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Abstract: This study investigates the potential impact of students' demographic variables, namely gender, age, computer experience, and computer use on achievement in English among convenience-sampled 81 students within the School of Arts and Humanities, the Department of English Studies in Moulay Ismail University of Meknes. To this end, achievement tests are analyzed and interpreted quantitatively; whereas the follow-up interviews are treated qualitatively. The statistical tools used in order to help analyze and interpret data include descriptive and inferential statistics which make use of frequencies, percentage, Independent Samples t-Tests, and ANOVA tests. Following what has been hypothesized, the test results do not support the four research hypotheses claiming there is no statistically significant relationship between gender, age, and computer experience and computer frequency of use on students' level of achievement..
Keywords: computer experience, computer use, demographic variables, English achievement, gender, scholastic achievement, technology-based learning
[1]. Abrams, Z. I. (2003). The effects of synchronous and asynchronous CMC on oral performance in German. The Modern Language Journal, 87, 157-167.
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Abstract: Land resource is one of the most valuable natural resources which have been given to humankind by the nature, humans, since born, raised and when they returned to dust, are all dependent on land. Over the last years, the rapid development of socio – economics of Viet Nam in general and of the Mang Yang district in particular have much contributed to raising living stadard of people both material and spiritual aspects, and using and managing land resource play an important role in that development. However, along with the development and shift of the economic structure there are also many issues relating land management generated, and conflict in land use and management is one of the issues. Presently, there are such issues as: residential areas are intermingled with industrial zones leading to pollution of living environment; inappropriate compensation price of land; delay in granting land use right certificates, etc, are the reasons leading to conflicts between groups of objects regarding land use........
Keywords: Conflict, land resources, land use and management, Mang Yang district
[1]. Coats, R.M. and Sanders, S. 2011, Theories of Choice and Confplication in Psychology and Economics Revisited: An Interdisciplinary Bridge. Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Volume 10, Number 1, Summer 2011. 17 pages.
[2]. Phan Van Tan, 2009. Social conflicts in rural areas during the doi moi period - case study in Ha Tay. Ph.D. thesis, Social Science, University of Social Sciences and Humanities
[3]. People‟s Commettee of Mang Yang district, (2015), Report on Land changes in Mang Yang district from 2005 to 2014, Mang Yang district, Gia Lai province.
[4]. Decision No.16/QD-UBND dated January 8,2014 of the People's Committee of Gia Lai province "On approving the adjustment of master plan for construction of Kon Dong town", Mang Yang district, Gia Lai province
[5]. Department of Natural Resources and Environment,(2015, Report on results of inspection, settlement of complaints, denunciations, land disputes and sanctions against administrative violations in the field of land in Gia Lai province from year 2006 to 2015, Gai Lai province..
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Abstract: The importance of agriculture in the development of the Nigerian economy cannot be overstressed. It is central to the economic activities of the rural sector. In an effort to strengthen the sector, the President Buhari led administration came up with the Agriculture Promotion Policy 2016-2020. The policy which is also referred to as The Green Alternative is driven by engagement of marketplace participants, farmers, states, investors, financial institutions, and communities. Judging from the experience of failed policies in Nigeria, the policy is concerned with assessing the challenges and prospects of the policy framework and implementation strategies. Data is drawn largely from secondary sources and content analysis is used to evaluate literature. From literature reviewed and analysed, the study concludes that an effective way of implementing the policy is by ensuring that the advocacy of providing a conducive legislative and agricultural knowledge framework, macro policies, security enhancing physical infrastructure and institutional mechanisms for coordination and enhancing access to adequate inputs, finance, information on innovation, agricultural services and markets is fully achieved.
Keywords: Agriculture, Promotion Policy, Green Alternatives, Rural, Development
[1]. Adebayo, A. A. (2010). Food security status in Nigeria: Pre and post economic deregulation review. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment, 1 (1).
[2]. Ayoola, G. B. (2009). National medium priority framework for food security and agricultural development in Nigeria. Agricultural Economics Department University of Agriculture Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria.
[3]. Ayodele, O. S., Obafemi, F. N., & Ebong, F. S. (2013). Challenges facing the achievement of the Nigeria vision. Global Advanced Research Journal of Social Sciences, 27, 143-157.
[4]. Carbaugh, J. R. (2009). International economics (12th ed.). Independence, KY: Cengage Learning.
[5]. Diao, X., Hazell, P., & Thurlow, J. (2006). The role of agriculture in African development. World Development, 38 (10), 1375-1383..
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Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine and analyze the implementation of competency-based curriculum policy at Makassar Tourism Polytechnic and factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of competency-based curriculum at Makassar Tourism Polytechnic. This study is a qualitative research with case study method. Techniques of data collection in this study include in-depth interviews and document study. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of CBC policy at Makassar Tourism Polytechnic generally has been running well although it is not yet optimal, based on the results of the interviews, because there are still obstacles causing the learning process to not run optimally in accordance with the implementation of CBC policy, as set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Tourism number 6 of 2017 concerning Competency-Based Curriculum, due to factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of the policy.
Keywords: Curriculum, Lecturer, Policy, Regulation of the Minister of Tourism number 6 of 2017 on Competency-Based Curriculum, Students
[1] Undang Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 12 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pendidikan Tinggi
[2] Peraturan Menteri Pariwisata Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 Tentang Satuta Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar
[3] Edward III George Charles, Public Policy Implementation. (JAI Press editor, 1984)
[4] Peraturan Menteri Pariwisata Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2017 Tentang Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Program Pendidikan Tinggi di Lingkungan Kementerian Pariwisata
[5] Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Jakarta ; Sinar Grafika Offset.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Origin of the All India Muslim League |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | ParveenUsmani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302043740 ![]() |
Abstract: After the revolt of 1857 Muslims became the target of the British hatred and suffered most from its consequences. The decline of Muslim power created a sense of loss among the Muslims of India. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the first post Mutiny thinker tried hard to raise the economic conditions by promoting modern education for them. The Mohammedan Anglo- Oriental College, Aligarh and the Muslim Educational Conference were by far the most lasting achievements in the political organization of Muslims. After the death of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1998 Nawab Mohsin- ul- Mulk and Nawab Viqar- ul– Mulk played an important role in the formation of All India Muslim......
Keywords: Aligarh Movement, British Government, organization, Deputation, Muslim League
[1]. Ahmad, Bashir,Justice Shah Din, His Life and Writings, (Lahore: 1962), P. 344.
[2]. Ahmad, Syed Tufail, MusalmanonKaRoshanMustaqbil, (Delhi and Bardwan: 1837- 45), pp. 129-30.
[3]. Al Bashir, Etawah, 16 July.
[4]. Aligarh Institute Gazette, April 7 and August 28, 1888.
[5]. Bernard S. Cohn, "The Initial British Impact on India: A case study of Benaras Region" in the Journal of Asian Studies, 19: 4 (1960), P. 430
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Epistemological Shift of Madrasa Students in Bangladesh: A Multi-Level Analysis |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Abul Kalam Azad |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302044147 ![]() |
Abstract: This study explores the epistemological shift (ESHIFT) of madrasa students at secondary, higher secondary and tertiary level of education in Bangladesh. Using snowball sampling technique, madrasa students shifted to general education- universities (120), colleges (50) and high schools (30)- were interviewed based on 7 point-Likert scale. In addition, 384 madrasa students at Alim level (equivalent to HSC) were also interviewed to know the plan of their ESHIFT at Tertiary Level. After collecting data, SPSS software (Windows Version-20) was used to analyse descriptive statistics. The study results reveal that most of the madrasa students in Bangladesh are interested to study general subjects for job purposes. Considering general education as to be market oriented, they are being......
Keywords: Epistemological shift. Madrasa students at different levels of education in Bangladesh. Multi-Level Analysis
[1]. Azad, A. K. 2017. "Shifting Epistemology of Madrasa Students in Bangladesh: On the Way of Positive Stage." Morning Tea, December 1, 2017, P-12.
[2]. Barakat, A., R. Ara, M. Taheruddin, F. M. Zahid, and M. Badiuzzaman. 2011. Political Economy of Madrasa Education in Bangladesh: Genesis, Growth and Impact. Dhaka: Ramon.
[3]. Barakat, A. 2016. "Sociology of Madrassa Education in Bangladesh: Sociology of Religion:2." Protibuddijibi, 28 (June-August): 9–144.
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Abstract: The type of this research is descriptive with qualitative analysis, aims to describe and explain (1) implementation of DPRD oversight function on APBD implementation (2) executor attitude in performing supervisory function, (3) determinant factor affecting the implementation of DPRD oversight function, through regent , DPRD, Regional Secretary, SKPD officials, executive and legislative budget team of Takalar District Parliament with in-depth interviews, field observation and documentary review. The results of the study concluded: (1) Implementation of DPRD oversight function through indicators: (a) the planning has been carried out in accordance with the existing technical guidelines, although in the preparation and determination of APBD tends to end the year, (b) actuating supervision has been conducted through hearings and visits (b) controlling oversight has been carried out in accordance........
Keywords: Determinant factor, DPRD manners, Monitoring Function
[1]. Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Meningkatkan Kapasitas Fungsi Pengawasan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Materi Workshop, Jakarta, 2006).
[2]. Schermerhorn, Pengawasan dalam Manajemen (Jakarta: Bina aksara, 2002).
[3]. Stoner, Freeman, & Gilbert,. Management , 2nd Edition, Prentice/ Hall International, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New York, 1995).
[4]. Situmorang dan Juhir, Aspek Hukum Pengawasan Melekat dalam Lingkungan aparatur pemerintah. (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1994)
[5]. Tiro, Penelitian: Skripsi, Tesis dan Disertasi, (Andira Publisher, Makassar, 2009).
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Abstract: The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony of the Moluccan community universally. The social order is reduced due to the weakening of the kinship system, the loss of trust between multi-ethnic religious communities and the bond of pela gandong that becomes the local wisdom in Maluku is increasingly tenuous. However, in the middle of the Maluku conflict, there are some communities that remain harmonious namely Tamilouw on Seram island -Maluku. This study aims to find out how the construction of actors within the framework of diversity to achieve social harmony in the daily life of the people of Tamilouw village.......
Keywords: Construction, Actors, Social Harmony
[1]. Anonim, Indonesian Social System (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 1988).
[2]. Anonim, Social Commentary on the Realities of the Treatise on Sociology of Knowledge (Jakarta: LP3ES, 1990).
[3]. Anonim, Choses Dites, Description & Thought (Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana, 2011).
[4]. Anonim, Sociology of History, Theory and Methodology (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2015).
[5]. Basalamah, H, Interaction Process Salam Sarane Pascakonflik Maluku, [Online], from, accessed on November 17, 2016)..
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Abstract: A strong agricultural sector provides food for the country‟s increasing population, employment opportunities; generate foreign exchange and raw material to industries. This paper reviewed the role of agriculture towards poverty reduction in Nigeria. The aim of this paper is to assess the importance of agriculture to alleviation in Nigeria. The Nigerian agricultural sector has been an important sector in the economy both in the past and present because it provides employment opportunities, eradicates poverty and contribute to the growth of the economy. It was revealed from the review that more than 70% of Nigerians were poor in the year 2001 and more than 60% in 2010. The review showed that more than 60% of Nigerians were employed in agricultural sector. Improving agriculture........
Keywords: Agriculture,employment, Poverty, Poverty alleviation
[1]. Adeleke, A. (2012), Improving poverty Alleviation Programme in Nigeria through Smalland Medium Scale Agricultural Development Projects.
[2]. European Journal of Business and Manageent. 4(11): 109 – 119.
[3]. Adofu, I. & Akoji, O. (2013). Alleviating Poverty through the use of Entrepreneurship skill Acquisition in Kogi State, Nigeria. International
[4]. Open Journal of Economics. 1(2): 14-23.
[5]. Agbaeze, E. K. & Onwuka, I.O. (2014). Impact of Micro-Credit on poverty Alleviation in Nigeria – the case of Enugu east Local Council
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Abstract: In this paper an attempt have been made to study how the rural tourism helps to generate sustainable livelihood in North-East India. The study is based onsecondary data. Development of rural tourism can be considered as a possible way to enhance economic empowerment and employment generation of rural communities through sustainable livelihood. Rural tourism is the showcase of rural life, art, culture and heritage, picturesquelandscape at rural locations or in villages. Rural tourism also the concept of homestay can provide direct benefits to the local communities or stakeholders, both economically and socially. It also enable interactions between tourists........
Keywords: Economic empowerment, home-stay, Rural tourism, sustainable livelihood, village tourism
[1]. Das, D. 2013, Tourism Industry in North-East Indian States: Prospects and Problems, Global Research Methodology Journal, V0l-II, 7th issue, Nov-Dec-Jan. ISSN 2249- 300X
[2]. Mili, N. 2012, Rural Tourism Development: An Overview of Tourism in the Tipam Phakey Village of Naharkatia in Dibrugarh District, Assam (India), International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December.
[3]. Wang, G.L., Lalrinawma, H. 2016. Impact of Tourism in Rural Village Communities: India‟s, International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol.5, Issue.12, pp: 75-81.