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Abstract: Poverty is a global acknowledged scourge rampaging mankind in both developed and developing countries alike. The only difference however is in the preponderance of level of poverty which no doubt is more pronounced in the developing countries including but not limited to Nigeria. while the National average stood at 69 per centin Nigeria survey report by the National Bureau of Statistics showed States in the South-East of Nigeria had a poverty rate of 26.7 per cent, South–South 35.1 per cent, South -West 43.0 per cent, North-Central 67.0 per cent, North-West 71.2 per cent and North-East 72.2 per cent, indicating povertymore prevalent in Northern than Southern Nigeria, , Yobe State was ranked not only as one of the poorest in the region, but in the whole country, with low scores on most aspects of human........
Key Words: Community Based, Poverty and Community participation
[1]. Adebayo, A. A. (2014). Implications of Boko Haram Terrorism on National Development in Nigeria: A critical Review. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. MCSER Publishing, Rome, vol.5 No 16
[2]. Aderonmu, J. A. (2010). Local Government and Rural Poverty Eradication in Rural Nigeria.Canadian Social Science, 6 (5), 200-208.
[3]. Aigbokhan, B. E. (2000). Poverty, Growth and Inequality in Nigeria: A Case Study. Research Consortium (AERC) Kenya, Nairobi; @:
[4]. Ajakaiye,D. O. and Olomola, A. S. (1999).Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Poverty Alleviation. NISER23 (4).
[5]. Anwu, J. A. (1992). Inflation in Nigeria.Journal of Social Development in Africa.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Transition of Nepal From Monarchy To Democracy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Harsimran Kaur |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302122227 ![]() |
Abstract: Nepal is the mid-Himalayan country of South Asia and has its border with India on the South, East & West and China on the North. They are interrelated with each other by all measures, including geography, ethnicity, language, religion, and caste. The two countries not only share an open border and unhindered movement of people but they also have close bonds through marriages and familial ties, which is unique in Asia. They share a long standing, cordial and multi-faceted relationship based on mutual respect and understanding, characterised by open borders, deep-rooted people-to-people contacts and extensive cooperation. Both countries are bound by ancient history, geography, culture, religion and shared values. This present paper is a small effort towards analysing the transition of Nepal from the period of Kingdom to democracy. This paper is an attempt to understand the domestic political scenario that Nepal has experienced with major turmoil and transformation both in the nature of political system as well as in the character of the government.
Keyword: Constitution, Democracy, Kingdom, Monarchy, Transition, South Asia.
[1]. Final report, "Political Transition Monitoring in Nepal-2009-2014", The Carter Center, Nepal.
[2]. Nayak R. Nihar, (2014) "Strategic Himalayas Republican Nepal and External powers", Institute for Defence Studies & Analysis, New Delhi.
[3]. Wood, Andrew, (2008) "Nepal in Transition: Abolishing the Monarchy", JURSIT, January.
[4]. (Accessed on 10 October 2017).
[5]. Singh, Dr. S.B., (2007) "Nepal: Struggle for Democracy", Adhyayan Publishers and Distributor, Delhi
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Urban Sustainability: Issues and Alternatives in Water, Sanitation, SWM |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mridula Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302122832 ![]() |
Abstract: Urbanization in India is growing very fast but in our urban areas we are facing very serious problem like urban water supply and sanitation, disposal of Solid waste is also a related problem. More than 90% of the urban population has access to drinking water, and more than 60% of the population has access to basic sanitation. Today we are talking about modern India but look at our so called metropolitan cities, water problem is become drastic here Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai all our developed cities are facing drainage problem, shortage of drinking water and the safe salvage of solid waste. In present research paper we will discuss about the issues and alternatives in water and sanitation, SWM, in our urban areas. According to Mr. M.Shah (2013) have highlighted, the problems of the urban water and sanitation sector in India are complex and shall need concerted efforts to sustain the policy momentum. Present paper attempts to highlight the multidimensional nature of the challenge, and suggests a bunch of the alternatives to prevent the problems...........
Keyword: Urbanization, SWM, Metropolitan, Community, Defecation, Multidimensional, Dump Yard
[1]. Chanathip pharino: Challenges for Sustainable Solid Waste Management Lessons from Thailand: Springer.
[2]. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Adam Smith.
[3]. The Citizens at Risk; From Urban Sanitation to Sustainable Cities: Gordon McGranahan, Pedro Jacobi, Jacob Songsore, Charls Surjadi and Marianne Kjellen.
[4]. Jeffery D. Sachs: The End of Poverty; How Can Make It Happen In Our Lifetime.
[5]. J. Paul Guyer, P.E., R.A. An Introduction to Solid Waste Management Technologies.
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Abstract: Resources of the government apparatus in a regional organization is a very important part to support the success of organization in achieving its goals. The organization of regional apparatus engaged in the procurement of government goods and services really require a resource of apparatus that is capable and competent in the field of procurement of government goods and services, so that service to the community is not neglected.This research aims to see the extent to the process of learning transfer of training, procurement of government goods and services implemented by Regional Civil Service Board of Sidoarjo regency can be run well. In addition, researcher also look at whether the training process has an effect on the implementation in the workplace for trainees who have...........
Keyword: training, learning transfer
[1]. Baldwin & Ford. 1988. Training and Development of International Staff, International Human Resources management. London, Sage
[2]. Mardalis. 2010. Metode Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Proposal. Jakarta : Bumi Akasara.
[3]. Nasution. 2012. Metode Research. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.
[4]. Noe R.A., & Mondy. 1996. Human Resources Management, 6 ed. NewYork: Prentice Hall.
[5]. Theresia Martina Hastari. 2013. Studi Deskriptif tentang "learning transfer" Bagi Alumni Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pelayanan Publik oleh Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Jawa Timur di Badan Koordinasi Wilayah Malang. Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik, Vol.1 No.1..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of Supervision conducted by the prosecutor's commission on the performance of the Prosecutor, and analyzing the factors that hinder the implementation of the Supervision of the Prosecutor's Commission against the Attorney. Penelitian ini menggunakan penedekatan hukum empiris. The results of this study indicate that the Prosecutorial Commission is a non-structural government institution in carrying out its duties and authority is independent, free from any influence of power. The Prosecutor Commission is under and responsible to the President. The duties and authorities of the Attorney General's Commission concern three (3) issues: oversight, monitoring and assessment. performance of the prosecutor's office..
Keyword: Existence Of The Commission, Public Participation.
[1]. Baharuddin,Hamzah. Pemikiran Mengenai Hukum, Nala cipta Litera,TB.Perennial Makassar,2010.
[2]. --------------,2012, Hukum dalam kontroversi isu, Pustaka refleksi. Makassar
[3]. La Ode Husen 2009, Negara Hukum, Demokrasi dan Pemisahan Kekuasaan, UMI-TOHA, Makassar.
[4]. Hamzah, Andi, 1994, Hukum Acara Pidana, Sapta Artah Jaya, Jakarta
[5]. Atmasasmita, Romli, 1992. Teori dan kapita selekta kriminologi. Bandung: Eresco.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze legal protection arrangements for Justice Collaborators in Indonesian Corruption Act and to analyze what factors influence the application of legal protection against witnesses of cooperative actors (Justice Collaborator ) in the criminal act of Corruption in Indonesia. This research uses empirical law approach, so can know the level of effectiveness of Justice Collaborator in law enforcement of Corruption Crime. The results showed that, Witnesses The Justice Collaborator in his / her rights is a particular offender, but not the principal actor, who acknowledges his actions and is willing to cooperate to be a witness in the judicial process and wishes to mention that the person concerned has provided very strong evidence and evidence significant to reveal the criminal acts of corruption that occurred.
Keyword: Legal Protection, Justice Collaborator
[1]. Dellyana, Shant 1998, Konsep Penegakan Hukum. Yogyakarta: Liberty.
[2]. Firman Wijaya, 2012, Whistle Blower dan Justice Calloborator Dalam Perspektif Hukum, Penaku, Jakarta
[3]. Fajar Mukti & Yulianto Achmad, 2007, Dualisme Penelitian Hukum, Pensil Komunika, yogyakarta.
[4]. Friedrich Cj, 2010, Filsafat Hukum Prespektif Historis, Nuansa dan Nusamedia Bandung
[5]. Hilaire Barnett Constitusional & Administrative law, koutledge, London and New york, Eight Edition, 2011 hlm 52.
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Abstract: The debate on tax fund management and its utilisation as a tool for social development has been a recurrent issue among the scholars. Over the years, the debate on mismanagement of tax revenue and outright disregard for social development in the sub-Sahara African states by political elite in power has dominated the national discourse in Nigeria. Against this background, the study investigated the impact of tax collection and tax utilisation on social infrastructural development in Nigerian society using Lagos State as a case study. The method of analysis is based on qualitative technique. The investigations suggest that countries with high tax collection, management and utilisation have a relatively high index of social infrastructural development.
Keyword: Tax fund management, accountability, utilisation, social infrastructure and development
[1] Adam, S. (1776). An Inquiry in the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations, ed. S.M. Aoares, MetaLibri Digital Library, 29th May 2007.
[2] Adegbie, F.F & A. S. Fakile (2011). Company Income Tax and Nigeria Economic Development, European Journal of Social Sciences, 22(2).
[3] Adeoye A.A., (n.d.). Lagos State Geoinformation Infrastructure Policy (LAGIS) As a Tool for Mega City Development: Opportunities and Challenges. AAC Consulting , Lagos.
[4] Agbetunde, L. A. (2010). Principles and Practice of Nigerian Personal Income Tax, Lagos: 2nd ed. Etoda Venture Ltd.
[5] Akurang-Parry, K. (2000). Colonial forced labour policies for road-building in Southern Ghana and international anti-forced labour pressures, 1900-1940, African Economic History, 28, 1-25.
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Abstract: The supply of safe water in sufficient quantities in developing countries remains a daunting challenge. Using a cross-sectional survey, this study explores the nature of supply of safe water in Abakaliki Local Government Area (LGA) of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The study used both primary and secondary data. Data analysis was done with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software. Findings from the study show that there was no significant difference in water fetching role by gender, and majority of households used improved sources of water, mostly, from boreholes. The Per Capita Water use for the area is below the minimum benchmark, and the result of the chi-square test of hypotheses showed a significant relationship between occupation and perceived sufficiency of water, as well as income and being able to benefit from utilizing a safe water facility. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlations revealed that the level..........
Keyword: Daily Per Capita Water Use, Gender, Household, Safe Water, Educational level
[1] WWAP (United Nations World Water Assessment Programme), The United Nations World Water Development Report 2017,Waste water: the untapped resource (Paris, UNESCO, 2017).
[2] V. Kumar, P. K. Bharti, M. Talwar, A. K. Tyagi, and P. Kumar, Studies on high iron content in water resources of Moradabad district (UP), India, Water Science 31, 2017, 44–51.
[3] C. Sullivan, J. Meigh, and P. Lawrence, Application of the Water Poverty Index at different scales: A cautionary tale, Water International, 31(3), 2006, 412-426.
[4] G. Khanna, The Impacts on Child Health from Access to Water and Sanitation and Other Socioeconomic Factors. HEI Working Paper No.2/200,2008, 1-66.
[5] World Health Organization and United Nations Children's Fund, Progress on drinking water and sanitation-2014 Update, 2014.
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Abstract: Globalization is a two sided coin with one side projecting opportunities and the other, threats. Any explanation to globalization may be linked to the side of the coin that is given attention per moment. It presents both opportunities and challenges and also tends to bring prosperity to core countries while it does not also hide its heavy adverse effects not just on the countries of the periphery but also on the advanced capitalist countries. Developed countries are not immune to the harsh effects of globalization; they have their fair share of the burden of globalization. This is against the views of some scholars that have always seen globalization from the positive light, especially when it concerns developed countries. It has both advantages and disadvantages for all countries and the country with the greatest...........
Keyword: Globalization, Western, Developing, Countries, Implication
[1] Aja, A. A. (2001) Selected Themes in International Economic Relations, Enugu: Rhyce Kerex Publishers.
[2] Almond, G. et ai (2008) Comparative Politics Today: A World View, New York: Pearson-Longman.
[3] Awake (1999) "Globalization", New York: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
[4] Balaam, D. N. & Diliman B. (2011) Introduction International Political Economy, Boston: Longman Publishers. Cohn, T. H. (2012) Global Political Economy, Boston: Pearson.
[5] Garner R. et al. (2009) International Politics, New York: Oxford University Press.
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Abstract: The current paper tries to answer the question: What are the most important euphemistic functions in the Bahdini daily newspaper, Evro? In order to reach accurate findings and results, the researcher followed the methodological procedures of Content Analysis (hence CA) by Berelson (1952) and Krippendorff (2003). Following Burridge's (2012) classification of euphemistic functions, the results obtained throughout this paper show that different euphemistic functions within various topic clusters (i.e. politics, economy, death, religion, sports, etc.) manifest different percentages. According to the six functions (totally 4333 in number), they were ranked from high to low percentages, starting from the protective function (29.1%, 1261 occurrences), followed by underhand (21.5%, 933 occurrences), provocative (17.8%, 774 occurrences), cohesive (13.9%, 604 occurrences), uplifting (13.7%, 597 occurrences............
Keyword: euphemistic functions,content analysis, Bahdini dialect, Evro daily newspaper
[1]. Al-Azzeh, Ikram (2010) The Use of Euphemisms by Jordanian Speakers of Arabic. Unpublished Dissertation. Middle East University, Jordan.
[2]. Allan, Keith and Burridge, Kate (1991) Euphemism and Dysphemism: Language Used as Shield and Weapon. New York: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Allan, Keith. (2012) "X-phemism and Creativity". In Lexis 7: "Euphemism as a Word-Formation Process". Allan, Keith. et al. (Ed.), p. 5-37. Available from [Accessed: May 2016].
[4]. Ayto, John. (1998) The Oxford Dictionary of Slang. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[5]. Baladze, Maka (2013) "Linguistic Peculiarities of Euphemisms in Media Discourse". In Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 2 (4), p.379–384. Available from [Accessed: March 2016].