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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Living Faith Church International A.K.A. Winners Chapel |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Dr. T.A. Falaye |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208010105 ![]() |
Abstract: The study assessed the relevance of Winners' Chapel to the indigenous society; the doctrines, administrative structure of the church, the financial income and expenditure. The methods used in this study include interview, observation and review of existing literature. The findings revealed that Winners' Chapel as an indigenous church has more relevant to African Society particularly in the area of evangelizing Africa and meeting the needs of Africans. Finally, there is need for Winners' Chapel to lay more emphasis on pietism and to define modesty and contentment to prevent materialistic tendency.
[1] Abioye, D. About Living Faith Church.
[2] Abioye, D. (2009). Strategies for Progress. Dominion Publishing House, Nigeria
[3] Adelegan, F. (2013). Nigeria's Leading Lights of the Gospel, West Bow Press, P. 145.
[4] Celebrating Papa @ 60. Bishop David Oyedepo talks About Life @ 60.
[5] Central Bank of Nigeria: [All Financial Institutions] Covenant University Microfinance Bank Limited. 2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Inter-Governmental Ideal Relationship in the Management of Mineral and Coal Resources |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Suryaningsi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208010610 ![]() |
Abstract: The main purpose of the state is to improve the people welfare. Hence, all the existing resources should be pursued and exploited optimally. As it turns out in practice, however, authority overlapping includes permits issued by regents overlapping with other regent, as well the governors' permit overlaps with the permit issued by the regent. The outcomes of the research indicate that the inter-government ideal relationship and local governments on the management and exploitation of mineral................
Keywords: Local Government, Mining, Mineral and Coal Resources
[1] Aminuddin Ilmar. (2012). Hak Menguasai Negara Dalam Privatisasi BUMN. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[2] Felix A. Nogro and Lyold G. Nigro. (1980). Modern Public Administration, New York; Harper & Row Publishers.
[3] Irwansyah, I. (2017). "Based Environmental Law: The Debate Between Ecology Versus Development". Sriwijaya Law Review, 1(1), 044-066.
[4] John Rawl, (1972). Theory of Justice. Cambridge Mas: Harvard, University Press.
[5] Peter Mahmud Marzuki. (2013). Penelitian Hukum, Edisi Revisi, Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Coaching- A Leadership Development Tool |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dimple G Jain || Dr. V Chandramohan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208011113 ![]() |
Abstract: Does coaching really work? Does it help improve leadership effectiveness? This empirical study aims to answer these questions by tracking the progress of 50 executives participating in a six-month coaching and 360 feedback process. The effectiveness of coaching session on the five Leadership competencies (Self-management, People Management, Business Communication, Decision-making and Customer relation) was studied. A 360 degree survey was implemented to get feedback from Boss, peers, and direct reports before and after the individual coaching sessions. The results suggest that the combination of multi-rater feedback and individual coaching do increase leadership effectiveness. Implication of the results for further study is discussed
KEY WORDS:Coaching, Competencies, Decision Making, Leadership, 360 degree feedback
[1] Goldsmith, M., Lyons, L., Freas, A (Eds.) (2000). Coaching for Leadership. Jossey-Bass/ Pfeiffer, San Francisco, CA.
[2] Proceedings Papers:
[3] Cunningham, S (1991). ``Coaching today's executive'', Public Utilities Fortnightly. Vol. 128 (2): pp. 22.
[4] Thach, L (1998). ``14 ways to groom executives'', Training Magazine. Vol. 35 (8): pp. 55.
[5] Kilburg, RR (1996). ``Towards a conceptual understanding and definition of executive coaching'', Consulting Psychology Journal. Vol. 48 (2): pp. 134-144..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Use and Application of Gita Govinda in Odissi Dance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manoranjan Pradhan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208011417 ![]() |
Abstract: The essential aspect of Odissi dance form and the regular prayer offerings to Lord Jagannatha of Puri are from Gita Govinda. Jayadeva the twelfth century composer of the unparalleled Gitagovinda (Song of the Cowherd) stands alone as a poet of paramount prominence. As a fervent devotee of Krishna, there is a strong undercurrent of Vaisnava faith (the worship of Vishnu or his associated avatars, principally as Rama and Krishna, as the original and supreme God) and Bhakti (loving devotion) in his articulation.............
Keywords: Odissi, Dance, Jayadeva, Gitagovinda, Jagannath
[1] Sri Gita-Govinda by Kaviraj Sri Jayadeva. Edited by: Pandit Neelamani Mishra, Grantha Mandir,
Cuttack-2, Orissa, 1995.
[2] Sri-Jayadeba-kruta Gîta-Govinda Oriya Translation & Edited By: Susil Kumar Das, Avahana
Communications, Lingaraj Vihar, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar-751020, Orissa, 2010.
[3] Natyashastra of Bharata Muni Vidya Vilas Press, Varanasi, 1929.
[4] Pani, Dr. Subas: Sampoorna Geetagovinda, Sri Geetagovinda Pratisthana, Puducherry, 2014.
[5] Patnaik, Dhirendranath: Odissi Dance, Odisha Sangeet Natak Academi, Bhubaneswar, 1971.
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Abstract: Inheritance law in Indonesia still has pluralistic characteristic. Besides the civil inheritance law, there are also the Islamic inheritance law and the Adat (customary) inheritance law. The pluralistic inheritance laws in Indonesia have the impact on land right transfer, based on inheritance. Registering Land Right Transfer, based on SKAW (Certificate of Heirs), is an absolute requirement for the registration in the Land Office. It seems that SKAW is still based on ethnic groupings as it is stipulated in Article 163 IS and Article 131 IS as they are regulated in Article 42 of PP (Government Regulation)..............
Keywords: Impact of Pluralism, Inheritance Law, Land Registration
[1] Abdurrahman. H"Hukum Adat Dalam Perkembangan Pluralisme Hukum di Indonesia" Makalah yang disampaikan pada seminar Pluralisme Hukum dan Tantangannya bagi Pembentukan Sistem Hukum Nasional, Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional Depkumham di Makassar 1-2 Mei 2007
[2] Andiko.Seri Hukum dan Keadilan Sosial. Editor Myrna A.Safitri. Penerbit HUMA. Jakarta. 2011.
[3] Assiddiqie.Jimly.Konstitusi dan Konstitusionalisme Indonesia.Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia dan Pusat Studi Hukum Tata Negara.Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia. Cetakan Pertama. Jakarta. 2004.
[4] Aziz.Abdul.Hakim, Negara Hukum dan Demokrasi di Indonesia. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta. 2011.
[5] Darmodihardjo Dardji, sebagai mana dikutip oleh Aanthon Susanto, Ilmu Hukum Non Sistematik "Fondasi Filsafat Pengembangan Ilmu Hukum Indonesia" Genta Publishing. Yokyakarta. 2010..
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Abstract: Child marriage is a crucial social issue of Bangladesh. At present Bangladesh is the fifth highest country of child marriage in the world while 18 percent of girls got married before age of 15 and 52 percent before age of 18. Bangladesh child marriage act prescribes that the minimum age of marriage were 18 years for women and 21 years for men. According to the present act, child marriage is legally prohibited in Bangladesh. Bangladesh government has taken several initiatives for reducing the rate of child marriage but it is not decreasing at the satisfactory level in Bangladesh...........
KEY WORDS: Bangladesh, Child Marriage, Contemporary Factors, Statistical Analysis
[1] Farzana, T.J. (2016). Early Marriage of Women: The Case of Bangladesh. World Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6. No. 2. July 2016 Special Issue. pp. 51 – 61.
[2] Ferdousi, N. (2014). Child marriage in Bangladesh: Socio-legal analysis. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 6(1), pp. 1-7.
[3] Plan Bangladesh. (2013). Child marriage in Bangladesh.
[4] Blomgren, L. (2013). Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Causes, Consequences, and Legal Framework. Memorandum, Avon Global Center for Women and Justice.
[5] Kamal, S. M., Hassan, C. H., Alam, G. M., Ying, Y. (2014). Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Trends and Determinates. Journal of Biosocial Science, page 1-20, 6 Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/S0021932013000746.
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Abstract: In the context of post-modern changes and developmental projects in society, the paper seeks to scrutinize the displacement, resettlement & rehabilitation process and its gender dimensions of women in fishing community, experiencing a development trauma with the construction of Vizhinjam International Deepwater Multipurpose Sea Port (VIDMSP) at Vizhinjam, Kerala, India. The socio-political assertion of bringing large scale development for the entire society in general and fishing community living in the proposed area in particular, the commencement of port poses an unbearable threat of displacement among fishermen community............
KEY WORDS: Development, Displacement, Gender, Fishing community.
[1] Pandya, Hinal, SardarSarovar: Hope and Reality(New Delhi: Mohit Publications, 2004)
[2] Lobo, Lancy and Kumar, Shashikant, Land acquisition, displacement and resettlement in Gujarat: 1947-2004 (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2009)
[3] Behera, Narendra Kumar, Displacement, resettlement and rehabilitation (New Delhi: Abhijeet Publications, 2011)
[4] Scudder, Thayer and Colson, Elisabeth, From welfare To development: A conceptual framework for the analysis of dislocated people, in
[5] Hansen A. and A. Oliver-Smith (eds.), Involuntary migration and resettlement. (CO, Boulder: Westview Press, 1982)
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Abstract: This paper examines the new notion/process of "messaging stickiness" (Theobald, 2013) which is primarily coined to mean the production and flow of effective communication in an age of digital Infoglut. It explains such a notion/process both as concept and applicability in order to clarify the principles and techniques underlying the composition of "stickier messages" amidst the current messaging meltdown. Based on these examination and explanation, the paper moves to investigate how Moroccans, especially young people, receive and assess the Moroccan commercial telecom discourse encoded by Maroc..............
KEY WORDS: Telecommunication, messaging stickiness, discourse, digital infoglut.
[1] Theobald, Theo (2013). On Message: Precision Communication for the Digital Age. London: KoganPage.
[2] Van Dijk, Teun A. (2001-2003). "Critical Discourse Analysis". The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Ed. Deborah Schiffrin, et al. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
[3] Castells, Manuel, et al. (2007). Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective. Cambridge: MIT Press.
[4] Sluijs, Jasper P. "Network Neutrality between False Positives and False Negatives: Introducing a European Approach to American Broadband Markets". Federal Communications Law Journal, January 2010.
[5] Burns, Conrad. "Communications Policy for the Next Four Years". Federal Communications Law Journal, Vol. 57, No. 2, March 2005.
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Abstract: Water sector has been undergoing various reforms in the past decade aimed at promoting projects sustainability. There is a general acceptance that community project participation influence project performance however the influence of participation in resource mobilization on sustainability of community water projects is not clear. This study sought to establish the influence of community participation in resource mobilization on sustainability of community water projects in Kenya, a case of Nyeri County. The study adopted a mixed method research anchored on a concurrent triangulation............
KEY WORDS:Community Project Participation, Community Water Projects, Sustainability of Community Water Projects, Water Service Provider, Water service regulatory board
[1] Abrams L, Palmer I, & Hart, T (1998); Sustainability Management Guidelines: Pretoria: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
[2] Briscoe, J., and Ferranti D (1988); Water for Rural Communities, Helping People Help Themselves. Washington, DC: World Bank.
[3] Carpenter, S, B. Walker, Anderies J. M., and Abel N (2001). From metaphor to measurement:
[4] resilience of what to what? Ecosystems 4:765–781
[5] Carter RC, Tyrrel SF, Howsam P. (2009). Impact and Sustainability of Community Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes in Developing Countries, Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 13. 292-296..
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Abstract: Pain oozed out of their words. It was not ink with which they wrote but blood, their own blood. They were deprived of hopes and dreams in a man's world. Forced to stay apart, they decided not to spend their time for tears but words. Powerful words rolled down their cheeks giving birth to lines which carried meanings boundless. Such were the poems written by Sylvia Plath and Kamala Das. They were frank enough to reveal their self as it is, unwilling to cover up their emotions and feelings which were a taboo in a male controlled- male dominated society. Confessional poetry always.............
Keywords: Confessional poetry, Death, Disease, Decay, Despair[1] Das, Kamala. The Old Playhouse and Other Poems. Madras: Orient Longman Ltd. 1973
[2] Das, Kamala. The Descendants. Calcutta: Writers Workshop. 1967
[3] Rosenthal, M.L. The New Poets. New York: Oxford University Press. 1967.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mother - The Architect of Child |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. G. Vijayalakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208017378 ![]() |
Abstract: The present paper attempts to analyze the guidelines for "Mother and Child Care" released by Ayush ministry and to draw parallels between the ancient Indian practices for pregnant women and concerned scientific researches across the world. The study also reveals the significance of upholding the physical, psychological and emotional conditions of pregnant women and how their imbalances influence the child before and after birth. The mother, as an architect of a child, shapes most of the physical and mental condition of a child and must be treated with utmost care recognizing her great contribution to the human race.
KEY WORDS: Ayush suggestions, Indian practices, Modern researches, Pregnant women.
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Abstract: This research paper discusses the comparative position of advisory opinion of court in classical and newer democracies of the World. The research paper also searches the trend of advisory opinion in classical and new democracies of the world. The study also deals the pre and post constitutional era scenario of advisory opinion of Court in India. The study may facilitate to understand the role of the advisory opinion in classical democracies of the World like Canada, USA, UK, Australia and newer democracies like Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh over the years.
KEY WORDS: Advisory Jurisdiction, Classical democracies, Newer Democracies, Court
[1] D. K. Singh and, A. Singh, Consultative Jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India: Assessment and Critical Analysis, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 22( 6), 2017, Ver.13, 43-48.
[2] Constitutional History, Maitland 4th ed: "The further back we trace our History," says Maitland, "the more impossible is it for us to draw strict lines of demarcation between the various functions of the State: the same institution is a legislative assembly, a governmental council and a Court of law;......" (p. 05) "Besides the general Council, the King had a permanent council in constant session.........the King can take advice in whatever quarter he pleases......Both in his Parliament and his Council, the King legislates, taxes and judges....." (p. 91) when in course of time the functions of the King separated themselves as executive, legislative and judicial and became vested in different bodies, ".......the word
[3] S.A de Smit, Judicial Review of Administrative Action (1959) p. 368.
[4] 1903 A.C. 574
[5] (1914) A.C. 155
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | KPK Authority Review in the Impact of Corruption Eradication |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Yasmirah Mandasari Saragih || Ariansyah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208018892 ![]() |
Abstract: The unclear wiretapping mechanism and no limits of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)'s authority in wiretapping have led to public discourse that the authority has violated the private rights. KPK itself in wiretapping has no restrictions. KPK investigators see there is a criminal act of corruption or still a criminal act of corruption then KPK investigators have the right to wiretap. KPK is an institution established by the Indonesian government in 2003 under the legal basis of Article 43 of Corruption Law. KPK was formed to maximize in the case of eradicating corruption..............
KEY WORDS: Tapping, Corruption Eradication, Crime
[1] Wisnubroto and G. Widiartana, Pembaharuan Hukum Acara Pidana, Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti, 2005.
[2] A. Sunaryadi, "Pengaturan Penyadapan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana di Indonesia," in Focus Group Discussion, Jakarta, 2014.
[3] Anshoruddin, Hukum pembuktian Menurut Hukum Acara Islam dan Hukum Positif, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2004.
[4] A. Syamsudin, Tindak Pidana Khusus, Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2011.
[5] E. Makarim, Pengantar Hukum Telematika, Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Perkasa, 2005.
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Abstract: Access to bank credit by SMEs has been identified as pivotal in unemployment reduction in developed countries. This has attracted the attention of many scholars in developing countries where unemployment is still unprecedented. In Nigeria, the issue of unemployment is still alarming despite policies and strategies of successive governments to ameliorate the situation through encouraging commercial banks to lend for the growth and development of SMEs. However, it is based on this that the study empirically examined the impact of commercial bank credit to SMEs.............
KEY WORDS: SMEs, bank-credit, unemployment, interest rate, Nigeria
[1]. Abubakar, A. S., & Yahya, Z. A. (2013). Strengthening small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as a strategy for poverty reduction in North Western Nigeria. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 (3), 189 – 201. DOI: 10.11634/232907811301338
[2]. Afolabi, M. O. (2013). Growth effect of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) financing in Nigeria. Journal of African Macroeconomic Review. 3(1), 193 - 205.
[3]. Ahiawodze, A. K., & Adade, T. C. (2012). Access to credit and growth of small and medium scale enterprises in the Ho Municipality of Ghana. British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 6 (2), 34 – 51.
[4]. Akingunola, R. O. (2011). Small and medium scale enterprises and economic growth in Nigeria: An assessment of financing options. Pakistan Journal of Business and Economic Review, 2(1).
[5]. Alalade, Y. S., Amusa, B. O., & Adekunle, O. A. (2013). Microfinance bank as a catalyst for entrepreneurship development in Nigeria: Evidence from Ogun State? International Journal of Business and Social Sciences. 4(12), 286 - 303..