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Abstract: :In recent years, the issue of land corruption has become the focus of attention among the major media, but the research on land corruption is limited and confined to the forms of corruption and the study of problem countermeasures, which is lack of depth and systematic. Based on this situation, it is necessary for us to learn more about the actual situation of land corruption by analyzing its regular patterns or features and explore the institutional reasons behind its existence. During this process, the most important part is to construct the three-dimensional system of the subject, the link and the way of land corruption from the perspective of behavioral research through an empirical study of four typical cases..
Keywords: Land corruption; Case analysis; Behavior study; System design
[1]. Cheng, Y. (2014). Financial Decentralization, Promotion Mechanism and Imbalance of Power: Analysis Framework on Land Corruption. Truth Seeking, 07, 67-71.
[2]. Ding, R., & Zhang, X.Z. (2013). Corruption in Public Resources Transaction and Its Prevention and Control---Analysis and Thinking on Land Corruption. Henan Social Sciences, 03, 27-32.
[3]. Herzberg,F., Mausner,B. & Snydeman,B. (1959). The Motivation to Work[M].New York: John Wiley.
[4]. Huang, C.Y., & Sun, N. (2013). Economic Analysis of Corruption in Land Acquisition. Management World, 12, 174-175.
[5]. Lambsdo J.G. (2007). The Institutional Economics of CoHuption and Refonll: Theory, Evidence and Policy.[M].Beijing: China Fangzheng Press
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Abstract: This study aims to describe the parking potential in Makassar city and the ability of the private parking companies to maximize the regionally-generated revenue of Makassar city. The data was collected from the informants including private parking companies and Bapenda (Regional Revenue Office) of Makassar city, which was then analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results of this study show that the parking potential in Makassar city managed by private companies as the third party includes 40 banks, 48 hotel and guesthouses, 63 offices, 19 stores, 29 restaurants and cafes, and 6 hospitals. This parking potential has not been developed maximally because not all of them use parking facilities provided by Bapenda of Makassar city as an office that manages local tax. Taxes collected by Bapenda in the last three years showed that tax revenue in 2014 was Rp. 12.165.760.698 or 81.0% of the target, in 2015 was Rp. or 80.0% of the target and in 2016 was Rp. 14,648,379,035 or 73% of the target. This data indicates that tax revenue increased each year, but the percentage of the realization of the target decreased. This proves that every year, the number of parking lot users is increasing. However, there are still many public complaints about parking management, such as illegal parking. In other words, the revenue almost reached the target but the government supervision and control was considered to be lacking.
Keywords: Parking Potential, Parking Tax, Regionally-Generated Revenue
[1] Undang-undang Nomor 33 Tentang Perimbangan keuangan pemerintah Pusat dan pemerintah daerah, 2004
[2] Undang- undang Nomor 28 tentang ketentuan umum, 2009
[3] Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor :KM 66 Tentang Fasilitas Parkir untuk Umum, 1993
[4] Menurut Kepmen Perhub No. 4, tentang defenisi parkir, 1994
[5] Rachmad, S. dikutip oleh Josef Riwu Kaho,. Prospek Otonomi Daerah, (Jakarta : PT.Rajagrafindo Persada, 2010)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teaching Grammar to Promote Critical Thinking in EFL Classrooms |
Country | : | Jordan |
Authors | : | Fatmeh Ja‟far |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302061526 ![]() |
Abstract: This study attempted to sketch critical thinking as an applicable concept in foreign language education. The researcher employed a number of critical thinking techniques in an academic Basic Grammar TEFL course of 25 students at Amman Arab University, during the first semester of 2016/2017. Interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation were the critical thinking skills adopted through group work, consisting of real life situations, watching silent movies, songs, TV programs, presentations, planning for the future, interviews, role-playing and problem solving procedures. A debate session was used for the evaluation of both language and critical thinking skills
Keywords: Critical thinking, grammar, teaching English as a foreign language.
[1]. D. T. Willingham, Critical thinking-why is it so hard to teach?, American Federation of Teachers, 2007, 8-19.
[2]. H. D. Brown, Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy (Longman and New York: Longman, 2nd ed. 2001).
[3]. P. Ur, A course in language teaching: practice and theory (Cambridge: Teacher Training and Development, 1999).
[4]. R. Ellis, Second language acquisition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997).
[5]. S. Fotos, Traditional and grammar translation methods for second language teaching. In E. Hinkel (ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005) 653-670.
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Abstract: The paper discusses the need of library automation in Orissa University of Agricultural and Technology library of Bhubaneswar. The present focus to library automation problem and prospectus of automation. The study if based on the personal observation and data collection through questionnaire and personal interview.
Keywords: Library automation, university library, RFID, OPAC, etc,
[1]. Chotey Lal. Growth of Agriculture libraries in India in post Independence Era. DESIDOC bulletin of information Technology.18, 2; 1998: 18.
[2]. Singh,N. a fresh look at agriculture library services: A need for change. Library herald.41.3; 2003;181-189.
[4]. http://
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Abstract: This study aimed at assessing availability of learner support mechanisms, their management strategy, factors affecting their effectiveness and the strategies that can be used to enhance learner support services. The study employed qualitative case study design and participants of the study were purposefully selected. Education office experts, supervisors, PTA members, principals, department heads, teachers and students participated in the study. Data was gathered through interviews, FGDs, observation and document analysis. The findings indicated that training programmes to guide principals, school supervisors, department heads and education experts on how to design and manage the learner support mechanisms are required. There is also a need to avail appropriate facilities such as laboratories and school libraries as part of the learner support system in a more advanced way. From........
Keywords: Learner support, management strategy, secondary schools, student support
[1]. Alvesson, M. (2011). Interpreting interviews. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
[2]. Asmal, K. (1999). Call to Action: Mobilising Citizens To Build A South African Education and Training System for the 21st
[3]. Century. Statement by Prof. Kader Asmal, Minister of Education 27 July 1999. Pretoria: Department of Education.
[4]. Barbour, R.S. (2014). Analysing focus groups. In: O. Flick (ed.). The Sage handbook of qualitative data analysis. London: Sage Publications Ltd. (pages 313-327).
[5]. Berkovich, I. & Eyal, O. (2015). Educational leaders' emotions: An international review of empirical evidence 1992-2012. Review of Educational Research, 85(1):129-167.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Learning modal verbs of the students at Ho Chi Minh City Technical and Economic College |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Kieu My Hanh, MA |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302063840 ![]() |
Abstract: It's said that modality is a complex aspect of the English language for Vietnamese students becauses of the differences in expressionsbetween English and Vietnamese, and between Technical and General English in Macmillan English Grammar in Context in terms of frequency of use and semantic values. Therefore, it is important topresent the different uses of modality in context.Technical studentsshouldidentify, comprehend and use accurately those discourse elements whichcharacterize special and scientific language. This papershows an analysis of modal verbs used in some student's books: English for Information Technology, Accounting, Finance-Banking, Mechanics Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Automotive Engineering Technology in Technical English and compararison with the use of them in Macmillan English Grammar. The resultswill allow me to shed some light on the role played by these verbs in these books, with special emphasis on their use intechnical texts.
Keywords: modal verbs, modality, technical English
[1]. Lyons (1977). Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge university Press.
[2]. Perkins (1983). Modal expressions in English. Norwood, New Jersey. Ablex publishing Co.
[3]. Radden, G. & Dirven, R. (2007). Cognitive English grammar. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins
[4]. Vethamani, M.E (2008). Semantic structure of the English Modals. Tesol Quaterly.Vol 12. No.1.
[5]. Vince M. (2007). English Grammar in Context. Macmillan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reformation of Bureaucracy to the Good and Clean Indonesian Governance |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Prof. Dr.Ir. Drs. H.M. GUNTORO, M.M, M.Si |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302064148 ![]() |
Abstract: Indonesian government has changed much both politically and economically. Since the era of President Soekarno, the government has conducted many changes toward bureaucracy system in order to achieve better and well-regulated system, both in political and economic system. Demand to create clean and accountable governance is mandate from reformation and demand from all Indonesian people. Politics of law made as great weapon in order to realize clean and accountable governance; however, the problem is will the politics of law able to be made as facility in realizing the Indonesian people's demand? Due to complexity of faced problems, it demands hard work for, firstly, realizing clean governance. In order to get improvement, more aggressive changes should always be conducted by the government to achieve Indonesian governance as developed and great country. Reformation of bureaucracy is significant changes to the bureaucracy elements such as institution, human resource, implementation, accountability, apparatus, monitoring, and public service.
Keywords: Bureaucracy, Governance, Reformation
[2]. Asian Development Bank, (1999), Governance : Sound Development Management, Development Assistant Committee, (1997), Evaluation of Programs Promoting Participatory Development &Good Governance.
[3]. David Kairsy (ed). The Politics of Law, a Progressive Critique, (New York: Pantheon Books, 1990).
[4]. Ganie-Rochman, Meuthia, (2000) artikel "Good Governance : Prinsip, Komponen dan Penerapannya," dalam HAM : Penyelenggaraan Negara Yang Baik dan Masyarakat Warga. Jakarta: KOMNAS HAM.
[5]. Osbome, David and Ted Gaebler, 2000. Mewirausahakan Birokrasi (Reinventing Government). Lembaga Manajemen PPM, Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women's Contribution Towards Humankind; An Inside view of Apatani Folklore |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Koj Dinsu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302064953 ![]() |
Abstract: Limitation and invisibility of women‟s contribution are truly visible in our society. In any patriarchic society, men‟s voices are heard louder than women‟s, no matter how big their contribution be, this has been in practice since ages. Every society has its own stories to justify that women have always played an important role and shared equal responsibility in perpetuating human being and its society. Folklore plays an important role in any society, especially in the tribal society where there is no written records. So Folklore or oral literature is the only source that enlightens people about the past and sometime it works as a pedagogic that becomes source of knowledge; it can be used for teaching and learning as well by citing examples from folklores. Three significant women..........
Keywords: Abotani, Apatani, Contribution, Folklore, Supernatural, Women.
[1] Thakur, D. and D.N. Thakur, Tribal Women, (Deep and deep Publication, New Delhi, 1995).
[2] Xaxa,V., Women and Gender in the Study of Tribes in India, E.John, ed. Women's Studies in India, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 2008, Pp.475-481.
[3] Haimendorf, C.V.F., The Apa Tanis and Their Neighbours, (Free press of Glence, London, 1962).
[4] Haimendorf, C.V.F., A Himalayan Tribe from Cattle to Cash", (Vikash Publising House, Ghaziabad, 1980).
[5] Ursula, G.B. The Hidden Land, (John Murrey, London, 1953).
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Abstract: This study hovers around the marginalized children who are socially and economically backward. It focuses on the Right To Education Act that came up in 2009 with description about section 12 that provides for 25 percent reservation for these children in admission into all private schools. The objectives of the study aims to trace out socio-economic profile of the sample beneficiaries, to study the awareness and knowledge of the children on Right To Education Act and their enrolment, to bring out the gap between Right to Education vision and its implementation, to solicite the opinion and suggestions of functionaries and beneficiaries to make Right To Education Act effective. The intellectual area of the study focuses on the broad vision of the inclusive education through reservation of seats.......
Keywords: Right To Education Act, Section 12 of Right To Education Act,25 percent reservation for marginalised children in private schools, socio-economic profile of sample beneficiaries, awareness and knowledge, problems faced by socially disadvantaged groups, opinion and suggestions, Broad vision of inclusive education
[1]. Dreze, Jean & Amartya sen ,India development and participation, (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2002)
[2]. UNESCO,The Dakar Framework for action for all: Meeting our collective commitments, Paris: UNESCO,2000
[3]. Report of the Education Commission,Government of India,New Delhi: Ministry of Education,1964-66
[4]. Anil Sadgopal , "Common School System and the future of India‟ , Parisar, March 24, 2008.
[5]. Digumurti Bhaskara, Harshitha Rao ,Education in India,(New Delhi: A.P.S. Publications,2000)
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