Version-8 (December-2017)
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Abstract: The cultural background of individuals reflects on their socio-economic wellbeing. This research study is aimed to find out the relationship between socio-economic background of the customers at banquet service offered in hotels in Kaduna Nigeria and their satisfaction of the banquet service offered to them. Kaduna State in North Western Nigeria was used as the area of the study, thirty-three hotels in the capital city of the state were randomly selected for the study, and Three hundred and eighty-four guests at various banquet events were purposively selected for the study. Descriptive statistics such as percentages, mean scores, mean rankings, frequency distribution and standard deviations...............
Keywords: Socio-Economic, Customers Satisfaction, Banquet Service
[1] . Abdallah, A. A., & Hamdan, A. (2012). Internal Success Factor of Hotel Occupancy. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 199-218.
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Abstract: The over-centralization of Nigerian federalism stifles the creativity of the federating units and neglects the inclusion and welfare of the citizens. The current surge in the demands for reforms through restructuring will not find adequate response in constitutional measures. This article supports the adoption of an innovative approach called non-constitutional renewal which is consistent with the inherent character of federalism, being creatively flexible. This approach fits into the mould of competitive federalism, with its disposition for experimentation laboratories on innovative policymaking. The South-South Nigeria has historically blazed and demonstrated innovative paths. Driven by both its historical incentive and fiscal resource endowment, the region has, following the competitive federalism framework, charted a new way of building an integrated economic bloc among subnational states as a development centre. This article examines the driving principles behind this initiative and the extent of its parlay successes across Nigeria.
Keyword: Competitive federalism, non-constitutional approach, creative experimentation, historical incentive, fiscal resource endowment..
[1]. Adamolekun, L. 2005. The Nigeria Federation at the Crossroads: The Way Forward. Publius 35(3) 383-
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Abstract: Back ground: Alcoholism is a disease which can affect not merely the alcohol dependent person but also his family. It can have a devastating effect on the entire family system. It adversely influences the emotional climate, identity, tasks and relationship of the family. Family interventions can help caregivers to recover from the trauma of negative consequences of substance use, as reported by earlier studies. Aim: To assess the change in family burden and quality of life among the care givers of Persons with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome (PWADS), following Social Group Work Intervention (SGWI). Methodology: A quasi experimental research design was used and an experimental group which received SGWI consisting of 25 care givers of PWADS and a control group of 25 care givers of PWADS who did not receive SGWI were compared. Follow up was done for.......
Keywords: Persons with alcohol dependence syndrome, Caregivers, Social group work intervention, Family burden, Quality of life.
[1]. Alex G. Copello, Richard D. Velleman and Lorna J. Templeton ( Taylors and Francis) Family
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mediation of academic self-concept between big five personality and academic performance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | KekaVaradwaj |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212082934 ![]() |
Abstract: Personality and academic self-concepts are both likely to play significant roles in influencing academic achievement. Three hundred sixty undergraduate students completed the Five Factor Inventory, Academic Self-concept Inventory and reported their grade point average. Three of the Big Five traits, conscientiousness, openness and agreeableness, were positively related with all the four measures of academic self-concept, whereas neuroticism was negatively related with all the four measures. In addition, extraversion was positively related only with non-reiterative processing. The Big Five together explained 21% of the variance in grade point average (GPA), and academic self-concept explained an additional 5%, suggesting that both personality traits and academic self-concept contribute to academic performance. Further, the relationship between three of Big Five traits namely..............
Keywords: Big Five traits, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, Non-reiterative processing, self-esteem, GPA
[1]. Schmeck, R. R., Ribich, F., &Ramanaiah, N. (1977). Development of a self-report inventory for assessing individual differences in learning processes. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1, 413–431.
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[5]. Chamorro-Premuzic, T., &Furnham, A. (2003).Personality traits and academic examination performance.European Journal of Personality, 17, 237–250..
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Abstract: This paper explains a short biography of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and his struggle in the depending of messenger of Allah. Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal is very famous in traditions collector of Prophet Muhammad. He always obtain mistreatment during his life because he defended the messenger of Allah. Especially in his statement stated that Qur'an is Kalamullah not create. It is due to his statement that he sent to a jail and he is tortured. At the end of his life he was sick and dead. Based on the literature study shows that huge number of people who praying the corpse of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. It indicates his great in the defending of messenger of Allah..
Keywords: Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, traditions collector of Prophet Muhammad, messenger of Allah
[1]. R. L. Sinaga, I. Ishak I, M. Ahmad, M. Irwanto, H. Widya. Koran is Kalamullah as one part of characteristic of Allah (A comparative study between Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal's thought and Muktazilah Madhhab). National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume 1; Issue 2; May 2016; Page No. 03-05.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Uses of Mobile Apps in Teaching and Learning |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Annet P. Benny || Dr. Prakasha G S |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212083840 ![]() |
Abstract: This article introduces few latest Apps that help teachers and students in their learning process. It emphasizes the advantage of using the modern technology available to the traditional teaching methods that was followed till today. This article highlights the basic differences between the traditional classroom and the classroom which incorporates the Technology Apps in teaching and learning. Through this article, I intend to spread out the importance of using Mobile Apps for teaching and learning in the modern era of education.
Keywords: Mobile App, ICT, Kahoot, Edmodo, MimioMobile.[1]. (n.d.). Retrieved from A. (2006). Teachers' attitudes towards information and communication technologies: the case of Syrian EFL teachers. Computers & Education,
47, 373-398.
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[3]. F. G. (2013). Young students using iPads: App design and content influences on their learning pathways. Computers & Education., 68, 505-21.
[4]. Macaluso, K. D., & Hughes, A. (2016). The Use of Mobile Apps to Enhance Student. Society for the Teaching of Psychology, 43(1), 48-52.
[5]. Montrieux, H., Vanderlinde, R., Schellens, T., & Marez, L. D. (2015, December 7). Teaching and Learning with Mobile Technology: A Qualitative Explorative Study about the Introduction of Tablet Devices in Secondary Education. Retrieved from
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Abstract: This study proposed to analyze and describe the social community behavior towards the sufferers of mental retardation at "idiot village" Sidoharjo Village, Jambon Sub-district, Ponorogo Regency. This research has been conducted since 2014-2017 by qualitative approach. Research subject by purposive sampling technique. While the data retrieval technique throughout observation, interview, and chalking up document. The data analysis uses the modeling of Strauss and Corbin. The result of spatial research on the social community behavior towards sufferers of mental retardation. Such social behavior is predisposed by positive attitudes toward the citizens of mental retardation has been formed into various strengthening actions for the sufferers. As the result, the sufferers of mental retardation could normally havingbacktheirwell of behavioral, family, and social activities, although still limited.......
Keywords -Social Behavior, Idiot Village, Mental Retardation, Sidoharjo Vellage, Persons with Disabilities
[1] Hanif, Muhammad, Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat dalam Menyikapi Warga Retardasi Mental (Studi Kasus di Kampung Idiot Desa Sidoharjo Kecamatan Jambon Kabupaten Ponorogo), Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 04 (03), December 2016, 242-248.
[2] Skinner, B.E., Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Manusia (Translation of Maufur) (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2013).
[3] Hurlock,E.,Psikologi Perkembangan suatu Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan (Jakarta:Erlangga, 1998).
[4] Sarwono, Sarlito W & Meinarno, Eko A.,Psikologi Sosial (Jakarta: Salemba Humanika, 2011).
[5] Sudrajat,Ahmad, HubunganInterpersonalOrangTua,athttp:/ on 9February2008)..
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Abstract: The study investigated the factors that affect female teachers' involvement in school leadership positions in secondary schools of Sidama zone. For this purpose, quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed. Data were collected from various bodies of literature, as well as teachers and school principals at government secondary schools of Sidama zone, Ethiopia. Twenty four school leaders and two hundred thirty teachers were involved in the study. The findings indicated that all the four factors (socio-cultural, personal, institutional/policy and affirmative action factors negatively affect the participation of female teachers involvement in leadership position. Of all the factors affirmative action related factors found the most influencing. It was recommended that the woreda, zonal and regional education bureaus shuld implement affirmative action as advised by the Ministry of education and different policies of the country for female teachers to come to the leadership position.
[1]. Agezo, K. C. 2010). Female leadership and school effectiveness in junior high schools in Ghana", Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 48 Issue: 6, pp.689 - 703,
[2]. Adelina Broadbridge, (2007) "Dominated by women: managed by men? The career development process of retail managers", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 35 Issue: 12, pp.956-974,
[3]. Coombs, L. A. (2004). The perception of stakeholders towards women in educational management. Fifth Annual educationally speaking conference
[4]. Davies, L. (1992). Women and Men in Educational Management. Paris: UNESCO Publication
[5]. Hanna Cherent (2016). Factors Affecting Female Teachers Participation in Educational Leadership: The Case of Secondary Schools in Addis Ababa Kirkos Sub City. Thasis submitted to Indira Gandi National Open University
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Abstract: This study aims to portray the present film distribution system in Bangladesh as it seems distribution system is not well developed here. Moreover, this paper tries to find out the loopholes of the distribution process for which the problems are on. In addition, at last, this study comes up with some suggestions for establishing an effective film distribution system in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Film Distribution, Loopholes, Process, System, Suggestions
[1]. Hossain, M. J. (2017, June). Poribeshon O Prodorshon Poddhotii Bangladesher Colochchitrer Unnoyoner Prodhan Ontoray.Bangladesh Cinema and Television Institute Journal(5), 59-75.
[2]. Kader, M. T. (1993). Bangladesher Calachchitra Shilpa. Dhaka: Bangla Academy.
[3]. Hayat, A. (1987). Bangladesher Calachchitrer Itihas. Dhaka: Bangladesh Film Development Corporation.
[4]. Khan, A. R. (2017). Calachchitrer Poribeshonay Buddhibrittik Shunnota Ebong Uttoroner Somvabbo Upay. Magic Lanthan, 74-85.
[5]. (2017). Members. Dhaka: Bangladesh Film Producers and Distributors Association. Retrieved from
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Abstract: The Pen is a mean of science, learning, and transferring science, where Allah Ta'ala explained of what is concerning of the Pen or "by the pen" in the fourth verse of Sūrat al-ʻAlaq. This is like Allah's saying; "Who has taught by the pen". Ibn al-Qayyim-may Allah have mercy- said; "with pen, science is immortal and without writing, the news of some of the times is interrupted". From here, the importance of the pen and the pen boxes were specified, as well as the attention for the quality of the raw material from which pen were manufactured, likewise the variety of ornament and materials used in decoration. So, the analytical and artistic study of the three unpublished pen boxes preserved in the Museum of the faculty of Applied Arts -Helwan University will reflect and clarify the value and importance of the scientific life in Islamic Egypt.
Keyword: Pen Boxes, Raw Material, Ornament, Metalworks, Woodwork, Floral motifs, Inscriptions
[1]. The Holy Quran: Surah Al-ʻAlaq, 96: Verses 1-5.
[2]. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya,(1998). Miftah Dar Alss'aadah, Dar alkutub al'eilmiah, Bayrut, 2 Vols., Vol.1, pp.279-280.
[3]. The Holy Quran: Surah Al-Qalam, 68: Verse 1.
[4]. Mufid al-Zaidi, (2003). Encyclopedia of Islamic History, "The Mamluk Era", Dar Osama Publishing and Distribution, Jordan, pp. 256: 261
[5]. Abdullatif Hamza, (1957). The Intellectual Movement in Egypt in the Ayyubid and Mamluk Periods, Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, 1st Edition, Cairo, pp.156:160...