Version-7 (Aug-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development And Displacement of Denizens in Narmada Valley |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sushil Dalal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208070108 ![]() |
Abstract: Development and displacement always go together and is the need of all the societies. However, the concept of development and its various ramifications have attracted attention of different sections of the society for different reasons. Post industrial revolution concept of development was initially restricted to the economic growth of the region in which industries were established and was seen as leading to growth of nation through resultant prosperity. But development at the cost of human welfare raises questions. In recent past, the social workers and people's organization have raised issues related to human suffering in the process of development. Human predicaments and sufferings become severe when as a result of developmental projects.........
[1]. Alagh, Y. K. (1995), "Economic Dimensions of the Sardar Sarovar Project" Har-Anand Publications, New Delhi.
[2]. Asian Development Bank (1998), "Handbook on Resettlement: A Guide to Good Practice" Manila, Philippines.
[3]. Baviskar, A. (1997), "In the Belly of the River: Tribal Conflict over Development in the Narmada Valley", Oxford university Press, New Delhi.
[4]. Cernea, M. M. (1985), "Involuntary Resettlement: Social Research, Policy and Planning", in M. M. Cernea (ed.), Putting People First: Sociological Variables in Rural Development", Oxford University Press, Berkeley.
[5]. Dash, N. R. (2009), "Sardar Sarovar Dam: A Case Study of Oustees in Gujarat, India" in Huhua Cao (Ed.) Ethnic minorities and Regional Development in Asia: Realities and Challenges, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Geographical Review of the Land Use Patterns of Kanpur City, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Joginder Ahlawat |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208070915 ![]() |
Abstract: Land Use is a systematic study of utilisation of land resource by human society to fulfil their multiple needs. It includes various facets of economic, socio-cultural and political needs. These dynamic facets create different types of land use patterns which resulted into the development at local and regional level. Recently, more emphasis has been lead on the eco-friend production and consumption. The present study is an effort to identify and analyze the pattern of existing land use patterns in Kanpur city.
Keywords: Land use, Natural resources, GIS-Remote sensing, Land utilization, Imagery, Residential Area, Industrial Area, Built-up Area,, KMC(Kanpur Municipal Corporation)
[1]. Crutzen, P.J. & Stoermer, E.F., 2000. 'The Anthropocene'. Global Change Newsletter, (41): 17-18.
[2]. Dalal, Sushil & Archna, 2015, Mapping of Urban Expansion and Population Growth in Rohtak City, Haryana. Indian Cartographer, New Delhi, Vol. 35, pp. 224-28
[3]. Gupta, R. and Singh, R.B. 2012, Environmental Implication of Land use Change in Jaipur City Using Satellite Data, Indian Journal of Regional Science, Kolkata, Vol. 44, pp. 141–155
[4]. Joginder, 2015, Explorations of Graduate Level Explorations: Some reflections from Geography. Indian Cartographer, New Delhi, Vol. 35, pp. 637-42
[5]. Kandrika, S. and Roy, P.S. (2008). Land use land cover classification of Orissa using multi-temporal IRS-P6 awifs data: A decision tree approach. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 10, pp. 186–193.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Historical Development of Dams in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Archna |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208071618 ![]() |
Abstract: Dam is defined as a barrier built across a stream, river or estuary to confine and check the flow of water for such uses as human consumption, irrigation, flood control and electric-power generation (Encyclopedia Britannica 1987). The dams in the ancient times were built to control the floods, navigation, drinking and irrigation purposes only. But in the modern times, these are constructed for wider use for development purposes such as to control soil erosion, for generation of electricity, industrial use, aquaculture and tourism and so on.
Objectives: The main objective of the present piece of work is to explain the historical development of dam construction in the world in general and particularly in India after independence
[1]. Britannica Encyclopedia (1987), vol. 3, pp. 862.
[2]. Central Board of Irrigation and Power (1987) Publication No. 188, New Delhi.
[3]. Chen, H. (2013), Sustainable Development in China's Decision Making on Large Dams: A Case Study of the Nu River Basin. Retrieved from http:/ fulltext01.pdf
[4]. Duflo, E., and Panday, R. (2007), Dams; The Quaterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 122, No. 2.
[5]. Hindustan Times; 28th Sept. 1999
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Abstract: The paper empirically investigates whether budget deficit financing Granger Cause private investment in Nigeria, employing annual data covering the period of 1980 to 2014 incorporating ADF and PP for the unit root and Pairwise Granger Causality tests as the means of statistical inference. The result of the ADF and PP revealed that the series are not stationary at the level value and became so after first differencing that is, they are integrated of other one I(1). The result further discloses that, there exists bidirectional causality running from private investment to fiscal deficit, government expenditure and government revenue while same bidirectional causality from exchange rate to private investment and we recommend that financing of deficit since it is unavoidable in most of LDCs economy including Nigeria should be done in such a way that can engage untapped human and natural resources thereby leading to increased productivity and government revenue via corporate taxation.
Keywords: Budget, Deficit, Financing, Granger, Couse, Private, Investment, Outlook, Neoclassical, Hypothesis
[1]. Alberto, A. (2012). Discussion on Consequences of Government Deficit and National Debt. International Journal of Central Banking, 51(8), 102-113.
[2]. Andrew, F. (1991). Critical Theory of Technology: An Overview. Tailoring Biotechnologies,1(1), 47-64.
[3]. Benjamin, A. F. &Olanipekun, E. F. (2013). Relationship Between Fiscal Deficit and Public Debt in Nigeria: An Error Correction Approach.A Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 6(5), 318-323.
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Abstract: This paper primarily deals with inadequacies in learning environments and services for visually impaired students using ICT in an educational context. It is designed to identify, elucidate problems and raise issues concerning visually challenged students in the course of their post-secondary education through e-learning in Delhi. It considers and illustrates the experience of these students in pursuing higher education through responses in a structured questionnaire. It gives recommendations for designing in e-learning systems to make the education more inclusive...............
Key Words: E-learning, Visual-impairment, Higher Education, Assistive Technology
[1]. Abner, G., & Lahm, E. (2002). Implementation of assistive technology with students who are visually impaired: Teachers' readiness. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 96(02), 98-105.
[2]. Alves, C. C. D. F., Monteiro, G. B. M., Rabello, S., Gasparetto, M. E. R. F., & Carvalho, K. M. D. (2009). Assistive technology applied to education of students with visual impairment. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, 26(2), 148-152.
[3]. Burgstahler, S., Corrigan, B., & McCarter, J. (2005). Steps toward making distance learning accessible to students and instructors with disabilities. Information Technology and Disabilities, 11(1).
[4]. Corn, A.L., & Wall, R.S. (2002). Access to multimedia presentations for students with visual impairments. Journalof Visual Impairment & Blindness, 96, 197–211.
[5]. Crow, K. L. (2008). Four types of disabilities: Their impact on online learning. Tech Trends, 52(1), 51-55.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | New Media in the Lives of Adolescents in Mysore city: An Evaluation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Bhargavi .D.Hemmige |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208073640 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is part of my Minor Research Project funded by University Grants Commission on Impact of Social Media on Adolescents in Karnataka State : An Empirical Study. Internet is a powerful communication tool which connects adolescents to others. The new media technologies offer several opportunities to the young audience to build the electronic network that connects people and information via computers. The advent of new media technologies has changed the lives of adolescents. The crucial importance of information access and acquisition among the adolescents needs to be scientifically examined by the researchers............
[1]. Allen, Susan M. (2007) Information literacy, ICT, high school, and college expectations: a quantitative study, Knowledge Quest, 35(5):18-24.
[2]. Balasubramanian, S (2004). "Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of Persons in High Schools and Pre-University Colleges in Tamil Nadu", National Convention on Information and Knowledge Management in Health Sciences: Newer Perspectives, December 9-11, Chennai, India.
[3]. Baym, N (2006) Interpersonal Life Online, in L. Liewrouh and S. Livinstone. (eds.) Handbook of New Media: Social Shaping and Consequences of ICTs. Lonon: Sage, pp 63-75
[4]. Bhat, Shivanand K.(2001) Use of information Resources and Services by Teachers and Students: A Comparative Study of Manipal City, Indian Journal of Information Library and Society, 15(4): 171-183.
[5]. Biggins, U (2007) Building up the Virtual Community in Online Games and 'Online alcoholics' behavior
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diagnosis and Prognosis of the Nigerian Recession |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Benjamin Okorie Ajah || Innocent Tochukwu Okoro |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208074148 ![]() |
Abstract: Nigeria has been in recession as statistics show that the GDP has been contracting since the first quarter of 2016. This paper examines the causes of the current recession and finds that dwindling oil revenue is chiefly responsible for the current recession, it further argues that unclear and some counterproductive economic policies by the Buhari administration created panic and exacerbated the situation. The paper utilized secondary data and was anchored on functionalist theory. The paper makes recommendations on how to get out of the recession. For the short-term, it recommends increased government expenditure on infrastructure and the restoration of investor confidence through clear economic policies. In the long term, the paper recommends diversification of the economy, strengthening of institutions, increased transparency and citizen participation in the governance process, and the provision of lasting infrastructure.
Keywords: Recession, economic growth, GDP, Nigeria, Inflation, Unemployment
[1]. Agwuegbo, A. (2009, August 14). As Nigerian coys move to Ghana. Retrieved November 16, 2016, from Vanguard:
[2]. Ajah, B. O., & Nweke, J. (2017). Prison Facilities and the Welfare of Inmates in Nigeria: A Study of Abakaliki and Awka Prison. World Applied Sciences Journal 35 (3): 361-369.
[3]. Babatunde, J. (2016, November 2). 1500 workers to lose jobs as Erisco foods relocate to China. Retrieved from Vanguard:
[4]. BudgIT. (2016, October 6). Effect of Pipeline Vandalism. Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from budgitng/photos/a. 211752082226309. 49868.138518602882991/ 1079845462083629/?type=3&theater
[5]. BudgIT. (2016). State of States Quick Factsheet 2016. Yaba: BudgIT.
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Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of both informal and formal contexts of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learner's written messages. The study, which adopts an exploratory approach, examines the written exchanges of learners in both contexts and see (a) to what extent spelling and grammatical mistakes are present in each conversation, (b) if the same learner can show different writing protocols based on which one is formal or informal, and finally (c) if there are factors that can help deploy CMC as an efficient tool to reinforce what was learned in the writing classroom. Fifteen students from semester One in the English department at Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra participated in the study via Facebook messenger as an CMC tool..............
Keywords: Computer mediated communication (CMC), formal and informal online settings, written messages, spelling and grammar, online chat language, writing instruction.
[1]. Alber-Morgan, S. R., Hessler, T., & Konrad, M. (2007). 'Teaching writing for keeps'. Education and Treatment of Children, 30(3), 107-128.
[2]. Allen, I., & Seaman, J. (2004). Entering the mainstream: The quality and extent of online education in the United States, 2003 and 2004. Wellesley, MA: Sloan Consortium.
[3]. Chun, D. M. (2016). 'The role of technology in SLA research'. Language Learning & Technology, 20(2), 98–115. Retrieved from
[4]. Crystal, David. (2015) 'Stop Panicking, The Internet Is Not Destroying The English Language'. N.p.,. Web.2 May 2015.
[5]. Fogg, B. J. (2010) 'Green Path Behaviour Guide'. Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab.
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Abstract: The literature compiled on Usul al-Fiqh from 2nd to 6th century A.H is indeed a significant landmark for evolution of the Islamic legal theory. The concept of Ijtihad as methodology reveals the comprehensiveness of the Islamic legal system covering the objectives (Maqasid) of the Revelation (Wahy), as well as Welfare (Falah) of the society. The evolution of the Fiqh methodologies including Ijtihad was to address, interpret and explore all such possibilities, where the text (Matan) needed further explanation (Tashrih) for the legislation process. This exertion also facilitated the idea, as how a particular legal deduction is to be applied in its appropriate socio-legal perspective.
[1]. Tabakh, al-Ragib, Tarikh Afkar al-Ulum al-islami, Delhi, 1982, p.107
[2]. Ibid,p.87
[3]. Ibn Rushd, Bidayah al-Mujtahid wa Nihayah al-Muqtasid, Beruit, 1986, vol. I, p.137
[4]. Ibid,p.122
[5]. Ibid,p.123
[6]. Arnold, T.W,and A. Guillaumme, The Legacy of Islam, Adam Pub.Delhi, 1995, p.306-307
[7]. Coulson, N.J, A History of Islamic law, Edinburg, 1990, p.87
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Abstract: India is one of the largest democratic countries in the world. India is known for her rich cultural diversity and unity in diversity. Wide range of people from different communities and casts live together in the nation. A few tribes or communities are socially and economically deprived in the nation right from the colonial period for several reasons. Independent Indian governments have been showing their concern for the welfare of the tribal (deprived) communities. Providing reservation, designing special schemes and allocating separate budget are the examples to understand the sincere efforts by the government. Very unfortunate reality is a very few schemes or projects are reaching the need at ground level. The objective of present paper is to study the gap between the planning a project for the education of tribal communities and its execution to reach the needy (poor).
Key words: Tribal, Education, Govt. Schemes, Planning, Execution
[1]. Abdulrheem, A. (2011) Education for the Economically and Socially Disadvataged Groups in India: An Assessment Economic Affaires Vol. 56 No. 2 June 2011(233-242).
[2]. Jha, J., Jhingran, D. (2002), Elementary Education for the Poorest and Other Deprived Groups, Centre for Policy Research. New Delhi.
[3]. Lal, M. (2005), Education-the Inclusive Growth Strategy for the economically and socially disadvantaged in the Society.
[4]. Nair, P. (2007), "Whose Public Action? Analyzing Inter-sectoral Collaboration for Service Delivery: Identification of Programmes for Study in India." International Development Department, Economic and Social Research Council. February.
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Abstract: Background: - Antibiotic resistance is a serious public health problem. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are germs that have developed resistance to certain antibiotics that normally kill the bacteria. Infections with antibiotic resistant bacteria can be harder to treat. The aim of the present study is to bring out the epidemiological profile of patients infected with Multi Drug Resistant Bacteria (MDRB) and to investigate the risk factors related to this pathology...........
[1]. Lencastre H, Oliveira D, Tomasz A. Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a paradigm of adaptive power. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 2007;10:428–35. [PMC free article][PubMed]
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[3]. Garner JS, Jarvis WJ, Emori TG. CDC definitions for nosocomial infections. In: OlmstedR, ed., APIC infection control and applied epidemiology: principles and practice. St Louis: Mosby, 1996; 1–20
[4]. Pittet D et al. Prevalence and risk factors for nosocomial infections in four univers sity hospitals in Switzerland. Infection control and hospital epidemiology, 1999, 20:37–42.
[5]. C. Brun-Buisson et al. Screening for Multidrug Resistant Bacteria: For Which Patients? Journal de reanimation, Vol 24, Jan 2015, S304-314.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Yemen Crises and the Role of Saudi Arabia |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Fozia Jan || Shazia Majid |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208077579 ![]() |
Abstract: Long since the eruption of conflict in Middle East, Yemen and the adjacent region has seen tremendous drifts and shifts. And the ongoing conflict (having displaced millions of people), is far more complex than a Shia-Sunni Conflict. The Houthis and the Yemenese government have battled on-and-off since 2004 with great devastation. The problem is not that the peace is not landed back in the region, but negotiation is not channeled in a positive way and role played by the regional players of Middle East as well as the major western powers is totally discouraging. In fact, UN is in itself has a greater role to play for peace (for what it was established). There is a need to change the perceptions towards the conflict as it has already crossed the Human Rights parameters. This paper has contributed in highlighting the issue its repercussions and role of major regional played of Middle East (Saudi Arabia).
KEYWORDS: Yemen Conflict, Saudi Arabia, United Nations, Houthis.
[1]. Auchterlonie, Paul (1998). Yemen, World Bibliographical Series Vol. 50. Oxford: Clio Press.
[2]. Al Jazeera Media Network. (2015). Houthis Accused of Violating Yemen's Ceasefire, 14th May.
[3]. Andreas, Gros, A. G. Murray, Yaneer Ban-Yam. (2012). Conflict in Yemen: From Ethnic fighting to Food riots, New England Complex Systems Institute, July 24.
[4]. Beauchamp, Zach. (2015). Yemen's Rapidly Escalating War: A Simple Explanation, Vox. Vox Media, 26th March-14th May.
[5]. Brehony, Noel (2013) Yemen Divided: The Story of a Failed State in South Arabia. London: I.B. Tauris. - See more at: