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Abstract: It is a firmly established principle of any civilized legal system that accused defendants be guaranteed the right to fair trial before they are put to any punishment. Nevertheless, defendants are so ignorant of the law and court trials, that they may not argue effectively on equal footing with the prosecutor. This requires us to let them find their own legal counsel. However, not all accused defendants are capable of buying lawyers. One of the measures applied by jurisdictions to minimize this problem is providing state funded legal counsel for the indigents. Ethiopia had one of the oldest laws............
Keywords: Ethiopia Fair trial Indigent defendants Legal counsel Right Reform
[1] Mekuria Mamo v Conta special district high court; file number 01639
[2] Peter M. Bekker; the right to legal representation including effective assistance for an accused in the criminal justice system of South Africa 174-175
[3] Fransis D Doucette; non appointment of counsel in indigent criminal cases; A case study 31 new Eng law review.445,496-499 (1997)
[4] Powell,287 US at 49-50
[5] Article 11(1) 0f UDHR, article 14(3) of ICCPR; article 6.3 (c) of ECHR, article 8 of ACHR, article 7.1© of ACHPR.
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Abstract: Indonesia as the world's third largest sailor supplier (provider) with a total number of seafarers ± 150,000 people. We should look at this as a condition of employment opportunities as well as challenges and alternative sources of foreign exchange earnings. To answer this and to take advantage of this opportunity, the Indonesian Marine Institution as a seafarer supplier should improve itself to educate and produce graduates of seafarers to meet those needs to suit developments at all levels (Level Management, Operational Level and Supporters). This study aims to see how big the quality of...............
Keywords: Quality of service, condition of infrastructure, customer satisfaction.
[1] Abbas Salim, Manajemen Transportasi, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta: 2006.
[2] Ali. 1996. PengertianSaranadanPrasarana. Available At (accessed 27/12/2011).
[3] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[4] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[5] Bambang Prasetyo, Lina Miftahul Jannah, Metodelogi Penelitian Kuantitatif, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta: 2007...
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Abstract: Saumyendranath Tagore was born in Calcutta in 1901 in the famous Tagore family. He played an important role in the Communist Movement of Bengal. Under his leadership,his party the Communist League of India (hereafter CLI) or later the Revolutionary Communist Party of India (hereafter RCPI) organized powerful peasant movements. These movements were against increase in revenue, illegal cesses such as abwab, work without pay and the ryotwari and zamindari systems......
KEY WORDS:Peasants, Communist Party, Saumyendranath Tagore, SatishSamanta, DibakarHaldar,, Zamindari System, Dadon, Ijara, Abwab, Selami, Keru Company, Sunderbans, Daniel Hamilton, Cutcherry, Krishak Sabha etc.
[1]. Adhikari, G., ed., Documents of the History of the Communist Party of India, 1923-25, Vol. II, People's Publishing House: New Delhi, Oct 1974
[2]. Basu, Nirban, The Political Parties and the Labour Politics, 1937-47, with special reference to Bengal, Minerva Associates Publications Pvt. Ltd.: Calcutta, Oct 1992
[3]. Bhattacharyya, Dipankar, Peasant Movements in Bengal and Bihar 1936-47, RabindraBharati University Press: Calcutta, 1992
[4]. Chattopadhyaya, Sudarshan, ed., Against the Stream, an Anthology of Writings of Saumyendranath Tagore, Vol. I, Saumyendranath Memorial Committee: Calcutta, 1975
[5]. Chattopadhyaya, Sudarshan, ed., Against the Stream, an Anthology of Writings of Saumyendranath Tagore, Vol. II, Saumyendranath Memorial Committee: Calcutta, 1984
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Abstract: Despite the long-lived interest on spa technology consumption by different scholars, a lack of a systematic theoretical analysis to illuminate its link with human development has been noted. A deficit of theoretical capital with which to understand the nexus between of spa technology consumption and one's psychosocial and economic development has been identified as a gap in existing literature sources. Most of behavioral theories reviewed fall short of essential characteristics to illuminate this link. Thus, Erving Goffman's dramaturgy.............
Keywords: Spa technology, nexus, theoretical lens, development
[1] Abbas, A., Ghaleb, A., & EL-refae, B. (2012) The Relationship between service Quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions of Malaysian spa centre customers. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 3 Number 1 pg 198-205
[2] Baird, C.M. (2001) Social Identity Theory and Intergroup relationship in gender dominated occupation. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis in Pschology. Massey University, Albany, New Zealand
[3] Bandura, A, (1977) Self Efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioural change. Psychological Review, Vol, 84 pp 191-215
[4] Bandura, A. (1977) Social Learning Theory. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs
[5] Bandura, A. (1989) Social Cognitive Theory. In Vista, R. (Eds). Annals of Child Development, Vol. 6 Six theories of Child Development, Greenwich, CT:JAI Press pg 1-6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | IndonesianLegal Political Dynamics After Reformation Era |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Bambang Suparno |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208023439 ![]() |
Abstract: Indonesian's political changes after new order signed by constitution reforms ruled Indonesian constitutional system. Indonesian constitution, known as 1945 constitution assigned since August18th 1999 had been amendments 4 times. First amendment ratified at October 19th 1999, the second amendment at August 2000, the third amendment at November 10th 2001, the fourth amendment at August 10th 2002. As the statement above, there are two instruments politic as policy; democratic regional election and regional autonomy (decentralization). One of the important policies related to decentralization process is the term of regional election. This is the fundamental one as the term of policy to release strong reforms, especially after 1999 movement. In the other hand, legal policy...........
Keywords: Legal Politic, Regional Election, Dynamic, Amandment, Reformation Era
[1]. MPR RI, (2007). Panduan Pemasyrakatan Undang Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 Sesuai dengan Urutan Bab, Pasal, dan Ayat. Jakarta: general secretary of MPR-RI
[2]. Thaib, Dahlan. (2004). Pemilu dan Lembaga Perwakilan dalam Ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Article for seminar "Urgensi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Secara Langsung dan Problematikanya". Yogyakarta: Univesity of Ahmad Dahlan.
[3]. Helmi, Erfan. (2012). Filsafat hukum. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.
[4]. Undnag undang No 8 tahun 2015 tentang penetapan peraturan pemerintah pengganti undang undang No 1 tahun 2014 tentang pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota menjadi undang undang.
[5]. Raharjo, Satjipto. (2000). Pemikiran tentang ancaman antar disiplin dan pembinaan hukum nasiona. Bandung: citra aditya bakti..
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Abstract: South Africa has beena democratic country for almost twenty-two years, but is still facing challenges with Economic Equality, especially forwomen. As part of the objectives of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), the African National Congress (ANC) promulgated the BEE Act (Act 53 of 2003). According to Statistics South Africa ,women make up 51,2%of the total population and account for 45,1%of the working population; however, only 2,4%of women are CEO's of Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed companies; and only 8,79% of those companies have 25%...........
KEY WORDS: Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE), African National Congress (ANC), Racial discrimination, Gender inequality
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Homosexuality and the Two-Way Test of Moral Validity of Sexual Affairs |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Diana-Abasi Ibanga. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208024553 ![]() |
Abstract: In this article, I examined the various ethical problems raise to morally discount homosexuality. I found that so far no moral argument proved adequate ground to discount homoeroticism. However, I have developed the 'Two-Way Test' (TWT) by which the social acceptability of any sexual relation should be tested for moral validity. From the analysis, homosexuality was found to have failed the test. That is to say, homosexuality is not a morally valid act. Despite that, the immoral status of homosexuality did not constitute sufficient ground for its criminalization, because not all immoral...........
KEY WORDS: Homosexuality, Two-Way Test, Sexual Tolerance, Morality, Sexual Ethics
[1] Anele, D. (2009 Jul. 12). A Salad Bowl of Intellectual Garbage (5). Sunday Vanguard.
[2] Blurr, C. (1993). Homosexuality and Biology. The Atlantic Monthly, March Issue, 47-65.
[3] Ibanga, D. A. (2012). Sexual Ethics. In Chigbo Ekwealo (Ed.), Applied and Practical Ethics: A Simplified Course Text (pp. 96-115). Lagos: African Environmental Ethics and Values Research Group.
[4] Darwin, C. (1958). The Origin of Species. London: The New American Library.
[5] Institute of Medicine (2011 Mar.). The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding, Report Brief. Washington, D.C: Institute of Medicine
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Assessment of Gully Erosion in Selected Areas of Minna, Niger State, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Sheikh D. Abubakar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208025459 ![]() |
Abstract: The issue of gully erosion is of a major concern both globally and locally. The focus of this study is to access gully erosion in some selected areas of Minna. The objectives are: to identify the distribution of gully erosion in the study area, to determine the length, width and depth of the gullies. The method of data collection employed is through field work which involves the use of GPS to capture the coordinates the gully sites and tape rule to measure the width, depth, and length of the gullies. GIS techniques were used in data analysis. A total of 19 gully sites were coordinated and mapped, the result reveals the gully erosion were dispersed with area GbeganuKpakungu having more concentrated gullies.............
KEY WORDS: Assessment, Gully Erosion, GIS, Minna
[1]. Abdulfatai, IA, Okunlola, IA, Akande, WG, Momoh, LO, andIbrahim, KO. (2014). Review of Gully Erosion in Nigeria: Causes, Impacts and Possible Solutions. Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, 2(3), 125-129.
[2]. Albert, A., Adeyinka, S. A., and Peter, O. (2006). An Assessment of the Socio Economic Impacts of Soil Erosion in South-Eastern Nigeria
[3]. Bocco, G. (1990). Gully Erosion Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.
[4]. Ehiorobo, Jacob O, and Audu, HAP. (2012). Monitoring of Gully Erosion in an Urban Area Using Geoinformation Technology. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences [JETEAS], 3(2), 270-275..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Examining Sediment Accumulation in Goronyo Reservoir, Sokoto State, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Sheikh D. Abubakar || M. Aliyu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208026065 ![]() |
Abstract: Goronyo Reservoir was impounded in 1984 on the Rima River and it has a storage capacity of 942,000,000 m3 and a catchment area of 21,445 km2. Construction of dams and reservoirs lead to modification of the hydro-morphological river regime which facilitate sediment deposition in the reservoirs. Reservoirs eventually becomes as sediment traps. The aim of this study was to examine the extent of sediment accumulated in Goronyo reservoir from 1984 to 2013. The research was carried out using bathymetric survey method. Geo-referenced depth data were collected with an echo sounder............
KEY WORDS: Sediment, reservoir, sedimentation, bathymetric survey, Dam, Goronyo
[1] Adediji, A. (2005). Reservoir Sedimentation: The case of Opa Reservoir catchment, Southwestern Nigeria. South African Geographical Journal 87 (2): 123 – 128.
[2] Adeniyi, P.O. (1993). Integration of remote sensing and GIS for agricultural resource management in Nigeria.EARSel Advances in Remote Sensing 2(3): 6 – 21.
[3] Adewubi, A., Amegashie, B.K., Agyare, W.A., Tamene, L., Odai, S.N., Quansah, C. and Vlek, P. (2009).Assessing sediment inputs to small reservoirs in Upper East Region, Ghana.Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 14 (4): 279 -287.
[4] Basson, G.R. and Rooseboom, A. (1999).Dealing with Reservoir Sedimentation –Dredging (Report No. TT 110/99). Pretoria: South African Water Research Commission.
[5] Bello, K. (2002). Agricutural land degradation in Goronyo local government area of Sokoto state(B.Sc. Project). Department of Geography, UsmanuDanfodiyo University, Sokoto..
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Abstract: Harun Nasution is commonly known as a very rational and liberal Muslim intellectual. In his lecture, Harun always insisted that Indonesian Muslims should think rationally. He also suggests that we should imitate the Shi'ah who has thought rationally. Because of his thinking, many people refuse him, but there are some appreciate him. According to him, the qat'iyah teachings of Islam are not many, as God exists and the one, the prohibition of riba and eating pork as well as khamr. Meanwhile the rests are verses that are still zanny dilalah. Harun Nasution is a theologian, philosopher............
Keywords: Al Quran; thought; Harun Nasution; Islamic reform[1] Al-Karim, Alquran.
[2] Anonimus, Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 1-8, (New York-London: Macmillan Publishing Co. In & The Free Press, 1972).
[3] Abbas, Mahmoud al-Akkad, Ketuhananan Sepanjang Ajaran Agama-Agama dan Pemikiran Manusia, terj A. Hanafi, (Jakarta : Bulan Bintang, 1981).
[4] Ahmadi, Abu. Filsafat Islam, (Surabaya: Bina Ilmu, 1993).
[5] Abduh, Abdul Salam Muhammad, al-Aqaid al-Imaniyah, fi al-Aqidah al-Islamiyah, (Kairo: al-Matba'ah, 1979)..
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Abstract: Sarva Siksha Abhijan Mission has been trying to provide quality elementary education to every child up to the age of 14 years. In order to achieve this noble objective, SSA in Assam has been working very hard to bring the 'out of school' children in the purview of education through its Alternative Innovative Education(AIE) strategies. Under AIE, four different activities are implemented i.e. Sanjogi Siksha Kendra (SSK) in rural areas, Jyoti Kendra (JK) for urban deprived children, Community Coaching Programme(CCP) for the habitations having small number of out of school children.............
KEY WORDS: AIE-Alternative Innovative Education, SSK-Sanjogi Siksha Kendra, JK-Jyoti Kendra CCP-Community Coaching Programme RBC- Residential Bridge Course.
[1] Pandey, V.C: Child Education, Isha Books, Delhi.
[2] Sharma, R.C: National Policy on Education and Programme of implementation, Mangaldeep Publication.
[3] Gore, M.S: Indian Education, Rawat Publication, Jaipur and New Delhi.
[4] Samal Pustikka, Sankalpa Yatra, Newsletters, Journals : SSA Mission, Tinsukia.
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Abstract: The banking industry of the 21st century operates in a complex and competitive environment characterized by ever-changing economic and financial environment with information and communication technology (ICT) at the center of this change. As Information Technology is vital in banking operations today, it becomes imperative for banks to realize its impact on operational performance in order to justify capital investments. The objective of this work was to examine how the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) affects the competitive performance.............
KEY WORDS: ICT, Bank Performance, ATM, Mobile Payments, Branch expansion and Profitability JEL Classifications: O31, Q55 and G21
[1] Agboola A. (2006). Information and communication technology (ICT) in banking operations inNigeria: an evaluation of recent experiences, Retrieved from 26533. pdf, on June. 10, 2017.
[2] Agboola A. A. Salawu, M (2009). Impact of electronic banking on customer services in Lagos, Nigeria. Ife Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(1&2).
[3] Agboola A. A. (2001). Impact of electronic banking on customer services in Lagos, Nigeria. Ife Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(1&2).
[4] Aghaunor L. & Fotoh X. (2006). Factors affecting e-commerce adoption in Nigerian banks, Paper within IT and Business Renewal, Jonkoping International Business School
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Abstract: The economic conditions of women in rural India were critical because they don't have proper work in their hand. Present survey was done in Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra. On the basics of sericulture activates is one of the best employment generating industry for rural area women of Ahmednagar. Sericulture is the best occupation for women's in changing situations of their family income. It is possible to have the women empowerment through sericulture industry. In Ahmednagar district total 148 farmers are involved in sericulture industry, they have cultivated mulberry on 151 acres of land and out of 148 farmers there are 27 women farmers are participated in sericulture activities, they get.............
KEY WORDS: Farmer, Participation, Mulberry sericulture, rearing of Silk worm, Women.
[1]. Shivaram, Work participation of women in agriculture in odisha. (Women and food security fao, New Delhi, 1988) (Iosr journal of humanities and social science (IOSR-JHSS) 20, 7, iii (July 2015)
[2]. Chandrama Goswami, Contributions of sericulture to women income in Assam, A Case Study in Goalpara District of Assam, India (International journal of scientific and research publications 3, 3, (March 2013) 31-53)
[3]. Eswarappa kasi, Role of women in sericulture and community development, a study from a south India village. (SAGE Open, 3, 3: 2158244013502984 first published on September 16, 2013.
[4]. Siddappaji D. Latha C.M. Ashoka S.R. Dr. M.G. Baava Raja. Social- economic development through sericulture in karanataka (IOSR Journal of humanities and social science (IOSR- JHSS) (19, 10, (Oct. 2014), 24-26)
[5]. Mech. D. and Ahmed. S. A. Participatory profiles of women in eri culture in Assam state of India. (International journal of scientific research 4, 4) (2012
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Abstract: while road traffic crashes involving motorcycles cannot be completely prevented, the probability and severity of head injuries following a crash can surely be mitigated through helmet use. In northern Ghana where motorcycles are popular means of transport, prevalence of motorcycle helmet use is low. This study identifies the barriers and facilitators to the use of motorcycle helmet in Tamale Metropolis of Ghana. A questionnaire survey was administered to 300 motorcyclists at three different locations in Tamale Metropolis. Data were edited, coded and entries made............
KEY WORDS: Barriers, facilitators, Ghana, helmet use, motorcycle
[1] WHO. Status report on road safety in countries of the WHO African Region. World Health Organization, Regional Office for Africa: Brazzaville. 2010
[2] WHO. World report on road traffic injury prevention. WHO 2004. [Accessed 02-06-2012] available at:
[3] Building and Road Research Institute. 2010 Road Traffic Crashes in Ghana: Statistics 2010. [Accessed 28-03-2012]
[4] Ackaah W. Afukaar F. Prevalence of helmet use among motorcycle users in Tamale Metropolis: an observational study. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2010; 11: 522-525..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Versification of Dr. Iyengars epicSitayana |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Abhiram Roy |
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: | 10.9790/0837-22080299104 ![]() |
Abstract: Dr. Iyengar was a fine prose-writer who possessed a keen critical sense and contributed liberally to what we may call Indo-Anglian literary criticism. His main critical works are : Shakespeare : His World and His Art, Gerard Manley Hopkings : The Man and the Poet, Francois Maurice : Novelist and Moralist, Rabindranath Tagore : A Critical Introduction, The Adventure of Criticism, Dawn to Greater Dawn, Six Lectures on Savitri, and Indian Writing in English, besides his brilliant Doctoral dissertation on Lytton Strachey. All these books illustrate a balanced approach which takes in the best from criticism right from Plato and Aristotle to Eliot and.....
[1]. K.R.S. Iyengar :Sitayana, Samta Books, Madras, 1987, p. xv.
[2]. Ibid.
[3]. Ibid., p. 610.
[4]. Ibid., p. 610.
[5]. Valmiki Ramayana, 1.2.19, Gita Press, Gorakhpur, 3rd Impression, Samvat 2033.