Abstract: Background: Pediatric safety is a standard healthcare, many adverse events that result from medical or nursing errors which can be reduced by basic principle in improving the quality of clinical services and satisfaction of the pediatric and their families. Aim of the study: Investigate the pediatric nurses' perception of patients' safety culture and to evaluate the effect of implementing a guideline plan on nurses' performance .Research design: A quasi- experimental design was used. Settings:five inpatient/ outpatient pediatric units in Children's Hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University Hospitals. Subjects: A convenience sample of 127 nurses, from the previous setting during the period of three months. Tools, two tools were used to collect data.1) A structure interview questionnaire. 2) Hospital Pediatric Patients' Safety Culture Scale 3) National Patients' Safety Goals Guideline......
Key Word: Pediatric, Patients' safety, Guideline plan, Safety culture.
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