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Abstract: The 2010 constitution of Kenya emphasizes on delegation of duties from national level of government to county level government.The fourth Schedule of this constitution places pre-primary education and childcare facilities under the county government. The purpose of this study was to determine the prospects and challenges facind the devolved sdevolved system of government and the provision of ECDE taking a survey in Bomet Central sub- County in Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: to examine the role of county government in training of ECD teachers in Bomet county; to determine the extent of county government participation in recruitment...............
Keywords: ...........
[1]. Abagi, A. (2008). Technical support for the development of an Implementation strategy for ECD element of the national ECD policy framework and ECD service standard guidelines. Nairobi: Own & Associates: Centre for Research & Development
[2]. Awino, N. L.(2014). Impact of supervision on the implementation of early childhood education curriculum in selected public pre-schools in Lang'ata District, Nairobi County, Kenya. (Unpublished MED Thesis) University of Nairobi, Kenya
[3]. Borg, W., & Gall, M. (1989), Education research: An introduction.(4thEdition). New York: Longman.
[4]. Chandran, P., (2004). Research Methods with Illustrations. New York: Star bright services Ltd.
[5]. Deasy, D. (1978). Education under six 2- l0 St John's Road, London. Croon Helm Ltd.
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Abstract: This study examined the relations of energy consumption, emissionsand economic growth as an important yardstick determining the level of economic activities in Nigeria. Using ARDL method to cointegration. The empirical results shown that in long and short-run analysis, we found the amounts of energy used have a significant and positive relationship with economic growth, this result shows that an increase in energy used Nigeria is highly interconnected with the gross domestic product as an indicator of economic growth while foreign direct investment and fossil fuel are negatively related to gross domestic products. Thus, we recommended that wind or solar source of energy might be discovered plus measured as a substitute basis of energy meanwhile Nigeria is sound gifted with the wind and solar energy. This will support in decreasing CO2 emissions in another hand to supporting growth in long run.
Keywords: CO2 emissions, Economic growth, Energy consumption, ARDL
[1]. Abosedra, S., Shahbaz, M., & Sbia, R. (2015). The links between energy consumption, financial development, and economic growth in Lebanon: evidence from cointegration with unknown structural breaks. Journal of Energy, 2015.
[2]. Ahmed, K., Shahbaz, M., Qasim, A., & Long, W. (2015). The linkages between deforestation, energy and growth for environmental degradation in Pakistan. Ecological Indicators, 49, 95–103.
[3]. Aladejare, S. A. (2014). Energy, growth and economic development: A case study of the Nigerian electricity sector. American Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 2(2), 41-54.
[4]. Ali, H. S., Law, S. H., & Zannah, T. I. (2016). Dynamic impact of urbanization, economic growth, energy consumption, and trade openness on CO2 emissions in Nigeria. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(12), 12435–12443
[5]. Al-Iriani, M. A. (2006). Energy–GDP relationship revisited: an example from GCC countries using panel causality. Energy policy, 34(17), 3342-3350..
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Abstract: SMS, which is said to be extremely interactive and dynamic, has been observed to convey one‟s thoughts to another. Whenever a sender of a message uses numerals and alphabets to form a word and send to a receiver, it is now left for the recipient to decipher the intended meaning of the message. Though, SMS text messages most often come in written form, but it is has been argued in the literatures that the spoken form of language predate the written form. Numerals and alphabets have replaced sound meanings in most of the SMS messages sent on telephones, even e-mails are not exceptional. The main concern of this paper therefore, is to investigate how words are formed in SMS messages with the use alphabets and numerals to convey the intended meaning to the recipient. Data analysis shows that numerals, alphabets and wrong symbols have overridden the usual phonetic symbols even when students write examination essays. To most Nigerian users of English, this type of writing convention is presumably acceptable in examinations at different levels of academic, even up to higher citadel of learning..
Keyword: Numerals, Alphabets, Symbols, Messages.
[1]. Awonusi, V. O. (2004) "Little‟ Englishes and the Law of Energetics: A Sociolinguistic Study of SMS Text Messages as a Register and Discourse in Nigerian English in Awonusi, S. & Babalola, E. A.(eds) The Domestication of English in Nigeria: A Festschrift in Honour of Abiodun Adetugbo pp. 45-62
[2]. Bamisaye, T. O. & Ojo, G. A. (2008) A Practical Approach to Speech Production. Lagos: King Julius Educational Publishers
[3]. Bushnell, C., Kemp, N. & Martin F. H. (2011) Text-Messaging Practices and Links to General Spelling Skill: A Study of Australian Children. In Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 11pp.27-38
[4]. Chapelle, C. A. (1998) Multimedia Call: Lessons to be Learned from Researchon Instructed SLA in Language Learning & Technology, 2(1) pp. 22-34
[5]. Crystal, David (1992) "Glossary" in William Bright (ed) International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: O.U.P. Vol.14
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Abstract: This paper studies the validation of the environment and energy: the environmental quality, growth, renewable and non-renewable energy used as well as FDI in Malaysia, using time series data for the periods of 1980–2014 with carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) as an indicator for ecological dilapidation. The study employed Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing method to co-integration is applied. The results of the study confirmed the presence of co-integration between the variables in the long-run path. Though, the diminishing negative effect of growth on the environment, in the long run, confirms the existence of environmental Kuznets curve (EKC's) is a postulated affiliation between the various indicator of ecological dilapidation and income per capita in Malaysia. Renewable energy and foreign direct investment were the major factors that reduce environmental degradation...........
Keywords: ARDL, Energy Used, Environment quality and Economic growth, renewable energy and non-renewable energy
[1]. Akbostanci E, Türüt-Asik S, Tunç GI. The relationship between income andenvironment in Turkey: is there an environmental Kuznets curve? EnergyPolicy2009; 37:861–7.
[2]. Ang JB. CO2emissions, energy consumption, and output in France. EnergyPolicy2007; 35:4772–8.
[3]. Apergis N, Payne JE. Energy consumption and economic growth in CentralAmerica: evidence from a panel cointegration and error correction model.Energy Econ 2009; 31:211– 6.
[4]. Apergis N, Payne JE, Menyah K, Wolde-Rufael Y. On the causal dynamicsbetween emissions, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and economic growth.Ecol Econ 2010; 69:2255–60.
[5]. ArouriMEH,BenYoussefA,M0henniH,RaultC.Energyconsumption,economic growth and CO2emissions in Middle East and North Africancountries. Energy Policy 2012; 45:342–9.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know and understand the legal consequences of annulment of marriage due to impersonation. This research type is normative empirical legal research namely legal research that combines normative legal research and empirical social/legal research. This kind of research on the types of researchers doing research with mengkombain both types of research as mentioned above in a study. This research was conducted in the city of Makassar Court Office exactly a religion Class 1A City Makassar of South Sulawesi province. As for the reason for the choice of location because at the Court Office of religion Class 1A City Makassar of South Sulawesi province is a Religious Court that plays on class A, which is the barometer of a religious Court in South Sulawesi province. The results showed that the legal consequences of annulment of marriage due to impersonation, that the............
Keyword: Effectiveness, Annulment Of Marriage, Legal Consequence
[1]. Abdullah, Siddik. 1983. Hukum Perkawinan Islam. Tintamas Indonesia, Jakarta.
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[4]. Arso Sostroatmojo dan A. Wasit Aulawi, 1978, Hukum Perkawinan Di Indonesia. Bulan Bintang, Jakarta.
[5]. Asmin, 1986, Status Perkawinan Antar Agama Ditinjau dari Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974, PT.Dian Rakyat, Jakarta...
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Abstract: This paper discusses the participation Marie Curie and her daughter in the development of chemistry. These two women developed surveys and participated actively in the dissemination of science, helping to establish it as a modern science as we know it today. These women contributed much to science, and their involvement could have been even greater if it were not for the restrictions imposed by society on their work..
Keyword: -Curie, Radioactivity, Women in Science
[1]. ALMEIDA, J. F.; Holy Bible. São Paulo, Trinitarian Bible Society of Brazil, 1994.
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[3]. CARDOSO, E. M.; et al. Radioactivity. Educational Handout. National Commission of Nuclear Energy, CNEN, Rio de Janeiro.
[4]. CARDOSO, S. C.; e BARROSO, M. F. Introduction to radiation physics. Unit 3, available in, acess in 10/30/2016
[5]. CASTRO, F.; Women leave in front, Journal of Science of January 20, 2011, available at, access 03/03/2015
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Abstract: Kenya experienced post-election violence in 2007/2008; leaving 1,113 people dead and over 650,000 people displaced from their homes with untold traumatic suffering. The purpose of this study was to assess effectiveness of Virginia Satir's Model in trauma recovery of 2007/08 Post Election Violence Integrated Internally Displaced Persons in Thika Sub County in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study used quasi-experimental research design using Solomon's Four Non – equivalent Control Group Design. The researcher sampled 125 participants from the accessible 240 Integrated Internally Displaced Persons from Kiandutu, Kiganjo, Gachagi and Umoja slum study group villages. These IIDPs had tested positive for posttraumatic stress disorder after a baseline survey by a local non - governmental organization in Thika Sub County in 2012. The control groups were taken through regular counseling model while the experimental groups were exposed to Virginia Satir's Model. Quantitative methods of data analysis involving the use of Analysis of Variance and t-test were used to list statistical significant.............
Keyword: Virginia Satir's Model, Integrated Internally Displaced Persons, Rational Thinking, Post-Election Violence.
[1]. Abbott, M. L., & McKinney, J. (2013, January 11). Understnding and applying research design. Retrieved May 20, 2017, from
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[3]. Campbell, D. T., & Stanley, J. C. (2015). Experimental and quasi - experimental designs for research. USA: Ravenio Books.
[4]. Carlson, E. B., Palmier, P. A., Field, N. P., Dalenberg, C. J., Macia, K. S., & Spain, D. A. (2016, May 04). Contributions of risk and protective factors to prediction of psychological symptoms after traumatic expereinces. Compr Psychiatry, 106 - 115.
[5]. Cohen, J. A., Mannarino, A. P., Jankowski, K., Rosenberg, S., Kodya, S., & Wolford, G. L. (2016). Trauma focused- cognitive behavioral therapy for adjudicated teens in residential treatment facilities. Child Maltreat, 21(2), 156 - 166...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Good Governance in India: Challenges and Prospects |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tanveer Ahmad Zargar || Mansoor Ahmad Sheikh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302026064 ![]() |
Abstract: Good governance emerged as a powerful idea when multilateral and bilateral agencies like World Bank, UNDP, OECD, ADB, etc realized that it is a citizen friendly, citizen caring and responsive administration. In absence of good governance, no development schemes can bring any improvement in the quality life of the citizens. On the other hand, if the power of the state, exercised in improper ways then the poor will suffer the most, as poor governance generates and reinforces corruption, poverty etc, so it is essential to strengthen the governance and it is also the precondition for to improve the lives of the poor. The concept of good governance plays important role in the modern governmental system. No doubt people are now a day‟s very conscious and they are always aware about the day to day functioning of the government. So the government has to satisfy the general people and...........
[1]. Arora Dinesh; Good Governance: A Study of the Concept in Indian Context, International Political Science Association (IPSA),
[2]. Das P.G; Fundamentals of Public Administration, New Central Book Agency Kolkata, 2014
[3]. Devi Banasree; "Good Governance and its Working: at the Indian Context", International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science Society and Culture (IJIRSSC) Vol: 1, Issue: 2, (December Issue), 2015,
[4]. Ranjan Rajesh; "what causes judicial delay? Judgements diluting timeframes in code of Civil Procedure worsen the problem of Adjournments." Times of India, August 2016.
[5]. Sampath G.; "Why everyone loves good governance", The Hindu, July, 2015
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Abstract: Customer satisfaction is one of the keys in creating customer loyalty. there are several factors that affect the loyalty to the consumers to keep using the services the same, they are concern, trust, protection and quality of service. Customer loyalty is a behavioral impulse to make repeated purchases and to build a customer loyalty to a product or service generated by the business entity that takes a long time through a repeat purchase process. The calculation of r product moment correlation, it is known that there is a positive relationship between the service quality and customer loyalty on the college students who are the train service users = 0,517 with p <0,05. This means that the higher the service quality, the higher the customers loyalty. In general, the results of this study indicate that the relationship........
Keywords: service quality; loyality; customer satisfaction; railway service
[1]. Afiatin, T. (2009). Subjective Well-Being of Aceh Adolescents after Tsunami: The meaning of Disaster and Adolescent Happiness. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada. Anima. Indonesian Psychological Journal. 2009, vol. 25, No. 1, 11-29
[2]. Ariati, J. (2010). Subjective Well-Being (Kesejahteraan Subjektif) dan Kepuasan Kerja pada Staf Pengajar (Dosen) di Lingkungan Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro. Jurnal Psikologi Undip. Vol 8, No. 2, Januari 2017.
[3]. Arbiyah, N., Imelda, F.N,. Oriza, I.D. (2008). Hubungan bersyukur dan subjective well being pada penduduk miskin. Universitas Indonesia. Vol. 14 No. 01 januari 2017.
[4]. Azwar, S. (2007). Reliabilitas dan Validitas. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
[5]. Azwar, S. (2009). Metode Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Family Harmony to Student Learning Outcomes |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Elisabeth Sitepu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2302027175 ![]() |
Abstract: The research aims to determine the harmony of families to student learning outcomes. The study was conducted in Vocational High School (SMK) Immanuel Medan, with the number of respondents for 40 students. Data analysis technique using correlation. The research data were collected using questionnaires and list of student scores. The result of hypothesis testing shows that the significance value is smaller than alpha 0,05, so also the rstat value is bigger than rtable. So there is a relationship of family harmony to student learning outcomes. Students will be more focused in learning with the support of the family, so that student learning outcomes can be achieved well.
Keywords - family harmony, learning outcomes.
[1] Mudjiono, Dimyati. 2009. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.
[2] Simanjuntak, J. 2017. Ilmu Belajar dan Didaktika Pendidikan Kristen. Yogyakarta: Andi.
[3] Muhibbin, S. 2010. Psikologi Pendidikan dengan Pendekatan Baru. Jakarta: Rosda.
[4] Nasution. 2011. Belajar dan Mengajar. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[5] Slameto. 2010. Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta : Asdi Mahastya.
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Abstract: This type of research is a descriptive study that analyzes the role of youth in rural community development in Torgamba District, South Labuhanbatu. This study aims to analyze the role of youth and the influence of youth roles in rural community development in the District of Torgamba. This research is done by quantitative approach through survey. The population of this study are youth who live in 14 villages in Torgamba sub-district, South Labuhanbatu regency. Researchers determine the number of samples in this study amounted to 56 respondents by the distribution of sampling evenly in each village. The result of this research is the role of youth in Torgamba sub-district has a very positive influence and the influence of youth role from Economic aspect, education and Infrastructure simultaneously have positive effect in increasing rural community development. Partially, Economic, Education and Infrastructure variables have a significant positive effect in the improvement of rural community development.
Keywords: Youth, Role, of Rural Development
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