this article is to assess the imperial factors in the rise of nationalism in Nigeria. Historical descriptive approach was adopted in the conduct of this research.
Key words: Colonialism, Nigeria, imperial, Niger River, nationality.
Key words: Colonialism, Nigeria, imperial, Niger River, nationality.
[1] A.A. BOAHEN (ED.) (1977) Pan-African Protest: West Africa Nd The Italo Ethiopian Crisis 1934 – 41, Longman Group Ltd., London.
[2] Ali A. Mazrui, Michael Tidy (1984) Nationalism And New States In Africa, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., London.
[3] David Glodsworthy (1971) Colonial Issues In British Politics 1945 – 1961, Oxford University Press, London.
[4] Frederick Henry (1944) Nationality In History And Politics, London,Routledge And Kegan Paul Ltd. Broading House.
[5] Henry S. Wilson (1969) Origins Of West African Nationalism, Macmillan, London.
[2] Ali A. Mazrui, Michael Tidy (1984) Nationalism And New States In Africa, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., London.
[3] David Glodsworthy (1971) Colonial Issues In British Politics 1945 – 1961, Oxford University Press, London.
[4] Frederick Henry (1944) Nationality In History And Politics, London,Routledge And Kegan Paul Ltd. Broading House.
[5] Henry S. Wilson (1969) Origins Of West African Nationalism, Macmillan, London.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of Common Methods of Number Distinction in Tshivenda |
Country | : | South Africa |
Authors | : | Prof. Nelson Mbulaheni Musehane |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19360612 ![]() |
Abstract: Tshivenda is one of the eleven official languages in the Republic of South Africa. This language has structural features that are found in the methods of distinguishing pluralisation. This paper seeks to analyse the typological features of number of distinction and the process of the number distinction used among the Tshivenda culture. This will be accomplished by the processes of:
(a) Using plural affixes
(b) Using words of multitude
(c) Reduplication of nominal words
This will be accomplished by analysing oral speeches, published and unpublished literature using qualitative method because it is the appropriate method to get acceptable results.
Keywords: Analysis, common, methods. Number, distinction, Tshivenda.
(a) Using plural affixes
(b) Using words of multitude
(c) Reduplication of nominal words
This will be accomplished by analysing oral speeches, published and unpublished literature using qualitative method because it is the appropriate method to get acceptable results.
Keywords: Analysis, common, methods. Number, distinction, Tshivenda.
[1] Basumatary, P.C 2012:Common Methods of Number Distinction in Boro and Other Cognate Languages of North-East India. In US–China Foreign Language Vol 11, No.3 of 2013 P 191-195
[2] Milubi, N.A: Ngoma ya Vhatei Gireidi 10-12, Polokwane, NAM Publishers
[3] Milubi, N.A and Madadzhe, R.N1990: Mutoli wa Tshivenda Murole wa 8, Sovenga, NAM Publishers
[4] Musehane, N.M 1995: The Nominal Compound in Tshivenda, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Stellenbosch, University of Stellenbosch
[5] Napoli, D.J 1996: Linguistics-An Introduction, New York, Oxford University Press
[2] Milubi, N.A: Ngoma ya Vhatei Gireidi 10-12, Polokwane, NAM Publishers
[3] Milubi, N.A and Madadzhe, R.N1990: Mutoli wa Tshivenda Murole wa 8, Sovenga, NAM Publishers
[4] Musehane, N.M 1995: The Nominal Compound in Tshivenda, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Stellenbosch, University of Stellenbosch
[5] Napoli, D.J 1996: Linguistics-An Introduction, New York, Oxford University Press
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Abstract: The gist of this paper is to assess the provision and usage of computer and internet facilities at the college of education of the University of Rwanda. The study had three fold objectives: i) determine the level of provision of computer and internet facilities, ii) determine the level of satisfaction in the usage of computer and internet facilities by students and lecturers, iii) highlight the challenges in the use of computer and internet and devise remedial measures. The study was based on a resource based approach theory. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select 134 respondents constituting 95 students and 33 academic members of staff. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to collect and analyze data. The findings revealed on one hand that the investigated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities -computer and access to internet connectivity- were not yet satisfactory and even not deeply integrated into teaching and learning. The major challenges observed are notably improper maintenance and poor service delivery reported against ICT technical staff, lack of advanced ICT literacy and zeal to change the old practices for some lecturers and the large use of the internet connectivity for non-academic purposes. It is recommended that the Government of Rwanda, through the relevant line ministries, should put in place and strictly enforce an ICT policy that removes all constraints to access to the technology literacy and application in order to enable lecturers ,students and wider Rwandese community cope with the currently highly digitalized world .(253 words).
Key words: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Computers, provision and usage, ICT policy, digital world, Rwanda.
Key words: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Computers, provision and usage, ICT policy, digital world, Rwanda.
[1]. Amenyedzi, F.W.K., Lartey, M.N., & Dzomeku, B.M. (2011). The Use of Computers and Internet as Supplementary Source of Educational Material: A case Study of the Senior High Schools in the Tema Metropolis in Ghana. Contemporary Educational Technology, 2011, 2 (2), 151-162. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "", accessed on 17th February 2014
[2]. Auerswald, M. & Magambo, J. (2006). Fostering ICT use in teacher education in Africa. Retrieved from, accessed on 27th January 2010
[3]. Balasubramanian, K. (2009). ICTs for Higher Education, UNESCO-Commonwealth of Learning
[4]. Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustainable competitive advantage, Journal of Management, 17(1), 99- 120.
[5]. Bashir, S., Mahmood, K. & Shafique, F. (2008). Internet Use among University Students: A Survey in University of the Punjab, Lahore. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "", accessed on 17th February 201.
[2]. Auerswald, M. & Magambo, J. (2006). Fostering ICT use in teacher education in Africa. Retrieved from, accessed on 27th January 2010
[3]. Balasubramanian, K. (2009). ICTs for Higher Education, UNESCO-Commonwealth of Learning
[4]. Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustainable competitive advantage, Journal of Management, 17(1), 99- 120.
[5]. Bashir, S., Mahmood, K. & Shafique, F. (2008). Internet Use among University Students: A Survey in University of the Punjab, Lahore. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "", accessed on 17th February 201.
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Abstract: In recent times, prisons in Nigeria have witnessed unprecedented increase in the admission of prison inmates. This alarming rate turns out to housing prison inmates beyond the capacity at which most prisons were built for. It then hinders the goals of reformations, rehabilitation and reintegration. As a result, this study assesses the capacity and current lockup of prison population in six geo-political zones of the Nigeria. Based on this assessment, it was discovered that most prisons across the zones were housing more than capacity in which they were originally built for, while majority of the inmates are awaiting trials. This clustering and crowding of prisoners together in a choky cell that in originally may be meant for five inmates and housing 20 – 30 inmates may arouse prison violence, aggressive behaviour and reduce the quality and sense of psychological wellbeing of the inmates. It is therefore recommended that programs and policies that will increase the wellbeing of the prison inmates should be embraced as this will improve the lives of the inmates and the aim of reformation, rehabilitation and reintegration of prison inmates back to the larger society can be achieved.
Keywords: Prison Overcrowding, Rehabilitation, Reformation, Reintegration, Inmates.
Keywords: Prison Overcrowding, Rehabilitation, Reformation, Reintegration, Inmates.
[1] Aduba , J. N (2005). Overcrowding in Nigeria Prisons: a Critical Appraisal. Retrieved from; 10/01/2012
[2] Ayade, E. A. (2010). Problems of Prisons Overcrowding in Nigeria: Some lessons from South Africa and America. LLM, Human Rights, Unpublished Thesis, Central European University, Legal Studies Department, Budapest, Hungary.
[3] Cox, V., Paulus, P., & McCain, G. (2004). Prison Crowding Research: The Relevance of Prison Housing Standards and a General Approach Regarding Crowding Phenomena. American Psychologist, 39, 1148-1160.
[4] Crystal, A. B. (2004). Overcrowding and Violence in federal correctional institution: An Empirical Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, Drexel University.
[5] Johnson, J.C. (2001). A Psychological perspective on the new design concepts for William Head Institution (British Columbia). Forum on Corrections Research, 3, 14-21.
[2] Ayade, E. A. (2010). Problems of Prisons Overcrowding in Nigeria: Some lessons from South Africa and America. LLM, Human Rights, Unpublished Thesis, Central European University, Legal Studies Department, Budapest, Hungary.
[3] Cox, V., Paulus, P., & McCain, G. (2004). Prison Crowding Research: The Relevance of Prison Housing Standards and a General Approach Regarding Crowding Phenomena. American Psychologist, 39, 1148-1160.
[4] Crystal, A. B. (2004). Overcrowding and Violence in federal correctional institution: An Empirical Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, Drexel University.
[5] Johnson, J.C. (2001). A Psychological perspective on the new design concepts for William Head Institution (British Columbia). Forum on Corrections Research, 3, 14-21.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Political and Nationalistic views reflected in the Tagore‟s Bengali Songs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Piyali Mukherjee (Chatterjee) |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19362730 ![]() |
Abstract: Political & Nationalistic views or thoughts of Tagore have been discussed in this paper. In different chapters of his great life, his political thoughts have been changed and sometimes get nourished by different political sequences. He possessed of some variety of thoughts also. In one side, he is absolute against the British Imperialism and sometimes he had a complete support to the nationalists. On the other side he was not the full supporter of "Swadeshῑ‟ movement as the principle the movement was following at that time, was not as per his thoughts. In one word he formed a vision of uniting EAST and WEST. Tagore composed above two thousand songs. Out of which nearly Sixty five songs are based on nationalistic & patriotic thoughts. In fact Tagore tried to establish the different and broader meaning of freedom before his countrymen. He was an exponent of Bengal Renaissance. During that period how the songs created by him enhanced the mobility of National movement enormously is also a very important goal of this paper.
Keywords: Nationalistic and political thoughts,freedom,open education, complete independence.
Keywords: Nationalistic and political thoughts,freedom,open education, complete independence.
[1]. Ghoṣa, S׳āntideva, Rabῑndra Saṅgῑta 1374 Baṅgābda
[2]. Mukhopādhyāya, Prabhātkumāra, Rabῑndrajῑbanῑ. Vi׳vabharatῑ Vi׳vabharatῑ Granthan Bibhāga, Granthan Bibhāga,, 1340 Baṅgābda
[3]. Bāgal Yoges׳candra, S׳ubhendus׳ekhar Mukhopādhyāya, Hindumelār Itibritta, Tālapātā, 2009 November.
[4]. Choudhurāṇῑ, Saralādevῑ, Jῑbaner Jharāpātā, Dey‟s Publishing, 1975 A.D.
[5]. Deva, Citrā, Ṭhakurbāḍῑra Andaramahala, Ananda Publishers, 1387 25s׳e Beῑs׳ākh Baṅgābda.
[2]. Mukhopādhyāya, Prabhātkumāra, Rabῑndrajῑbanῑ. Vi׳vabharatῑ Vi׳vabharatῑ Granthan Bibhāga, Granthan Bibhāga,, 1340 Baṅgābda
[3]. Bāgal Yoges׳candra, S׳ubhendus׳ekhar Mukhopādhyāya, Hindumelār Itibritta, Tālapātā, 2009 November.
[4]. Choudhurāṇῑ, Saralādevῑ, Jῑbaner Jharāpātā, Dey‟s Publishing, 1975 A.D.
[5]. Deva, Citrā, Ṭhakurbāḍῑra Andaramahala, Ananda Publishers, 1387 25s׳e Beῑs׳ākh Baṅgābda.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Dreams of Youth |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Harshita Madhwani, Manisha Madhwani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19363132 ![]() |
Abstract: The young age is regarded as the most creative stage with developed and free mind. They are regarded as future of the nation's growth and development. Significant portion of youth have their own dreams with no support and paradoxically those who have support are taught to dream. Youth of today is an amalgamation with those having real dreams and those who dream by choice simply as means of a career option based on social, monetary or political influence, along with those who are either married or made child labour or forced into beggary or gun-filled jobs etc. Thereby, the latter are even prevented from acknowledging the dream light. The youth must join hands and unify for enlightening spark in each other and must strive to achieve their dreams in order to make this world a better place.
Keywords: Dreams, Passion, Youth, Future, Growth, Unity, Career.
Keywords: Dreams, Passion, Youth, Future, Growth, Unity, Career.
[1] " Social indicators",
[2] "Adolescents And Youth",
[3] "Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached",,_awake,_and
[4] "Study: Many Professionals Forced to Choose Careers Outside College Major",
[2] "Adolescents And Youth",
[3] "Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached",,_awake,_and
[4] "Study: Many Professionals Forced to Choose Careers Outside College Major",
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | International Development Solutions By Discussion And Publication |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | U. Ibrahim Ali, Zumarthfarazana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19363336 ![]() |
Abstract: Now 400 millions research papers are available for peace Solution, but there is no result for the it, unless the messages Posted in the website are researched by researchers all over the world. Otherwise the world cannot have peace and Unity for some reasons or the other. Thank you very much for joining me in the interest of public, Safety And Peace. Most of the followers are researchers And good educated persons involving peace, Unity and safety amongst all Communities in the world and accordingly we sought support from all of You to study and analyze the God's messages posted in the website and it may be advertised all over the world on The reasons that every person are suffering are due to all kind of Natural calamaties in the world. God's messages are posted in the Website are followed, otherwise No government and Scientists can safeguard life and liberty of the public of the all communities in the world according to Quranic verses 17:16 and 28:59.Internet services in the world are requested to support us to spread our website messages to each and every corner of the world to know and discuss by all the internet communities in the world.
[1]. All the journal papers, internets, google, yahoo, facebook, twitter, android, cloud computing, sound cloud and also all the newspaper in the world.
[2]. R.E. Moore, Interval analysis (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966).
[3]. Note that the title of the book is in lower case letters and italicized. There is no comma following the title. Place of publication and publisher are given.
[4]. Goldenduas
[5]. Note that the place of publication, publisher, and year of publication are enclosed in brackets. Editor of book is listed before book title.
[2]. R.E. Moore, Interval analysis (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966).
[3]. Note that the title of the book is in lower case letters and italicized. There is no comma following the title. Place of publication and publisher are given.
[4]. Goldenduas
[5]. Note that the place of publication, publisher, and year of publication are enclosed in brackets. Editor of book is listed before book title.
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Abstract: This paper examines Malaysia forest legislation and Environmental Law principles in comprehending the present forest issues particularly in Peninsular Malaysia. A number of Environmental Law principles recognized at the international level are studied to perceive its adoption in the forest legislation of Peninsular Malaysia. The National Forestry Policy 1978 (Revised 1992), the National Forestry Act 1984, the National Policy on Biological Diversity and the Malaysia Plan along with the Environmental Law principles such as sustainable development, precautionary principles, polluter pays and intergenerational equity are examined and discussed to satisfy the premise of this study. Thus, it is evidently significant to adopt these recognised principles into forest legislation in safeguarding the sustainability of forest in Malaysia.
Keywords: environmental law principles, forest conservation, law, Malaysia, policy.
Keywords: environmental law principles, forest conservation, law, Malaysia, policy.
[1] M.Y. Zakaria et al International Forest-Related Agreements and Sustainable Forest Management With Reference To Peninsular Malaysia, Proc. National Conference on the Management and Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Malaysia, Putrajaya, 2007.
[2] H.C. Thang, "Towards Achieving Sustainable Forest Management in Peninsular Malaysia", (2002) 65 No.4 The Malaysian Forester.
[3] A. Yaakob, A Legal Analysis on Law and Policy on Conservation of Forest in Peninsular Malaysia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, PhD, 2014.
[4] Green Facts -Green Fact Scientific Board, "Facts on Health and the Environment‟ (5 May 2011), <> accessed 27 May 2011. The data for total forest area are as at 2005.
[5] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, "State of the World‟s Forests‟ (2011) <> accessed 31 May 2011.
[2] H.C. Thang, "Towards Achieving Sustainable Forest Management in Peninsular Malaysia", (2002) 65 No.4 The Malaysian Forester.
[3] A. Yaakob, A Legal Analysis on Law and Policy on Conservation of Forest in Peninsular Malaysia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, PhD, 2014.
[4] Green Facts -Green Fact Scientific Board, "Facts on Health and the Environment‟ (5 May 2011), <> accessed 27 May 2011. The data for total forest area are as at 2005.
[5] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, "State of the World‟s Forests‟ (2011) <> accessed 31 May 2011.
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Abstract: Right to food is one of the human rights to which people are entitled simply by virtue of being born as human beings. Though in the context of Bangladesh, 'Right to food' is only one of 'Directive Principles of State Policy' which is unenforceable in nature, but in this paper I tried to link this right with other enforceable human rights so that State cannot neglect or refuge to implement this very right. There are various dimensions of 'Right to Food' and food adulteration is one of them. Food adulteration has now become a major threat to public health and because of adulterated food people are suffering various types of health problems. In this paper I tried to sort out the approach of the government to deal with this issue and examined the efficiencies of stake-holders. I tried to sort out challenges and prospects of this issue and suggested recommendations. Lastly I concluded emphasizing on changing of approach of government by considering inclusion of the 'Right to Food' in the broader term of 'Right to life' to make this rhetoric right into a real and enforceable right. I adopted qualitative approach and used secondary sources, i.e. newspaper, articles, seminar proceedings, websites etc.
Keywords: Adulterated foods, Bangladesh, Human rights, Implementation, Right to food, Right to life.
Keywords: Adulterated foods, Bangladesh, Human rights, Implementation, Right to food, Right to life.
[1] Wikipedia, Adulterated food: Poisonous or deleterious substances, September 2013, Available at: <> Accessed on 28 September 2013.
[2] Wikipedia, Adulterated food: Economic adulteration, September 2013, Available at: <> Accessed on 28 September 2013.
[3] Golay, C. and Ozden M., The Right to Food, Part of a series of the Human Rights Programmeof the Europe-Third World Centre (CETIM) Annex 2: list of states parties to the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (ratification by 151 States), p. 19, 23, 35, 43.
[4] Bangladesh: Constitution of the People‟s Republic of Bangladesh, 1972, Article 15
[5] Wikipedia., Right to food: Adoption around the World: Implicit or as directive principle, 10 June 2013, Available at: <> Accessed on 28 September 2013.
[2] Wikipedia, Adulterated food: Economic adulteration, September 2013, Available at: <> Accessed on 28 September 2013.
[3] Golay, C. and Ozden M., The Right to Food, Part of a series of the Human Rights Programmeof the Europe-Third World Centre (CETIM) Annex 2: list of states parties to the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (ratification by 151 States), p. 19, 23, 35, 43.
[4] Bangladesh: Constitution of the People‟s Republic of Bangladesh, 1972, Article 15
[5] Wikipedia., Right to food: Adoption around the World: Implicit or as directive principle, 10 June 2013, Available at: <> Accessed on 28 September 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Need for Cognition on Self-Esteem Of .P.G.Students. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prerana Huli, Dr. Vijaylaxmi A. Aminbhavi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19365562 ![]() |
Abstract: This Study was conducted to find out the significant difference between high and low Need for Cognition on Self-Esteem of P.G. Students. The sample for the study consisted of 80, 40 male and 40 female students studying in department of social sciences and sciences. The tools that were used are Need for Cognition scale developed by Cacioppo and Petty (1982) . It measures the individuals' tendencies to pursue and enjoy the process of thinking. Self-Esteem scale developed by Rosenberg (1965) was used to assess the Self-Esteem of the Students. Results revealed that the students with high Need for Cognition have significantly high Self-Esteem (t=2.20p<0.05). Further analysis revealed contribution on demographic variables like Parental Education and Number of Siblings have contributed significantly to have high Need For Cognition .Parental Education have Positive impact on students Need for Cognition and Stay in the hostel have a negative impact on students Need for Cognition. Two Siblings have positive impact on the students need for cognition.
Keywords: Need for Cognition and Self-Esteem.
Keywords: Need for Cognition and Self-Esteem.
[1]. Benedict .T. Mcwchirter (2011): Loneliness, Learned Resourcefulness and Self-Esteem in college students. Journal of counseling and Development.
[2]. Davis, Stephen F et al (1992): The relationship between optimism-permessism; loneliness and level of self-esteem in college students. College Student Journal Vol 26(2) 244-247.
[3]. Diener, Ed; Diener,Marissa(1995): Cross-Cultural correlates of life Satisfaction and Self-esteem; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol 68 (4) Apr 653-663.
[4]. Gloria, Alberta M et al (2001): Influences of Self-beliefs, Social Support and Comfort in the university environment on the academic non persistence decisions of American Indian Undergraduates. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology Vol 7 (1), Feb 2001, 88-102.
[5]. Hudd, Suzanne, Jennifer et al. Stress at College (2000) : Effects on health habits, health status and self-esteem. College Student Journal Vol 34 (2), 217-227.
[2]. Davis, Stephen F et al (1992): The relationship between optimism-permessism; loneliness and level of self-esteem in college students. College Student Journal Vol 26(2) 244-247.
[3]. Diener, Ed; Diener,Marissa(1995): Cross-Cultural correlates of life Satisfaction and Self-esteem; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol 68 (4) Apr 653-663.
[4]. Gloria, Alberta M et al (2001): Influences of Self-beliefs, Social Support and Comfort in the university environment on the academic non persistence decisions of American Indian Undergraduates. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology Vol 7 (1), Feb 2001, 88-102.
[5]. Hudd, Suzanne, Jennifer et al. Stress at College (2000) : Effects on health habits, health status and self-esteem. College Student Journal Vol 34 (2), 217-227.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indian Politics: A New Threshold |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. (Dr.) Shilpa Khatri Babbar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19366368 ![]() |
Abstract: Since 2013, there have been apparent changes in the Indian political structure calling for a maternal dependence of the political leaders on the larger society for their sustenance. People have become aware of the power of and in, their vote. The credit of verstehen-driven politics goes to ArvindKejriwal, the leader of a newly formed political party, AAP. This paper, offers an insight into his leadership and the associated party politics which shall leave its imprints on the upcoming LokSabha elections in India.
Keywords: Aamadmi, direct democracy, Jan Lokpal bill, reshwat, verstehen.
Keywords: Aamadmi, direct democracy, Jan Lokpal bill, reshwat, verstehen.
[1] ArvindKejriwal, Swaraj(Harper Collins, 2012)
[2] AnjanChakrabarti and AnupDhar, India and the politics of corruption, Philosophers for Change,, February 4, 2014.
[3] Ronald Fletcher,The making of sociology: a study of sociological theory (New York: Charles Scribner‟s Sons, 1971)
[4] Age and Leadership: Gerontocracy, The Economist Online, February 15th, 2011
[5] AshutoshVarshney, Battles half won: India's improbable democracy (Penguin India, 2013).
[2] AnjanChakrabarti and AnupDhar, India and the politics of corruption, Philosophers for Change,, February 4, 2014.
[3] Ronald Fletcher,The making of sociology: a study of sociological theory (New York: Charles Scribner‟s Sons, 1971)
[4] Age and Leadership: Gerontocracy, The Economist Online, February 15th, 2011
[5] AshutoshVarshney, Battles half won: India's improbable democracy (Penguin India, 2013).