Abstract: The focus on balancing life and work highlights the value placed on overall life quality and addresses the fact that increased demands at work are contributing to an imbalance. Work-life balance (WLB) is a choice an individual has to make. However, it is the organisation itself that needs to take an initiative to help the employee. If a company addresses these needs, inaddition to provide great career opportunities, then, it will be successful in providing job satisfaction to the employees. While organisations are adopting new ways to ensure that their employees have adequate time to enjoy with their personal life and spend time with family, it is unknown major critical factors of WLB on employee performance of female teachers in Brunei Darussalam Public School. The objective of the study is to determine the relationship between work life balance (Organizational, demographic.....
KEYWORDS: Work life balance, Demographic, Social, Organization, Female Teachers, Brunei Darussalam
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