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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Persons with Disabilities: Social Perceptions of the Meitei in Manipur |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Anoubam Laxmi Devi || Prof.MC Arun |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212010106 ![]() |
Abstract: The concept of disability and how a society will respond to it depends on the beliefs and perceptions of the society. Such beliefs and perception are shaped by society‟s cultural values and norms. Attempt has been done to highlight the people‟s perceptions and attitude held among the Meitei‟s towards Persons with Disability (PWD). Data were collected by using both quantitative and qualitative method. It has been found that perceptions regarding disability were deeply rooted in the mind of the Meitei people that still in this modern and scientific age people strongly holds the false perception regarding the causes of disability which has been linked to the old traditional cultural beliefs. It is also found that religion and caste status have favourable attitude towards PWD despite the fact that religions followed by the Meitei represent disability negatively.
Keywords: culture, disability, Meitei, perception, religion.
[1]. Baffoe, Michale. 2013. Stigma, Discrimination & Marginalization: Gateways to Oppression of Persons with Disabilities in Ghana, West Africa. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(1), 187-198.
[2]. Birenbaum, Arnold. 1970. On Managing a Courtesy Stigma. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 11(3), 196-206.
[3]. Braddock D.L and Parish S.L. 2001. An Institutional History of Disability, In Gary L. Albrecht, Katherine D. Seelman and Michael Bury (eds), Handbook of Disability Studies, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication, 11-68.
[4]. Coleridge, Peter. 2000. Disability and Culture, In Thomas M, Thomas M.J (Eds.) Selected Readings in Community based Rehabilitation Series 1: CBR in Transition Bangalore; National Printing Press. Electronic Document,
[5]. Crocker, J. & Quinn, D.,M. 2000. Social Stigma and the Self: Meanings, Situations, and Self-esteem, In Todd F. Heatherton, Robert E. Kleck, Michelle R. Hebl and Jay G. Hull (eds), The Social Psychology Of Stigma. New York: Guilford Press, 419-439
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes of Sudanese students towards classroom interaction patterns which are essential in the learning process of English language. In Sudan most of the schools use the Grammar Translation Method to teach English language and students are not given the opportunity for authentic language communication. Thus students develop poor learning habits and become very passive and classrooms become teacher centred with little or no interaction. Students entering university are faced with different teaching method in university which require them to interact and communicate with each other in English. This research is a case study of English language students at the Faculty of Education/ University of Khartoum. A questionnaire was used..........
Keyword: interaction patterns/pair work/ group work/ attitudes
[1]. Adam, Ahmed Abrahim Ahmed. (2016). Investigating the Effectiveness of Teaching Grammar through Communicative Method. Unpublished PhD. thesis. Sudan University for Science and Technology.
[2]. Ali, Ezzeldin Mahmoud Tajeldin & Abu Adam Osman Mahmoud. (2015).The Impact of teaching English Past Tenses through Literature in Sudanese EFL Classrooms on the Promotion of Student's Performance. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature. Vol 4, No.3.
[3]. Anton, M. (1999). The discourse of a learner-centered classroom: Sociocultural perspectives on teacher-centered interaction in the second language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 303.
[4]. Arbab, Sayed H.(no). A Century of English Language in Sudan. Arts Journal no.2.
[5]. Boyer, C. (2002). Teaching large multi-level classes. TESOL QUATERLY, 242.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Jihad In Islam: The Holy War Or The Miss Understood Concept |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tahir Abdullah Lone |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212011416 ![]() |
Abstract: Jihad is an Arabic word which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim. It can have many shades of meaning in an Islamic context. JihadThe word has entered into common usage in the United States in the wake of September 11, 2001. Politicians use it to conjure up terrifying images of irrational foreigners coming to destroy American freedoms; religious figures use it to define Islam. Jihad has even entered our everyday vocabulary, associated (by most non-Muslims) with unrestrained, unreasoning, total warfare. But what does it really mean?To discusses the various facets of "Jihãd" according to the Qur'an, and addresses the issues raised by critics who quote Qur'anic verses to argue that Islam is intrinsically non-peaceful. In my article, I will attempt to present the real meaning of jihad in Islam, as taught by the Holy Quran and practiced by the Holy Prophet (SAW).
[1]. Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad By Devin R. Springer; James L. Regens; David N. Edger
[2]. Understanding Jihad By David Cook University of California Press, 2005
[3]. The Shade of Swords: Jihad and the Conflict between Islam and Christianity By M. J. Akbar Routledge, 2002
[4]. Just War and Jihad: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on War and Peace in Western and Islamic Traditions By John Kelsay; James Turner Johnson Greenwood Press, 1991
[5]. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad The promised Massia and Imam Jamate Ahmadiyya international (Malfoozat vol. 10, pg 310)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The effect of Gold Value and US dollar exchange rate against the Jakarta Islamic Index |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Azhar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212011722 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aimed to determine the effect of Gold value and US dollar exchange rate against Jakarta Islamic Index. The population of this research is the stock of Muslim law that incorporated inside Jakarta Islamic Index period 2007-2011. Technique of data analysis is Vector Autoregression Model (VAR). The result caused Jakarta Islamic Index was being increased positively up to its peak at fourth period it was being decreased and began stable at fifth period in short term. The respond of Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) against different L-dollar showed that JII was being increased negatively up to third period and next decreased up to fifth period and stable at the next period. Based on the analysis result of variance decomposition, the contribution of L-golden and L-dollar against Jakarta Islamic Index was very small, about 1.7% and 1.8%.
Keywords: Gold Value, US dollar Exchange Rate , Jakarta Islamic Indeks, VAR
[1]. Hendri. 2013. Metodologi Penelitian Ekonomi Islam. Jakarta : Gramat Publishing.
[2]. Ang, Robert. 1997. Buku Pintar Pasar Modal. Jakarta: Media Soft.
[3]. Bouchentouf. 2007. Commodities For Dummies. United State: Welay.
[4]. Kusnandar R. 2010. Cara Cara Berkebun Emas. Jakarta : Transmedia.
[5]. Bank Indonesia. 2011. Bahan Bahan Terpilih dan Hasil Terbaik. Makalah Forumsm Riset Perbankan Syariah III. IAIN Sumatera Utara.
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Abstract: Learning Management System is one of the recent developments that the educational institutions have seen in the present times. This paper reinforces the key factors that develop while deciding whether in an educational environment LMS would be advantageous or not. The co-coordinators of computer, administrators and even classroom educators are being made a request to help decide if their establishment ought to put resources into a Learning Management System. Many people have very less knowledge or awareness about the vast area of LMS. The paper deals with the need, usage and the reflection of the researcher based on the qualitative pilot study that has been recently conducted in the schools of Bangalore. The data was collected by the interview method from the various educators and the technical head of the educational institutes who are solely responsible for the LMS usability in schools.......
Keywords: Learning Management Software (LMS), eLearning, effectiveness, usage, perspective of the stakeholders
[1]. Ally, M. (2004). Foundations of educational theory for online learning. In T. Anderson, & F. Elloumi (Eds.), Theory and practice of online learning. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University.
[2]. Collis, B., & Moonen, J. (2001). Flexible learning in a digital world. London: Kogan Page.
[3]. Ferriman, J. (n.d.). 20 Most Popular Learning Management Systems Available Today. Retrieved October 23, 2017, from
[4]. Gillani, B. B. (2003). Learning theories and the design of e-learning environments. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
[5]. Jonassen, D. H. (1999). Technology as cognitive tools: Learners as designers. Retrieved 15 April, 2008, from
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Abstract: Earn one's keep is a husband duty to his wife. The basic necessities of life can be in material, it is due to the basic necessities of life is equal to material. The earn one's keep is a husband duty to his wife is based on the principle of property separation between husband and wife. This principle follows a thinking that the husband is a person who looks for the basic necessities of life. It is better if the wife is not a person who looks for the basic necessities of life and in her position she is a person who obtains the basic necessities of life. There are some cases in marriage that it is real that the husband does not give the basic necessities of life to his wife and children. The Islamic law compilation in section 96 clause (1) states that if there is a death divorce, thus a half of collective property is to be his/her partner who has long life. Beside it is caused by the death, the separation of marriage causes the divorce can.........
Keywords: effect of law, husband, divorce, basic necessities of life, collective property[1]. Abdul Manan. 2008. Aneka Masalah Hukum Perdata Islam di Indonesia. Jakarta: Prenada Kencana Media Group.
[2]. Achmad Ali. 2005. Keterpurukan Hukum di Indonesia. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia.
[3]. Amir Syarifuddin. 2014. Hukum Perkawinan Islam di Indonesia. Jakarta: Kencana.
[4]. Bambang Sunggono. 2005. Metode Penelitian Hukum. Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada.
[5]. Daulay, Mahmud Yunus dan Nadlrah Naimi. 2012. Studi Islam 2. Medan. Penerbit Ratu Jaya.
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Abstract: Academic performance of adolescents are effected by a number of factors such as intelligence, achievement motivation, study habits, home environment, school environment, interest and resources and many others. The most significant influence on adolescent is his or her relationship with parents. Parents assume special importance during the first years of life. As the infant reaches the stage of adolescence, he or she is fraught with many changes in- personality and adjustments with the world in different ways. It is the threshold of independent life and the emergent ego. Adolescence is a period when the boy and girl are still subject to the vagaries of parental whims on the one hand and wanting to break free from parental control on the other. In this arena of opposing forces and loyalties, confrontations and clashes emerge. While this can accelerate with tactless parental behaviour, it can.........
Keywords: Adolescent, Parenting style, Study habits, Academic Performance.[1]. Akhtar,Z. (2012). Attachment styles of adolescent: Characteristics and Contributing factors. Academic Research International, 2(2).
[2]. Akhtar,Z. (2012). The effects of parenting style of parents on the attachment style of undergraduate students. Language in India-Straight for Today And Bright Hope for Tomorrow,12 (1). and Clinical Psychology, 9(3), 60-69.
[3]. Baumrind,D.(`1971). Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental Psychology,4(1), Doi: 10.1037/h0030372.
[4]. Baumrind,D.(1991).Effective parenting during the early adolescent transition. In P.A. Cowen & E.M. Hetherington (Eds.) Advances in family research,2. Hillsdale, NJ:Erlbaum. Bibi, F., Chowdhury, G.A., Awan,A.E., & Tariq,B.(2013). Contribution of parenting style in life domain of education. Journal of Humanities And Social Science, 12(2), 91-95.
[5]. Borkowsky, J., Ramey, S., & Bristol-Power, M. ( Eds.).(2002). Parenting and the child‟s world: Influences on academic , intellectual, and social- emotional development. Mahwah NJ: Eralbaum.
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Abstract: In view of this two year teacher education curriculum came into being with its first batch undergoing B.Ed. course which includes 4 semesters and 2 complete academic years with modification in the theory, practicum and internship with respect to duration and arrangements of periods. There are pros and cons of everything, and so is for this new curriculum. The researchers felt that teacher educators are facing difficulties transacting the new curriculum and they want to communicate the same to the higher authorities. Thus, researchers felt the need to conduct a study which will help them know the perception of Principals and teachers of private colleges regarding this new two years teacher education curriculum. This paper highlights the need and significance of the study, methodology, findings and implications of the study conducted in five private management teacher education colleges. The sample includes 5 Principals and 30 teachers from these colleges.
Keywords: Two year curriculum, Teacher education, Private managed colleges.[1]. Press Information Bureau. Government of India. Ministry of Human Resource Development (2015) Duration of B.Ed Course
[2]. Ashraf Imam. (2011). Quality and Excellence in Teacher Education: Issues & Challenges in India. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol.1 Issue 7
[3]. Mekonnen D. M .(2008). Reflections on the Teacher Education System Overhaul (TESO) program in Ethiopia: Promises, pitfalls, and propositions.Journal of Educational Change, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 281-304
[4]. Gloria J. R. (2010). Facilitating the Teaching-learning Process through the Reflective Engagement of Pre-service Teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education Volume 35 | Issue 2.
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Abstract: Since the 1990s, concerted efforts targeted at conflict resolution and peacebuilding in the Niger Delta region have mostly failed to achieve peace in the region. While several factors have been blamed for the failure to achieve peace in the Niger Delta, it is possible that inability to understand the exact causes of violence in the region is responsible for the difficulty in finding a workable solution. This study therefore attempts to tap into the relationship between environmental security and political stability in understanding the conflict in the Niger Delta. From a review of existing literature and the conduct of personal interviews, the study stresses that environmental insecurity is the primary determinant of conflict in the Niger Delta. It therefore suggests that until the environmental determinants of conflict in the Niger Delta are addressed, all attempts at peacebuilding in the region are bound to hit the rock.
[1]. L.A. Afinotan, and V. Ojakorotu. "The Niger Delta crisis: Issues, challenges and prospects." African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 3(5), 2009, pp. 191-198
[2]. Ibid.
[3]. S. Joab-Peterside, D. Porter, and M. Watts, "Rethinking conflict in the Niger Delta: Understanding conflict dynamics, justice and security." United States Institute of Peace (2012), pp.1-33.
[4]. C. Kuenzer, S. van Beijma, U. Gessner, and S. Dech, "Land surface dynamics and environmental challenges of the Niger Delta, Africa: Remote sensing-based analyses spanning three decades (1986–2013)." Applied Geography, 53 (2014), pp.354-368.
[5]. E.N. Mordi, "The Challenge of Democracy and Development in Nigeria‟s Niger Delta: The Case of Delta State, 1999-2014." International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability, Vol.3, No.6 (2015), pp. 48-64..
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Abstract: When a company proposes to increase the share capital by issue of equity shares, convertible debentures (fully or partly), convertible preference shares to its existing equity shareholders, bonus shares, right shares, sweat equity shares then companies have to comply with the new procedures laid out under Companies Act 2013, regulations of SEBI (ICDR)Guidelines- 2009 and different Rule of ‗Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules 2014' as per the case may be. Here in this article a brief procedure and their characteristic features of rights share & bonus shares are explained in very lucid manner.
Keywords: Issue of Share, Right Share, Bonus Share, Private Company, Public Company, Existing Shareholder[1] Kundan Kumar Mishra. (2014). Right Issue of Shares For Private & Public Unlisted Companies –Companies Act, 2013- Sec-62. Available on-
[2] Prem Pyara Tiwari. (2015). Provisions related to Right Issue of Shares under Companies Act, 2013. Available on-
[3] Jatin Bajaj. (2016). Brief on Right issue of Shares under Companies Act 2013. Available on-
[4] Vinod Kumar. (2010). Right Shares. Accounting Education. Available on -
[5] Lily Bali. (2016). Procedure For Right Issue of Shares under Companies Act,2013. Available on-
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Abstract: Les déplacements des populations dus aux conflits ou aux catastrophes naturelles ou d‟origine anthropique de grande envergure, n‟alièneraient en rien leurs capacités d‟absorption, d‟adaptation ou de transformation des chocs induits. Ce qui suppose l‟existence aux lieux de sinistres des hommes et des femmes capables d‟apporter le premier secours et des institutions à même de les soutenir ou de faire recours à l‟aide extérieure, le cas échéant; Les interventions internationales humanitaires seraient d‟autant plus efficaces que si et seulement si elles s‟appuyaient aux réalités locales, lesquelles sont faites des valeurs culturelles et des moyens d‟existence habituellement utilisés par les communautés en proie à une crise........
[1]. Jacques M. Chevalier et Daniel J. Buckles, SAS2, Guide sur la recherche collaborative et l‟engagement social, éditions ESKA, 2009
[2]. Vasseur Liette, Vers une planification de la résilience communautaire, Brock University, octobre 2O12
[1]. Articles et déclarations divers
[2]. Château raynaud Francis, « Moteurs de (la) recherche et pragmatique de l'enquête. Les sciences sociales face au Web connexionniste. », Matériaux pour l‟histoire de notre temps
[3]. VASSEUR, L. 2012. Vers une planification de la Résilience Communautaire. Une trousse pour initier le dialogue sur la planification de la résilience communautaire face aux changements environnementaux et climatiques. Trousse de formation préparée pour la Coalition pour la viabilité du sud du golfe du Saint‐Laurent et l‟Alliance de recherche universités‐communautés – Défis des communautés côtières
[4]. La Banque Africaine de Développement, politique de déplacement involontaire de populations 2003.
[5]. Ahmed Taha Mohamed "‟départ-dispersion et de "‟ réinstallation-regroupement
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Abstract: The study on the practicability of the program : SOS Villages of Children aims at providing SOS DRCongo with essential information that will allow it to have a good plan for a future development of its programs in Bukavu in relation to the approach ''Program'' of SOS Villages of Children International . The results of the study are such that the situation of children , who no longer have parental care or those who are losing it, is alarming in Bukavu as well as in neighboring territories. The cause of this situation is quasi permanent poverty which aggravated by repeated armed conflicts as well as the movement of the population that occurs in those areas . The consequences on........
[1]. Bulletin des statistiques annuelles du Sud-Kivu, INS 2013
[2]. Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant ;
[3]. Directives pour l'élaboration d'une étude de faisabilité
[4]. DSCRP national
[5]. Lignes directrices du cluster ''éducation''.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effectiveness of Jigsaw Method in Enhancing students' Comprehension and Vocabulary |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Sindhu Thamban |
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: | 10.9790/0837-221201105107 ![]() |
Abstract: Having complication in its practice, reading has been the centre of discussion in the educational practice from different perspectives. The challenge among educationalpractitioners is to develop reading comprehension among students of diverse ability. Various learners are at different levels of speed and accuracy while learning English as a second language. This affects their comprehensible level and in completing the learning tasks. English is the compulsory subject taught at the schools in India. In learning English as a second language, reading has to be given topmost priority as it is considered important for academic success. The present paper is an attempt to analyze the effectiveness of Jigsaw method in enhancing students' comprehension and vocabulary, particularly in Indian context......
[1]. Adams, M. Beginning to read: Learning and thinking.London: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990.
[2]. Aronson, Eliot., and Patnoe, Shelly. Cooperation in the classroom: The Jigsaw Method.London: Pinter and Martin Ltd,1978.
[3]. Best, John W., and Kahn, James V. Research in Education.9 th ed. Prentice Hall, 2003.
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Abstract: Mental illness is a significant theme in Indian Writing in English, with regional fiction providing a nuanced lens to examine its intersection with societal stigma. This study analyzes the portrayal of mental health in diverse Indian contexts through the works of authors such as Kamala Das, Kiran Desai, Jhumpa Lahiri, Arundhati Roy, Sylvia Plath, and Rohinton Mistry. Keywords: mental illness, Indian literature, societal stigma, regional contexts, gender roles, cultural displacement, familial frameworks, political turbulence, and loss of identity. In "My Story," Kerala-based author Kamala Das illustrates the gendered stigma of mental health in mid-20th century Indian society.......
KEYWORDS: Mental illness, Indian literature, Regional fiction, Societal Stigma, Mental Health, Regional Contexts, Perception, Treatment, Cultural landscape, Societal norms, Historical contexts, Personal experiences, Stigma, Cultural Displacement, Gender Roles, Silence, Oppressive structures, Societal judgment, Universal struggle, Mental health issues, Political turbulence, Emotional distress.
[1]. Das, K. (1976). My Story. Penguin Books India.
[2]. Desai, K. (2006). The Inheritance of Loss. Penguin Books India.
[3]. Lahiri, J. (2008). Unaccustomed Earth. Alfred A. Knopf.
[4]. Roy, A. (1997). The God of Small Things. Random House.
[5]. Plath, S. (1963). The Bell Jar. Faber & Faber.