Abstract: The paper aims to determine the relationship between access to electricity and economic performance. The study covered 14 countries of the ECOWAS region and used data ranging from 1990 to 2016. The Pool Mean Group estimator, in an ARDL setting, was used to estimate the short and long run dynamics of access to electricity on growth. The analysis was done considering the currency, language and geographical divide. Results show cointegration among variables. In the long run, access to electricity positively impacts economic growth but not in the short run. There is a long run causality going from access to electricity to economic performance. Access to electricity has no significant impact on economic growth when the sample is disaggregated to capture the currency, language and geographical divide. From the findings, we recommend that the authorities of the region endeavor to increase investment in energy infrastructure to substantially improve access rate..
Key Words: energy, economic growth, PMG, ECOWAS
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