Version-9 (December-2017)
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Abstract: The working definition of literacy in the Indian census since 1991 is the total percentage of the population of an area at a particular time aged seven years or above who can read and write with understanding. The low female literacy rate has had a dramatically negative impact on family planning and population stabilization efforts. Literacy rate in West Bengal is seen upward trend and is 76.26 percent as per 2011 population census. Out of that, male literacy stands at 81.69 percent while female literacy is at 70.54 percent (Indian Census 2011). According to Indian census 2011, the female literacy rates of villages of West Bengal are comparatively low. In this situation most of the villages are belonging to the districts of minority and backward class community. Rural female literacy rates also vary in respect of a village female population. There are differences found between percentage of share of female population and literate female population in majority of village. Gender disparities in Literacy rate are also found in different ranges in rural areas.
Keywords: Gender disparity in Literacy, Inequality of Literacy, Rural female Literacy, Variance of Literacy rate,
[1] R. Kaur, (Accessed on June 2013). "Low Female Literacy Rate and Its Impact on our Society", Available at http://
[2] Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. (Accessed on June 2011). Article: "Man and Women", Chapter 3: Literacy and Education, Available at http://www.mospi. 203.pdf
[3] Census of India. (Accessed on March 2015). "Status of Women Literacy", Available at .pdf
[4] A. Adhikari, and M. Kamle.(2010), "Spatial Pattern of Education and Development in West Bengal" Annals of National Association of Geographers, Vol.-Xxx, No.-2, December-2010, Pp.55-67
[5] Government of West Bengal (2012). District Statistical Handbook, 2010–2011, Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics, ( for individual 19 district)
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Abstract: Sufism movement is very dominant in the life of Muslim Indonesia, especially among rural traditionalists. This study is unique because the targets of its phenomenon are two villages located in two different districts but have the same name, namely Kelutan Village in Nganjuk and Kelutan Village in Trenggalek. The purpose of this research is to photograph and analyze the Sufism movement of the people living in Kelutan Village of Nganjuk Regency and Kelutan Village of Trenggalek Regency by identifying the characteristics of each of Sufism in Kelutan villages. this research is a qualitative and phenomenological approach that is observing directly the atmosphere of Sufistic life of the population in both villages, interviewing historians, scientists, community...........
Keyword: Sufism movement, Socio-Sufism, Paguyuban (Gemeinschaft), Patembayan (Gesellschaft), Kelutan village
[1] Arifin, S. W. T.,U'qud al Juman Tanbih(Jakarta: Yayasan Serba Bhakti,1995).
[2] Dhofir, Zamarkhsari, Tradisi Pesantren: Studi tentang Pandangan Hidup Kiyahi(Jakarta: LP3ES, 1992).
[3] Hamka,Perkembangan Kebatinan di Indonesia(Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1971).
[4] Hamka,Tasawuf Modern(Jakarta: Pustaka Panjimas, 1990).
[5] Hamka, Tasawuf Perembangan dan Pemuriannya(Jakarta: Pustaka Panjimas, 1993).
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Abstract: The colonial Ekiti was rich in exportable commodities that enriched the colonial government through what was known as external trade; between the Ekiti people, the local businessmen, the middlemen, government and foreign nations like Britain, and the United States of America. As a sub-ethnic of the Yoruba derivation, the Ekiti people trade majority on Palm produce just like other settlement in Yoruba land. Before colonization, palm produce was also mainly for local consumption, without the people really knowing its industrial and economic value. However, during the colonial period, this product was aggressively sought after by foreign firms like John Holt, United African Company, G, B, Oliphant, A.G Leventis and Peterson, and Zochonis, among others. Trade in this commodity was controlled by agencies like Nigeria Oil Palm Produce Marketing Board (NOPPMB). Inspite of the exploitative actions of the colonial government.......
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Abstract: This article introduces the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) and its tools. It emphasizes the need to use the TIM in secondary level for teaching and learning Science subjects and reflects upon the implementation of TIM in conjunction with the TIM tools, by science teachers which helps them to integrate technology into lessons and additionally acts as a lesson planning tool and an evaluation tool. There exists a difference between traditional physics teaching and learning by incorporating technology at hand and application of TIM in teaching and learning Physics. Through this article, I intend to spread out the importance of using TIM in secondary school level for teaching and learning physics in the Indian sub-continent.
Keywords: Technology Integration Matrix (TIM), Professional learning, Technology Integration, Descriptors
[1]. Technology Integration Matrix. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2017, from
[2]. Zucker, A., & Hug, S. (2008). Teaching and Learning Physics in a 1:1 Laptop School. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17(6), 586-594. Retrieved from
[3]. Persin, R. (2002). Web-Assisted Instruction in Physics: An Enhancement to Block Scheduling. American Secondary Education, 30(3), 61-69. Retrieved from
[4]. Resnick, R. M. (2011). School market size, growth and the shift to digital resources in K-12 classrooms. Publishing Research Quarterly, 27(2), 169-177. doi:
[5]. Liu, F., Ritzhaupt, A. D., Dawson, K., & Barron, A. E. (2017). Explaining technology integration in K-12 classrooms: A multilevel path analysis model. Educational Technology, Research, and Development, 65(4), 795-813. doi:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Higher Education & Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aruna N Swami |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212092731 ![]() |
Abstract: Higher education today is facing many challenges; it hasn't been successful in achieving its target of preparing young men and women for life as well as for a profession. The reason probably is imbalance in what industry aspires to see in young graduates and what colleges/ universities prepare them for. This imbalance cannot be resolved unless there is university and industry partner-ship and goals are set,accordingly. In addition to that, we need to combine formal education along with skill sets which are necessary for getting jobs. Vocational education shall be mandatory post Highersecondary education and in doing so local needs and opportunities available shall be taken into consideration. At college level there is need of skilling students which implies providing the skills necessary for............
Keywords: Emotional quotient, skilling India, interpersonal skills, pedagogy and cognitive skills
[1]. Douglas Thomas& John Seely Brown: A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating The Imagination for A world Of Constant
[2]. Createspace Independent Publishing PlatformJanuary 4th 2011
[3]. Dr. V Sasi Kumar: The Education System In India- Research Paper
[4]. Education Policy 1955 Wikipedia
[5]. Howard Gardner: Five Minds For the Future, Pub.Harvard Business School Press, America, 2008..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Globalization: it's problem and ethical issues: A bird's eye view |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Satyajit Kalita. M.A |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212093238 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of globalization. Historically, discussion of issues related to globalism has been explicit for about fifty years. Since the 1960s concepts of ecology, ecological crises, and global problems of modernity, globalization, antiglobalization, and so forth have been broadly used in scientific and political dialogue. These deliberations make clear that globalism concerns far more than merely how capitalism has impacted the entire planet economically. Globalism is also closely connected to concerns about the environment and human rights. This paper begins by defining globalization, antiglobalization, and alterglobalization. Next, a case...........
Keywords:Globalizationj, alterglobalization, antiglobalization, global studies, globalization, John Dewey, norms, Robert Johansen, values, war
[1]. Brecher, J., Costello, T., and Smith, B. 2000. Globalization from Below: The Power of Solidarity. Cambridge, MA: South End Press. Bydston, J. A. (ed.)
[2]. 1983. John Dewey. The Middle Works, 1899–1924. Vol. 15: 1923–1924. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
[3]. Dewey, J.
[4]. 1983a. If War Were Outlawed. In Bydston 1983: 110–114.
[5]. 1983b. What Outlawry of War is Not. In Bydston 1983: 115–121..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Traditional, Structural And Cognitive Approach To Linguistics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Machhindra Govind Varpe |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212093943 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper traces the historical development of linguistics, and the related disciplines that have emerged. An attempt is made to give a fair idea of some of the major concerns of linguists by acquainting with different dimensions of linguistics, and with serval interdisciplinary fields relating to linguistics. The traditional, structural and cognitive approach to linguistics are studied.
Keywords: Linguistics, cognitive approach, structural approach, structural approach
[1]. Akmajian, A; R.A.Demers and R.M. Harnish (1979) :Linguistics : An introduction to Language and communication. The MIT Press, Massachusettes.
[2]. Crystal, D (1987): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. CUP. Cambridge.
[3]. Fromkin, V.A. and R.Rodman(1988): An introduction to language. 4thed Holt, Rinehart and Winston. New York.
[4]. Joos, M.(ed.) (1966) : Readings in Linguistics 1. Chicago University Press.Chicago and London.
[5]. Lyons, J. (1968) :Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. CUP Cambridge..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Unfair Competition |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Özge Tuçe GÖKALP |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212094446 ![]() |
Abstract: In our study, after the honesty rule – the fine line between competition and unfair competition – is discussed based on key provisions, unfair competition situations in the Turkish Commercial Code are briefly considered, and unfair competition cases are examined through the sample decisions that have been subject to the Supreme Court. In the conclusion section, the legal mechanisms provided by the legislator are briefly discussed in case of encountering unfair competition.
Keywords: Unfair Competition - Supreme Court Decisions - Honesty Code.
[1]. Bilgili, Fatih/Demirkapı, Ertan (2016), Ticaret Hukuku Bilgisi, Bursa: Dora Basım Yayın.
[2]. Bozkurt, Tamer (2015), Ticaret Hukuku'nda Son Viraj, İstanbul: XXII Levha Yayıncılık.
[3]. Çetiner, Selma/Bozkurt Yüksel, A. Ebru (2015), Ticari İşletme ve Şirketler Hukuku, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
[4]. Gezder, Ümit, (2014), Türk Medeni Hukuku Başlangıç-Kişiler-Aile Hukuku, İstanbul.
[5]. Göle, Celal, (1983), Ticaret Hukuku Açısından Aldatıcı Reklamlara Karşı Tüketicini Korunması, Ankara..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects On The Advertising Transformation Metaphor and Target Mass |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Ferrah Nur DÜNDAR |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212094750 ![]() |
Abstract: Increasing population, consumption and changing consumption habits in the world have created the need of considering the concept of consumption. Particularly the social developments cause changes in the consumers' consumption concepts. How the consumer is going to carry out purchases through the metaphor of transformation, whether the metaphor used in advertisements is understood as transmitted by the advertiser, and what kind of emotional connotations they lead the followers are addressed over the concept of consumption. In the study, within the concept of the communication established with the consumers through the advertisements, the structural characteristics and qualities of metaphor, its forms of usage and its effects on the consumer are revealed; additionally, in accordance with the fact that individuals' consumption is a way of establishing an identity or a status through the use of metaphors, the role of the media in the consumption process is discussed with various advertising examples as the media is a motive for consumption.
Keywords: Advertising, consumption, consumption society, transformation, metaphor
[1]. Batı, Uğur, (2016), Reklamın Dili, İstanbul, Alfa Yayınları.
[2]. Bauman Zygmunt, (2006), Küreselleşme, Toplumsal Sonuçları, Ayrıntı yayınları, İstanbul.
[3]. Baudrillard , Jean, (2006), Tüketim Toplumu, Ayrıntı yayınları, İstanbul.
[4]. Boozer, Robert W; David C. Wyld ; James Grant. "Using Metaphor to Create More Chandler, Daniel. Semiotics: The Basics, Routledge Yay., NY , ABD, (2002), Effective Sales Messages", The Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 7, no. 1, Bahar, 1991.
[5]. Küçükerdoğan, Rengin, (2005), Reklam Söylemi,ES Yay. İstanbul, Ekim...
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Abstract: Cultural changes have differentiated the images of women and men imaginations, together with bringing the changes in cultural ideologies, individuality, freedom and the demolition of the moral taboos on women's sexuality into the forefront. Women's expressing themselves through art, have emerged as a result of paternalistic society and as a stance against male domination, just like the development of feminist theory; and art has begun to be transformed and changed in this context. The subordination of women by the paternalistic structure led women to refuse their roles and to create a perspective specific to women in plastic arts, at the same time. In this study, the political and cultural perspective change of the women in the art from the 1900's until today was examined, the familiar and recognized artistic definitions were reinterpreted, and the concepts of aesthetics, hierarchy, image, and the relationship between the performer and the audience for women were re-questioned.
Keywords: Women, art, feminist art, aesthetics, hierarchy, image.
[1]. Ahmet Taylan, Global-Local Culture Interaction, Mersin Antmen, Ahu, (2008). Önsöz, Sanat Cinsiyet, haz. Ahu Antmen, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
[2]. Anetmen, Ahu, (2002). 20.Yüzyıl Batı Sanatında Akımlar, Sel Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
[3]. Direk, Zeynep, Cindy Sherman, (2000). Defter, sayı 39, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, 133-158.
[4]. Freeland, Cynthia, (2008). Sanat Kuramı, çev. Fisun Demir, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara.
[5]. Gerilla Kızlar, (2009). An Interview,
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Abstract: This study was carried out to specifically examine the relationship between physico-legal characteristics of buildings and the level of compliance with building Laws in urban Calabar of Cross River State, Nigeria. The type of data utilized in this study was based on the physico-legal characteristics of buildings in the study area in relation to the level of compliance with the Cross River State Building Law of 1984 as amended in 1987. Based on these physical and legal characteristics, data relevant to this study were obtained through direct measurements of the physical characteristics of the buildings and questionnaires issued to owners of Buildings. The physical variables included Housing Density, Building Supervisor Competence, Age of Building, and Building Plan Approval status. The measurement was to determine the level of compliance with the provisions on the physico-legal characteristics of buildings. The resulting data were analysed using Statistical Package (SPSS) version 11.0,..............
Keywords: Urban Calabar, Physico-Legal Characteristics, Planning Law, Building Law, Quantitative Finding
[1]. Cross River State Building Law of 1984 as Amended in 1987.
[2]. Ebong, M. O. (1983) The Perception Of Residential Quality: A Case Study Calabar, Nigeria. Third World
Planning Review, 5(3), 273-285.
[3]. JiboyeA (2008) A Study of Public Housing Satisfaction in Lagos, Nigeria. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Department
of Urban and Regional Planning. ObafemiAwolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
[4]. National Population Commission (NPC) Census and Housing Report, (2006).
[5]. Offiong V. (2007).Promoting Environmental Law Consciousness within residential district in Calabar Journal of
Law and Diplomacy Vol. No. 1 International Research and Development Institute..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women Empowerment: A Comprehensive Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. RupinderAulakh || Ms. PallaviKapila |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2212096267 ![]() |
Abstract: As the population of women comprises about half of the total population over the globe; they have the right to be strengthened and rejuvenated in order to be the key to various affirmative and multidimensional transformations. Empowering the women enables them to entirely participate in various spheres which is substantial to build grandeur economies, attain internationally agreed goals for sustainability, development and to enhance the quality of life for women, men, families and communities. By enhancing women's control over economic, cultural, social and political spheres; as well as participation in decision making, leads to better prospects and general well-being for present as well as for future generations...........
Keywords:Women, Empowerment, Political, Economic, Social, Feminism, Conventions.
[1]. Adams, Robert (2008).Empowerment, Participation and Social Work.New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
[2]. Chatterjee, MadhushreeDasgupta (2016). Political Empowerment of Women: Pathway to Inclusive
Democracy, YOJANA.
[3]. Constitution of India (2007). India.
[4]. Gupta (ed) (2012). Economic, Social and Political Empowerment of Women in Ghana. Women
Empowerment and Global Development, Madhav Books: Haryana.
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Abstract: In developing countries like India, the land is a means of subsistence. There is a burden of growing population creating stress on the economic development inducing changes in the land use pattern. To promote urbanization, large-scale development projects are being fabricated for a prosperous economy. The erection of these large-scale projects is to be assessed through EIA process to understand the environmental consequences of that project and to go ahead with the proposed plan. In the EIA process, the impact prediction and assessment do not analyse the socio-economic impacts of the proposed project. This limited the performance of the EIA. In the case of the widening of highway projects, they induce greater changes in landuse pattern which contribute to the adverse environmental impacts attributed to the land use...........
Keywords: EIA, Landuse impacts, Widening of highway projects
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[5]. Chawla, Shashi. "Land Use Changes in India and its Impacts on." Environment (2012): 14-20...