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Abstract: Women cooperative (Kopwan) which is a cooperative run and consisted of women, has demonstrated its ability to be competitive in providing good service to its members. Women are no longer just a housewife but cooperative has proved its superiority to empower women as a pioneer in helping small business in the region. The purpose of this research i.e.: (1) analyze the role of Kopwan on the welfare of its members; (2) analyze the Kopwan development strategy; and (3) analyze the potential growth of Kopwan in the future. The research was conducted by survey method. Data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that Kopwan instrumental in improving the welfare of members and their families. The women members of Kopwan feel helpless and can contribute more than its position as a housewife. Grand strategy for the development of Kopwan in Gianyar Regency is growth and build strategy.
Keywords: strategy, SWOT analysis, welfare, women cooperative (kopwan).
[1] Saskara, Ida Ayu, 2011. Review of Women's Economic and Noneconomic Perspectives Working in the Public Sector: Conflict Role Studies. Disertation. Brawijaya University. Malang.
[2] Chandrakirana, Kemala, 2000. Challenge of Changes in society and the state from the side of Women in Compass. Indonesia Century XII: The Global Middle siege. Kompas. Jakarta.
[3] Saskara, et al., 2015. The Role of Social Capital in Gianyar Regency. LPPM UNUD. Denpasar.
[4] Harris, R. and Veinot, T., 2004. The Empowerment Model and Using e-Health to Distribute Information. Working Paper 2. Action for Health, January.
[5] Suharto, 2009. Community Development, Empowering People. Refika Aditama. Bandung.
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Abstract: Money laundering and terrorist financing are not new phenomenon in West Africa. They are deep-rooted than the literature has portrayed due to the corrosive effect on a country‟s economy, government and social well being. This paper reflects on the conventional manner in which money laundering and terrorist financing have been treated in the extant literature and upholds that there is a need to review the risks of money laundering and the financing of terrorism on a regular and ongoing basis so as to achieve sustainable development in West Africa countries. Being a clandestine operation, conspiracy theory is adopted and the paper discovers that while the immediate impetus of money laundering and terrorist financing was the reason that many African countries failed to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the challenge of political instability in Africa fuelled especially by..........
Keywords: Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Sustainable Development
[1]. Ajayi, A de Jacob Francis, and Michael Crowder. 1971. History of West Africa Vol.1. London: Oxford University Press.
[2]. Akokegh, A. F. 2012. "Boko Haran: A 21st Century Challenge in Nigeria." European
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[4]. Akyeampong, Emmanuel. 2005. "Diaspora and Drug Trafficking in West Africa: A case Study of Ghana." African Affairs 104 (416): 431-443.
[5]. Allman, Jean Marie. 1991 "Hewers of Wood, Carriers of Water: Islam, Class, and Politics on the Eve of Ghana‟s Independence." African Studies Review 34/2: 234-300..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Government Policy Strategy in Waste Management on Trade and Reservation Center in Manado City |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Hari Walujo |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302011923 ![]() |
Abstract: The strategy of urban development is very important to be defined in the policy. Some areas in Manado city at certain time are not clean from garbage. Wenang village which is the center of trade and services contributes the most waste even though the population is not too much. Sario Sub-district has a large population but produces little waste. It is necessary to learn how the waste management at the center of trade/services that densely populated so that hygiene can be overcome. The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by observation, direct interview with 3 informants for each Kelurahan(village) taken by purposive sampling. Data was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the waste management system and its management, cleaners and garbage vehicles can not be optimized because the pile of waste is too much so that waste management..........
Keyword: Strategy, Trade and Services, Population, Garbage.
[1]. Anestina A.I., A. Adetola, and I.B. Odafe. 2014. Performance Assessment Of Solid Waste Management Following Private Partnership Operations In Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Waste management. Vol. 2014(2014), pp. 1-8,
[2]. Dardak, A.H., 2007, Kebijakan Penataan Ruang Untuk Pengelolaan Persampahan, Disampaikan dalam acara Bimbingan Teknis Nasional Pusat Kajian Strategis Pembangunan Nasional 14-15 Maret 2007, Jakarta.
[3]. Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, 1991, Tata Cara Pemilihan Lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah , LPMB, Bandung.
[4]. Dwiyanto B.M. 2011. Model Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dan Penguatan Sinergi Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Perkotaan. Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan. Volume 12(2), pp. 239-256.
[5]. Handono M. 2010. Disertasi: Model Pengelolaan Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Sampah Secara Berkelanjutan di TPA Cipayung Kota Depok-Jawa Barat, Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Best Practices: Shape – A Critical Analysis |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Rev. Dr. D.Maria Antony Raj, SDB || Dr. Clayton Michael Fonceca |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302012427 ![]() |
Abstract: Shared Heart Accompaniment Programme of Education (SHAPE), is an holistic formation plan for undergraduate students in Sacred Heart College. The Salesian System of Education has a unique way of mentoring the young by providing them with profound guidance and direction. In this unique practice every mentor tries to lead their mentees in taking responsibility for their actions andin becoming good citizens of the Nation. The present research was undertaken to study the effectiveness of the programme "SHAPE‟ as one of the best practices of Sacred Heart College. The study was extended to the second year undergraduate students. The random sampling technique was adopted and 50% of the total population of 1032 students were taken for the study. A scale was developed and the reliability of the instrument was found to be .799 Cronbach's Alpha. From the presented research it was revealed that the programme has catered in making a difference in majority of the students whereby providing them proper academic guidance, enabling them to develop their personality and in making them confident individuals to solve their day to day problems............
Keywords: Academic & Career Guidance, Personality Development, Rapport Building and Overall Effectiveness of SHAPE
[1]. Chhaila, S. P. (2013). A study of trends in mentoring relationships existing in the Indian IT Industry. Procedia Social and Behaviour Sciences, 425-437.
[2]. Denzin. (1978). Research Methodology. In The research act: A theoretical introduction to sociological methods (pp. 12-13). McGraw-Hill Companies.
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[4]. Ghosh, R. &. (2013). Career benefits associated with Mentoring for Mentors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 106-116.
[5]. Goyal, R. G. (2017). Lack of research amongst undergraduate medical students in India. Springer Link, 357-360. of Lucknow, India.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Managing Informal Communication for Enterprise Productivity |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr Patrick N. Nwinyokpugi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302012835 ![]() |
Abstract: This study concern is to investigate how the effective management of Informal Communication can enhance enterprise productivity in the selectedconstruction firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. The population of the study is made up of nine hundred and six (906) staff of selected corporate construction companies in Port Harcourt. The sample size is drawn from the target population using the Yaro Yamane formula for selection of sample from a finite population. Therefore, the calculated sample size is two hundred and seventy (270).The closed-ended four point Likert scale questionnaire was developed and used for data collection. It contains structured items on Informal Communication Management and entrepreneurial success. Content and face validity were done using pretest on a group of managerial employees with a view to ascertaining their suitability for the study as..............
Keyword: Informal communication, Rumour Mill, Regulatory Policy, Employees Involvement, Organisational Trust.
[1]. Barrett, D. J. (2002). Change Communication: Using Strategic Employee Communication to Facilitate Major Change. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 7(4), 219-231
[2]. Desanctis, G. and Fulk, F., (1999).Shaping Organizational Form: Communication, Connection, and Community. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
[3]. Difonso, N., Bordia, P. and Rosnow, R. L.,(1994), Reining in Rumours, Organisational Dynamics 23(1): 47-62.
[4]. Francis, D. (1989). Organisational communication. United Kingdom: Gower Publications
[5]. Gilbert, J. and Tang, T. (1998).An examination of organizational trust antecedents.Public Personnel Management, 27 (3), 321–338..
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Abstract: This research entitled The Authenticity of Deed made by Notary with Unfairly Physical Health. This research discusses the physical healthy boundaries for Notary As well as the validity of the deed made by Notary who is not physically fit. The purpose of this research is to analyze the physical healthy boundaries for Notary As well as regarding the validity of the deed made by the Notary who is not physically fit. This research uses the type of normative legal research with the statutory approach (Statute approach) and the conceptual approach (Conceptual Approach). The results of this study is concluded hat the limits on physical health required by the Law -The Notary Public Office is physically and spiritually healthy as stated by the doctor's certificate, so that in carrying........
Keyword: Authenticity Deed, Notary, Physical Health.
[1] Abdul Kohar, NotarisDalamPraktekHukum(Bandung, Alumni, 1983).
[2] G.H.S. LumbanTobing, PeraturanJabatanNotaris, (Jakarta:Erlangga, 1992).
[3] HabibAdjie, KebatalandanPembatalan Akta Notaris, Cet. II, (Bandung:RefikaAditama,2013).
[4] HartantiSulihandridanNisyaRifiani, Prinsip-PrinsipDasarProfesiNotaris(Jakarta:DuniaCerdas, 2013).
[5] HerlienBudiono, AjaranUmumHukum Perjanjian dan Penerapannya di Bidang Kenotariatan, Cet. III, (Bandung:Citra AdityaBakti, 2011)...
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Abstract: The result of this research concludes that the result of the research shows that the legal result of not registering the Deed of Mortgage Rights (APHT) to the credit agreement made by the parties before the Notary / Land Titles Registrar(PPAT) is the creditor having no priority position. Where the form of legal protection that can be given to Creditors as a form of anticipation is not registered APHT is by the signing of the deed of power sell at the time of the credit agreement. The creditor's right to the guaranteed item in the case of APHT is not registered ie not giving the right to each other over the other creditor. The purpose of the imposition of Mortgage right is in order to provide protection and legal certainty to all parties (especially Creditor) as well as to fulfill the principle of publicity. The grant of...........
Keyword: -Legal Protection, Land Deed Officer, mortgage right, APHT. UUPA.
[1]. Sutedi, A.,Hukum Hak Tanggungan(Jakarta: Sinar Grafika,2010).
[2]. Supramono, Gatot,Perbankan dan Masalah Kredit : Suatu tinjauan Yuridis(Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2009).
[3]. Poesoko, H., ParateExecutieObyekHakTanggungan (Inkonsistensi, Konflik Norma danKesesatanPenalarandalam UUHT),Catatan I (Yogyakarta:Laks Bang PRESS Indo,2007).
[4]. Satrio, J.,HukumJaminan, HakJaminan, HakTanggungan, Buku2(Bandung:Citra AdityaBakti, 1998).
[5]. Badrulzaman, M. D.,Aneka Hukum Bisnis, Cet. II(Bandung: Alumni Bandung,2005).
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Abstract: This article tried examining the strategy of cash waqf management in Muhammadiyah organization based on the case studies muhammadiyah's leadership Sumatrea Utara region . This study is conducted by combining the field and library research. Accordance with Analytic Network Process (ANP) results based on the priority scale explains that the strategy used in cash waqf management Muhammadiyah organization Leadership Sumatera Utara, the most priority is the socialization program. The main obstacle is from the internal side of human resources / Nadhir, while from the external side is from wakif, government, alternative investment. Finnaly, the solution given for overcoming the constraints of cash waqf management is investing cash waqf in shariah mutual funds..
Keyword: cash waqf, organization, muhammadiyah.
[1]. Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 547 Year 2002 [2]. Decree of Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah of North Sumatera Number: 03 / KEP / II.O / D / 2009.
[2]. Sayid Sabiq, Fiqh as-Sunnah, (Beirut: Li at-Thaba'ah wa al-Nasyair, 1983), Volume 3, 378.
[3]. Muhammad Jawad Mughniah, al-Ahwal as-Syakhsiyyah, (Beirut: Dar Ilmi-al-Malayin,.)
[4]. Ahmad Warson Munawir, Al-Munawir Arab Indonesia Dictionary. (Surabaya: Pustaka Progressive, 2002).
[5]. A. Faisal Haq and A.Syaiful Anam, Wakaf and Perwakafan Law in Indonesia, (Pasuruan: Garoeda Buana Indah, 1993)..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the provision of adultery crime according to Islamic Law and Podana Law Kitana and to know and analyze the sanction that threatened to perpetrator of adultery crime according to Islamic Law and Criminal Code. This research relies on the normative approach, ie research on legal principles. Synchronization of law, comparative law and legal history. The results indicate that criminal punishment for adultery in Indonesian positive law embraces the Dutch legal system, but the Indonesian people have their own perspective on adultery. Zina is regarded as a cruel act and anyone who has sex outside the legal marriage, although the perpetrators are single, then it is considered adultery.
Keyword: Adultery, Perspective Of Islamic, Criminal Law
[1]. Algra, N.E, et all, 1983, Mula Hukum, Jakarta: Binacipta
[2]. Ibrahim Anis, Abdul Halim Muntashir, et all, 1972, Al-Mu'jam Al-Wasith, Mesir: Dar Al-Ma'arif.
[3]. Louis Ma'luf, 1973, Al-Munjid fi Al-Lughah, Cet. 17, Damaskus: Dar Al-Fikr,
[4]. La Ode Husen, 2017, Accountability and Oversight in the Structure State System in Indonesia, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
[5]. Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, 2003, Teori-Teori Psikologi Sosial, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada
[6]. van Apeldoorn, L.J. 1985, Pengantar Ilmu Hukum, Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women's Buying Behaviour Towards Tupperware Products In Madurai City |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.S.Meenakumari || Dr. I. Nagarajan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302015661 ![]() |
Abstract: Utensils are defined as vessels, receptacles or appliances used in households for various purposes. In the wider sense of the term utensils also include accessories used in storing, preserving, cooking, and offering prayers. With a view to fulfill their basic requirements human beings manufactured domestic utensils much earlier than other types of utensils. Later however the ritual utensils not only out numbered the domestic utensils but also excelled them in standard of craftsmanship and degree of authenticity. Utensils of stone were made along with those of copper and bronze. Large numbers of bowls, cups, saucers, vases, basins are molded with raw polyethene. Bowls and vessels were also made of silver and gold. Among these were rimless cooking pots and the thin rimmed ones, cooking pans with small lug-handles, bowl shaped stoppers and bellied jars with narrow necks. Little late large open bowls. straight edged, lipped and broad-mouthed bowls jars with straight necks became popular. There is a significant.........
[1]. Modern Marketing: Principles and practices by Pillai RSN and Bagavathi.V, Sultan Chand &Sons Publication, New Delhi, Edition 4th 2013.
[2]. Marketing Management by Philip T Kotler, Pearson higher education Publication, Edition14th , New Delhi,2012.
[3]. Reasearch Methodolgy: Methods and Techniques by Kothari C.R ,New Age International(P), New Delhi, Edition 3rd, 2014.
[4]. Consumer Behaviour by Leon G. Schiffman Lazar Kanuk, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Edition 11th ,2014.
[5]. Statistics (Theory and Practice) by Pillai RSN and Bagavathi V, Sultan Chand and Son Publication, New Delhi, Edition 5th ,2016.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Need For the Reforms in the Unsc in the Changing Political and Economic Times |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Archita Anand |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302016265 ![]() |
Abstract: The International Institutions formed to meet the challenges of the post-WWII world are struggling to cope with the dynamics of the post-Soviet Union world order and other changing powers both in terms of economy and politics. During the last 30-35 years the world has seen massive changes. Disintegration of USSR, unilateralism of USA and in between the rise of multilateral institutions such as BRICS, NAM and a number of other institutions gaining their respective importance for playing significant role towards the world society.Now developing nations, including India, play a larger role in both the international economy and politics. But these changes are not reflected in the UN, where all critical decisions are still being taken by the veto-wielding permanent members of the Security Council.........
[1]. "Article 7 (1) of Charter of the United Nations".
[2]. "Article 24 (1) of Charter of the United Nations".
[3]. "Article 4 (2) of Charter of the United Nations"
[4]. "Article 108 of Charter of the United Nations"
[5]. "Article 23 (1) of Charter of the United Nations
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Abstract: This research has the goal to the rise of ideology kiaiat State Senior High School (SMAN) Darussholah in the progress of the implementation of quality education organized by the government. There is a very dominant influence from outside that affects the process of the ongoing education. This study concludes through the analysis that the inclusion of ideology kiaiinterfere with the development of education in SMAN Darussholah to become a professional educational institution. It is necessary for the role of government in providing facilities and infrastructure to achieve professional education institutions. Likewise with the kiai by entering ideology kiai should be able to provide infrastructure such as dormitories and human resources to improve the quality of education in the boarding school.
Keywords: Ideology, kiai, education.
[1]. Aly, Abdullah. Pendidikanmultikultural di pesantren (telaahterhadapkurikulumpondokpesantren modern islamassalamsurakarta). Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar. 2011.
[2]. Azizah, Nurul. Artikulasipolitiksantridarikyaimenjadibupati. Yogyakarta.PustakaPelajar. 2013.
[3]. Barnadib, Imam. Filsafatpendidikan. sistemdanmetode. Andi Offset. Yogyakarta. 2013.
[4]. Dhofier, Zamakhsyari. Tradisipesantren: studitentangpandanganhidupkyaidanvisinyamengenaimasadepanindonesia. Jakarta: LP3ES. 2011.
[5]. E. Terry. Ideologi: an introduktion. London and New York: Longman1991
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Women Empowerment: English Folk Literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rashmi Pathak |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302017274 ![]() |
Abstract: Prof Hari Mohan Jha is widely recognised as one of the most well known and reputed author of Maithili Literature in modern era. He was born on 18th Sept. 1908 in a remote Village- Kumar Bajitpur, Distt.- Vaishali, Bihar. His Father Pt. Janardan Jha "Janseedan" was an illustrious Maithili as well as Hindi author. He had his M. A. in Philosophy with gold medal. A Prof. in Patna University, Prof Jha has written many well known books including- Kanyadan and Dwiragman (Novels), Pranamya Devta, Rangshala, Charchari and Ekadashi (short story collections), Khattar Kakak Tarang (satire), Babak Sanskar (allegory), Jeevan Yatra (autobiogtraphy), and Hari Mohan Jha's Rachnawali ( collection of poems). In 1999, A collection of short stories named Beechhal Katha compiled by Shri Raj Mohan Jha and Shri Subhash Chandra Yadav was published which was taken from his old collections....
[1]. Introduction page no. 27, Beechhal Katha: Hari Mohan Jha: Selected Maithili short stories of Hari Mohan Jha , compiled by Raj Mohan Jha and Subhash Chandra Yadav, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi(2015)
[2]. Foreword by Shri Ganganand Singh to Pranamya Devta(Stories) by Prof Hari Mohan Jha
[5]. _Guide
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Punjab Literature: Oral Traditions and Written Works |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Rachna Kumari |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302017981 ![]() |
Abstract: Punjab, a fertile land nestled in the heart of South Asia, has a rich and vibrant literary heritage that has evolved over centuries. This heritage, characterized by its unique blend of oral traditions and written works, reflects the region's cultural diversity, historical experiences, and social dynamics. Oral traditions have been a cornerstone of Punjabi literature for generations. These traditions, passed down through storytelling, songs, and folk tales, have served as a repository of cultural knowledge, values, and beliefs. Folk tales, such as those featuring the legendary Heer and Ranjha, have captivated audiences for centuries, providing insights into the region's social customs, love stories, and spiritual aspirations.........
Keywords: Literature, Traditions, Language, Poem
[1]. Hoiberg, Dale (2020). Students' Britannica India. Popular Prakashan. ISBN 978-0-85229-760-5. Archived from the original on 2 April 2023. Retrieved 25 October 2020. [2]. Grewal, J. S. (March 2018). "3 - Early Life and Career of Master Tara Singh". Master Tara Singh in Indian History: Colonialism, Nationalism, and the Politics of Sikh Identity (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 62–85. ISBN 9780199089840. [3]. Rahman, Tariq (2020). Punjabi Language During British Rule (PDF). Quaid-i Azam University, Islamabad. p. 1. [4]. "Articles on Bulleh Shah's Poetry". Archived from the original on 2020-07-07. [5]. "Bāra Anva". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Archived from the original on 2021-04-18.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | New Methods in the Field of English Language Teaching |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.V. HANUMANTHAIAH |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302018284 ![]() |
Abstract: The overall inclination or orientation toward change is called a trend. Since there were many educational alternatives available to students in the previous generation, it appears that more recent innovations in education have completely altered the old educational system. With its integration of the educational process, emphasis on quality over quantity, growing use of technology, need for professional personnel, etc., recent trends, approaches, and advancements.....
Keywords: Trends, Methods, new devices, ICT, pedagogy, learning process.
[1]. Trends in English Language Teaching Today by Adrian Under hill, A 2004, April. Trends in English Language Teaching Today. MED Magazine, issue 18 retrieved September 15, 2007.
[2]. Trends in English Language Teaching Today by YogeshRamani.
[3]. Trends in the Education of English Language Learners by Mary Ann Zehr March 10, 2008.
[4]. 8 Current Trends in Teaching and Learning EFC / ESL by Deena Boraie Dec13, 2013.
[5]. Current Trends in ELT by Yong Kim Journal of English Teaching. A Triannual Publication on the Study of English Language Teaching Vol.1 Feb2011.