Abstract: The death of a spouse is a stressful life event that marks a turning point in the life course often involving transitions and adaptations in social roles for the surviving partner. Widowhood is associated with increased financial strain, the assumption of new tasks in household management and changes in social relationships, all of which may exerbate or mitigate psychological distress. Widowhood impacts multiple life domains which may moderate short and long term effects on the psychological wellbeing of the bereaved. The study examined the psychosocial and economic challenges encountered by widows and their effect on self-esteem in Githunguchu Sub-location location, Gatundu Sub County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to assess and identify psychosocial and economic challenges encountered by widows in relation to the effects of psychosocial and economic.....
KEYWORDS: Psychosocial, Self-esteem, Widows
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