Version-16 (Aug-2017)
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Abstract: This study aimed to determine the migrant workers families' understanding to the development and advancement of communication technology that actually help parents who work as migrant workers to communicate intensively with long duration without being haunted by communication charges. Communication technology of smartphones is helpful for anyone who wants to communicate comfortably because it has been equipped with various features and is compatible with a number of other application software. The variables formulated include communication technology, communication intensity, and communication content while the communication.........
Keywords: migrant workers, communication technology, smartphone, character
[1]. Adumitroaie, Elena, 2010, New Information Technologies and Labor Migration, Adumitroaie_ Elena.pdf.diunduh, 3 September 2014
[2]. Anam, Chairul, 2014; KomunikasiKeluarga TKI dalam Mendidik Anak.Studi Kasus di Desa Pakes Kec. Pekonang Kabupaten Bangkalan.Skripsitidakditerbitkan. UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
[3]. Bernstein, A. (1998, May). Using electronic mail to improve school based communications. The Journal, Retrieved October 25, 2006, from http://thejournal. com/articles/14087. Diunduh 10 September 2014
[4]. BPS. 2010,.Sensus Penduduk Indonesia 2010.
[5]. Candrasari, Yuli, 2010. PolaKomunikasiKeluargadanPolaAsuhAnak TKW.JurnalIlmuKomunikasi. 2 (2) ( 2 September 2015
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Abstract: The study aims at presenting the condition and challenges of the autistic children in Bangladesh. It focused on the Attitude, Knowledge and psycho-socio impact of autistic Children of Dhaka City. The nature of the problems faced by autistic children has been identified by consulting primary data, interviewing autism related organizations. This paper analyzes, views concerning how to increase the awareness building activities in autism. We emphasized on the medium and long term measures which will help to make the autistic children's life easier. The study is unique because it brings new insights on the state of a very special segment of the Autistic children in Bangladesh..
Keywords: Autism, Challenges, Attitude, Knowledge, awareness and Psycho-socio impact.
[1] Wolff, Sula. "The history of autism." European child & adolescent psychiatry 13.4 (2004): 201-208
[2] Wing, Lorna. "The history of ideas on autism: legends, myths and reality." Autism 1.1 (1997): 13-23
[3] Richdale, Amanda L., and Kimberly A. Schreck. "Sleep problems in autism spectrum disorders: prevalence, nature, & possible biopsychosocial aetiologies." Sleep medicine reviews 13.6 (2009): 403-411.
[4] Grant, Kate Plaisted, and Greg Davis. "Perception and apperception in autism: rejecting the inverse assumption." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 364.1522 (2009): 1393-1398...
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Abstract: Task-based language teaching has become very popular in the last decade. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the task-based instruction on the development of speaking skills of rural students in a rural school. Twenty four (24) students from grade VI to VIII from Swarnandhra International School were selected randomly as sample. The objective of the study was to investigate if Task-Based Program on the overall speaking skills of the rural students is positive. To carry out the intended study, a story was selected for the oral task. The goal set behind the task was to teach Reflexive Pronouns. Two oral tests were used in this study as the pre-test and post-test...........
KEY WORDS: Tasks, task-based approach, task-based program
[1] Ellis, Rod. (2003). Task-based Language Learning and Teaching. Oxford:Oxford University Press [2] Gong Yafu, Luo Shao-Xi (2003). Task-based Language Teaching. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
[3] Murad, Tareq Mitib (2009), "Curricula and Methods of Teaching Engliish as a Foreign Language", Ph.D. Thesis, Yarmouk University, Jordan.
[4] Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
[5] Richards, Platt, J., and Weber, H. (1986). Longman Dictionary Of Applied Linguistics. London: Longman.
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Abstract: Dropping out of school is a worldwide phenomenon with drastic mental health consequences for children, families and society. A significant number of them go on to become unemployed, living in poverty, receiving public assistance, in prison, unhealthy, divorced, and single parents of children who are likely to repeat the cycle themselves. Most of the developing countries have rapidly increasing population with a high proportion of children. The adult population invariably.............
Keywords: Dropouts, dropout factors, elementary education, school education.[1] Tyagi, R. C., and Siddiqui, T., (2014): "Compliance of RTE in Basic Education through SSA: An Assessment In case of Uttar Pradesh", Man & Development, VOL XXXVI, No. 1.
[2] Kainth, G. S., (2006): "A Mission Approach to Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan", Economic & Political Weekly, pp. 3288-329.
[3] Das, A., (2009): "Challenges in Ensuring Elementary Education for All", Economic & Political Weekly, VOL XLIV NO 39, pp. 29-30.
[4] Jha, P., Parvati, P., (2014): "Assessing Progress on Universal Elementary Education in India: A Note on Some Key Constraints", Economic & Political Weekly, VOL XLIX NO 16, pp. 44- 51.
[5] Acharya, P., (1994): "Universal Elementary Education Receding Goal", Economic & Political Weekly, pp. 27- 30..
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Abstract: North Sumatra is categorized as zero conflict area, but the emergence of riot burning at Chinese ethnic houses on 29-30 July 2016 and then in Tanjung Balai, indicates that this area is quite vulnerable to religion social conflicts. If the unrest in this town cannot be localized and immediately addressed, the impact probably could have been beyond the events of the previous riots, such as the riots in Ambon, Poso, Sampit, and others. This conflicts, besides sourced from the conflict values, it involves the differences of what the group believes, from minor differences in preferences or...........
Keywords: phenomenon; social; religion; conflict; economic
[1] Abdullah, Amin, Studi Agama Normativitas atau Historisitas?, (Yogyakaarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 1996.
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[3] Abdallah, Ulil Abshar (ed.), Islam dan Barat: Demokrasi dalam Masyarakat Islam, Jakarta: FNS Indonesia & Paramadina, 2002), hlm. 114-115
[4] Andito (ed), Atas Nama Agama Wacana Agama dalam Dialog "Bebas" Konflik", Bandung: Pustaka Hidaya, 1998
[5] Asry, M. Yusuf (ed.), Pendirian Rumah Ibadat di Indonesia: Pelaksanaan Peraturan Bersama Menteri Agama dan Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 9 dam 8 Tahun 2006, Jakarta: Badan Litbang dan Diklat Puslitbang Kehidupan Keagamaan, Kementerian Agama RI, 2011
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Postcolonial Ecofeminist Reading of Margaret Atwood's Surfacing |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Dr. Prantik Banerjee || Ms. Arpita Mukherjee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208064043 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines Atwood's Surfacing using the critical framework of postcolonial ecofeminism. The text is interrogated as a complex site of contestation and negotiation of gender, race, colonial historyand neo-colonial present as well as the environment. The paper argues that the central trope of the narrative – the search for a father by a daughter – is a signifier for the search and reclamation of identity, roots and oneness with nature.
KEY WORDS: post-colonialism, feminism, eco-feminism, capitalism, patriarchal and gender-politics
[1] Atwood, Margaret. "Surfacing." Atwood, Margaret. Surfacing. Toronto: Mc Clelland and Stewart, 1972. 17. Document.
[2] Atwood, Margaret. "Surfacing." Atwood, Margaret. Surfacing. Toronto: Mc Clelland and Stewart, 1972. 56. Doc.
[3] Devine, Maureen. "Women and Nature (Literary Reconceptualisations)." Devine, Maureen. Women and Nature (Literary Reconceptualisations). Metuchen, N.J and London: The Scarecrow Press Inc, 1992. 5. Document.
[4] Hellor, Arno. "Margaret Atwood's Ecological Vision." Wolfgang, Zach and Ken L Goodwin. Nationalism vs Internationalism (Inter) National Dimesions of Literature in English. Strauffenburg: Tubingen, 1996. 314. Document.
[5] Kapra, Fritjof. Turning Point: Science, society and the Rising Culture. New York: Bantam Books, 1982. Document.
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Abstract: The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a worldwide church, which is found in all the continents of the world. Africa is not an exception. The continent of Africa could boast of 34 percent of the Seventh-day Adventist worldwide membership in 2007.1 What appears to be a visible growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Africa in terms of membership has never been always like that. What is noticeable today did start with some missionaries who decided to come to Africa in order to share the Adventist message with people. For example, one of the country that can be mentioned among all other African countries, to have received the "three Angel's messages" in Africa is South Africa..............
[1] A, Meyer F. B. Winter in South Africa. London: National Council of Evangelical Free Churches, 1914.
[2] Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. "Letter by J.H.C Wilson." June 6, 1878.
[3] Artorio. An Appraisal of the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Mission in South Africa: A Missiological Evaluation. Magister Theologiae, University of Durban Westville: Durban, South Africa, 1996.
[4] Crocombe, Jeff. PowerPoint Presentation for REH417: SDA Church History. Helderberg College, South Africa , Spetember 2016.
[5] Don, Neufeld. Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1976.
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Abstract: Dwindling quality assurance (QA) and stakeholders' "sharper eye for value of money" are critical emerging issues in higher education subsector in Kenya.Whereas, universities are well placedto prepare human capital resources, there is growing knowledge that in the recent time manyuniversities rely heavily on theoretical methodology in teaching and learning as opposed to practice, research and application.On other hand quality assurance is a concern in the advent of liberalization and globalization of high education subsector in Kenya. The present paper focuses on these emerging phenomena by reflecting on university audit models for compliance as a measure to combat these issues..............
KEY WORDS: Quality assurance Models, University Curricula, Stakeholders Expectations, Value of Money
[1] AnelaBeso, et al (2007) Implementing and using Quality Assurance: Strategy and Practice. European University Association publication ISBN: 9789078997054, p. 5, Belgium
[2] Africa Academy for Environmental Health (2010)
[3] Chalmers, D. (2007) A review of Australian and international quality systems and indicators of learning and teaching, August
[4] Commission for university Education (2014): Standards and Guidelines, Kenya
[5] Filippakou, O. and Tapper, T. (2007), "Quality assurance in higher education: thinking beyond the English experience", Higher Education Policy, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp. 339-60.
[6] Gamage, T. D. et al(2008), The Impact of Quality assurance measures on student services at Japanese and Thai private universities, Quality assurance in Education, Vol.16 No.2, pp.181-198..
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Abstract: The paper argued for establishing the problem space of Hellenistic rationality and mentality. It constituted new sets of demand by juxtaposing two universes – Hellenism and Afrikology. Accordingly, it reshuffled the canonical feelings towards Hellenistic rationality and offered an angling upon which rationality becomes a field of debate and faulted, in favour of the African epistemology - Afrikology, established in its core tenet, the heart. The paper therefore tried to argue in general that, Hellenism is not inferior as such but that it is only one aspect of angling reality. Through an epistemological fault lines, the paper objected to the imposition of Hellenism as "the science" whose............
KEY WORDS: Hellenism, Afrikology, Heart, Word, Tongue
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Abstract: Introduction: Neck pain is a frequent and disabling compliant in general population. Trapezius strain is one of the most common causes of trapezius muscle pain in the neck and upper back. It often affects women, especially who work at a desk, and do repetitive reaching and lifting types of jobs. A lack of ability to assume a good posture and utilize good body mechanics for any reason will affect our ability to perform a wide variety of active functional activities. Good posture will help improve one's mental, physical and spiritual state of being and Getting Clarity on "Natural Curves". "Indeed, until one can learn to keep his spine straight, he will never know how to relax perfectly.............
[1]. J.S. Batista, A.M. Borges and L.M. Wibelinger, Physical therapy treatment for myofascial pain and fibromyalgia syndrome. Rev. Dor, v. 13, n. 2, 2012, 170-174.
[2]. J. T. S. Society, F.L. Rock and M.B. Rossetti, The trigger points and referred pain in headaches. Migraine headaches, v. 12, n. 1, 2009, 16-19.
[3]. J.A. Barros Neto, A.S. Machado, C.K. Durval and R.P. Jesus, Impairment of intestinal integrity in fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome: a review. Revista de CiênciasMédicas e Biológicas, v. 10, n. 3, 2011, 246-253.
[4]. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies. October 2016, Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 751–760. Older adult Alexander Technique practitioners walk differently than healthy age-matched controls. Kate A. Hamel, Ph.D. Correspondence. Christopher Ross, M.S. Brooke Schultz, M.S. Matthew O'Neill, M.S. David I. Anderson, Ph.D. Department of Kinesiology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA USA.
[5]. The effectiveness of Pilates training in healthy adults: An appraisal of the research literature Journal of bodywork and movement therapies. Lisa Marie Bernardo, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.N., H.F.I.Correspondence information about the author Ph.D., M.P.H., R.N., H.F.I. Lisa Marie Bernardo University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, 225 Victoria Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, 412 624-7637, USA