Version-2 (December-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Yogic Exercise on Selected Physiological Variables of working People |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Dr.K.Usha Rani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212020105 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to find out the Effect of Yogic exercise on selected physiological variables such as pulse rate and breath holding time and blood pressure of working people. Twenty working people from Sivaganga district were selected as subjects at random and their age was between thirty and thirty five years.The selected Asanas were Padmasana, Vajrasan, Paschimottanasana, Matsyasana, Bhujangasana, Savasana. The pre-test was taken and recorded. The Treatment yogic exercises was introduced and training was given to eight weeks to the group.After the eight weeks of yogic exercise training post test was taken . For statistical analaysis t- ratio was used to find...........
Keywords: yoga, pulse rate, breathholding time, blood pressure.
[1]. Madanmohan "Effect of Yoga Training on Reaction Time, Respiratory Endurance and Muscle Strength", Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 36 (4), (1992), PP.229-33.
[2]. Raju, P.S., Madhavi, S., Prasad, K.V., Reddy, M.V., Reddy, M.E., Sahay, B.K., A Murthy, K.J. "Comparison of effects of Yoga and Physical Exercise in Athletics", Indian Journal of Medical Research, 100: (1994), PP.81-
[3]. Johnson, B.L.and Nelson, J.K. Practical Measurements for Evaluation in Physical Education (4th ed) (London: Burgess Publishing) 1986, PP.61-8.
[4]. S.K. Ganguly, "Effect of term Yogic Training Programme On Cardiovascular Endurance", SNIPES Journal, 4:2 (1985), P.45
[5]. Swamy Kuvalyananda, Rational of Yogic Poses and other Articles (Bombay: Kaivalyahama), 1985, P.47.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Arts and Crafts Movement in Digital Era: A Descriptive Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sushma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212020614 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study has been undertaken the role of arts and crafts movements in digital era. The study of Arts and Crafts movement initially developed in England during the latter half of the 19th century. Subsequently this style was taken up by American designers, with somewhat different results. In the United States, the Arts and Crafts style was also known as Mission style. This movement, which challenged the tastes of the Victorian era, was inspired by the social reform concerns of thinkers such as Walter Crane and John Ruskin, together with the ideals of reformer and designer, William Morris. Their notions of good design were linked to their notions of a good.........
Keyword: Arts, Crafts, Design, Digital Era, Movement, open sources, 3D Printing etc.
[1]. Brown‟s, Ford Madox. (2011). Pre-Raphaelite Pioneer, London: Philip Wilson, 54.
[2]. Calhoun, Ann. (2004). The Canterbury Arts and Crafts Movement from 1882, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna Waiwhetu, 14.
[3]. Calhoun, Ann. (2000). The Arts & Crafts Movement in New Zealand 1870-1940, Auckland: Auckland University Press, 16.
[4]. Calhoun, op.cit, p.8
[5]. Calhoun, op.cit, p.16
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Abstract: Au Kasaï oriental et dans la ville de Mbuji-Mayi, lors d'un décès d'un creuseur appelé autrement exploitant artisanal du diamant, suite d'un éboulement dans une mine, l'on assiste à des scènes macabres notamment : bagarre, injure publique, outrage public aux bonnes moeurs, le partage en cafouillage de biens du défunt par les membres de sa famille. L'on remarque que les éléments du patrimoine du défunt sont partagés sans ouverture de la succession ; les héritiers s'acapèrent des biens sans tenir compte des prescrits de la loi en la matière. De même dans ce milieu susvisé, l'ignorance du droit successoral bat son plein. Il ya lieu de remarquer que dans beaucoup de cas les héritiers s'approprient des parts sur la succession supérieures à celles auxquelles ils ont droit. Ainsi il y a donc inégalité et illégalité dans le partage successoral. La catégorisation des héritiers et l ordre utile établis par le législateur congolais ne correspondent pas à la mentalité des membres des communautés de la contrée...........
[1]. Loi n° 87-010 du 1er Aout 1987 portant Code de la Famille, telle que modifiée par la loi n° 16/008 du 15 juillet 2016
[2]. BANDUBUILE IMATA, Les successions en US et coutume RHERGA, 2° éd. UPUG, GOMA, 2000, p.19 FRANCOIS JEVEAU, Méthodologie en sciences sociales, PUF, 2Emeéd. Paris 2006, p.10
[3]. KANYIKI MESU ROBERT, Du mariage et de la protection légale des conjoints contre le SIDA, in Les cahiers de l'UOM, numéro 1, 2OO7, pp141-158
[4]. KIZOBO O., Cours de Méthodologie de recherche scientifique, UNILU, DEA, 2O15-2O16 inédit
[5]. LAETITIA LAURENS, Anticiper sa succession pour éviter les conflits successoraux, www.leblog-patrimoine, 2 mars 2015, 23/05/2017 à 15h40
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Abstract: Social media refers to a broad range of mobile and internet based services that help the users to develop a public profile within a system, formulate a list of users with whom they share their connections and to join the communities that are online (Danah, 2007). The earliest social networking on the WWW was begun in the form of generalised communities such as the Geocities (1994) and (1995) (Cotris, 2008). These communities focussed on bringing all the people in order interact with each other through personal web pages, chat rooms etc. The compilation of personal information, uploading of pictures, make friends through profiles emerged in 1990's (Liverstone, 2008). The first mass social networking site was of the sputh Korean service...........
[1]. Aldridge, G., & Harden, K. (2014, March 23). Selfie addict took two hundred a day—and tried to kill himself when he couldn't take perfect photo. Daily Mirror. Retrieved from
[2]. Alloway, T., Runac, R., Qureshi, M. & Kemp, G. (2014). Is Facebook Linked to Selfishness? Investigating the Relationships among Social Media Use, Empathy, and Narcissism. Social Networking, 3, 150-158.
[3]. Back, M. Stopfer, J., Vazire, S., Gaddis, S., Schmukle, S., Egloff E., & Gosling, S. (2009). Facebook profiles reflect actual personality, not self-idealization. Association for Psychological Science. Retrieved on September 23, 2014 from docs/Back_et_al_PSYCHSCIENCE_2010.pdf
[4]. Baym, N. K., Zhang, Y. B., & Lin, M. (2004). Social interactions across media. New Media & Society, 6(3), 299-318. doi: 10.1177/1461444804041438 Boyd
[5]. Bennett, S. (2014, July 20). A brief history of the #selfie (1839 –2014). Mediabistro. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Action Research for English as Second LanguageTeaching |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212023136 ![]() |
Abstract: The global context of English as medium of communication for academic and professional leverage has brought a spurt in English language teaching and learning across the world countries. English language teaching is a methodological process that is built on the premise that language is a complex system which involves rules and skills. Since the process involves both learners and teachers, both of them learn from and through each other. Teacher development and learner development are intertwined. Both interact with each other that any knowledge that the teachers acquire in the classrooms is the outcome of their exploring the beliefs, principles and theories and as subjects of the experiments the students also stand to gain. Interestingly the teacher and students become the participants........
Keyword: action research; methodological;complex system;participants; teacher turned researchers.
[1]. Allwright, D & Bailey, KM 2004. Focus on the language classroom, Cambridge University Press, New York
[2]. Chamot, AU 2004. "Issues in Language Learning Strategy Research and Teaching‟, Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 14-26
[3]. Chandrasena, MR &Pushkala, R 2015, "Diagnostic test: the Preponderant Connective between the Pilot Study and Action Research,‟ International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistic World, vol. 10, no.4, pp. 30-46
[4]. Crookes, G. 1993."Action Research for Second Language Teachers: Going beyond teacher research‟. Applied Linguistics, 14 (2), 132-144
[5]. Gebhard, JG 1999."Problem posing and solving with action research‟, In Gebhard, JG &Oprandy, R 1999, ed. Language Teaching Awareness: A guide to exploring beliefs and practices,pp.63, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of Female workers in Lakhipur Tea Garden |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sangita Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212023742 ![]() |
Abstract: Information is power. It is a vital source for human beings for living a prosperous life on the earth. Information is all around and is utilized in all walks of life. Thus the information helps against social imbalance. It is the supreme asset than all other movable and immovable asset that the people hold on earth. In the contemporary world people are valued as rich and poor not because of their assets; but they are valued as information rich and information poor. Similarly, information plays a very important role in rural people especially for that people who are belonging from Tea Estates. Because tea garden labor are considered as remarkable labor force in Assam. But they are one.........
Keyword: Information need, Information Seeking Behavior, Tea garden Worker.
[1]. Ahmad, B. A. B. (2011). Information Seeking Behaviours of Rural Women in Malaysia. Library Philosophy and Practice (journal). Paper 461;
[2]. Dasgupta, K. (2000). Rural Libraries in the changing environment in India: Important factors for discussion. Retrieved from:;
[3]. Igbal, S., Yousaf, A., and Soroya, S. (2013). Information need and Seeking Behavior of Rural Women: A Survey of Soon Valley. International Journal of Information Management Science, 2(1), 53-65;
[4]. Mooko, N. P. (2005). The information behaviors of rural women in Botswana. Library & Information Science Research, 27(1), 115-127;
[5]. Patrick, Ijiekhuamhen Osaze and Ferdinand, Omosekejimi Ademola, "Rural Women and their Information Seeking Behavior" (2016). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1396.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Choice or Coercion: decision making autonomy of working women in Abortion |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nahida Sultana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212024348 ![]() |
Abstract: Women in Bangladesh are increasingly engaging in economic activities. But still they do not achieve autonomy in their very personal life. Few study suggested that intimate relationship and autonomy in abortion are decided by male partner as well as family interference. The major objective of this study was to examine the relationship between existing situation of working women‟s autonomy in making decision regarding abortion as well as their intimate relations; decision maker in abortion and sexual intercourse between spouse; and dominant factors that associated in termination of one‟s pregnancy through abortion. Abortion as being a sensitive issue, 10 working married women was participated in the study where in-depth interview was only data collection technique as a part of qualitative.......
[1]. Islam, M.A.(2005). Evaluation of reported induced abortion in Bangladesh: Evidence from the recent DHS.
[2]. Ahmed, S., Islam,A., Khanam,P.A and Barkat-e-Khuda (2017). Induced Abortion:What‟s Happpening in Rural Bangladesh.Reproductive Health Matters, An international journal on sexual and reproductive health and rights,7:14,19-29,DOI:10.1016/S0968-8080(99)90003-4.
[3]. Grimes, D.A; Benson,J., Singh,S., Romero,M.,Ganatra,B., Okonofua,F.E and Shah,I.H (2006). Unsafe abortion: the preventable pandemic. The Lancet Sexual and Reproductive Health Series, October 2006.
[4]. Abate, M.,Assefa, N., Alemayehux, T. (2014). Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, and Determinants Emergency Contraceptive Use among Women Seeking Abortion Services in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. PLoS ONE9(10): e110008.
[5]. Cresswell, J.A., Schroeder,R.,Dennis,M., Owolabi,O., Vwalika,B., Musheke,M., Campbell,O.,and Filippi,V.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Youth In The Church |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gladys Kerubo Ragira || Dr. Rispah N. Wepukhulu || Dr. Savala Angeline |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212024952 ![]() |
Abstract: The youth and their well-being have been neglected by the society which gives priority to false success images as opposed to the youth well-being. In today's church, of all the teenagers' diverse viewpoints, it cannot be ignored that the youth are the church and the world both in the present and the future. This is seen as in their support for the church members who are adults in teaching them and assuming church responsibilities in the future when they grow older. In contrast, the youth today have been known to take a nosedive into the technological and consumerism distracting worlds that lead to destruction of their spiritual attachment with Jesus as well as their ties with the family. As is evidence, the dominating secular culture in the world deprives the youth of personal, economic and spiritual tools which will aid the young generation into being Christ's disciples. In turn, the young generation has sought to neglect their role in spreading the gospel and settled for less since they have been ignored by the society (Shepherd, 2016).
[1]. Campbell, C. M. C. (2000). Renewing the vision: Reformed faith for the 21st century. Louisville, Ky: Geneva Press.
[2]. Chancey, D., & Bruner, R. (2017). Owning faith: Reimagining the role of church & family in the faith journey of teenagers. Abilene, Texas : Leafwood Publishers.
[3]. Day, D., & Kurtz, C. (2017). The reckless way of love: Notes on following Jesus. Walden : Plough Publishing House.
[4]. Nielson, J. (2016). Faith that lasts: Raising kids that don't leave the church. Fort Washington, PA : CLC Publications.
[5]. Shepherd, N. (2016). Faith Generation: Retaining young people and growing the church. London: SPCK.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Peace Education: A paramount need for conflict resolution and human security |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Anjum Ahmed || Amjad Khan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212025357 ![]() |
Abstract: Each of us have a unique way of seeing, hearing and experiencing the world. We are advancing and excelling in every field. Our society is plagued with constant stress, conflict and mental disturbances. The internet, media, news channel and print media is splattered with the information happening anywhere around the world in few seconds. As the society is transforming towards modernization; stress, conflicts and mental disturbance is also accelerating at the same rate. To cope with all these happenings an individual must be educated through the subjects and activities so that one can be adjusted in the society at all levels. Conflict among the individuals is the innate, factual and demonstrative truth. We all are born with some of the traits that are not affordable even by our parents and well-wishers still; they bear this for our betterment..........
Keyword: Conflict Strategies, Human betterment, Peace education, Peaceful Settlement
[1] Burton.W.John, Resolving deep-rooted conflict: a handbook (University Press of America, ISBN 0819162841,2007). [2] Ebadi .Shirin, Iran Awakening: One Woman's Journey to Reclaim Her Life and Country (Random House New York. ISBN 978-0-676-97802-5, 2007).
[3] Deutsch.Morton, The Resolution of Conflict: Constructive and Destructive processes (Yale university press.ISBN 0300021860,2006).
[4] J.P. Lederach, The little Book of Conflict Transformation( PA: Good Books,2003)
[5] T.D. Marta, Non Violent Conflict Resolution Strategies for peace: With Special reference to active pacifism, Nehru School Of Social Sciences, Guldekdi, Pune ,India,2002
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Language of Agreement: A Content Analysis of Employment Contracts |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rowena Vasquez-Sosas |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212025886 ![]() |
Abstract: TContracts are common forms of legal documents that play an important part in human daily lives. However important, still contracts are just conformed yet left unread especially the terms which may be detrimental once breached for contracts are drafted with legal language which differs from laymen‟s. This qualitative research study employing content analysis described the morphosyntactic features and terms of employment contracts. Twenty contracts from private organizations were used in this study and it was found out that employment contracts used affixes, nominals, modals, binomial expressions, conditionals, and passives with lengthy and complex sentences. Contracts also imbed statutory, express and implied terms. With the morphosyntactic features, employment contracts become abstract, nominal and impersonal in nature and they contribute to the tone of formality of contracts. It has become controlling with its modal verbs and conditionals which present hypothetical situation which.......
Keyword: applied linguistics, content analysis, employment contracts, linguistic features, imbedded terms
[1]. Aher, M. (2013). Modal in legal language. (Doctoral dissertation, Institute of Cognitive Science University of Osnabruck). Retrieved from
[3]. Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C. & Razavieh, A. (2002). Introduction to research in education. Belmont, CA
[4]. Babbie, E. (1999). The basics of social research (8th ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth Publications.
[5]. Baxter, J., and Eyles, J. (1997). Evaluating qualitative research in social geography: Establishing "rigour‟ in interview analysis. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 22(4), 505-525
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Abstract: As multi-ethnics country, Indonesia has conflict potentials. Seen from perspective of intercultural communication, the researcher tries to explain relationship between ethnic (Madurese and Javanese ethnic students) in University of Trunojoyo Madura. The aim of this research is to identify communication pattern between students in University of Trunojoyo Madura as well as to explain communication competence of Madurese students in the intercultural communication process. This research based on set of assumption that plural society consists of varied ethnic groups, religions, and race groups will face communication problems, including in Madura where Madurese and Javanese ethnic group interacted intensively. The research was conducted in Bangkalan with many considerations that in University of Trunojoyo Madura, interaction between Madurese and Javanese students run........
Keyword: Madurese, Javanese Ethnic, Communication
[1]. Abdurahman, "Sejarah Madura Selayang Pandang" . Paper dalam Proyek Penelitian Madura. Depdiknas Indonesia-Belanda, 1971.
[2]. Altman, I., & Taylor, D. Social penetration: The Development of interpersonal relationships. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.
[3]. Aly, Abdullah, "Pendidikan Multikultural Dalam Tinjauan Pedagogik." Seminar Pendidikan Multikultural sebagai Seni Mengelola Keragaman, Surakarta, 8 Januari 2005, Pusat Studi Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial (PSB-PS) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
[4]. Azra, Azyumardi. Identitas dan Krisis Budaya : Membangun Multikulturalisme Indonesia, 29 Desember 2007.
[5]. Banks, James A. (ed.). Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives. Boston-London: Allyn and Bacon Press, 1989