Version-7 (December-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rabindranath Tagore's Idea on Cooperative Principle and Its Relevance in the Present Indian Economy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Smita Nath |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212070117 ![]() |
Abstract: Rabindranath Tagore suggested the use of cooperative principle as a way for eradicating poverty of rural India and took initiatives for its implementation in the village of Surul, later named as Sriniketan. This paper attempts to review his idea on cooperative principle focusing on the relevance of his ideas in the present Indian economy. Our study, based on secondary data, finds that the overall economic condition of the country has definitely been improved; but, the economic and social evils, pointed out by Rabindranath, like rural-urban disparity in standards of living of people, deprivation of poor people from access to the basic amenities of life, like education, health etc., limited access to credit and hence lack of affordability to improved production technologies for the small and marginal farmers, their dependence on moneylenders and the consequent exploitation are not removed completely from the country. Further, in spite of having a long history of cooperatives, the potential of cooperatives as means to fight these problems is not utilized properly. So, in the context of present Indian economy also Rabindranath‟s ideas are pertinent.
Keywords: Cooperatives, Rabindranath Tagore, agricultural credit.
[1]. Kimberly A. Zeuli and R. Cropp ,A1457 Cooperatives: principles and practices in the 21st Century(USA: University of Wisconsin-Extension, 2004).
[2]. R. N. Patra and M. P. Agasty (2013), Cooperatives, agriculture and rural development: role, issues and policy implications, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 13(2), 2013, 14-25.
[3]. N.Jha, Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Prospects: The Quarterly Review of Education,24(3/4), 1994, 603-619.
[4]. A. Chakrabarti and A. Dhar, Development, capitalism and socialism: A Marxian encounter with Rabindranath Tagore‟s ideas on the cooperative principle, Rethinking Marxism, 20(3), 2008, 487-499.
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Abstract: Road accident is becoming a serious problem in India. About 1374 accidents with 400 death occurrences have been taken place every day in all over the country. This creates an alarming situation in India. Defective visual acuity of the drivers must be considered as the prime causes of road accident. Most of the drivers (by profession or Self ) are not properly aware about the necessity of regular eye check up to maintain their normality of vision qualities which is not only necessary to reduce the number of accidents on the other hand save the life of the drivers and the commoners as well. In the time of primary investigation at Kolkata it was found that nearly 30% professional drivers of lorry, truck, tram and private cars, auto rickshaws are suffering from difficulties in vision quality that may be developed by refractive errors or different types of eye disorders like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and so on. But they are either not aware about their difficulties or ignore it by the shortage of time and to save money, necessary for the treatment of the eyes. Most of the drivers (by profession) are belongs to poor economic classes in our society.
Keyword: Accident, Drivers‟, Snellen chart, Self assessment, Visual acuity.
[1]. Road Accidents in India 2015- Executive summary. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways Transport Research wing. Government of India..
[2]. Traffic Police Annual Review- 2013, 2014. Lalbazar Kolkata
[3]. Physical Fitness Certificate for Driving Licence- Form 1: Rule 5(2)
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Abstract: The World Health Organisation in its new global health estimates on depression for 2015 said over five crore Indians suffered from depression, a major contributor to global suicides. Now a new paradigm of depression is self-destructive online game so called Blue Whale challenge. Recently, Supreme Court (SC) of India ordered to maximise awareness programmes, as it is impossible to stop online deadly games, because it is not based on any application.To addressing this issue, it is vital for both children and their parents to aware of the lethal games. In the present study a modest attempt has been made to examine knowledge, attitude, awareness and impact of self-destructive online games like Blue Whale challengeamong the people of Odisha........
Keywords: Attitude, Awareness, Blue Whale, Game, Knowledge
[1] Govindappa L, Kasi S, Henry G. Internet use and risk taking behaviors among adolescents. Ind J Paediatr 2014; 81(9):949-49.
[2] DSM-5 Development. American Psychiatric Association [Internet] 2015 [Accessed on 19th Aug, 2017]. Available from: Documents/Internet%20 Gaming%20Disorder%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf.
[3] Anand, T., & Kishore, J. (2017). Blue Whale Challenge : Perplexing the teens minds Blue Whale Challenge : Perplexing the teens ' minds, (January), 1–3.
[4] (2017, august). Retrieved from
[5] NDTV. (2017, october). 'Blue Whale' National Problem, Need Prime Time Warnings: Supreme Court. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | High Street Malls and Shopping Behaviour of People |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ramandeep Bawa || Anil Kishore Sinha || Rita Kant |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212072737 ![]() |
Abstract: High Street Malls have attracted the young generation and have become favourite shopping destination. The present study employed 160 in-depth interviews to understand the preference of shoppers for High Street Malls. Data was collected with regard to age, family income, marital status, caste, religion, family type, faculty and whether the hostlers preferred high street malls more as compared to day scholars. Results showed that more than 50 % of the respondents made monthly and fortnightly visits to these shopping places . Irrespective of the age, the highest percentage of respondents visited High Street (Fashion Malls) once in 15 days. Data analysis with respect to family income group showed that the respondents in the income group of 0-5 lakhs and 26- 30 lakhs made maximum visits to H.S.M..............
Keywords: High Streets Malls; H.S.M, Preferences, Visits.
[1] Indian Consumer Spending,, 2004 -2017. [2] H.Singh, and S.R. Srinivasan, Mall management: Operating in Indian Retail Space, (New Delhi :Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Private Limited 2012)
[3] P.K. Sinha,and A. Banerjee, Store choice behaviour in an evolving market, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 32 (10), 2004, 482-494.
[4] E.S. Millan., and E. Howard ,Shopping for pleasure? Shopping experiences for Hungarian consumers, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 35 (6), 2007, 474-487.
[5] E. M. Tauber, Why do People Shop?, Journal of Marketing, 36 (4), 1972, 46-49.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Conceptual Evaluation on Critical Reading |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Pınar OZDEMIR KARACA || Fulya GULER OGUZ |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212073841 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study which seeks answers to the question "What is critical reading?" is to research critical reading based on the data collected via document analysis – one of the qualitative methods. Content analysis is applied to the data collected to study the concept within the limits of the literature. In this context, in this study, some definitions of critical reading are given, the importance and the purposes of and the necessity for critical reading is mentioned and the differences between critical and non-critical reading are listed. Furthermore, the differences between critical and non-critical reading, the benefits of critical reading for the reader, the skills that a critical reader needs to have are mentioned. In this study, the strategies in order for critical reading to be carried out, and the barriers to critical reading are given and thus making a conceptual assessment on critical reading is targeted.
Keywords: Critical reading, critical reader, critical thinking.
[1] Akar, C., Başaran, M. ve Kara, M. (2016). İlkokul 4. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Eleştirel Okuma Becerilerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi. International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 11 (3): 1-14.
[2] Akyol, A. (2011). 2005 İlköğretim ikinci kademe Türkçe dersi öğretim programinda elestirel okuma. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Afyonkarahisar.
[3] Akyol, H. (2015). Türkçe İlkokuma Yazma Öğretimi (15. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
[4] Arıcı, A. F. (2005). İlköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerinin okuma durumları. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erzurum.
[5] Aşılıoğlu, B. (2008). Bilişsel Öğrenmeler İçin Eleştirel Okumanın Önemi ve Onu Geliştirme Yolları. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10: 1-11.
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Abstract: In this paper it is highlighted that B.ed training plays a vital role in national development in terms teacher education. All nations of the world are trying their best survival in the human race development and progress, and "Teacher education" is being considered as key element for the purpose. Re-orientation of teacher education is essential for the whole society to face the challenges of the 21st century. This includes intellectual independence of individual with creation and advancement of constructive knowledge for the teacher, hence B.ED, the teacher education and training programme is designed by NCTE to shape responsible........
Keywords: B.Ed., New Regulation-2014, NCERT & NCTE Curriculum & Constructive Knowledge.[1]. Ashakanwar (2007) & Kanwar (2007), The 12th Cambridge International Conference on open and distance learning What do we know about using new technologies for learning and teaching? Digital Divide or Digital Dividend?
[2]. NCERT, (2014) syllabus, B.Ed. curriculum Framework.
[3]. J.C. Aggarwal, (2006) Teacher and Education in a Developing Society, fourth Edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt limited, New Delhi.
[4]. R. A. Sharma, (2004) Teacher Education-Theory, Practice and Research, International Publishing House, Meerut, (U.P) India.
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Abstract: William Golding's mature success on Broadway, tell about the conflict between the civilizing instinct and the savagery instinct that exist in all human beings. At the outset of the novel, Golding sets up the parameters within which this civilization functions. To begin with, it is populated solely with boys; the group of English schoolboys' plane is shot down over the tropical island where the novel takes place. Among the marooned boys is Ralph, a seventh grade class boy who was annoyingly good at everything, he is fair and catchy. Ralph is the protagonist of the Lord of the Flies. Elected the leader of the group on the desert island and he is the only a good leader as long as the group agree to live by "civilized" rules. He considered as an innately a good leader and his power relies on civilization
[1]. Baker, James R. "Why It's No Go". Critical Essays on William Golding. Ed. Baker, James R. Boston:
G.K. Hall & Co., 1998.
[2]. Golding William. Lord of the Flies. London: Faber and Faber, 1985.
[3]. Hynes, Samuel. "William Golding's Lord of the Flies." Critical Essays on William Golding. Ed. Baker,
James R. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1998.
[4]. Moody, Philippa. Golding: Lord of the Flies, s critical commentary. London: Macmillian, 1964.
[5]. Kinkead-Weekes, mark, and Ian Gregor. Golding William: a critical study. London: Faber and Faber,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Chinua Achebe's Use of Proverbs in Things Fall Apart and No Longer at Ease |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Gitanjali Gogoi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212075256 ![]() |
Abstract: In all of his five novels, Chinua Achebe creatively uses oral cultural elements such as proverbs, folktales, myths etc. to convey different messages. Proverbs, in particular, give a special character to his writing. His use of Ibo proverbs reveals his strategy to make a foreign language his own and his endeavour to make it express African sensibilities. His dexterity in the use of proverbs lies in the way he manipulates their application to suit the different social, cultural and political contexts portrayed in the novels. He uses them skilfully and in a restrained manner so that they do not appear imposed and forced. Proverbs used in Things Fall Apart, a novel set in a rural oral society and in No Longer at Ease, a novel set in an urban literate society mark how Achebe's handling of the African oral cultural element is not mechanical, but strategic and highly manipulative.
Key words: Africa, Ibos, modernity, proverbs, tradition
[1]. Achebe, Chinua. ―Thoughts on the African Novel‖. Hopes and Impediments.( New York: Anchor Books, 1990). 91- 99.
[2]. Gikandi, Simon. Reading Chinua Achebe: Language & Ideology in Fiction. (Oxford: James Currey, 1991).
[3]. Gunner, Liz. ―Africa and Orality‖ African Literature: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory. Eds. Tejumola Olaniyan and Ato Quayson. USA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. 67-73
[4]. Achebe, Chinua. Foreword. A Selection of African Prose. Comp. by W.H. Whiteley.( Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964).
[5]. — — — . Things Fall Apart. (1958) ( New York: Anchor Books, 1994).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Portraiture of Muslim Women in Contemporary Indian Cinema: An Evaluation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rupinder Aulakh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212075760 ![]() |
Abstract: Indian cinema is the only across-the-board contender to the popularity and clout of gargantuan tinsel town.Cinema in the artistic manner not only reflects the society but has the omnibus capability to influence the psychological as well as social realities existing in the social structure and reshape them into new horizons. Besides being the major source of entertainment in India and abroad too; it permeates the thread to lay the various dimensions in the society by nestling its protagonists and setting the real parameters in society. This essay is an attempt to depict the potpourris of quite quintessential condiments of contemporary cinema of Bollywood tinsel town of 21st epoch wheredue to incipience of liberalised, privatised and globalised era; Muslims are socially, economically and politically marginalised. While encapsulating the couple of movies and going through the contemporary film industry.............
Keywords: Cinema, Muslim women, Ideology, Courtesans, Valience.
[1]. Roshni Sengupta, "Representation of the Muslims in Contemporary Hindi Cinema", in Steward Social Science & Humanities Review, Vol. 1, Issue-2, June 2014.
[2]. Sumita Sarkar, "Globalisation and Women at Work: A Feminist Discourse", in: Sumit
[3]. Sarkar and Manjari Srivastava (Eds), Globalisation and Gender, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2011.
[5]. T. Ganti, Bollywood: Guidebook to Popular Hindi Cinema, New York: Routeledge, London, 2004
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Abstract: The phrase, "A small family is a happy family" with two children three years spacing family planning policy effectiveness spread like a wave through time and space. The present paper shall discuss the strategies used by the women to prevent pregnancy, the effect of using contraceptive methods and speculations on the methods. The data was collected through interview from 515 Tangkhul Naga married women aged 15 to 55 years. Women in general used all the methods available to them in their local setting to prevent pregnancy. Be it natural or pharmaceutical method people use various methods for different reasons such as low socio- economy, pregnancy complex, critical health of mother, and so on. Social norms like sexual taboos and posting in different places separating the couple also regulate birth control in its small way. The effect on the users' body system owing to hormonal changes cause..........
Keywords: Family planning, Contraceptive methods, Social norms, hormonal changes, Speculations.
[1]. Ankole, J.E. Darroch, & S.Singh, "Determinants of trends I condom use in the United States, 1988-1995." Family Planning Perspectives 31 (6), 1999, 264-271.
[2]. J. T. Bongaarts, & J. Bruce, "The causes of unmet need for contraception and the social content of services." Studies in family planning 26 (2), 1995, 57-75.
[3]. N.E. Adler, "Unwanted pregnancy and abortion: Definitional and research issues." Journal of Social Issues 48 (3), 1992, 19-35..
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Abstract: This paper explores the Financial Performance and importance of Co-operative banks in Himachal Pradesh. The present study is based on secondary data. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the performance and studies the present financial position of the Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank in Himachal Pradesh. HPSCB is the largest (district wise coverage) Co-operative sector Banks of the state. Performance and efficiency of Co-operative bank are the key elements of the country‟s Financial system at primary level. The co-operative societies in India in fact are playing multifunctional role in both rural as well as urban areas the basic structure of cooperative societies is organised on three tier basis. There are primary credits societies working at village level, above them are.........
[1]. Barwal N. and Kumar K.(2015), "Conceptual Study on Human Resources Development Practices in India Services Sector" Research article International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research.
[2]. Dayanandan, R. And Sasikumar, K 1993, "A study on the performance evaluation of District Central Banks in Kerala‟, Indian Co-operative Review, XXXI (2).
[3]. Janakiramudu P, DurgaRao, (2006) "A fundamental analysis of Indian Banking Industry", The ICFAI Journal of Bank Management, Vol. V, Issue 4, Nov 2006, Pg.68-79.
[4]. JyotiSaluja&Dr.RajendraKaur (2009) "Profitability Performance of Public Sector Bank in India", Indian Journal of Finance- Volume 4, Number 4, April 2010.
[5]. Kumbirai, M. And Webb, R.(2010), A Financial ratio Analysis of Commercial Bank Performance in South", African review of Economic and Finance, Vol.2(1).
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Abstract: This study aimed at examining the practices and challenges of Leadership and management in the Public and Private Kindergartens of Jijiga City Administration. To this end, a mixed research design was used and questionnaire, interview and FGD were used to collect data for the study. 8 Public "O‟ class (preschool) and 12 private kindergartens were purposely and randomly selected respectively. All teachers (eighty-two preschool teachers) responded to the questionnaires. In depth semi structured interview were conducted with 4 public and 8 private kindergarten Preschool directors, Ethiopian Somali Regional Education Bureau‟s Planning Department Head and Education Officer at the City Education office level respectively. In addition, 4 Focus Groups Discussion (2 each in Public and Private Preschools) were conduct with a total of 28 participants (8 PTA members, 16 preschool...........
Key Words: Preschool leadership, Management, Practices, Challenge
[1]. AdaneKitessa(2008) Practice of Early Child Education: The case of two Selected v Kindergartens in Oromia Region, Addis Ababa University, MA Thesis. Unpublished.
[2]. AregashAmare (2005) Status of Childhood Care, Development and Education in Ethiopia. Unpublished discussion paper. Background paper for EFA Global Monitoring Report 2015.
[3]. Barber, M., Whelan, F. & Clark, M. (2010), Capturing the Leadership Premium, McKinsey & Company,
[4]. Britto, P. R., Yoshikawa, H., van Ravens, J., Ponguta, L. A., Reyes, M., Oh, S., Dimaya, R., Nieto, A. M. and Seder, R. (2014). Strengthening systems for integrated early childhood development services;
[5]. Bruneforth, M. (2015). EFA‟s status and achievements by 2015: national, regional and global projections