Version-3 (December-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Shelley's 'Ode to the West Wind': Its Influence on Tagore |
Country | : | Bangladesh. |
Authors | : | Md Iqbal Hosain |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212030104 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper intends to explore an interesting similitude between Shelley‟s "Ode to the West Wind‟ and some significant poems of Tagore on summer storm such as Varsases, Voisakh, Jhod etc. First of all, the paper discusses Shelley‟s idea of revolution as expressed in the ode and then finds its influence in those Tagore‟s poems which are written hailing summer storm. It is to be noted that the revolutionary poets of the world usually take the west wind or summer storm metaphorically to express their spirits of rebellion in their poems. Therefore, there might be symmetry between the poets of the world literature, as the theme is universal. These superb coincidences happened in a cluster of poems of the two poets are unearthed in this article.
Keywords: Boishakh(a month in Bengali Calendar), Jhod(Tempest),West Wind, Kalboishakhi(the nor-wester)
[1]. Shelley, P. B, Queen Mab, London, 1920.Print.
[2]. McMahon, Lynne, and Averill Curdy. The Longman Anthology of Poetry. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2006. Print.
[3]. [3] Sen. T, "Western Influence on the Poetry of Tagore", Rabindranath: A Centenary, Vol. 1861-1961, p.259, New Delhi, Shahitya Akademi, 1992.
[5]. Shelley, P. B, ,Prometheus Unbound With Other Poems, London, 1920, Print.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sixth Schedule and its implementation: Understanding the case of Bodoland (BTAD) in Assam |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aniruddha Kumar Baro |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212030509 ![]() |
Abstract: Sixth Schedule to the constitution of India and the structure of autonomous council forwarded by the Bordoloi Committee was the outcome of discussions and debates in the constituent assembly in 1949. The purpose of the Sixth Schedule was to grant self-rule to the tribal communities in the hill areas of undivided Assam. Sixth Schedule was implemented in Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura to provide autonomy and to initiate development efforts in the region. However, Sixth Schedule failed to provide structural and institutional development of the region. Sixth Schedule and the autonomous structure which was meant for the administration of hilly tribal areas in Northeast India was amended in 2003 to form Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) in Assam. This paper will try to understand the performance of the Sixth Schedule and address the question whether it has addressed the long-standing grievances by the amended Sixth Schedule in the Constitution of India in Bodoland area. The paper will also throw light on the pros and cons of Sixth Schedule with special reference to BTAD.
Keyword: Backward, BTC, Development, Sixth Schedule, Tribal.
[1]. George, S. J. (1994). The Bodo Movement in Assam: Unrest to Accord. Asian Survey, Vol. 34, No. 10 , 878-892.
[2]. Lacina, B. (2009). The Problem of Political Stability in Northeast India: Local Ethnic Autocracy and the Rule of Law. Asian Survey, Vol. 49, No. 6 , 998-1020.
[3]. Brahma, S. (2014). Status of Tourism Development in Bodoland Territorial Area Districts. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications , 4 (6), 1-8.
[4]. Dasgupta, R. (2015). Status of Higher Education in Sustainable Development of Rural Areas: A Study on Goreswar Area of Baksa (BTAD) District. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies , 1 (4), 105-110.
[5]. Saha, S. (2013). Determining the Unit Cost of Higher Education: A case study of Baksa and Udalguri District of B.T.A.D, Assam. Global Research Methodology Journal , 2 (7), 1-7..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Level and Trend of Urbanization: A Study on Purulia District of West Bengal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Santanu Mandal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212031020 ![]() |
Abstract: In world scenario almost half of the population lives in urban area. But India and other developing countries was going on below the world average. The present study analyzes the level and trend of urbanization of Purulia district in West Bengal. This study was based on the secondary data and it was a block level study. Level and trend of urbanization process was studied by different indices, those are- levels of urbanization or degree of urbanization, decadal growth rate of urbanization, rate of urbanization, pace of urbanization, rank size rule etc. and lastly analyzed the correlation among different variables which was related to urbanization by Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient. The result of the study explores that the level of urbanization was very low at the study area. Urbanization level of only two to three blocks is good and some blocks are growing negatively. Where crude literacy rate was high there was more concentrate of urban population in context of this district. Rate and level of urbanization was negative relation with primary worker and sex ratio.
Key Word: Pace of Urbanization, Rate of Urbanization, Urban Density, Urbanization.
[1]. L. Wirth, Urbanization as a way of Life, American Journal of Sociology, 44, January-1938, 1-24. Retrieve from- 11/09/2017, 9:15 pm.
[2]. J. Harvey, Urban Land Economics, (Palgrave Macmillan, Fifth Edition, 2000), 256-257.
[3]. E.E. Lampard, Historical aspects of urbanization in P.M. Houser and L.E. Schnore, The Study of Urbanization, (Newyork, 1965).
[4]. District Census Handbook, Purulia, West Bengal Series, (Census of India, 2011). Retrieve from-, 11/09/2017, 8:22 pm.
[5]. K.C, Sivaramakrishnan, A. Kundu & B.N. Singh, Handbook of Urbanisation in India-An Analysis of Trends and Processes, (Oxford University Press, 2005). 177
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Abstract: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the non-transmitted diseases with the highest case. The incidence rate of SM throughout the world is increasing each year. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007 revealed that it would rank the fourth with 300 million people in 2020 and would increase to 366 million people in 2030.It can cause complication in the whole body and its patients never check their blood content, have lousy lifestyle, have unhealthy dieting/eating pattern, and lack of physical activity.The objective of the research was to analyze the influence of behavior on the incidence of DSM Type 2 in DM visitors at the Community Health Clinic Sering Medan in 2016. The research used the quantitative method with a case-control design which was classified into the case group with 64 respondents diagnosed..........
Keywords: Factor of Behavior, Diabetes Mellitus
[1]. Alligood, MR, & Tomey, AM (2006). Nursing Theory: Utilization and Application. Missouri: Mosby.
[2]. American Diabetes Association (2010). Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes.
[3]. Azwar, Azrul. 1983. Introduction to Health Education. Jakarta, Literature Hudaya
[4]. Publishers Hall FKUI. Jakarta. Healthy Living with Diabetes.
[5]. Dahlan. S., (2008) Reading and Reviewing the Journal of Clinical Practice.
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Abstract: Group-based lending is most prevalent amongst Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) targeting the poorer sections of the community. It provides MFIs with the opportunity to reduce risk through joint-liability and guarantee arrangements within the groups. Over the last few years, MFIs are moving towards diversification of lending approaches, and have begun to offer individual loan (IL) products to its customers. In India, increasing numbers of MFIs are offering long-term clients individual loans once they graduate from group-based systems. MFIs hypothesize that customers exhibiting good repayment behavior over 4-5 loan cycles will continue doing so if offered larger ticket size loans without any joint liability. Demands from their higher value clients, and to better serve mature clients who have increased their.......
Keywords: Joint Liability Group (JLG), Microfinance Institution (MFI), Individual Loan (IL)
[1] Attanasio, Orazio; Augsburg, Britta; de Haas, Ralph; Fitzsimons, Emla; Harmgart, Heike (2014): Group lending or individual lending? Evidence from a randomised field experiment in Mongolia, WZB Discussion Paper, No. SP II 2014-303
[2] Dellien, H and Leland, O. (2006), Introducing Individual Lending. Women‟s World Banking How-to Guide.
[3] Gine, X., Karlan, S. D. (2010), Group versus Individual Liability: Long Term Evidence from Philippine Microcredit Lending Groups.
[4] Kodongo, O., Kendi, G. L. (2013). Individual lending versus group lending: An evaluation with Kenya‟s microfinance data. Review of Development Finance (3), 99-108.
[5] Lehner, M. (2008). Group versus Individual Lending in Microfinance. Munich Discussion Paper, 2008-24.
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Abstract: Household registered population and mobile population remarkably hang upside down in rural-urban fringe zone of Beijing. Investigation of Beijing city and Hei-zhuang-hu town in Chaoyang District shows that current policy tools are mainly aimed to evacuate mobile people by strict management, thus causing separation and conflict between government and mobile people. Policy design should turn from the strict management to collaborative governance and beneficial public service
Keywords: mobile population; outward evacuation; strict management; collaborative governance; IC residence permit
[1]. Durkheim, Suicide[M].London :Routledge,1951.
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[3]. Victor Maier Schoen Berg-Kenneth Cukier, Big Data:A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think, [M].Hangzhou:Zhejiang people's publishing house,2013
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Abstract: This study raises a debate on the failvre of the Congolese state's security governance relative to the slanghters taking place in Beni, Nord-Kivu province. "Should the state be founded on the ashes of a recurring security uncertainty?". That is the reality experienced in this part of the Congolese territory where the hold of an identity based mobilization results from the sad and marginal fate of a people which in abandoned by it public authorities who are unable to assure its security and lets it stagnate in a orphan dynamics. The state's powerlessness causes frustration feelings...........
Keywords: contested state, security governance, armed groups, social movements, political violence.
[1]. AHADI SENGE, Ph., « A propos de la remise de la culture au coeur du développement de la République Démocratique du Congo: scruter le rôle de l'acteur politique et de l'agent culturel », in International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, N°1, vol. 32, 2017, pp. 123-130, disponible sur
[2]. AHADI SENGE, Ph., « Violence politique au Congo-Kinshasa 1996-2006 : décryptage d'un mode de participation politique revitalisé », in Anales de l'Université de Goma, n°2, Vol. 5, 2015, pp. 26-34.
[3]. AMURI MISAKO, F.D., Les Milices Maï-Maï au Maniema (Août 1998 - Juin 2003) : Un Mode d'Affirmation politique des Masses rurales ?, Mémoire de DES (inédit), FSSAP, UNIKIS, 2008.
[4]. BADIE B. et SMOUTS, M.-C., Le Retournement du monde. Sociologie de la scène internationale, Paris, PFNSP, 1995.
[5]. BLO (Les Dépèches), « La ville de Beni devient la cible privilégiée des attaques des faux ADF. Encore plusieurs morts ce weekend », in Génocide des YIRA (Nandes), disponible sur, consulté le 07/01/2017.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The role of women in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Anuradha Nongmaithem |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212035760 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper is the outcome of my reading A Thousand Splendid Suns(2007) by KhaledHosseini. I read the novel after a gap of 10 yearsafter its publication. I am able not to put in words the impact it had no me. The paper focuses the role of women in the novel. The backdrop of the novel is war zone area of Kabul, Afghanistan. The acute exploitation and torture the women in the novel had endeavored is worth studying. The novel depicts the life of Mariam and Laila which by fate had brought them together as the wives of same man, Rasheed, who torture them, abuse them physically and mentally. I would like to express my views how sisterhood can be a solution to lot of women problems in the world. With the advancing and ever changing modern world we had witnessed the atrocities.....
Keywords:Sisterhood, Patriarchal, Exploitation, Solidarity
[1]. Hosseini, Khaled. A Thousand Splendid Suns. Bloomsbury: New Delhi, 2013.Print.
[2]. Yardley, Jonathan. A Thousand Splendid Suns.<
[3]. "Khaled,Hosseini" < >