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Abstract: This study aims to analyze in depth the contribution of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Third Party Funds (TPF), Profit Sharing Rate (PS), Inflation, Interest Rate (IR), and Total Money Supply (MS) to Volume of profit and loss sharing based financing (VPLSF) Sharia Banking In Indonesia. This research is a quantitative research with Vector Auto Regression (VAR) analysis technique with the aim to see the relation between variables that become the choice in determining Sharia Fund Based Sharia Funding Volume in Indonesia. Using the test should be done so that it will eventually produce long-term and short-term equations through Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis...........
Keywords: Financial Volume Analysis, Profit Sharing, Sharia Banking.
[1]. Febianto Irawa and Kasri A Rahmatina. Why Do Islamic BanksTend to Avoid Profit and Loss Sharing Arrangements? Proceeding of the 2nd Islamic Conference 2007(iECONS2007) organized by Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Islamic Science University of Malaysia. 2007. 2. [2]. Sharia Banking Statistics / Islamic Banking Statistics Financial Services Authority (OJK), Ministry of Licensing and Banking Information. June, 2015, 5-8.
[3]. Muhammad Luthfi Qolby, Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pembiayaan Pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia Periode Tahun 2007-2013 (Engl: Factors of Affecting Financing On Sharia Banking in Indonesia Period 2007-2013), Economics Development Analysis Journal. EDAJ 2 (4) 2013, 369.
[4]. Adiwarman Karim, Islamic Banking: Fiqh and Financial Analysis (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2013), 88.
[5]. Pratin, dan Adnan Akhyar. Analisis Hubungan Simpanan, Modal Sendiri, NPL, Prosentase Bagi Hasil dan Markup Keuntungan Terhadap Pembiayaan pada Perbankan Syariah Studi Kasus Pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) (Engl: Analysis of Savings Relation, Own Capital, NPL, Percentage of Profit Sharing and Markup Benefits to Financing of Islamic Banking Case Study at Bank Muamalat Indonesia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Post- Colonial Approach: A Study of Mahesh Dattani's Plays |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Surinder Kumar Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-22080100711 ![]() |
Abstract: 'Post-Colonial' does not see a significantly new obvious period, nor does it declare a by and large new world where each one of the shades of malice of the pilgrim past has been killed yet Post–Colonial recognizes both provincial congruity and change. In this manner Post-Colonialism keeps on joining students of history and abstract researchers. In his plays, Dattani affects our thinking, compels us to mull over the issues he shows and offers to us roundabout like an expert to change our standard perspectives and suppositions about what is right and what isn't right, what is awesome and what is insidious...........
Keywords: Post-Colonialism, legacy, craving, dialect, preeminent.
[1]. Aggarwal, Beena. (2011). Mahesh Dattani's Plays: A New Horizon in Indian Theatre. Jaipur: Book Enclave, p.34.
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[3]. Antares. Bharatanatyam Blues: Review of Primetime Theatre's Dance Like a Man. 5 Aug., 2002. http://www. kakiseni. Com
[4]. Ayyar, Raj, "Mahesh Dattani Gay Cinema Comes of Age ",Gay Today 8. 48, 2004
[5]. Boulton, Marjorie, The Anatomy of Drama, New Delhi: Kalyani Publisher, 1985. p.3
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Abstract: This study examined the factors affecting Sustainable Oil Palm Grower Cooperative (KPSM) membership among independent oil palm smallholders. Proportionate sampling was used to determine 400 samples of the respondents in the 30 KPSMs operation area. Data processing, descriptive (frequency and cross tabulation) and analytical analysis (multiple regression) were performed using SPSS software. The regression model summary R2 = 0.618 indicates that 61.8% of the variance in the KPSM membership status was explained by the independent predictor variables in the model...........
Keywords: Oil palm growers; cooperatives; independent smallholders; sustainable
[1]. ANIEDU, C; NWACHUKWU, I; UWAKAH, C.T; UNAMMA, R.I.A (2007). Gender factors influencing adoption of Yam minisett technique by farmers in South Eastern Nigeria, Implication for Sustainable Yam Production. Journal of Agriculture and Social Research, Vol. 7 (2): 30-37.
[2]. ARAYESH, B and MAMMI, S (2010). Prioritization role of psychological factors in the process of popular participation groups to preserve, revival, develop and using natural resources (Case study: Iran. Ilam Province). Procedia-Soc. Behav. Sci., Vol. 5: 174-177.
[3]. ARAYESH, B (2011). Identifying the factors affecting the participation of Agricultural Cooperatives' members. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Vol. 6 (4): 560-566.
[4]. ARUA, E O (2004). Comparative Cooperative System. Unpublished Departmental Mimeograph. Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
[5]. AZMAH, O; FATIMAH, K; ROHANA, J and ROSITA, H (2012). Factor influencing cooperative membership and share increment: An application of the logistic regression analysis in the Malaysian cooperatives. World Review of Business Research, Vol. 2 (5): 24-35.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Urban Growth and Associated Problems: An Experience in Manipur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kh. Jugindro Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-22080102736 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present paper, an attempt has been made to discuss the progress of urbanization in Manipur and its problems and prospects. The number of urban centers in the state has been increased as if it has a concomitant phenomenon involving the process of conglomeration approach. Though the state is slow in making the progress of development in economy and industries, there is a significant growth of urbanization due to the natural increase of population as a result of births over deaths and rural - urban migration. Subsequently, these urban growths have got the experience of haphazard expansion of urban landscape in the state capital, Imphal and sluggish growth in other towns which has aggravated on the socio-economic conditions and administration of the state. The analysis is concerned those characteristics of the urban growth in order to spell out some suggestions.
Keywords: Conglomeration approach, Concomitant phenomenon, Socio-Economic, Squatter Settlement Urbanization
[1]. Kh. Jugindro Singh,2016, the Shifting cultivation and its Impact on Anthropogenic Environment in Manipur, International Journal Of Physical and social Sciences (IJPSS), Vol. 6, Issue 1 P.44-54.
[2]. Economics Survey of Manipur, 2014-15, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Government of Manipur, Imphal
[3]. K. Shidartha &S. Mukherjee, Cities urbanization and urban Systems, kisalaya publications, p.209
[4]. Mahesh Chand,V. Kumar Puri, 1983, Regional planning in India, Page 231.
[5]. Sharma. T.C., 1978, "North East India through Ages", Souvenir, Anthropological students convention, Guwahati University, p-20
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Numerals in Poula |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | H.Dune Antonia Pao |
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: | 10.9790/0837-22080103742 ![]() |
Abstract: The goal of this paper is an attempt to describe the numerals of Poula which comes under Naga-Kuki sub group of Tibeto-Burman language family. Poula, an Angami-Pochuri language is the language of the Pouma Naga tribe and is spoken in the Senapati district of Manipur and Phek district of Nagaland and also in some other adjoining areas. Poula numeral system is basically decimal however, vigesimal system that is 'twenty-based system' is found from 20-29. This paper describes the various classifications of Poula numerals into Cardinal numerals, Ordinal numerals, Multiplicative numerals, Aggregative numerals,Approximate numerals, Fractional numerals ,Distributive numerals ,Restrictive numerals and Indefinite numerals.
[1]. Benedict, P.K.1972. Sino-Tibetan : A Conspectus Princeton Cambridge Studies in Chinese linguistics. London: Cambridge University Press.
[2]. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word-Formation. Cambridge University Press.
[3]. Bhat D.N.S. and M.S.Nigomba.1995. Manipuri Grammar. CIIL, Mysore..
[4]. Comrie, B.1989. Language Universals and Linguistic Typology 2nd Ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
[5]. Giridhar, P.P. 1991. On the word in Angami Naga. Linguistcs of the Tibeto-Burman Area( Berkeley) 14.1:1-54.
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Abstract: The study was carried out to determine the entrepreneurial competencies required by technicians for success in small scale automobile maintenance enterprises in Lagos State. Three research questions were developed and answered by the study while three null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. A survey research design was employed for the study. The population for the study comprised 161 entrepreneurs and employees in automobile industries. A structured questionnaire item was used to collect data from the respondents...........
[1]. Automobile Service Mechanic ASM (2007). Career Guide for Automotive mechanic Retrieved Sept. 17th, 2008.
[2]. Dangana, S.A. (2006). Technical skills Improvement needs of Auto-Electronic Technicians in the maintenance of modern day cars in Niger State. Unpublished M.Ed thesis, Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
[3]. Geddes & Grosset (2005). Webster's universal dictionary and thesaurus. Scotchland, UK: David Dale House.
[4]. Giri, N.K. (2005). Problems in automobile mechanic. Delhi: Khauna publishers.
[5]. Gupta, C.B. & Khanka, S.S. (2006). Entrepreneurship and small-business management. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons.
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Abstract: Emerging digital technologies in the 21st century have led to questions being raised about digital security as children increasingly engage with these emerging technologies for varied reasons. While digital communication technologies are often embedded with varied applications to ensure the safety of users, often users still face various challenges ranging from fraud, cyber-bullying, stalking, identity theft and access to inappropriate content by the children. This paper discusses the challenges faced by children as well as the teachers in mitigating the risks that children aged 12-14 years encounter while utilizing different online digital communication technologies............
Keywords: Children, cyber-bullying, digital, emerging technologies, fraud, identity theft, stalking
[1] Ahn, J, (2011). The Effect of Social Network Sites on Adolescents' Social and Academic Development: Current Theories and Controversies, Journal of American Society for information science and technology, 62(8):1435–1445.
[2] Akdenin, Y. (2008). Internet child pornography and the law: National and International Responses. Aldershot: Ashgate publishing limited.
[3] Akdeniz.Y.(2016). Internet Child Pornography and the Law: National and International Responses. New York: Routledge
[4] Annan, K, A.(2011).We the Children: Meeting the Promises of the World Summit for Children. New York: UNICEF house
[5] Asher, O, D, (2014). Child Consumer Protection Online Child Safety: Case for Kenya, Cuts International.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Du Concubinage En Droit Congolais Et En Droit Compare |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Par Blaise Bwanga Anembali |
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: | 10.9790/0837-22080105766 ![]() |
Abstract: The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country with romano-Germanic legal system which is influenced by the napoleonian's code from what; most of europe's countries' former colonies are inspired to enact the internal regulations. Thus, the question of cohabitation, although not recognized in Democratic Republic of Congo, especially presents several legal difficulties in term of the split-up or separation, of the expenditure incurred and the inheritance management. This is the reflexion route which will propose as best as possible a contribution referring to the doctrines and the compared rights (French, Swiss and German right). In addition, we will also include/understand why the Congolese right takes as a starting point the European right but does not copy the whole, because, the legislator wants to preserve the traditional design of the family..........
Keywords: Concubinage, mariage, concubinat, promesse, pension, droit interne, droit comparé, baux, gestion du patrimoine, libéralités, biens, indivision, dépenses, litige, liberté, autorité parentale, union de faits, preuve.
[1]. Texte de loi et jurisprudences
[2]. Loi n°010/87 du 1er aout 1987 portant le code congolais de la famille telle que modifié et complété par la loi du 15 juillet 2016
[3]. Constitution de la RDC du 18 février 2006 tel que modifiée à ces jours
[4]. Loi n°15/005 du 17 mars 2015 portant code des assurances appelée nouveau code des assurances
[5]. Arrêt « Toros » de cours de cassation française du 19 juin 1975
[6]. Les effets du concubinage sur les contributions d'entretien ; analyse de l'arrêt du Tribunal fédéral 5A_662/2011
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Abstract: Electoral Geography is the sub field of Political Geography which deals with all election process within geographical area. This paper discuss about voting behaviour in general and voting pattern of women in Ajmer Tehsil. Electoral geography is the analysis of the methods, the behaviour, and the results of elections in the context of geographic space and using geographical techniques. In any democratic country voting is very important political process and it is the only right of common people to participate in the formation of government. Voting behaviour means how an individual make up their mind to vote and this voting...........
Keywords: Electoral Geography, Voting Behaviour, Voting pattern, social factors, psychological factors
[1] Biraj Hazarike, "Voting Behaviour in India and Its Determinants",, 2015.
[2] Economic and Political Weekly, June 18, 2011.
[3] Joshua Harder and Jon A. Krosnick, "Why Do People Vote? A Psychological Analysis of the Causes of Voter Turnout", Stanford University, 2008.
[4] K.D.Dixit, "Political Geography", New Delhi, Tata, McGraw Hill, 1997.
[5] K.Z.Amani, "Electoral Geography and Indian Election, Geographical Review of India", 1973.