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Abstract: Descriptive survey approach adopted and collected data from 200 randomly selected college students. Short Form - 36 (SF- 36) was used to assess the Quality of life during PMS .Coping check list was utilised to assess coping measures adopted during PMS. Most of the students were in the age group of 18 -19 years, attained menarche in the age of 14 years. Most (69) of the students reported good quality of life. Quality of life in physical domain Mean (15.77) was found to be high. Nearly 82% of the students accepted themselves, 81% reported having argued with other people.............
Key Words: Premenstrual symptoms, Quality of life, Coping measures, College students.
[1]. Camy Bhagat,Paras Bhura (2016), study to assess the Premenstrual syndrome and coping behaviour among women. International journal of Physiotherpy and Research, 4:1550-53.
[2]. Mahin Delara, Fazlollah Ghofranipour, Parviz Azadfallah, Sedigheh Sadat Tavafian, Anoushirvan Kazemnejad and Ali Montazeri (2012), Health related quality of life among adolescents with premenstrual disorders: a cross sectional study. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 10:1-5.
[3]. Manal Ahmad AI-Batanony, Sultan Fahad AL- Nohair(2014), Prevalence of Premenatrual syndrome and Its Impact on Quality of Life among University Medical Students. Public health Research, 4:1-6.
[4]. Navadeep Kaur, Ramesh Thakur (2009), A descriptive study to assess the premenstrual syndrome and coping behaviour among nursing students , NINE, PGIMER , Chandiger. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal; 5(1):1-7.
[5]. Nusrat Nisar, Nishat Zehra et al, (2008), Frequency ,Intensity and Impact of Premenstrual Syndrome in Medical students. Joural of the college of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan; 18:481-484.
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Abstract: This study try to answer three important issues, which is about judicial momentum of the Intellectual Property Right (IPR) pre-marriage before register accomplished, relevant and justice for all of each person (al-qisth) to the division of common property, legal certainty about the distribution of common property based on Compilation of Islamic Law (CIL) applied through instrument of law of President Instruction No 1/1991. The result of this research indicates that IPR is the exclusive Right recognized by the State through legislation on the intellectual creativity concerned................
Keywords: Intellectual Property Right, Common Property, Compilation of Islamic Law
[1] Abdul Manan, Aneka Masalah Hukum Perdata Islam di Indonesia.Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Group, 2006.
[2] Al-Sajistani, Sulaimanibn al-Asyas Abu Dawud. Sunan Abu Dawood. Damascus: Dār al-Fikr, tt. As-Satibi, al-I'tisam. Beirut: Daru al-ma'rifat, tt
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[4] Arso, PenerapanHukumHartaBersamaBerdasarkanKompilasiHukumIslamdanPengaruhnyaterhadapPemenuhan Rasa Keadilan di Pengadilan Agama Se-Sumatera Utara. Tesis: Program PascasarjanaInstitut Agama Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, 2001.
[5] Badruzzaman, Mariam Darus, MencariSistemHukum Benda Nasional. Bandung: Alumni, 1997. DepartemenAgama, Himpunan Putusan/Penetapan Pengadilan Agama. Jakarta: Proyek Pembinaan Badan Peradilan Agama Departemen Agama, 1976..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rabindranath Tagore and His Thought Regarding Library of Modern Times. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lopamudra Dey Dutta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208041315 ![]() |
Abstract: In this topic researcher mainly highlights on Tagore's thoughts regarding library. Tagore two times mentioned about library in his writings. At first Tagore describes the importance of a library and next time to specify the work of a librarian. He was the pioneer of the library movement in West Bengal and his family is the patron of library movement for years. Researcher here tries to identify his views in the perspective of library's basic pillars on which library mainly based on i.e. collection development, service and staff, accommodation, reader etc. Tagore travelled many..............
KEY WORDS: Rabindranath Tagore, Education, Library
[1] Chakrabarty,Bhubaneswar( 1993)Library and Information Society;World Press;
[2] Dasgupta, Surendranath (1948) Rabindranath the poet and the philosopher;Mitra& Ghosh, ,pp5.
[3] Findlay,J (1930)The Foundation of Education,Vol II,pp239-40.
[4] Prasad, Navin (2016)Public Library System and Services in India ;International Research Journal of Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Studies (IRJIMS) A Peer-Reviewed Monthly Research Journal ISSN: 2394-7969 (Online), ISSN: 2394-7950 (Print) Volume-II, Issue-VI, July 2016,pp70-77.
[5] Saha, Nimai Chand Dr. and Sinha, Keshab Chandra(2012). Rural Libraries in Support of Rural Reconstruction: Tagores' Thinking and Reality Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper 867.
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Abstract: The practice of storytelling is as old as mankind, so are folktales. But currently it is seen that many of our societies are moving away from this particular tradition. But it is the tribal society which keeps practising this tradition and maintains their culture. It is said that folktales are the first teacher in the life of a child. Folktales play very important role in the society; imparting moral lesson is one of them. Folktales are the exact reflection of society and we know society has many dimensions as well as layers of thoughts. Everything has double layered meaning, a superficial meaning..........
Keywords: Iconography, Santhal, Jharkhand, Material Culture, Folktales.
[1] Chaudhuri, A.B. Tribal Heritage: A Study of the Santhals. Lutterworth Press, Retrieved 1949. Print
[2] Chaudhuri, A.B.1993 State Formation Among Tribals: A Quest for Santhal Identity, Gyan: Publishing House.
[3] Chaudhuri, A.B. Tribal Heritage: A Study of the Santhals. Lutterworth Press: 1949.
[4] Web 13/02/2015
[5] Web 22/01/2015
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Abstract: Sexual harassment commited by children for the time being has reached an alrming level. Children who conducts a delinquency have their characteristics, and thus they should be given a special protection. In the article 59, law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 Pertaining to Child Protection, it has been determined that government, local government, and other state institutions are obliged and responsible for the provision of protection, particularly for chidren. This study aims at describing why children who committed sexual harassment need to achieve special protection. This study is considered as normative law research. The data was collected by.............
Keywords: Urgency, Legal Protection, Child Offender, Sexual harassment
[1] Freemaan, Michael D.A. Upholding The Dignity And Best Interests of Children : The Internasional Law And the Corporal Punishment of Children, London: University College, 2010
[2] Jauhari, Iman, A Comparisonof Child Protection Lawbetween Indonesia and Malaysia, IOSR Journal Of Humanities AndSocial Science, Volume 20, Issue 1,Ver. IV, Jan.2015
[3] ----------------, Diversion in Solving Child Cases (A Research in East Aceh – Indonesia), IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, Volume 20, Issue 6, Ver. III , Jun. 2015
[4] Nashriana, Ilmu Hukum Pidana Anak: Dari Filsafat Pemidanaan, ke Teori Pertanggungjawaban Pidana, Dogmatika Hukum dan Praktik Hukum, Palembang: Fakutas Hukum Uinversitas Sriwijaya, 2010
[1] Atmasasmita, Romli, Problema Kenakalan Anak-Anak/Remaja, Jakarta: Armico, 1983
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Abstract: It has been considered that Human Resource Development is an important and reliable indicator of development and necessary conditions and helps the people in maintaining the social mobility in achieving the growth of wealth, prosperity, exaltation and also in enjoying the life of peace and comforts by liberating them from poverty, illiteracy, illness and other socio-economic hurdles. Participation of women and men are equally in the development process but the fruits of development are not equally distrusted among both. Even marginalization of women is done by confining their..........
KEY WORDS: Gender, Educational Development Index and Awadh Region
[1] Hazra J. (1997), women and literacy, geographical review of India, vol. 59, no. 1 pp 62-74
[2] Joshi, H. (2003), Gender related Educational Development Index of Rajasthan: A Spatio-Temporal Appraisl, Geographical Review of India, Vol 65, No.3, pp 251-52
[3] Kar, B.K., and Sharma, H.N (1994), Women Literacy in Assam, North Eastern Geographer, Vol. 25, No. 1 &2, pp 18-39
[4] Kumar S. (1994), Gender Issues in Geography: A Review of International Perspective, Annals of the National Association of Geographers India, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp 52-66
[5] Kumari, N. (2007), Gender Related Educational Development Index (GEDI) of Bihar (1991-2001), Geographical Review of India, Vol. 69 (1) pp 39-45.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Re-visiting the Status of Youths, Drug Abuse and Governance in Manipur (1980-2015) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. RK Tamphasana. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208043235 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper shows how much the youth of Manipur have been affected by drug abuse that has failed themselves in upholding democratic and secular spirits through meaningful and successful participation in bringing good governance. The state is passing through a critical stage in combating drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Unless we do something quickly we shall have to suffer a steep downfall, an irreparable loss to the youth power. As such the paper also suggests the government to take a firm stand with unflinching political will against the menace of drug abuse and illicit trafficking.
KEY WORDS: Infecting Drug User (IDU); Nishabandis; COPDA; NCB; Good Governance; Manipur.
[1]. Manipur State Youth Policy, 2011. Youth Affairs and Sports Department, Government of Manipur. (Approved on 11 -03-2011)
[2]. E. Yaima Singh, "Drug Addiction in Manipur today as a citizen sees it, "in Problem of Drug Abuse in Manipur - A discussion, IMA Expert Committee on Prevention of Drug Addiction(COPDA), Feb 17,1985, IMA House Imphal.
[3]. Guideline for implementation of the Project Awareness and Education for Prevention of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism in Manipur.
[4]. Chinglen Maisnam, "Drug, Crimes and Youth: Manipur experience", paper presented in "One Day - Police Media Seminar cum Workshop" 2013.
[5]. A survey of Heroin Abuse in Manipur South District- A.K. Singh, S.G. Sharma, K.C Singh and N.T. Singh, Journal of Medical Society, Regional Medical College, Imphal, 1985 .
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Abstract: TTaking into account the significance of the communitisation programme launched in Nagaland in elementary education, the paper narrates the experiences of the neighbouring state to provide necessary inputs to build a win-win relationship between the government of Manipur and the community to spur growth and development of proper educational institutions in the hill areas. Keeping this in view, the paper argues that school education in Manipur hills could be reinvented through communitisation programme with the active support of the community elders and teachers.
KEY WORDS: Communication programme; elementary education; VEC, CEC, Nagaland; Manipur VillageAuthority (in Hill areas) Act, 1956; Reinvention
[1] Government of Nagaland, (2002).- Hand Book on Communitisation of Elementary Education, Directorate of School Education.
[2] Furqan Ahmad. Peoples participation in developmental administration: problems and prospects; Indian journal of public administration vol
[3] Bansal, Rajiv, "Communitisation of Elementary Education in Nagaland - A Novel Initia tive." Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region.
[4] 18.
[5] Government of India, Sarva Shiksa Abhiyan, A Programme for Universal Elementary Education Framework for Implementation. Department of Secondary and Higher Education, http:// /ssa/ssa_l. asp#1.0.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stress and Coping Strategies among College Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mathew C.P. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208044044 ![]() |
Abstract: WStress is a common factor among college students. A student's life is subjected to different kinds of stressors, such as the pressure of academics with an obligation of success, uncertain future and difficulties envisaged for integration into the system. These students face social, emotional, physical and family problems which may affect their learning ability and academic performance. This study aims to know the level of stress among college students and the coping strategies they use to manage stress. The study design was descriptive and the samples for the study............
KEY WORDS: Stress, Coping Strategies, College Students
[1] Arnett, J. J. (1999). Adolescent storm and stress, reconsidered. American psychologist, 54(5), 317.
[2] Baqutayan, & Muhamed,S., (2012). A study on the College students' academic stress and its relation to their anxiety, time management and leisure satisfaction. Educational Leadership Journal .
[3] Cohen, S., Kamarck, T., & Mermelstein, R. (1994). Perceived stress scale. Measuring stress: A guide for health and social scientists.
[4] Folkman, S., & Moskowitz, J. T. (2004). Coping: Pitfalls and promise. Annu. Rev. Psychol., 55, 745-774.
[5] Friedman, H. S., & Booth-Kewley, S. (1987). The" disease-prone personality": A meta-analytic view of the construct..
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Abstract: A relatively unexplored area of investigation in the study of Manipuri dance and theatre is the initiatives that Louise Lightfoot (an Australian), a well known Choreographer and impresario had taken up during 1938-58 for promotion of Manipuri form of Classical dance to a wider audience in India as well as abroad including Australia, New Zealand and Japan, she pioneered Manipuri dance abroad, lecturing & presenting performances in the leading cultural institutions of these countries.
Keywords: Choreographer, Impresario, Ballet, Maestros, Percussionist, Vocalist.[1] Mary Louise Lightfoot and Marian Quartly - Australian dictionary of biography (Supplementary Volume, 2005).ibid.ibid.
[2] Louise Lightfoot, Dance Rituals of Manipur (Hongkong) 1958, P. 24.
[3] R.K. Dani Sana, R.K. Priya Gopal Sana as Cultural Beacon in H. Dwija Sekhar (edited), The other Manipur, (Delhi -2013) Vol .6, P. 1143.
[4] H. Dwija Sekhar edited ibid.
[5] Adelaide Mail, August 1951..
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Abstract: The large number of dropout and failure in secondary mathematics has been a matter of graveconcern in national and international level. Under this perspective the study deals with the differentstudy approaches of the students in mathematics and the causes of under achievement in mathematics. The study is based on primary information collected from 280 random samples in class-X, XI & XIIstandard. Attempt was made to identify the causes of under achievement (CUA) and differentapproaches to study mathematics; and to verify the relationship between them. Findings of the studyrevealed that the CUA is positively correlated with the different study approaches in mathematics
KEY WORDS: The three types of study approaches: Dull, Moderate & Excellent. CUA: Causes of under achievement
[1] Appraisal Report-Assam (2016-17, P-4), PAB Minutes-RMSA, India,>school
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[6] Banerjee, R. (2012), "Innovation and initiatives in mathematics education in India", Mathematics
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Abstract: In the recent years, the literature indicated that adoption and consequences of using social media on the users and society has become a popular topic among the communication scholars. However, past studies also show that prior efforts in discussing on the stature and scholarship of social media research in Malaysia is scarce. Thus, the purpose of this conceptual paper is to review on the theoretical patterns and research trends of social media related studies on Malaysian users. In particular, the method used is based on literature reviews in chronological order concerning new.............
KEY WORDS: communication, content analysis, literature review, Malaysian users, research trends, social media
[1] Kaplan, A. M., and Haenlein, M. (2010) 'Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media', Business Horizons, Vol. 53 No. 1, pp.59–68.
[2] Pick, T. (2013) '101 Vital social media and digital marketing statistics', Social Media Today, Vol. 6.
[3] We Are Social. (2016) Digital in APAC 2016: We Are Social's Compendium of Digital, Social and Mobile Data, Trends, and Statistics around APAC in September 2016 [online]. (Accessed 15 December 2016).
[4] MCMC. (2013) Statistical brief number fifteen: internet users survey 2012. Cyberjaya: Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.
[5] Baran, S. J., and Davis, D. K. (2012) Mass communication theory: foundations, ferment, and future. Wadsworth series in mass communication and journalism (Vol. 5th).
[5] (1914) A.C. 155
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Abstract: The purpose of this reasearch was to how determine (1) The influence between emotional intelligence to result of study of Akidah Akhlak students of class X Social Sciences Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan (2) The influence between achievement motivation to result of study of Akidah Akhlak students of class X Social Sciences Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan (3) The influence between emotional intelligence and achievement motivation to result of study of Akidah Akhlak students of class X Social Sciences Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan. This research is a quantitative research with correlation approach. The population of this research were 102 students.The sample in.............
KEY WORDS: Emotional Intelligence, Achievement Motivation, Akidah Akhlak Subject
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Abstract: Banking industry is going through turbulent times. With many Non-banking financial corporations joining the race and licenses being issued to many banks, private bank employees are going through tremendous pressure. Banking industry therefore needs to place great impetus on increasing the learning quotient of employee.New HR policies are implemented leading to change in organizational climate. Employees are given multiple roles in organization leading to role ambiguity. The study analyses the impact of learning efficiency, role ambiguity and organizational...........
KEY WORDS: Employee productivity, Learning efficiency, Organizational climate, Role ambiguity
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