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Abstract: Humans are social beings who live in the association called the community. As social beings, human mix and mingle with other communities. To ensure the needs, created social institutions that regulate relations between individuals in social groups. Among the institutions that are customary structures have been institutionalized in the society in Lio ethnic at Aedari backwoods in Detukeli village of Ende regency. Inhabited of 57 families with a population of 285 to 100% is the livelihood of farmers. The problem of this research is how the implementation of Ethnic Identity Politics in the federal territory of Lio ethnic By Mosalaki at Aedari backwoods in Detukeli village of Ende....................
Keywords: Ethnic Identity Politics, Mosalaki and Region Territory Indigenous Groups.
[1] AbdillahUbed, 2002, Ethnic identity politics, Struggle Without Signs of Identity, Magelang: Indonesia.
[2] Agustino, Leo, 2007, Politik Subject of Political Science, A Lesson Understanding Politics, Jakarta, Graha Science, Cet. First.
[3] Barth Fredrik, 1996, Ethnic groups and Limitations, Jakarta: University of Indonesia Press.
[4] Blumer H. 2004. George Herbert Mead & Human Conduct. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.
[5] Foucault, Michel, 1988, The Care of The Self, Harmodsworth. Allend Lane: Penguin Books.
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Abstract: Children and young adults comprise around 20-30 per cent of kidney patients in the city, say doctors from various hospitals. Andhra Pradesh (AP) is one of the biggest states in India. A.P is 8.4% out of India's total geographical area and 7.1% of population, ranking fourth in terms of geographical area and fifth in terms of population among the Indian states. A facility based, cross-sectional academic and OPD medical centers in NRI Institute of medical sciences participated in the study. A structured questionnaire was developed and pre-tested in the pilot study of 500 subjects carried out at one center in South India. 5% of the subjects with CKD were aware that they have CKD, while 12% of those with proteinuria reported knowing that they had protein in the urine.
Keywords: CKD, Vizag, Diabetes, Hypertension and proteinuria
[4] Rajapurkar MM, John GT, Kirpalani AL, Abraham G, Agarwal SK, Almeida AF, et al. What do we know about chronic kidney disease in India: First report of the Indian CKD registry. BMC Nephrol. 2012;13:10.
[5] Singh NP1, Ingle GK, Saini VK, Jami A, Beniwal P, Lal M, Meena GS.Prevalence of low glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria and associated risk factors in North India using Cockcroft-Gault and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation: an observational, cross-sectional study.
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Abstract: The study aims at assessing the compliance of microfinance program of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) with right-based norms and principles as well as determining the rule of microfinance in the promotion of human rights especially economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) for the poor people in Bangladesh. The study method applied is the analysis of secondary materials like books, journal articles and research reports and papers of major reputable institutions working on microfinance. The study points out that microfinance program do not recognize the national and international human rights normative framework, interdependence and indivisibility among human rights and priorities................
Key Words: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Human Right, Microfinance, Microcredit, Poverty, Right-based Norms and Principles
[1] Shakil Quayes, and M. A. Baqui Khalily, Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh, Working paper No. 19, Institute of Microfinance, Bangladesh, 2013, <http: // inm. org. bd/ papers/ efficiency -of- microfinance –institutions -in- bangladesh/>accessed 1st February 2016.
[2] J. Morduch, The Microfinance Promise, Journal of Economic Literature, XXXVII, 1999, 1569-1614.
[3] United Nations, Fact Sheet: End Poverty by 2015, UN Millennium Goals, 2008, <http:// www. un. org/ millennium goals/ 2008 high level/ news room. shtml> accessed 1st February 2016.
[4] United Nations, UN International Year of Microcredit, 2005, <http: // www. un. org/ press/ en/ 2004/ dev 2492. doc. htm> accessed 2nd February, 2016.
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Abstract: This study investigates empirically the impact of informal capital market on the economic development and health of rural areas. The study chose Akoko North-West Local Government area of Ondo State, Nigeria as a case study. The primary data utilized for the study was collected through questionnaire administered on the study area. Random sampling technique was used. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative techniques to analyse the data collected from the survey. The qualitative techniques include the use of frequency tables and percentages. The chi-square statistic was also employed to test the formulated hypotheses of the study with the aid of Statistical Package............
Keywords: Capital Market, Cooperative Societies, Economic Development, Health and wellbeing, Financial Liberalization.
[1] Abu, A. (2005). Element of Cooperative Education in Nigeria. Vol.1.
[2] Adeusi, S. O.& Familoni, J. A. (2004). Effect of Non-regulation of the Informal capital Market in Nigeria on the Nation's Economic Development. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Nigeria Society for Financial Research (NSFR), Department of Business Administration, University of Lagos, November 10th-12th.
[3] Adeusi, S. O., & Ogunmakin, A. A. (2014). Informal Capital Market and Environmental Factors in Nigeria. Asian Economic and Financial Review Vol.4 No.2, PP 126-136.
[4] Adeusi, S. O., Azeez, B. A., & Olanrewaju, H. A. (2012). Effect of Financial Liberalization on the Financial Performance of Informal Capital Market. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol.3 No.6, PP 63-77.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Education Policies and Educationally Backward Blocks in Punjab |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mridula Pushkarna || Ripudaman Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208123439 ![]() |
Abstract: Punjab is among the most developed states of India, rather the state enjoys the prosperity in terms of physiographic conditions, drainage system, economic conditions, agriculture and other resources, but in case of literacy, the state lags behind from many other states of India. Some of the areas show a grim picture in terms of development in this sector.The researchers are trying to highlight those areas where the problem is becoming worse in last few years and moreover also focus on the causes and implications of the problem. For this, the educationally backward blocks.............
Key Words: Backwardness, education policies, educationally backward blocks, Punjab.
[1] Annual Report (2014-15), Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India.
[2] Azad, Lal Jagdish (2003) Globalisation: It's impact on education and challenges for education, NIEPA, New Delhi.
[3] Brar Jaswinder, Vishwamittar and Sukhwinder (2002), Changing structure of education in Punjab: Issues and Policy Recommendation. Publication Bureau, Punjabi University.
[4] Biswas, A. and Agarwal S.P. (1956). Development of Education in India, New Delhi: Concept Publishing Co.
[5] Buch, M.S. (ed.), (1989) Fourth Survey of Research in Education1983-88, New Delhi: NCERT.
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Abstract: Militancy has affected Bangladesh and panic has gripped its peaceful inhabitants. Last few incidences on militancy took place in July and August of 2016 has made the policy makers, law enforcing authorities along with the decent people in the society very worried. Consequently, negative effects seem to be apparent in economy, religion and in the society. Study is hardly found dealing with militancy linking an empirical study in the light of the Holy Quran. Therefore, the current study aims to show the negative consequences on militancy suggesting few treatments to resolve it based on the perceptions in the light of the Quranic teaching. The study has followed a mixture.........
Keys word: Bangladesh, innocent killing, Islam, Jihad, militancy, social peace, terrorist
[1] Ahmad, K. (2002). Islamic ethics in a changing environment for managers, in Sadeq, A.M. (Ed.): Ethics in Business and Management: Islamic and Mainstream Approaches, Asean Academic Press, London.
[2] Alderson, P. (1998). Confidentiality and consent in qualitative research. Newsletter of the British Sociological Association. 69. pp. 6-7.
[3] Ambert, A., Adler, P.A., Adler, P., and Detzner, D.F.(1995). Understanding and Evaluating Qualitative research. Journal of Marriage and Family. 57(4): 879-893.
[4] Bogdan, R. C and Biklen, S. N. (2003). Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theories and Methods. 4th edition. Pearson. Harlow.
[5] Bryman, A. (2008). Social research methods. 3rd edition. Oxford university press; New York. USA
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Abstract: This research activity aims to improve the recruitment model that has been applied in the recruitment system of civil servants (PNS) on the Government of North Sumatra Province. Then to prove the benefits of an in-depth study of analysis on job position, work volume and workload in each decision to add new employees in the future. After that, it is also proved that the results of this study can be a recruitment model that can be applied to the Government of North Sumatra Province. This research is conducted by using descriptive method with the data processing using qualitative method. The respondents used are from civil servants, academics, and representatives members
Keywords: Employee recruitment; staffing; position; volume; workload; civil servant
[1] Hariandja, M.T.E. (2007). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Pengadaan, Pengembangan, Pengkompensasian, dan Peningkatan Produktivitas Pegawai. Jakarta: Grasindo.
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Abstract: This study explored the effect of consumer attitude on preference of private label brands. It is somewhat difficult to identify the characteristics and actual drives on consumers towards purchasing the private-label brands. Specifically this paper aimed to ascertain whether consumer attitude variables (trust on store product quality, familiarity and perceived economic situation) influences private label brand purchase behavior. The study adopted descriptive survey design through administering questionnaires with 14 items measurement to a sample size of 330 consumers in the three universities in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria. SPSS version 21 software was used to analyze the data with descriptive...........
Keywords: Attitude, Consumers, Perception, Preference, Private label brands, and Purchases
[1] Ailawadi, K. L., Karen, G., Christain, L., & Scott, A. N. (2007). Decomposition of the Sales Impact of Promotion-Induced Stockpiling, Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (3), 450–467.
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[3] Ayozie, D. O., Ayozie, K. N. & Ayozie V. U. (2011). Ethical Issues Involved in Integrated Marketing Communication in Nigeria; Business Management Dynamics 1(4),50-62.
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[5] Batra, R. & Sinha, I. (2000). Consumer-Level Factors Moderating the Success of Private Label Brands, Journal of Retailing, 76 (2), 175-191.
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Abstract: One of the mandates of Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. World Health Organization suggest that out of 99 percent of deaths occurred in developing country India alone contributed about a quarter of maternal deaths. Therefore, at present time focus should be given on the individual status as reflected by their education and income/occupation, which has been acted as the fundamental determinant of utilization of basic services. Using the cross-sectional data of the third round of 'District Level Household Survey'...........
Keywords: Multilevel regression, Maternal Health Care Services, predictive quasi-likelihood, variance participation coefficient.
[1]. Avishek Hazra , Debabrata Bera , Sumit Mazumdar and Puspita Datta. Economic Inequality in Preventive Maternal and Child Health Care A Study of Rural India. ResearchGate.
[2]. Benhadi, Nadia, Wiersinga, WM, Reitsma, JB, Vrijkotte, TGM, & Bonsel, GJ. (2009). Higher maternal TSH levels in pregnancy are associated with increased risk for miscarriage, fetal or neonatal death. European Journal of Endocrinology, 160(6), 985-991.
[3]. Dhak, Biplab. . ( 2013). Use of maternal health care in rural india: Relative Importance of socio economic status and accessibility. Journal of Population and Social Studies, , Volume 21 (Number 2 (Supplement) ), S-99-S-114. .
[4]. DLHS3. (2010). International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS). District Level Household Survey (DLHS3). Mumbai, India: IIPS; 2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Ownership of Minerals by Indonesia Law and Islamic Law |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Nurhayati A |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2208128185 ![]() |
Abstract: This research is aimed to find out how to compare the ownership of minerals according to Indonesian state law and Islamic law. It is very important for the public to know how the legislative perspective or the Positive Law and Islamic Law regulate the ownership of minerals intended for The state also for the community, whether in the regulation of these two laws there are many significant differences or similarities between the substances set forth in the regulation. Seeking differences or similarities in these two rules is not fundamental and will change the enactment of the regulation but the formation of this regulation is aimed at no more unrest of mining land, also avoid illegal mining and prioritize its management in our own country, the country we love This is not more to foreign countries.
Key words: Indonesian Law, Islamic Law, Minerals Law
[1] Al-Zahrah, Muhammad Abu, Milkiyyah wa an-Nazariyyah al-aqd fiy as-Syari'at al Islamiyyah, Mesir: Matba'ah Fathillah Ilyas Nuriy wa Awladih, 1939.
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[5] Al-Magribi, AbiAbdillah Muhammad bin Muhammad, al- Mawahid al-jalil, Juz. II, Cet. III , Beirut-London: Dar al-Fikr 1992.
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Abstract: Health aims to prevent the disease so as to improve the healthy rate. High healthy rate can affect to the increase of productivity. In order to keep healthy, many treatments will be chosen to treat chronic renal failure, such as alternative medicine, kidney transplant, or hemodialysis therapy.. Based on the results of the analysis of previous discussion at Pabatu Hospital, Medan, Indonesia, it can be concluded the results of correlation r Product Moment known that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence with quality of life in patients of hemodialysis therapy.........
Keywords: Emotional intelligence; quality of life; patients; hemodialysis therapy
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