Version-10 (December-2017)
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Abstract: The ring road is the main traffic artery in Greater Cairo region. It has been classified as a highway provides continuous free-flow, high-speed movement without obstacles for large traffic volumes, free of car parks or pedestrian crossing. However, this classification isn't commensurate with the current operating conditions of the road, due to the population growth and the increasing of vehicles numbers in the region as well as the prevalence of traffic infringements on both roadsides, resulting in increased traffic volumes four times from 38.000 veh/day to 160.000 veh/day during the period (1990-2016) and changing the traffic composition on the road. This study presents the traffic volume on the northern arc of the ring road based on traffic data collected from three filed points which analyzed statistically by JAM software, to identify the traffic composition especially traffic stream on this arc is............
Keywords: Ring Road, Greater Cairo, Traffic Composition, Modal Split, Passenger Car Unit, Level of Service
[1]. Ministry Of Housing, Utilities & Urban Development. (2008). Development strategy for the governorates of the Republic: Cairo Region (Cairo - Giza - Qalioubia). Cairo. P15.
[2]. Sharaby, Mahapat. (1990). Population Growth and Transportation Network in the Greater Cairo Region. Cairo: Dar Alfeker Alarabi. P23.
[3]. Rodrigue, J& Comtois,C. (2006). The Geography of Transport Systems. New York. Routledge. P179.
[4]. Ahmad, Ashraf saied. (2005). The Ring Road and the Third Millennium. First Edition. Cairo: Dar Tapa. P17.
[5]. Alzoka, Mohmed khamies. (1997). Geography of Transportation. Alexandria: Dar Almarefa. P94..
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Abstract: Data of Gini ratio in all regencies/city in Bali up to 2016 indicates a number of < 0.4. The ratio is a challenge for local government through budget mechanism to reduce income inequality. The fact indicates that inequality in income distribution occurs although in low range, whereas, economic growth tends to increase. Data processed is secondary data that analyzed using SEM-PLS with WARPLS application. The research aims to analyze the influence of the role of government budget in budget allocation and management on income distribution inequality and economic growth of regencies/city in Bali using panel data of 2011-2015. Research result indicates that the role of local government budget and local budget management influence income distribution inequality, whereas the role of government budget has no influence on budget management and growth and income distribution inequality has no influence........
Keyword: Budget, Inequality, Growth, CSR..
[1] Abdullah, S. danHalim, A. 2006, Studi atas Belanja Modal pada Anggaran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Hu-bungannya dengan Belanja Pemeliharaan dan Sumber Pendapatan. Jurnal Akuntansi Pemerintah. 2(2): 17 -- 32.
[2] BanK Indonesia, 2016, Kajian Ekonomi dan keuangan Regional Bali, Tri Wulan IV Tahun 2016, BI Perwakilan Bali.
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[5] Eko, S. 2008, Pro Poor Budgeting: Politik Baru Reformasi Anggaran Daerah untuk Pengurangan Kemiskinan, Working paper/eko/IV/June/2008. Institute for Research and Empowerment (IRE). Yogyakarta.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to determine relationship between teacher and students in terms of Reinforcement Their Effectiveness academic performance of the Primary schools student of Allahabad district. The study employed a Mixed Methods design in which both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The study has targeted the students from public and private schools students of rural and urban area of the Allahabad district. Data was collected by using check-lists and interview schedules. Qualitative data was analyzed by using the thematic and content analysis such as Cronbach's Alpha. The study reported on the use of praise, tangible items such as games and money, social, activity and token one were also moderately often used by the teachers.These terms also used in both form.......
Keywords: Reinforcement, Primary schools, academic performance, Allahabad
[1]. Alberto, P. & Troutman, A. (2006). Applied Behaviour Analysis for Teachers. 7th Edition Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall Merriel.
[2]. Banaji, M. (2011). Reinforcement Theory, Harvard gazette from on 15th July, 2013.
[3]. Bandura, A. (2008). Organizational Application of Social Cognitive Theory. Australian Journal of Management, Volume 6, 275-302.
[4]. Bandura, A. (2009). Human Agency in Social Cognitive Theory. American Psychologists Journal, Volume 15, 1175-1184.
[5]. Becker, H. J. (2006). Teachers Using Computers in Instruction. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association..
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Abstract: Even though domestic energy can be from either renewable or non-renewable source, the former is preferred because of its role in reducing both the operational energy intensity and carbon footprint. Given the positive role renewable energy plays in the mix. This paperexamined theavailable renewable energy,provides an overview of renewable energy resources and available technologies used successfully to offset building electrical and thermal energy loads.The study found that renewable energy use in building is very low. In contrast, there was high dependence of the building occupants on non-renewable direct fuel combustion through the use of fossil fuel-driven privately-owned electricity generators for electricity supply. The chosen research approach was quantitative; including a comprehensive review of extensive relevant literature.This results revealed that buildings are responsible............
Keywords: Renewable Energy, Retrofit Building, Sustainability Development
[1]. Alsema, E. A. and Nieuwlaar, E.(2000). Energy viability of photovoltaic systems. Energy policy, 8(14), 999-1010.
[2]. Ashiboe-Mensah, N.A., Akuffo, F. and Fugar, F. (2011) Investigating the perceptions of architects in the Ghanaian building industry with regard to photovoltaic energy technology In: Laryea, S., Leiringer, R. and Hughes, W. (Eds) Procs West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, 19-21 July,Accra, Ghana, 675-682.
[3]. ASHRAE (2010). "Sustaining our future by rebuilding our past" – President‟s address. American society of heating, refrigerating, and air-conditioning engineers.
[4]. DOE (2011a). "Geothermal Technologies." U.S. department of energy office of energy efficiency and renewable energy (EERE). Accessed (17 July 2011.)
[5]. DOE (2011b). "Geothermal heat pumps." EERE. energy/geothermal_heat_pumps.html. Accessed 17 July 2011.
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Abstract: English is used as a second language by many people in the world. In Kenya English plays a key role in the Country's educational system as a subject and also as a medium of instruction. But even though English has been accorded a prestigious position of being the official language and language of instruction, learners take time to learn it. A second language learner takes a linguistic journey from his/her mother-tongue to the target language and naturally constructs a personal linguistic system in the interim time which is different from the first language and also the target language called interlanguage.This paper examines the linguistic structures resulting from the interlanguage rule of overgeneralization of the English language features by the respondents. The study was carried out in MirigaMieru.........
Keywords:Interlanguage, overgeneralization, linguistic structures, target language, first language
[1]. Abdulaziz, M.H.(1982). Patterns of Language Acquisition and Use in Kenya: Rural Urban Differences; International Journal of the Sociology of Language and Society,Mouton Publishers vol34:95-120.
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[4]. Frith, M.B.(1977). Second Language Learning: A Study of Form and Function at Two Stages of Developing Interlanguages Ph.D. Thesis. University of Michigan 1976. Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington
[5]. Hung, T.N., (2004).Interlanguage Analysis and the Teaching of Grammar, M.A.Thesis.City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
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Abstract: Injury is defined as an incident occurring during a training session or a match and causing a soccer player to miss the following sessions. One important element in determining the causes of injuries and prevention is having a proper understanding of the causes and ways of preventing as well as treatment techniques. The purpose of the research was to examined the perceived causes, prevention and treatment of male players injuries in Assela town football club. The participants of the research were 31; Out of this 25 football players, 2 coaches, 3 administrators of the clubs and 1 team physician were used as a sample using random sampling technique. The major instruments in this study were questionnaire, interview, observation and focus group discussion. Both a qualitative and.........
Keywords: Injury, Prevention, performance.[1] Andersen, T.E., Larsen, Q., Tenga, A., Engebretsen, L. & Bahr R. (2003). Football incident analysis: a new video based method to describe injury mechanisms in professional football. British Journal of Sports Medicine
[2] Arnason, A., Sigurdsson, S.B., Gudmundsson, A., Holme, I., Engebretsen, L. & Bahr,R. (2004). Risk factors for Injuries in Football; The American Journal of Sports Medicine
[3] Bahr R., & Holme I., (2003). Risk factors for sports injuries-a methodological approach British Journal of Sports Medicine
[4] Baker, J., Horton, S., Robertson-Wilson, J. & Wall M., (2002). Nurturing Sport Expertise: Factors Influencing the Development of Elite Athlete; Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
[5] Dvorak J., & Junge A., (2000). Football injuries and physical symptoms: Review of literature. America Journals Sports Medicine
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Abstract: This study sought to establish the effects of corporal punishment on students‟ academic performance in finishing classes in Swaziland. Purposive sampling was used to select head teachers, teachers, students and parents. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Data collected were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings revealed that: improvement in academic performance, and students drop out of school and some become stubborn were effects of corporal punishment. Guidance and counselling, manual work and positive discipline were suggested as alternative strategies to corporal punishment. The researcher concludes that corporal punishment should not be banned completely but teachers should strike a balance between using corporal punishment and positive discipline. It was recommended that the Ministry of Education and Training should conduct awareness workshops and seminars on the effects of corporal punishment.
Keywords Corporal Punishment, Academic Performance, Finishing Classes, Students
[1]. Adams, A.T. (1992) Public High Schools: The use of Rehabilitative and Primitive forms of Discipline: A Final Report. Washington D.C office of Educational Research and Improvement.
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[3]. Arif.M.S. and Rafi, M.S. (2007) Effects of Corporal punishment and Psychological Treatment on students learning and behavior, Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 3(2) 171-180.
[4]. Bower,C. (2004). Presentation on the psycho- sexual consequences of corporal punishment to the South African children‟s Bill Working Group, RAPCAN, South Africa.
[5]. Burns, N. & Groove, S.K. (2011). The practice of nursing research conduct, critique and utilization.Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: Royal College of Surgeon..
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Abstract: In the society, the Church has been seen as one of the crucial uniting institutions. An example is that of National Council of Churches of Kenya (henceforth NCCK) and the Roman Catholic Church (henceforth RCC), that are renowned for remarkable peace building critical contributions. Additionally, the Ecclesia has been seen to embrace people indiscriminately from various backgrounds for the good of the humankind family. Conflict is viewed to be a major threat to Church unity as well as to the welfare of the families in contemporary Kenya and the world at large. Such a background triggers curiosity to understand the striking problems the Church as the Family of God faces in concrete human existence as a result of the crookedness arising from the above scenario. The current study, therefore, investigates the problems the RCC in Cheptais is faced with and still encounters during and after the notorious Sabaot Land Defence Force (henceforth SLDF) conflict (2006-2008) in Mount Elgon region, Bungoma County. The study engaged qualitative research and used the case study design to collect related secondary data from documented..........
Keywords: Conflict, Church/Ecclesia, Families
[1] Boff, C. and Boff, L. Introducing Liberation Theology, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1987.
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[4] Cone, H. God of the oppressed, New York: Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 1997.
[5] Gerard, F. P. Drew, C. and Robert, T. Hennerger eds. Peacemaking: Moral And Policy Challenges for a new world, Washington D.C: United States Catholic conference, 1994
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Abstract: Because children constitute a major, essential component of any society, different types of organizations have systematically designed polices and developed programs to cater to their needs, making these efforts a strategic national objective. This paper uses interviews and a survey to collect relevant data from 108 representatives of various organizations. The study aims to identify the challenges facing these organizations and to measure the efficiency of their child-care services, management systems, voluntary work, and professional expertise. The study results reveal that the overall efficiency level of child-care services varies from 20 to 30% for certain age categories of children. This paper recommends the following: the creation of additional child-care organizations; the expansion of related activities; an increase in voluntary work in this area; and the diversification of resources devoted to this cause.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mental Health and Gender: A Comparative Study on Early Adolescence |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Jomon Joy |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212108185 ![]() |
Abstract: Mental health problems are among the most important contributors to the global burden of disease and disability. This study aims to discuss whether gender matters in mental health of adolescents. There are evidences that say Gender is correlated with the prevalence of certain mental disorders, including depression, anxiety and somatic complaints. The present study is consisted of 400 adolescence from Kerala. From reviewing the literature it's found that there is no much studies on this in the area where the researcher collected the sample. The t' test revealed that there is a significant difference in mental health on the basis of gender.
KEY WORDS: Mental health, Adolescence, Gender
[1]. Ahamed, A., Mohammed, H.T., & Ameen, N.M. (1998). A 26 months follow-up of post-traumatic stress symptoms in children after the mass escape in Iraqi-Kurdistan. Nord Psych., 52, 357-366.
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[5]. Cooper, H., & Tom, D.Y.H. (1984). Socioeconomic status and ethnic group differences in achievement motivation.31 (3).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rethinking Dalit movement and Dalit Politics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sreepati Ramudu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212108691 ![]() |
Abstract: The crux of Ambedkar's philosophy for the liberation of dalits revolves around the interplay between the social and the political of this country. For him the social caters to the political and the vice-versa. Ambedkar set political power as the primary means through which social balance could be achieved. He envisioned social consolidation at the primary level among dalits which he thought could further lead to their social alliance with other marginalized communities. The social alliance thus formed needs to enter into a political alliance with an existing political party. He assumed that this would enable dalits to share political.....
[1]. Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar writings and Speeches, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi, 2014
[2]. Nagaraj.D.R, The Flaming feet, permanentblack, Hyderabad, 2011
[3]. Bauman Zygmunt, Liquid Times, Polity Press, 2007
[4]. Harvey David, Neo Liberalism, Oxford University Press, 2010
[5]. Desh Pandey Satish, Contemporary India Penguin books, Gurgaon, 2003
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Abstract: Sustainable agriculture lays great emphasis on maintaining an agriculture growth rate, which can meet the demand for food for all human beings without draining the basic resources and emphasizes the conservation of its own resources. It has to be environmentally sound, resource-conserving, economically viable, socially supportive and commercially competitive. In agriculture, sustainability means development not only in terms of output but also the socio-economic and ecological parameters. Sustainable agriculture therefore has much in common with organic agriculture....
KEYWORDS: Sustainable agriculture, Health hazards, Paramparagat Krishi and Conventional farming
[1]. Antle and Pingali (1994). Pesticide, productivity and farmers health: a Philippine case study. American Journal of Agriculture Economics, 76 :418-430
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[3]. Devi, Indira(2007). Pesticides or Healthicides? An attempt at estimating the health costs of pesticides applicators. Newsletter; South Asian Network for Development and Environment Economics (17) Working Paper 20,3p.
[4]. Joshi and Jha. D. (1991). Farm level effects of soil degradation in sharda sahayak irrigation project. No .11, IFPRI.
[5]. K. Yadav, (2014). Organic Agriculture, National Centre of Organic Farming, Department Of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of India
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